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Episode 1
Reporting for Duty

Alk and Nimbus check out a maid-themed pub in Palpebra, but their waitress Marianne is rougher and tougher than they expected—and specializes in military techniques like mine-sweeping and cleaning bloodstains!

Maid: Welcome home, Milord!

Nimbus: Welcome home? This is a pub. ...Why are all the waitresses dressed like maids?

Maid: Oh, this must be your first time visiting your "summer home." The Maids' Parlor is a themed restaurant—you can dine like a noble, for just a fraction of the cost!

Maid: In addition to dining and catering, we also offer real housekeeping services and quest support! What can we do for you today, Milord?

Alk: Uh... Um... How about just a table for two?

Maid: Of course, Milord. What sort of maid would you like as your server? Tsundere? Cute and peppy? A little old lady with a twinkle in her eyes?

Alk: Oh, gosh, um... H-how about someone with a sweet smile?

Nimbus: What are you, ten? You're bright red, Alk. ...Look, just send someone who's not gonna be afraid of the big scary tiger-man, and I'm good.

Maid: I know the perfect maid, Milord! Tough as nails, with a sweet smile to boot. Marianne, come prepare the parlor, please!

Marianne: Ma'am, yes Ma'am.

Marianne: Marianne, reporting for duty. What are your orders, Commander?

Maid: Silly-willy, these are the "lords" of the manor, remember?

Marianne: Oh. *ahem* Can I take your order, Milords?

Maid: See, you're getting the hang of it! ...Let's get them to a table before taking their orders though, okay? This way, please!

Nimbus: She wasn't kiddin' about the "tough" part…

Marianne: Fighting fit, sir. ...Milord.

Alk: Um, do you have any recommendations off the menu?

Marianne: Hold that thought, Milord. Threat at eleven-o-clock. I'll handle it.

Maid: Ahaha...ha. Sorry, Marianne. Thanks.

Marianne: Let me take it from here. Stand back.

Rowdy Drunk: Oooh! Now YOU'RE more my style! Gwehehahaha! Can I get a smile, sweetie?

Marianne: Hmph. I've got something better—something that'll have you head over heels.

Marianne: Time to take out the trash. Have a nice TRIP!

Marianne: Threat eliminated. Returning to my patrol route. ...Oh, and we hope to see you again soon.

Nimbus: Man, you sent him FLYING! Heh, you're not bad!

Marianne: It was just a drunk, unarmed civilian. I've handled worse.

Maid: Ehehe, Marianne is super strong—she can open even the toughest of pickle jars! Oh, also, if you still need help deciding what to get, Marianne makes a mean omelette!

Alk: Really? I could go for an omelette. Do you need another minute Nimbus, or are you ready to order?

Nimbus: I'll go for the omelette too.

Marianne: Very well, Milord. I'll execute the orders straight away... w-with all my heart?

Alk: Whew, I'm stuffed! That was really good!

Nimbus: Yeah, the food was great, even if it did feel like we were bein' stared down the whole time.

Nimbus: You didn't notice, Alk? Marianne's been watching us. It's givin' me goosebumps…

Marianne: Apologies, Milord. I'm supposed to keep an eye on the floor in case anyone needs something. I didn't mean to stare you down.

Nimbus: You were just keeping an eye on the floor? I thought I was next in line for the broom…

Nimbus: But hey, who am I to talk. Old habits die hard, huh?

Nimbus: That friend of yours'll soften you up eventually. Mine did.

Marianne: I know, but... I don't want to make extra work for her.

Maid: Pardon me, Milord. Your time is almost up.

Maid: If you'd like to keep chatting with Marianne, why not try our housekeeping services?

Maid: She's really neat and organized, so she'll have your place shipshape in no time! And, and—!

Maid: ...She works harder than anyone I know. She's got discipline, poise, and— And she's a perfect maid! You'll see!

Alk: Hm, what do you think, Nimbus? We COULD use a little help around Starview.

Nimbus: She's basically like a mercenary that cleans, right? Sounds handy.

Alk: I guess we'll give it a go then—if you're up for it, Marianne.

Marianne: Of course, Milord.

Marianne: I'm proficient in cleaning out enemy bases, mine-sweeping, pest extermination, and washing bloodstains. Just give the orders, sir.

Nimbus: Heh. Sounds good to me. You have any experience with the Kaleidoscope?

Marianne: Plenty. I can lead a week-long operation—with zero casualties.

Nimbus: Great! Man, I never knew maids were this helpful. I thought they just feather-dusted stuff.

