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Episode 1
The "Beast" in Beastfolk

Hairless sphynx cat Mew is sensitive about her lack of fur, and does everything possible to compensate. She enlists Nimbus' help to bring out her fierce feline side, but he is perplexed by her constant meowing.

Mew: Please! Mew've gotta make Mew-Mew meow're cat-prentice!

Nimbus: M-mew've? Meow're? ...The hell are you saying?

Mew: Myaaa! Th-that was so scaryyy... Meowr piercing eyes, the grrrowl in meowr voice—

Mew: Mew reeeally put the "beast" in beastfolk! Please! Purrty please, mew've GOTTA teach Mew-Mew meow to do that!

Nimbus: I can barely understand what she's saying. What does this kid want?

Stella: Allow me to explain.

Stella: This is Mew. As you can see, her physical features are less feline than average catfolks'.

Stella: She's a little sensitive about her bald spots, and tries to compensate by acting more catlike than her peers.

Mew: MYAAAACK! M-mew don't hafta say it so loud!

Alk: I guess she means you look cool, Nimbus.

Nimbus: Cool? She just said I put the "beast" in beastfolk!

Mew: Exactly! Rugged, chiseled features... Coarse, but fluffy fur! Meowr paw pads —PAW PADS!—do you know meow bad Mew-Mew wants those?

Mew: Meowr EVERYTHING a city kitty like Mew-Mew could DREAM of being! But- but... Mew-Mew's just a wimpy hairless sphynx cat... Sniffle...

Nimbus: Look, uh, I don't exactly know how to help you with that. My fur just kinda grew on its own.

Mew: Mew-Mew already gave up on the fur...

Mew: What Mew-Mew wants to know is meow to look fierce and intimidating like mew! Like a REAL rough, tough wildcat—ready for the hunt!

Nimbus: Is that supposed to be a compliment?

Mew: C'mon, pleeease? Purrty, purrty please?

Nimbus: All right, all right. I don't know about the wildcat stuff, but if you wanna be tough, I can make you TOUGH.


Mew: Meowch!

Nimbus: The point of an ambush is to be SNEAKY.

Nimbus: Hah! Is that it? One measly lunge? Gimme all you've got!

Mew: Mrrow! Myah! Grrrar-yah!

Nimbus: Not bad! You've got more fight in you than I thought!

Mew: M-meowie-wowie, really? Myahaha!

Nimbus: Aaand she's already back to bein' a soft-bellied city kid.

Mew: Myack! S-sorry...

Nimbus: Well, temperament aside, you're a pretty good fighter. As long as you stay focused, you should be able to hold your own in a scrap.

Mew: Mew-Mew? A good fighter?!

Nimbus: Yeah, there's just one thing I'd change if I were you.

Nimbus: That MEOWING has gotta stop!

Mew: Myack?! Mew-Mew's meowing?!

Nimbus: It's distracting as hell. Why do you even talk like that anyways?

Mew: Mew-Me— ...I thought it'd really play up my feline features, mew know what I—?

Mew: MYACK! Mew-Mew meowed already! Mew-Mew's been meowing so long, meow Mew-Mew doesn't know meow to stop!

Nimbus: You were doing it on purpose?! Sigh...

Episode 2
Cat Ear Craze

A flirty adventurer strikes up a conversation with Mew, but beats a hasty retreat when a flattered Mew demands to be called "cute" again, and again, and again!

Alk: Are you okay, Mew?

Mew: M-Mew-Mew's okay. Just a little headache... Why're humans so LOUD? Is it 'cause meowr ears are so small?

Alk: It WAS pretty loud and crowded, huh?

Alk: Why don't you sit and rest for a minute while I pick up a quest?

Mew: Myaaah... This is the biggest city Mew- Mew's ever seen. Who mew the market would be THAT busy?

Mew: A-and there were some MEAN looking adventurers! Mew-Mew's heard scary rumowrs about the strays lurking in the alleys...

Mew: H-hopefully Alk won't mind walking Mew-Mew home later...

Adventurer: Hey. Never seen YOU 'round these parts.


Mew: M-mew're mew?! Mew-Mew doesn't talk to strangers!

Adventurer: Those ears and tail—are you a gargan? I've heard about them, but it's my first time seeing one in person!

Mew: Gargan?! Those giants?! Mew-Mew's beastfolk! Just, mew know... Mew- Mew's a sphynx cat, so... no fur…

Adventurer: Oh, really? Well you're adorable either way!

Mew: ...Meow?

Adventurer: You're sooo cute! Mind if I sit with you? I'd love to hear more about you! Where are you from?

Adventurer: You must be a new adventurer, right? Haha, I'd love to take you out and show you around town—we can stop by the Kaleidoscope too!

Adventurer: Oh! And those are your real ears, right? What's it like having cat ears? Can I touch them? Lemme feel your tail too!

Mew: Try saying that one more time.

Adventurer: Huh?

Mew: Mew-Mew said try saying that one more time! Right meow!

Adventurer: Gulp— Um, le- let me feel your tail? ...Please?

Mew: Not that! What mew said before that!

Adventurer: ...I'd love to show you around town?

Mew: Before that!

Adventurer: You're so cute?

Mew: Meeeee-yow, meow're so sweet!

Mew: Again!

Adventurer: Y-you're cute.

Mew: Meeeow! Prrrrr!

Adventurer: Oh, uh, would you look at the time! I've gotta—

Mew: One meowre time!

Adventurer: Ugh, I can't do this. Never mind...

Mew: Can mew believe it? He was sooo flustered, he ran away! Mew-Mew's just mew darn cute!

Nimbus: So much for wanting to be rough and rugged, huh?

Nimbus: Well, guess the cutesy act suits you better than tryin' to put the "beast" in beastfolk.

Mew: Tsssss! How could mew say that?!

Mew: Mew-Mew can be a cute kitty AND a cool cat! Just mew wait!

Nimbus: Yeah, yeah, whatever you say.

Alk: Hmm, I dunno, I think she could pull it off. I still can't believe that guy beat me to the punch, though...

Alk: I've been wanting to pet your ears for ages. They look so soft... I wish I had cat ears.

Nimbus: Great, now even ALK wants to be cat- like?