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Episode 1
Return of the Crimson Blades

Marina makes a triumphant return to Starview Village—and she's brought the rest of the Crimson Blades with her as well.

Alk: Ahh... Nothing like some peace and quiet. Wouldn't you agree?

Stella: Yes, quite peaceful indeed. No incidents to speak of.

Alk: You know, it's important to just take a load off every once in a while. Especially during moments like—

Alk: Wh-wha?!

Alk: Who's there?!

Lean Pirate: Cap'n... I can't do this anymore...

Alk: Oh no... Did he say "Cap'n"?

Marina: Make way, scallywags! Ahem… Marina, the Crimson Blade, at your service!

Alk: We didn't ask for your service!

Stella: We didn't, but I'm glad to see you again, Marina.

Marina: Hehe! Me too! I've missed both of your lovely faces!

Marina: Mm-mmm! Now, THIS is some serious gourmet grub! You sure you weren't a chef in a previous life, Alk?

Light: I don't mean to pry, but how did you make it all the way here?

Marina: Isn't it obvious? I used a World Flipper.

Marina: I figured if I flipped around a few times, I'd eventually find this place.

Lean Pirate: Ngh... It was more than just a few times...

Burly Pirate: Not to mention the hell we went through to get here...

Marina: We saw SO many exotic worlds along the way! Not to mention the treasure! I oughta thank you all for the adventures we had!

Stella: What kind of worlds did you see?

Marina: Where do I even begin? So many seas, so little time!

Marina: Let's see... Our first venture took us to a snowy mountaintop.

Alk: That isn't even remotely close to a sea!

Marina: And you wouldn't BELIEVE what happened next—a yeti attacked us! Oh, our battle was glorious!

Marina: It went on for three straight days—one of the biggest and loudest foes we've ever faced, that's for sure!

Marina: But get this—turns out our yeti friend's got a golden set of pipes. So we asked him to sing a tune for us!

Alk: I... I have several questions.

Marina: So we partied it UP for three days straight! *sigh* I hope Yooie's doing well.

Nimbus: That's a rather... cute name.

Stella: Excellent work, Marina.

Marina: After that, we ended up in a country of tiny people! Like, can you say JACKPOT?

Marina: Kay, let me explain—I'd already read all about this once before in Gulliver's Travels, right? I knew just how to play my cards.

Nimbus: Slow down... Who the hell is Gulliver?

Lean Pirate: He's from a book Cap'n read once—she thought she had it all figured out since she knew the story, but everything went to hell...

Marina: Shut yer trap! I mean, yes, I suppose it didn't go EXACTLY as I imagined it would, but...

Marina: At least we kept their country from sinking into the sea—that's a win in my book! Like, sometimes it's fun to be the good guys!

Stella: Excellent work, Marina.

Marina: So yeah... I guess you could say we've had our fair share of adventure recently. Figured it was time to lay low for a while, you know?

Marina: Plus, visiting all those worlds got me thinking about you two.

Alk: About us?

Marina: Yep! I wanted to know where you guys had been. Not only that, but what you'd seen and who you'd fought against!

Marina: I started to think that maybe that's where my adventure was! Like, this is where I need to be. Catch my drift?

Alk: Huh... All I'm doing is just helping Light though.

Stella: The same can be said for me.

Marina: Well, call it a hunch on my part. You guys don't mind, do you? Nimbus? Light?

Nimbus: You're gonna join us no matter what we say anyway, right? Do what you want, pirate.

Light: We'd appreciate your help, Captain. Just don't get Alk involved in any pirate business.

Marina: Oh, I'd never! This calls for another feast—in the name of comradery!

Alk: You're still hungry?!

Marina: There's always more room in my tummy to party hardy!

Stella: It seems things will be a little livelier from now on.

Episode 2
Get Your Money Right

Marina helps Alk create a budget, revealing that she was once an accountant in her original world. When asked if she plans to return, she answers saying her journey isn't over just yet.

Alk: Oof, we're running low on funds. We'll be eating plain curry for a while if this keeps up.

Marina: What?! That's serious news, Alk!!

Alk: Haven't you ever learned to knock?!

Marina: It's somewhere on my to-do list. More importantly, what's this talk about plain curry?!

Alk: Your "to-do list"?!

Marina: I see... Are you keeping a budget?

Alk: A budget?

Marina: This won't do, Alk! You need to keep track of all variable expenses, especially with an inconsistent cash flow.

Alk: Wait... Who are you?!

Marina: Don't look at me like that! These are basic budgeting fundamentals!

Marina: Let's have a look-see at your expenses. Beef jerky, fish, eggs, bread, vegetables...

Marina: It's nothing but food!

Marina: Someone on this crew's been eating too much. It's no wonder we're out of money.

Alk: *sigh*

Marina: Not only that, you're spending exorbitant amounts on lavish ingredients, booze, and more booze!

Marina: Seriously...

Marina: This... is all from me and my crew, isn't it?

Alk: Yep.

Marina: Ahaha... Oopsies! Sorry, Alk!

Alk: I guess the pirates could just live off bread and water for a while...

Marina: No, no, no! There's no way in hell I'd ever leave my crew high and dry!

