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Episode 1
New Life

Melsele plants a few saplings in Starview and invites Stella to climb the trees when they've grown in 300 years. After Stella reminds her that humans don't live as long as elves, Melsele promises to befriend her descendants.

Stella: Hello, Melsele.

Melsele: Stella! What lovely timing you have. Look. Aren't these little darlings adorable?

Stella: Are they saplings?

Melsele: Yes. Of faerie trees. They're from my homeland.

Stella: Faerie trees... They're so small...

Melsele: They are now. But in three hundred years, they'll have grown so large you wouldn't be able to throw your arms around them.

Stella: In three hundred years?

Melsele: Mmhm. Oh, it'll be such fun to climb them together. We'll perch ourselves right at the very top and look out over the world.

Stella: ...I may be a little too old by then.

Melsele: Oh, nonsense! ...Right? Stella, how long do humans live again?

Stella: It varies from person to person, but 100 would be near the upper end of the scale.

Melsele: One hundred? Why, that's hardly any time at all...

Melsele: You know... I'd thought we'd be together always.

Melsele: It's silly, of course, but I suppose I didn't want to believe it... The idea—the truth —that you all will leave me.

Stella: Melsele...

Melsele: But tragedy isn't the only thing in this world. By the time these saplings have grown into big strong trees, your children will have been born. And your children's children.

Melsele: And I'll take your descendants right up into the branches and tell them all what wonderful people you were!

Stella: Thank you. But, as of now, we still have many adventures left in us.

Melsele: Yes, of course! ...And do promise me you'll live good long lives?

Episode 2
Colors of Life

Melsele paints a picture of all of Starview's inhabitants as a way of remembering them.

Stella: Hello, Melsele.

Melsele: Oh, Stella. Lovely timing as always. Would you mind standing over there a moment?

Stella: Here?

Melsele: Perfect... What a stunning angle. Now, hold still.

Stella: *stare*

Melsele: ...A few more strokes... and there! Quite a good likeness, if I do say so myself.

Stella: *staaaare*

Melsele: I'm done now, Stella. There's no need to pull such a silly face.

Stella: It was unintentional. ...What are you painting, Melsele?

Stella: It's me and you. Alone, in this town.

Melsele: Yes... It looks quite forlorn, doesn't it? But not to worry. I haven't finished yet.

Stella: There's Alk... and Light... and the rest of our companions. It's beautiful.

Melsele: Yes. I must say, I am very pleased with it.

Melsele: ...See, paintings are like a light, which reilluminate your memories.

Melsele: It's how we elves remember things.

Stella: Are they like journals then?

Melsele: Journals... Yes, you could say they are.

Stella: Do the other elves put as much time into their paintings?

Melsele: Oh, yes. In fact, most would say my painting was rather rushed.

Stella: Rushed?

Melsele: It's normal to take a few decades, at least. Why, some elves will take upwards of 200 years.

Stella: What do they draw for 200 years?

Melsele: Our forest. The whispering trees, shining silver in the moonlight... Even on canvas, they continue to glow.

Melsele: But they're so beautiful, so unchanging, they feel almost cold at times... I myself was always drawn to the rainbow colors of the outside world.

Stella: I understand... Your painting feels alive.

Melsele: Thank you, Stella. We really are birds of a feather.

Stella: ...Why have you left this space blank?

Melsele: Oh, the spot next to me? Well, I'm saving it. For someone very special.

Stella: Special?

Melsele: Why, yes. She's my very best friend. The brightest light we had in the forest —we called her Starflame.

Melsele: Naturally, she has quite a way of standing out. I'm certain that, no matter how the world changes, she is the one person I'll always find my way back to.

Episode 3
Life and Death

Alk brings Melsele to Regitare's forest. The elf is delighted to find a kindred spirit in an old skeleton and marvels at all she is learning about the world.

Alk: Melsele! Over here!

Melsele: Comiiing! Oh, this truly is a lovely forest, Alk. So full of life and beauty...

Alk: I thought you'd like it. You know, all this was raised by Regitare.

Melsele: Regitare? What kind of person is he?

Alk: I, uh... don't know if I'd call him a person...

Melsele: The undead! How dare you step foot into this forest?!

Alk: Wait! Melsele, no!

Regitare: I was wondering what all the ruckus was about. Should've known it'd be you, Alk.

Alk: Regitare! I'm really sorry about this! I'll clear up this misunderstanding right away!

Melsele: My! YOU'RE Regitare?!

Melsele: I'm so very sorry... I was certain you were a monster, come to lay waste to the forest.

Regitare: Ehh, don't worry about it, lass. Anyone'd think that, after clapping eyes on these rattlebones.

Alk: For sure. Remember the first time Light met you? Challenged you to battle as the King of the Dead.

Regitare: Did he now? Must've slipped the old skull!

Melsele: A forest of life... raised by the dead. What a topsy-turvy place.

Alk: Oh, it's pure chaos here. Hey, Regitare. Tell her about all the monsters lurking around.

Alk: Never mind!

Melsele: Get down! Arrow Gale!

Melsele: Alk, are you all right?

Alk: Y-yeah, I'm fine. How about you, Regitare?

Regitare: Still dead, laddie!

Alk: Oh. Right...

Melsele: Ahahaha! Oh, you're so funny!

Melsele: I really was right to leave home. If I hadn't, I would've never experienced any of this!

Regitare: Speaking of home, you're an elf, aren't you, lass?

Regitare: Mind telling an old bag of bones about your enchanted forest?

Melsele: I'd be delighted to! We've all the time in the world, after all.

Alk: ...Oh no.