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Episode 1
Top Suspect Meryll

Alk and Light have been asked by the guild to investigate Meryll, a newbie adventurer, for suspicious behavior. She turns out to be an aspiring author. With her secret out, Meryll has no choice but to accompany the other adventurers to ensure they keep this matter private.

Alk: We're supposed to investigate an adventurer?

Alk: I don't know... It sounds a bit underhanded to me. We don't usually engage in background checks.

Pur Lilie: Hold your horses! We're not asking you to dig the skeletons out of her closet.

Pur Lilie: It's just, it can be hard when you're getting your footholds in the adventuring world. The old guard already have each other.

Pur Lilie: So we need to ensure that the newbies will get along swimmingly! Hence taking a peek at their personalities and behaviors!

Light: Hm. Group chemistry IS crucial to the health of any squad.

Pur Lilie: Exactly! Feel free to take this mission at your own pace, using whatever methods you see fit.

Light: That's her, Meryll. She seems mature and levelheaded. Should make for an ideal candidate.

Alk: Really? Then why did they ask us to look into her? Maybe we should just talk to her...

Light: What is that she's doing? Drawing?

Light: This doesn't bode well; it's not typical behavior for an adventurer.

Alk: Uh, don't we all have our own hobbies?

Light: Quick, Alk! She's leaving!

Light: She just handed something off!

Alk: Huh?!

Alk: You're right! It looks like she's passing out books!

Light: No, those were much too thin to be books. They looked more like ledgers... Adventurer records? Account books?

Light: Follow her, Alk! We have to find out what she's doing!

Meryll's Friend: You outdid yourself, Meryll! I can't believe you put THAT in the story. We were all spellbound.

Meryll: Hehe. I'm just thankful someone appreciates true art.

Meryll: Now, let's see if my latest work still whets your appetite!

Meryll's Friend: Ah! Only you would think of such an excellent ship! Here, let me pay you for the trouble.

Light: Stop right there!

Meryll: Eek! Wh-who are you?!

Light: Alk! Grab the notebook! That's our evidence!

Meryll: Wait, no! Don't look!

Alk: Uh, it looks like a sketchbook... No, it's a comic.

Light: And this is diary. Or, wait, a novella? "The touch of your slender fingers takes my breath away..."

Meryll: Nooo! Lower your voice!

Alk: Huh? Oooh... Oh my.

Meryll: What is the meaning of this, you buffoons! What right do you have to interrupt our meeting!

Light: We are Light and Alk, and we've come on behalf of the guild to investigate you! These books are proof of your shady actions!

Meryll: The guild? Why are they investigating me?! *GASP* D-do they want to kill me?!

Light: Why would they kill you?! *GASP* Unless you're hiding some nefarious plot inside these tomes!

Alk: Ahem, Light. I think you've misread the situation.

Light: How dare you! I'll have you know I'm an avid reader!

Meryll: Then explain yourselves!

Light: Just listen, Alk! "With one bite, his body, normally taut and firm, became unraveled. Submissive."

Light: ...Wait. Is this some nefarious hex?

Meryll: *sniff* Please kill me now...

Light: Forgive me, Meryll. I didn't realize that was a meeting for aspiring romance novelists.

Light: As promised, we won't say a peep to the guild. So all's well that ends well?

Meryll: A promise is not nearly enough!

Light: I don't understand why this is such a secret? Art is a noble undertaking.

Meryll: W-will you please stop! We're not trying to make classic literature!

Meryll: But the only way I'll feel s-safe, is if I keep a close watch on you two!

Light: Well, we were observing you in secret first, so I suppose fair is fair.

Alk: Hm. You want to learn our secrets, don't you? Have something to blackmail us with? Not bad.

Meryll: Heh... Hehehehe! I never thought I would gain entrée with a group of experienced adventurers so soon!

Meryll: I can't let this chance escape me! I'll need to learn enough about them to repay the embarrassment they've caused!

Meryll: This is going to be good!

Light: *gulp* Why do I feel something sinister in the air? Do you think we should've let her join us?

Alk: Hah. Maybe something SINister is in the air?

