Mew (New Year)/Stories

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Episode 1
Mew to the Stage!

Mew is invited to perform for a local Palpebran festival, but soon after taking the stage, she panics and flees. After the show, Mew is dejected but regains her confidence thanks to her friends.

Mew: Look, look! Isn't this outfit adorrrable? Do mew love it? Do mew LOVE IT?!

Nimbus: Pipe down, yeesh... It's just clothes.

Mew: *Gasp* Mew can't pull the catnip over my eyes! Mew DO love it!

Nimbus: For crying out loud...

Alk: Well, I think it suits you. Really complements your ears and tail!

Mew: Fur real?! Mew-mew knew she was a fashion genius—Mew-Mew can wear anything!

Stella: It is very lovely. Is that a style from Yamato?

Mew: Bingo! I heard all the kits and cats over there wear these traditional get-ups for the new year!

Mew: Ooh, I can't want to show off this purrfect ensemble! You kits are ready to go, right?

Mew: Raaawr! Hurry it up, people! I'll leave you behind!

Adventurer: Wait, are you... Aaaaah! Yes, you ARE Mew! You're so cute—I can't believe I've bumped into you!

Mew: Mweh-heh-heh! Lucky fella! Keep the praise a-comin'!

Nimbus: She's really letting it get to her head.

Light: The new year is upon us. There is no better time to give ourselves over to revelry.

Townsfolk: Finally, I've found you! You are Mew, aren't you?!

Mew: Myuhhh, yes, but...

Townsfolk: Oh, thank the skies above! I know this is sudden, but would you please perform at Pal Fest 5?

Mew: Pal Fest 5? Mew mean THE Pal Fest 5?

Alk: Huh, what's that, Mew?

Mew: Only the hippest summer festival to grace Palpebra District 5!

Alk: Ah, so it's a local shindig! Wait, then how'd you know about it, Mew?!

Townsfolk: We've heard how you drive crowds of fans wild! If you perform at our event, we'll be the best festival ever!

Mew: MYAAACK?! Mew want Mew-Mew on stage?! But, but she needs time to prepare!

Alk: I'm sure they'll love you out there. I mean, have you been LISTENING to this guy?

Mew: Myaaah... What do I do? Mew-Mew's never been on stage before. What if it turns to kitty litter?

Stella: I'm sure you'll be all right, Mew.

Mew: Well, if mew believe in Mew-Mew, then maybe...

Nimbus: Argh, hurry up and make a decision. Time's a-wastin'.

Mew: Mreowr! If mew guys insist so much, Mew-mew has no choice but to perform!

Mew: MYAAAACK! Th-there's so many people watching!

Mew: *Gulp* Mew-Mew's nerves are shot and her tumbly's all rumbly... Eep, hope that's a hairball coming up...

MC: Our next act has the cutest ears and tail in all the land! Please give a big hand for the singing, dancing wondercat...

MC: Mew in the MEEEWsical spectacular, Kitty Conga!

Mew: Singing, dancing?! Mew-Mew never promised that!

Mew: Myaaa...

Mew: MYAAACK! Mew-mew can't do this!

Adoring Fan: Whoa! Did you see how high she leapt?!

Adoring Fan: Yeah! She went ears over tail! So freaking cute!

Adoring Fan: I think she was looking right at me... I'm gonna faint...

Nimbus: Who are these jokers kidding?

Mew: Myeowzers... The festival people specifically scouted Mew-Mew for this event, but she blew-blew it.

Mew: Mew-Mew was so excited, with her fancy clothes... She shoulda just sang instead of turning tail...

Mew: Mya-la-laaaa... You're the yarn of my life, I'll chase you to the end of my days! Meow-ow-ow!

Light: Well, well, if you aren't a regular chanteuse.

Mew: MYAAAH! When did mew get there?!

Stella: I would love to hear you sing some more, Mew.

Mew: Myack?! Are mew sure?

Stella: Of course.

Mew: Really?

Mew: Then Mew-Mew super regrrrets flying off the stage! Grrr, can we do a take back?!

