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Episode 1
Clutter Be Gone!

Marnie offers to help Alk tidy the kitchen as part of her witch training, despite her familiar Pippo's warnings. She can't quite magic away messes like her mom, but with Alk's encouragement she gets the job done!

Alk: The dishes are really piling up...

Marnie: Good morning, Alk!

Marnie: O-oh my! Look at all of this!

Pippo: Has someone been slacking off on his chores again?

Alk: Ah, morning, Marnie. Pippo. Yeah, I guess you could say that.

Alk: I like cooking, but washing at the same time gets a little, well, annoying.

Marnie: Yeah... It's a lot to handle at once.

Marnie: In which case, let me help you out!

Alk: Really? Thanks Marnie! That's kind of you!

Marnie: Of course. It's all a part of my training!

Alk: What training?

Marnie: My witch training, of course! My mom, you know, she can wave a wand and have a room clean in seconds!

Alk: Whoa! That sounds great!

Pippo: Don't even think about it, Marnie. You can't control your magic like she can.

Marnie: Humph! Pippo, you're so mean! I'll just have to prove it to you!

Marnie: Hi-yah!

Marnie: Hyaaah!

Alk: The dishes... They're gone?!

Pippo: See? What did I tell you?

Alk: Well, I guess that's one way of handling them...

Marnie: W-wait! That wasn't supposed to happen! One more time!

Alk: Aaah!

Marnie: O-one more time?

Pippo: Absolutely not. I told you already. You lack control.

Marnie: Dang it... I've made an even bigger mess. I'm sorry, Alk.

Alk: It's okay. That was just practice. Want to give it another go?

Marnie: But what if I mess up again? It'll only make things worse.

Alk: Well, THESE dishes are clean. So I think you're on the right track.

Pippo: Wouldn't it be quicker to help out like normal?

Alk: You've got a point. Maybe this is a waste of time...

Alk: But if Marnie learns to do the dishes with a flick of her wrist, we'll be freed from the tyranny of dishes forever!

Alk: So, so we have to keep trying!

Marnie: You're right, Alk!

Pippo: You REALLY hate washing dishes, don't you?

Alk: Back at it, Marnie! Who cares if you break a plate or two!

Marnie: Okay! I'll do my best!

Marnie: Did I... I did it! I finally did it!

Pippo: Thanks, Alk! I couldn't have done it without you!

Alk: Nah, you did all the hard work, Marnie!

Marnie: But you were the inspiration, Alk! Thanks again!

Marnie: Let me know the next time you find a mess. I'll use my magic to wrap it up in a snap!

Alk: You sure? What if I start asking you to clean up everything?

Marnie: Of course!

Pippo: Um...

Pippo: Marnie! You're not training to be some kind of witchy maid!

Episode 2
Witch's Cauldron

In the Kaleidoscope, Marnie finds a recipe her mother hid for aspiring witches. She and Stella brew a batch of the enchanting stew—with questionable results.

Stella: Marnie, what could that be?

Marnie: I've finally found it! The secret treasure my mom hid within Kaleidoscope!

Pippo: That's right! Marnie now holds the ultimate key— the art which separates the witches from the apprentices!

Marnie: This is it... This is it!

Stella: Marnie, what is the matter?

Marnie: It says it's a... delicious pot au feu recipe?

Alk: A what?!

Stella: It is a mystical recipe crafted by a great witch to satisfy her lover's stomach.

Stella: I'll hide the secrets of love stew in Kaleidoscope—for all of witchkind's posterity! May you all find a perfect companion!

Stella: ...There.

Stella: That was the footnote.

Pippo: Argh!

Stella: Given your inaptitude with cookery, Marnie, it might be faster to find someone who can cook for you.

Marnie: Aww, but I can cook just fine too!

Marnie: Guess I'll have to show you! Or mom wouldn't have left the recipe for me!

Marnie: Ah! And I could split the house work with whoever I end up marrying!

Stella: Yes, that sounds efficient.

Marnie: All right, Stella! Can you lend me a hand?

Stella: ...Huh?

Nimbus: What's wrong? We're about to eat, ain't we?

Light: Mm. But Marnie's cooking.

Nimbus: Whoa, has she ever touched an oven before? Ah, whatever. Who cares if she messes up a little.

Alk: Yeah. But Stella's helping.

Nimbus: You know what, I just remembered I had some errands to run.

Alk: Get back here! You have to eat your fair share too!

Marnie: It's ready, everyone!

Nimbus: Damn it... Cornered!

Marnie: Dig in! Don't be shy!

Stella: It was prepared with love.

Light: It's completely black.

Nimbus: Like outer space.

Alk: What could you put in pot au feu to make it black?

Light: We have to face the music, gentlemen. Goodbye, cruel world! ...Mmph!

Light: Hey... it's good?

Alk: No way! ...Wow, you're right! This tastes great!

Stella: Does it truly?!

Nimbus: Why are YOU so surprised by that?

Marnie: Of course it's good! That's my mother's own recipe!

Marnie: I kind of messed up the ingredients. And the measuring. And most of the steps—but I guess I got the seasoning right!

Pippo: ...I spiked it with a reagent that nullifies bitter flavors.

Alk: Huh?

Pippo: Got the stuff in the post, under a secret code name. Note attached to it said to "use in case of emergency."

Light: Well, this certainly qualified. It's scary how much a full-fledged witch can predict...

Marnie: Stella! Let's make another batch tomorrow!

Stella: Sure!