Marina (Summer)/Stories

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Episode 1
Let's Go Somewhere Far

Marina invites Alk and friends to an impromptu summer getaway at a resort called Paradise Isle. The gang agrees and goes out to buy a swimsuit for Stella, who initially has reservations about wearing something overly revealing, but eventually agrees to give it a shot.

Light: A... vacation?

Marina: Yep. To a place called Paradise Isle- it's an entirely man-made resort island. I was hoping you guys would come too!

Marina: It's got a much better view than what we're used to. The beaches are beautiful, and the food is delicious!

Nimbus: Why are you tryin' so hard to sell us on this? They sponsor you or somethin'?

Alk: I'm not gonna lie, I kind of like the sound of that...

Nimbus: Knowin' her, she's just looking for an excuse to get into a swimsuit.

Alk: SHH! Keep your voice down, she might hear you! Besides, I don't think that's the case this time!

Nimbus: You've got a lot to learn about women, kid.

Light: A vacation... Hmm, that might be just what we all need right about now.

Marina: Well, I'll be darned. I expected you of all people to be against the idea, Light.

Light: I won't lie, I feel slightly guilty for making everyone work so hard to finance our travels.

Light: I think you've all earned a reprieve.

Marina: Hmm, I see. What about you, Stella? You in?

Marina: I'm sure it'll be a great opportunity to learn tons of new things about the world!

Stella: I would like to learn more. I will go.

Marina: Then it's settled! All right, everyone... Let's go on vacation! But, before that...

Marina: We need to but SWIMSUITS!

Stella: ...Swimsuits?

Marina: There's nothing to be afraid of! It's a super simple process.

Stella: Can we avoid outfits with a low fabric surface area?

Marina: That wouldn't be a very good swimsuit, then, would it! Relax, there's nothing to be embarrassed about!

Stella: I have a question. What is the difference between a swimsuit and underwear?

Marina: Huh?

Stella: They have different functions. However, in terms of degree of exposure and embarrassment, they are very similar.

Stella: Do you know the difference, Alk?

Alk: M-me? Wh-why are you asking me?!

Alk: Um, well, now that you mention it- and I've never really thought about it before- maybe they are... s-similar?

Marina: So what you're saying is, you think I've been walking around showing my undies to everyone the whole time?

Alk: I-I didn't say that!

Marina: Hmph! Either way, a swimsuit is a must! We're gonna swim, aren't we?

Marina: Let's take a poll!

Marina: People who think Stella needs a swimsuit, say aye!

Naska: Aye!

Mia: Aye!

Marguerite: BEAUTIFUL! I mean, aye!

Marguerite: Yes, Stella, true BEAUTY comes in all forms- we must know when to cover up, and when to lay ourselves BARE!

Marina: You want new experiences? Well, here they are! if you don't like it, you can always stop! What do you think?

Stella: I will give it a try.

Marina: Woo! All right then, let's do this!

Naska: What are you standing around there for? You're coming with.

Alk: M-me? I don't really see why-

Naska: And here she is!

Stella: Does this look strange?

Mia: Strange? Nuh uh! It looks GREAT! You look so cute, Stella!

Marina: Agreed. That's a perfect fit if I've ever seen one. Nothing odd about it!

Marguerite: My dear, you look simply GORGEOUS!

Stella: ...Gorgeous and cute?

Marina: So you agree! What'd I tell you? It looks great on you!

Mia: Yep! Stella's never looked better! Cute as a button.

Stella: I meant that the swimsuit is cute. Not me...

Marina: Oh don't give me that! Without you to wear it, the swimsuit is nothing!

Naska: You know what we need right about now? A boy's opinion.

Alk: She looks, I mean... You look good. Very, uh... cute.

Alk: I uh... Why is everyone looking at me?

Marina: Come on, you've gotta do better than that when complementing a lady.

Marina: Anyway, you've got that "thank goodness it's not me" look on your face, but guess what? It's YOUR turn next!

Alk: Wh-what?!

Naska: How about one of those slick one for racing that really stick to you?

Alk: I am NOT putting one of those on!

Naska: Fiiine.

