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Episode 1
Eye of the Beholder

Mia is convinced she's landed some amazing loot, until Alk's inspection reveals they're all kitchen appliances. She happily gives them to him on the condition she gets a slice of his first cake.

Mia: Hiya, Alk!

Alk: Hi, Mia! What's all this stuff?

Mia: These lil' beauties? These are some of the treasures I've collected from ruins around the world. Just finished cleaning 'em up!

Alk: Wow! I've never seen anything like them. Hmm... What's this one for?

Mia: It separates egg yolks from whites!

Alk: Really? How?

Mia: You just pop in an egg and give this part a squeeze. Then the yolk and white end up here and... Here!

Alk: Oh, that makes sense... I think? I'm not sure WHY you'd need one, but it's pretty neat! How about this thing over here?

Mia: Hm? Oh! That's the Spectactula!

Alk: Spectactula?!

Alk: As in, a spectacular spatula? Is it different from normal ones?

Mia: You bet it is! Check this out; it's flexible, so you can do THIS.

Alk: Whoa! It scraped the side of the bowl clean in one swipe! I guess that IS pretty spectacular.

Alk: Hmm... Is it just me, or do a lot of these treasures seem a little mundane?

Mia: M-mun...dane? Um, well, I mean— Oh! What about this one?

Mia: The Ixer Blade!

Alk: The what?

Mia: Dunno, but it's got "IXER" written on the side. When you push the button, these funky little blades spin around super fast! Cool, right?

Mia: This bad boy could shred a monster to ribbons! To be honest, it kinda freaks me out, so I've never actually used it, though.

Alk: Oh, Mia... I hate to do this to you, but... Hand it over for a second.

Alk: See how it whirls? I think this was used to mix batter...

Mia: It's for mixing ingredients? Seriously?!

Mia: Argh, I can't believe it... The Ixer Blade, it was just a kitchen utensil?

Alk: I know, unbelievable...

Mia: Alk?

Alk: This stuff is amazing, Mia! We could whip up a cake in no time! Where did you find all of these?

Mia: Uh, lemme think... I'm pretty sure I got 'em from a treasure chest in the Kaleidoscope. You can have them if you want.

Alk: Oh my gosh, are you sure? I'd love them, but they're your special treasures, aren't they?

Mia: Go for it! Treasures belong with someone who can really appreciate 'em, right?

Alk: Wow! Thank you so much!

Mia: ...On one condition! I call dibs on a slice of cake!

Alk: Haha, of course! I'll make the best cake you've ever had!

Mia: Aw, I'm just glad my little treasures are gonna be put to good use.

Mia: Moments like this are what keep me goin'! Just you wait, I'll get my paws on the best treasure ever someday!

Episode 2
Treasure Hunting 101

Mia sets up a treasure hunt for Alk with a special prize—a brand new jar of high-grade rock salt. The two make plans for their next hunt, a bona fide adventure into old ruins.

Nimbus: Alk? What're you up to?

Alk: Hm? Oh. Hi, Nimbus. Yeah, I'm fine. I just found a weird note in my room. Here, have a look.

Nimbus: "It's treasure hunt time! Get out there and find your trove! Love, Mia" ...What's that supposed to mean?

Alk: I think she must have hidden something of mine, and now I'm supposed to go on a "treasure hunt" to find it.

Nimbus: Hide and seek? Oh c'mon. How old is she?

Mia: Hey! Treasure hunts are for all ages!

Mia: Especially ones hosted by Mia, treasure hunter extraordinaire!

Nimbus: Returned to the scene of the crime, huh? C'mon Alk! Let's catch that thief and get your stuff back!

Mia: Thief?! I just said I was a treasure hunter! Don't sell me short!

Nimbus: If you THIEVE, you're a thief.

Mia: I didn't THIEVE anything! I just hid it! I wanted to show Alk the thrill of the hunt!

Alk: Oh. Is that why you put a puzzle on the back of the letter?

Mia: Yeah! I hid a bunch of clues to lead you to the treasure. C'mon, it'll be a blast!

Nimbus: Sounds more like a pain in the ass. Alk, I can probably sniff it out. I think it's—

Mia: Hey! T-time out! You can't do that! That's cheating!

Alk: It's okay, Nimbus. Mia's treasure hunt sounds fun, so I'll give it a go!

Alk: Let's see... I'm guessing the first clue is to head to the canal, right?

Mia: You're a natural, Alk! You've got this!