Episode 2
Planetview Village

After a conversation with Light about Alk, Meryll is filled with inspiration and begins furiously writing. It's not long before she falls asleep, and Stella finds her fresh manuscript. Later, when everyone heads into town, they stumble upon a bookseller hawking a very familiar graphic novel. Meryll attempts to purchase all copies of the book before the others can see it. To her embarrassment, Stella attempts to purchase a copy, Light attempts to promote it, and Alk looks on in sympathy.

Meryll: Back away! Quickly!

Meryll: Attack from the right... Now!

Light: Wow. Your skills of observation are certainly polished, Meryll.

Meryll: N-not at all, I just did what came naturally.

Light: Firm orders and a knowledge of your allies' respective abilities... You're more fledgling strategist than aspiring author.

Light: Ah, which is why I wanted to ask you—don't you think Alk has been on the receiving end of a few too many attacks?

Light: Even with other comrades around, he prefers to take the defensive. Though one would assume he's more naturally suited for aggression...

Meryll: Oh my god, I've always thought of Alk as a top! A t-top fighter!

Light: Yes, exactly!

Meryll: But, in my opinion, I think it's best not to worry about who's in front and who's in back.

Light: Ah yes, a versatile approach.

Meryll: Flexibility is key to victory!

Meryll: Phew... That was close. I almost went overboard back there.

Meryll: Pleasure should NOT mix with business.

Meryll: But here in Starview Village, there's way too much imagination fuel! How do I manage adventuring without daydreaming?!

Meryll: I'll just have to get it all out of my system! With art!

Meryll: No... That's not how I pictured it in my head... Sometimes it's hotter when you DON'T see...

Meryll: It's no use... Should I cut back a few of these tropes? But how to make each scene recognizable?

Meryll: *groan*

Meryll: *yawn* How long was I out?

Stella: Good morning.

Meryll: Aaaaaaaaah! St-Stella?!

Stella: Ah, I wanted to ask: why did you write Alk to be stronger than Nimbus?

Meryll: BWAAAAH?!

Meryll: No! N-n-n-no! We're not having this conversation!

Meryll: Oh, thank god! I hadn't gotten to the saucy stuff yet! We're safe!

Stella: May I continue reading?

Meryll: What? Ab-absolutely not!

Stella: But I would like to.

Meryll: N-no means no! Besides, there's nothing after this part! I was just applying the finishing touches!

Stella: Too bad.

Stella: Everyone holds a certain view about you, Meryll.

Stella: That you are talented and interesting.

Stella: That is why I would like to read the fruits of your labor. If you will let me.

Meryll: Th-those innocent eyes! Fine. After I've written something age-appropriate, I'll share with you.

Stella: What about something age-inappropriate?

Meryll: Out of the question!

Stella: Too bad.

Bookseller: New Parquet books in stock! And the latest publication from Merry Sheep is also available!

Meryll: GAH! Please, not right now!


Bookseller: I'm afraid this graphic novel is sold one per customer. No exceptions.

Stella: Wait, is this your book, Meryll?

Light: How about that! Congratulations, Meryll! Why didn't you tell us about your publishing debut?

Meryll: You've got it all wrong! I swear, this isn't mine!

Stella: One, please.

Meryll: No, no, no! Not you! I didn't write— This book wasn't written with developing minds, erm, in mind!

Light: Don't be so humble. Sure, it is a rather thin volume, but the binding is superb and the inner cover illustration is sublime.

Light: Ah! Why don't I do a little advertising for you? You could use a spotlight for your hard work!

Meryll: Whaaat?!

Light: Good day, bookseller! This new publication you have lined up here is by the one and only Meryll...

Meryll: OH MY GOD! P-p-please stop! Don't tell anyone my real name!

Alk: Yeah, Light... Maybe you should respect her wishes...

Light: Why? She deserves credit!

Alk: How to explain... Wouldn't you feel embarrassed if your secret love letters were suddenly traced back to you?

Meryll: YES! Exactly! I claim my right to anonymity!

Light: Yeesh. The ways of writers are vast and unknowable...