Episode 2
With Treasure in Hand

Marina and Luca decide to have a day on the town, trying out various delicious restaurants, when all of a sudden a familiar pirate face shows up and challenges Marina. Deciding to keep things civil, the two settle for a drinking match. Marina wins, but has to be carried off by Luca. Later, the two of them share their thoughts on the beach.

Marina: Ahh, hot hot hot! Yet delicious!

Luca: When you said you liked spicy food, I had a feeling you'd be a fan of this one, Marina.

Luca: I also took the liberty of researching other well-reviewed eateries in the area! I was thinking we could hit them all up one by one.

Marina: That sounds like a great idea! No better way to spend a vacation, if you ask me.

Lean Pirate: Hey, Alk. When's the kid going home, anyway?

Alk: Huh? I don't know. Why, do you want him gone?

Lean Pirate: Don't be an idiot! You know why. We don't want the Cap'n taking to him too much. You know how she is!

Alk: I have no idea what you mean.

Burly Pirate: I saw it with me own eyes.

Burly Pirate: In the Cap'n's quarters. She had this book. Very small.

Alk: Wait a minute, why were you in her quarters?!

???: Barkeep! Got any ale? Preferably somethin' cheap and strong!

Pirate Captain: Huh? The Crimson Blades?! What are you doin' here!

Marina: Well, look what the cat dragged in. You looking for a fight or what?

Pirate Captain: H-here? Don't be ridiculous. We're on land!

Ruffian Pirate: Cap'n, are we really gonna turn tail and run?!

Pirate Captain: Even if we fought them, we've got no chance of winning! Let's keep things quiet.

Ruffian Pirate: Oh come on, boss, you really gonna be CHICKEN like that? We need to show 'em what we're made of!

Pirate Captain: Gah! Fine. It's ON! Let's settle things once and for all, Marina!

Marina: Now that's what I'm talking about!

Pirate Captain: Gahahaha, you can't outdrink a grizzled pirate like me!

Pirate Captain: I've got this one in the bag! There's no way I'll lose!

Pirate Captain: How's about... *hic* You and I go on a DATE, huh?

Ruffian Pirate: Cap'n! She's our enemy! Have you lost your mind?

Luca: Alk. Let's poison his drink.

Alk: Wh-what?! No, no poison!

Marina: Heh. All right, then. But ONLY if you win.

Pirate Captain: Gahhhhh!

Marina: Well, isn't that a shame? Looks like you lost!

Marina: Whoa... *hic* I'm not moving my legs, but somehow I'm walking... Isn't that just *hic* crazy?

Alk: Well, we should have seen this coming. Are you okay to keep carrying her, Luca?

Luca: Yep. Why, are you jealous?

Alk: Wh-why would I be jealous of something like that?!

Luca: Because you secreatly want to carry her yourself. I'm not letting you, though, so don't get your hopes up.

Alk: You're a lot more blunt than I expected, you know that?

Marina: Waves! I hear waves! That means... *hic* The sea! Sea, sea, sea, yaaaaay!

Marina: Ahh, nice and cool! Just what I need to clear my head... *hic*

Marina: Huh... You can't really see the stars here.

Marina: Too much light from the town nearby... Well. It's not as bad as Tokyo, at least.

Luca: Marina... What kind of a man was my father?

Luca: After all this time, why did he just now call out to me? It's not like I'm special in any way...

Marina: ...He probably missed you.

Luca: ...Missed me?

Marina: That's the type of man he was. He didn't trust a single soul- not his crew, not his friends... But he still didn't want to let them go.

Marina: The crewmates that died, the family he left behind... I'm sure all he wanted was to have them back and by his side.

Marina: You're a kind kid, Luca.

Marina: But you should make sure to hold on to that kindness, and save it for when someone you truly care for comes along.

Luca: I think you're overestimating me...

Luca: I'll be heading home tomorrow. To see my mother.

Marina: Hmm. That seems like the right thing to do.

Luca: Alk, what do you think... If I asked her to let me join the Crimson Blades, would she?

Alk: Hmm... Probably not.

Luca: In that case, I'm definitely not letting you carry her. Let me enjoy this last little moment with her.