Nimbus: Hmph.

Alk: I think I figured out where the treasure is! The clues lead to... you, Mia!

Mia: Bingo! Nice work!

Nimbus: Huh? How'd you figure out Mia has the treasure from this scribble of a monster?

Mia: Monster?! It's obviously a tiger!

Nimbus: No way is that a tiger...

Alk: Ahaha. I'll admit, I thought these scratchy lines were cuts at first, but they're probably supposed to be tiger stripes.

Mia: What do you mean, "supposed to be?" They totally look like stripes! Anyways, you won fair and square, so here's your treasure!

Nimbus: Big talk comin' from the one who stole it in the first place. So, what'd she nab?

Alk: A jar of salt.

Nimbus: Salt?!

Alk: It's always handy to have in the kitchen, so I guess you could call it a "treasure." But wait...

Alk: Oh, wow! This isn't just any old table salt—it's top-grade stuff from the Endless Blue!

Nimbus: So, fancy salt.

Mia: Yep! I saw it at the market and thought Alk would like it! Best part of the hunt is actually getting the treasure, right?

Alk: Th-thank you so much! I've actually had my eye on this salt for a while. I can't wait to try it!

Nimbus: Am I missing something here? Salt is salt.

Mia: Maybe to you, but one man's trash is another's treasure. If it makes someone happy, it's treasure in my books!

Nimbus: If you say so.

Mia: Now that you've got the basics down, we should try hunting for loot in some old ruins sometime!

Alk: A bona fide treasure hunt? Sure, that sounds fun!

Mia: Hey, Nimbus. You comin' with? For all your mumbling and grumbling, you seemed pretty into the puzzles.

Nimbus: N-no, I wasn't! But I guess I could tag along. Y'know, keep you two outta trouble.

Mia: Works for me!

Mia: Think of all the juicy treasures out there just waiting for us! Let's not keep them waiting, Alk!

Alk: Yeah!

Episode 3
Friends Forever

Mia and Alk salvage a totem-like statue of a cat and dog with a secret compartment full of bones and catnip. The party speculate it once symbolized friendship between the cat and dogfolk.

Mia: Hmm... What exactly IS this thing? Looks all funny...

Stella: Hello. What an intriguing statue. When did this get here?

Mia: Whoa! S-Stella! Didn't see you there. Um, we just brought it back from a treasure hunt.

Alk: Mia found it while she was showing us around her stomping grounds. Hard to tell what it's depicting, though. Maybe a cat and dog?

Stella: Indeed. The detailing on it looks like fur.

Stella: I would love to accompany you next time you go treasure hunting.

Alk: Oh? Of course.

Mia: Okay, back to me now! I think there's something stashed inside the cat-dog statue.

Mia: Just imagine! It could be a relic of both the cat and dogfolk! The thought's got my heart pounding!

Mia: C'mon, even YOU'VE gotta admit it's cool, Nimbus. Or should I call you "Your Royal Kingliness?" It's a relic of your people, after all.

Nimbus: Cut it out with the king stuff already.

Nimbus: I won't lie, though. I am a little curious what's inside. Should I bust it open?

Alk: Whoa, hold on! Don't do anything hast—

Stella: It opened.

Mia: Wow, that was easy.

Alk: S-Stella? What'd you do?

Stella: I was merely probing the texture of the fur when it reacted.

Mia: You've got the makings of a master lockpicker, Stella! Wanna team up with me?

Stella: It would be my pleasure.

Nimbus: What's this stuff? Bones and... dried leaves?

Nimbus: Urgh... These smell WEIRD... Ngh...

Mia: You okay?

Mia: M-m-meeeYEOW!

Mia: This is catnip!

Stella: Catnip? If my memory serves me correctly, the scent is popular with felines.

Alk: I think I get it. Maybe the treasures of both dogfolk and catfolk symbolize friendship between them.

Nimbus: That can't be... You've seen how the old farts act.

Mia: Hey, you never know!

Mia: Maybe catfolk and dogfolk used to get along—No, I'm SURE they must've!

Mia: This might be the best treasure I've—sniffle—ever found. C'mon, Mia, pull yourself together!

Nimbus: Alright, alright... You should tell Albert and Claw about this. Those bookworms would gladly look into it for you.

Mia: You're right. And who knows what else could be in those ruins? I'll have to keep exploring them!

Mia: Just you wait, treasures! Treasure hunter extraordinaire Mia is on the way!