Mew: Wait! Now that Mew-Mew is genius singer, does this mean she's reached her final form?!

Nimbus: Only thing final here is my stress level...

Mew: Mew can't expect Mew-Mew to relax after learning she's a born idol!

Nimbus: Hoo boy...

Alk: So, Mew, in Yamato they have a tradition of declaring a new year's resolution...

Mew: Do they? Then Mew-Mew declares she will learn to stand in front of people without losing her marbles!

Mew: And then, after conquering her fears, she'll be the cutest, hottest, wildest, cattiest dancer everrr!

Alk: That's a lot for one resolution...

Mew: Watch out! Mew-Mew's gonna spend this year training, so she can take next year by storm!

Episode 2
Spinning for Tops!

Mew convinces everyone to hold a spinning top competition, but the young cat gets caught up in the commotion and can't keep still. She blames this on her bestial instincts, which she believes are getting stronger. She thanks everyone for their help in revealing her true nature.

Mew: Myaah! Mew-Mew had a blast today! Flashy New Year's festivals are the best!

Mew: Myuh? What are those?

Mew: Are they tops? Myreowr... What pretty patterns...

Light: Those are traditional toys from Yamato. I hear they have a custom of spinning them for the new year.

Alk: Oh yeah. I got them as holiday presents. Want to give them a whirl?

Mew: Mew-Mew would love to! Thank you!

Stella: I wouldn't mind a spin myself.

Mew: Well, there's enough for everrrybuddy!

Mew: Heh-heh! Now, let's see who can keep the top spinning fur the longest!

Nimbus: You woke me up from my nap for THIS?

Mew: Myeh-heh-heh... Mew're just a scaredy cat, afraid mew'll lose the contest. Guess mew're gonna chicken out?

Nimbus: Scaredy cat? CHICKEN?! Those are fighting words! Hyaaah!

Mew: Myahah! Mew-Mew knew Nimbus would chew-chew the bait!

Alk: Well, what are we just standing around for? Let's spin.

Mew: Myaaah, they're so colorful and pretty...

Mew: They're just as cute as Mew-Mew's outfit—she loves Yamato!

Light: Ngh, curse this small frame...

Stella: I think I needed more leverage.

Stella: Um, Mew, whatever is the matter?

Mew: Watching them go spin-spin... It's making Mew-Mew's paws itch! Myoh-oh-oh!


Alk: Aaah!

Mew: Myaaargh, Mew-Mew's sorry! Her body doesn't listen so well!

Alk: Ahaha! It's okay, Mew. Now, let's try one more time...

Mew: Myah!

Mew: Myuh?! Mew-Mew's paws are moving on their own! Are her beastfolk instincts finally kicking in?!

Mew: Myaha! This puts Mew-Mew one step closer to being a complete kitty cat!

Nimbus: One very small step...

Mew: Keep spinning, everyone! With every meowtation, Mew-Mew feels her bestial nature growing!

Nimbus: What happened to the competition? You were the one who forced us into this.

Mew: That's not what's important right now.

Nimbus: You've got a lot of nerve, you know that?

Mew: Meowee! Meowoo! Meowoohohoo!

Mew: Mwahaha! Round and round we go! Mwahaha!

Alk: Something tells me we should probably stop now.

Mew: Mwaaah, that was bundles of fun! Thanks, everrrybody!

Alk: Um, all we did was spin tops...

Mew: No, mew all did much more. Ever since meeting mew, my days have been filled with excitement!

Mew: So thank mew all for always sticking by Mew-Mew!

Mew: Mew-Mew promises to be the very best frrriend she can be to you all!

Light: The same. It is our honor to have you as an ally.

Mew: In that case, Mew-Mew has something to add to her competition with Nimbus!

Mew: She promises that, this year, she's gonna become a beastfolk warrior even stronger and meaner than him!

Nimbus: Hah. I'll take you up on that challenge. Just don't get cold paws like you did back on that stage.

Mew: Mew-Mew's claws are all warmed up now!

Mew: Ah, but Mew-Mew almost forgot to say the most important thing!

Mew: Happy Mew Year, everyone! Let's make it the best year ever!