Luca: Grab on to me again, Marina. I'll take you back to the inn.

Marina: Hmm, I dunno about that... What kind of a lesson would I be teaching you then?

Luca: Whaaat?!

Episode 3
On Another Adventure

Amelia, incensed that she wasn't invited to everyone's vacation, asks Marina out on a date. Accompanied by Alk and Stella, the group of 4 go on a "café date" on the island. Seeing Amelia off as she returns to sea, Marina muses on how meaningful days spent with her friends give her the strength to keep forging ahead in life.

Amelia: What do you mean I can't go?!

Amelia: And after all I've done for you, Marina! I can't believe it!

Amelia: First you didn't invite me to your sweet summer getaway, now THIS!

Marina: Oh, Amelia, sweetie, don't take it so personally! Just think about it for a second.

Marina: You're a mermaid! People don't know your kind exists. Imagine what would happen if you got found out!

Amelia: Gah!

Amelia: This isn't like you, Marina! I thought the Crimson Blades were all about, like, paving their own path and stuff!

Marina: I mean, we are, but that doesn't mean we throw all rules out the window!

Marina: But when you put it that way... You DID put in a lot of work for us this time around.

Amelia: You BET I did!

Marina: All right then, I cave! Let's go on a date!

Amelia: YAY!

Amelia: ow it's just like in my dreams. We're actually going on a date!

Marina: Only until the sun comes up though, all right? I figure we're safe until then.

Amelia: Of course!

Amelia: Hey, Marina, what's that weird statue over there?

Stella: Amelia looks very happy.

Alk: Yep. Her happiness is infectious, isn't it?

Alk: I'm glad she got the chance to do this.

Amelia: Stellie! Al! Get over here, you slowpokes!

Alk: Are you sure you want us tagging along, Amelia? We don't want to get in the way of your date.

Amelia: The more, the merrier, Al! This way is more fun!

Marina: I love when you say adorable things like that, Amelia! Hehe.

Amelia: You think I'm adorable?!

Alk: For what it's worth, I think so too.

Stella: Me too.

Amelia: Ohmygosh. So many fans all of a sudden- I don't know what to say!

Amelia: A date at an actual café! This is perfect!

Amelia: I'm so happy I could just turn to sea foam!

Marina: You do love being dramatic, don't you? But, uh, why foam exactly?

Amelia: Oh, I just read it in a book! When a mermaid dies, they turn into sea foam. Actually, that's not true for mermaids like myself, but still.

Alk: Is that the story where the mermaid meets a prince, but loses her voice? That never did make much sense to me...

Amelia: Yes! That one! I have a complicated relationship with that book.

Marina: How do you know it, Alk?

Alk: Me? I think I found it lying around Starview Village's library at one point.

Amelia: Hmm. I gotta say, I can empathize with the whole "leg envy" bit. However, I am absolutely NOT okay with losing my voice!

Alk: The world would be a very quiet place...

Amelia: What's that supposed to mean? Are you saying I'm loud?

Marina: Then it's settled- the next treasure we go after needs to be something that'll grow legs on a mermaid!

Alk: That sounds like it would involve some serious forbidden magic...

Marina: No biggie. "Forbidden" is just a suggestion anyway!

Amelia: Yeah! Besides, I really want to wear slim-fit pants!

Stella: I would like to see that.

Amelia: Oh, it's dawn already? Darn it.

Marina: Parting is such a sweet sorrow, or however the saying goes.

Marina: Hey, Alk.

Marina: Remember how I told you I could get back to my home world easily?

Alk: I do, yeah.

Marina: Well, here's the thing. I may have exaggerated ever so slightly.

Marina: I've been looking for a way to get back sine we last spoke, and uh... I haven't found one.

Marina: Which probably means... There might not be a way for me to get back home.

Alk: Oh no...

Marina: But you know what? If I've got more incredible days like today waiting for me... I think I can find the strength to carry on.

Marina: Alk, Stella... I hope you'll stick around with me.

Stella: We will. I want to go on another date.

Marina: Of course, we can't skip out on the dates. With Amelia too.

Marina: Here's to even more adventures together!