Alk: Then go fishing for once or something! You're supposed to be pirates, aren't you?

Marina: Hmm, yes... Hold on just a minute. What's that?

Alk: Huh? This? It's just a pamphlet I got from the Palpebra guild.

Marina: Lemme see that! Yes, yes... Here's the answer to our problems—adventurer subsidies!

Alk: Adventurer... subsidies?

Marina: You should know at least this much if you're going to take on quests! Anything you purchase for a quest counts as a deductible.

Marina: Basically, you'll get some of your money back!

Alk: Whoa, no way! What is this sorcery?!

Marina: Heh-heh... Just leave your financial troubles to Mamiya Marina!

Marina: Oookay... I think that should do it! Quite a total, if I do say so myself.

Alk: I'm impressed how you can drink while doing paperwork...

Marina: You've got it all wrong—I can't do this without having a drink first!

Marina: All these numbers just remind me of my stupid boss's face from back in the day.

Alk: You mean from your original world, Marina?

Marina: Yep... It was a pretty dull place, but looking back, at least it was peaceful.

Alk: Do you want to go back someday?

Marina: Hmm... That's a toughie. I guess I'd go back when it feels right, you know?

Alk: Talk about happy-go-lucky...

Marina: I'm Marina the Crimson Blade, remember? If I want something, I get it!

Marina: But I don't think I'm ready to go back just yet. My journey's not over yet, and neither is yours, right?

Marina: I guess I could make do with instant noodles now and then, but you're cooking's just too good, Alk!

Alk: Way to start buttering me up out of nowhere...

Marina: I mean it! I've traversed countless seas, but your cooking TOTALLY is out of this world!

Marina: It's so good I could just marry you!

Alk: Marina... You've had too much to drink, haven't you?

Marina: Ehehe... I'm fiiine, Alk! And so are you and Stella! You're all fiiiine!

Marina: I'm the Crimson Blade, remember?! I'll marry the both of you if I want! It'd be... a HUGE party...

Marina: Am I right, guys?!

Alk: Welp... I guess she's staying here tonight.

Alk: *sigh* Even in this state, she really is beautiful, huh?

Episode 3
Home Sweet... Home?

Marina, Alk, and Stella find themselves in a world of mirages that show their deepest fears and desires. Marina uses her blade to cut through the illusions and lead the group safely back to Starview Village.

Marina: UGH. What a waste of time! Those grody guildies wouldn't know treasure if it slapped them in the face!

Stella: Welcome back, Marina.

Alk: Did you go to Palpebra?

Marina: Yeah. TOTAL bust though. They didn't even know what to do with this treasure, let alone price it!

Marina: Perhaps the scientists in the Great Blue might know something... Or maybe an alchemist.

Alk: Treasure? You mean the junk in your hands?

Marina: It isn't junk! This Star Teardrop here is something I picked up in another world, you see, and—

Marina: What is it, Stella?

Stella: I've... seen this somewhere before.

Marina: H-hey! What's the big idea?

Stella: World Flipper activated... Prepare for launch.

Alk: Ugh... Where am I?

Marina: Give me a... warning next time... My head's killing me—

Marina: Wait. It can't be! Could this really be...

Marina: Shinjuku! It's Shinjuku! How did you find it?

Marina: This is the world I'm from!

Alk: ... There's... nothing here, Marina.

Marina: What are you talking about? Look at the skyscrapers! The hustle and bustle of the city!

Marina: Wait... no one's looking our way.

Marina: I don't feel a thing, either. Alk, what are you seeing right now?

Alk: Not a thing. Just... darkness. I'd very much like to go now.

Marina: Stella?

Stella: This appears to be Starview Village, but... There's no one here.

Stella: No... Wait...

Marina: Stella?! Get a hold of yourself!

Stella: Starview... It's been destroyed! Everything is in shambles!

Marina: Stay calm, you two! Listen to me and listen close. This kind of thing happens sometimes.

Alk: It does?

Marina: It's a phenomenon often experienced on long voyages... You start seeing things that aren't there—ghost ships, or non-existent islands!

Marina: They can be things you've dreamed of, things you've lost, or your worst fears. Mirages are unpredictable like that.

Stella: Mirages?

Marina: That's right! But we can't let some silly illusions get in the way of THIS ship! It's full sail ahead, baby! Right?

Stella: You're right. We cannot allow ourselves to stop here.

Alk: Yeah! Who cares if we can't see what's ahead? As long as we keep pushing forward... whichever way that is!

Marina: That's the spirit! Now... watch a real captain in action!

Marina: All these mirages will be gone by morning! And you can count on that!

Alk: Wait... This place looks familiar.

Stella: Indeed. We've been here once before.

Marina: Oh. I guess we're all seeing the same thing now, right?

Marina: Can you see that too?

Alk: A World Flipper!

Marina: Finally. I guess we can finally wrap up this adventure.

Alk: Yeah, one that was triggered that "treasure" of yours.

Marina: Was it, now? Sorry, I'm a bit fuzzy on the details—what matters is that we all learned something, right?

Marina: So c'mon, let's go back already and get ready for our next REAL adventure!

Stella: Agreed. Activating World Flipper... Prepare for launch.