Maid: We do—usually. Oh, Marianne, DO clean something while you're over there, please. You're a maid, not a mercenary, remember?

Marianne: I know, but... he's the one who asked...

Episode 2
War-forged Ties

The Maids' Parlor goes up in flames, and Marianne's maid friend is nowhere to be found. Marianne knows the kidnappers from her days in active service, and vows to get her friend back.

Marianne: Milord, I've returned with the groceries you requested.

Alk: Great! Would you mind putting them away in the pantry for me? I've gotta keep an eye on the stove.

Marianne: Already done, Milord. I also went ahead and tidied up a bit—the dishes are all clean for whenever you're ready to start plating.

Alk: Wow, you're already three-steps ahead! Thanks, Marianne.

Nimbus: Now!

Marianne: Sir, yes sir!

Alk: I'm amazed you can understand Nimbus' plans. All he ever says is stuff like "go!" or "Alk, left!"

Nimbus: Sure, lemme ask the monsters to hold still while I explain everything. I appreciate someone who can fight for themselves when I give the go.

Marianne: You don't have to walk me home... The Maids' Parlor is just up ahead.

Alk: You're meeting with your maid friend for a performance review, right? We want to tell her how helpful you've been!

Nimbus: Heh, looks like Alk and I are third wheels, huh?

Marianne: N-no, I can just walk myself home, that's all…

Nimbus: Suuure. You're bright red.

Nimbus: ...Hey, do you smell something?

Alk: Hmm? Can you smell the pub food already? If you're hungry, we can grab dinner after dropping off Marianne.

Nimbus: Not now, dumbass, I smell something burning!

Marianne: Is that... a fire?!

Nimbus: This is weird... Where was everyone? You'd think people'd notice a fire that big, but there was no one around, not even the guard.

Alk: Maybe one of the maids accidentally left an oven on?

Marianne: That was no accident. We've got a case of arson on our hands.

Marianne: I've seen it before. There's a band of mercenaries who kidnap hostages, then torch the place—and any incriminating evidence.

Nimbus: ...They weren't after YOU, were they?

Marianne: Probably were. Can't imagine they came to thank me for all the times I foiled their plans.

Marianne: You may have noticed, but I've got military training. I served for years, and I honestly couldn't tell you how many enemies I've made myself.

Marianne: I left that life behind me after I... I messed up, BAD. It was supposed to be a solo infiltration mission, but I got caught.

Marianne: I barely escaped—was barely alive—and then... she found me.

Marianne: She gave me a new life as a maid, a home, and... she gave me a new name—Marianne.

Marianne: I wanted to be her Marianne. I tried. I thought I could turn over a new leaf, and put all the battles behind me.

Marianne: But... I don't mind getting my hands bloody again if that's what it takes to bring her home.

Marianne: After this, I'd like to cancel my housekeeping contract. I can't work there if it puts her at risk.

Nimbus: First things first. We've gotta go get her back.

Nimbus: We're goin' with you. Do you know where to look?

Marianne: But, Milord, I—

Nimbus: No excuses! We're not lettin' those thugs get away with trashing one of our favorite restaurants. ...We'll get her back. Right, Alk?

Alk: Yeah, I'm sure there's a lot on your mind after the fire, but for now…

Alk: We have to make sure your friend is safe! You can think about what to do from there later, okay?

Marianne: ...You're right. Thank you both.

Marianne: I've already pinned down their hideout—it's not far. This ends TONIGHT!

Marianne: Just you wait... Even if I have to leave "Marianne" behind—

Marianne: I WILL bring you home.

Episode 3
For Tomorrow

Marianne saves her friend, but decides to quit her job as a maid—she just isn't cut out for life as a civilian. Her friend manages to pull her back with an emotional pep talk.

Nimbus: All clear. You can come on out.

Nimbus: It's kinda anti-climactic how easy this is. You sure know your stuff, Marianne.

Marianne: Hah. I may not be the best maid, but I know how to command an infiltration party.

Alk: Why'd we lure that guy over? Couldn't you just shoot him?

Marianne: I'd prefer not to... Too loud.

Marianne: Let's get moving. We have to strike before they catch on to us.

Mercenary Boss: Bout time you showed up! You'll pay for what you did to us!

Marianne: I'll give you one chance to surrender. Step away from her, or I'll shoot.

Mercenary Boss: Surrender? When I've got the upper hand?

Mercenary Boss: Get down and beg for forgiveness, or the girl gets it!

Alk: She's an innocent civilian! How DARE you?!

Mercenary Boss: Playin' by the rules doesn't win you any wars, kid. I found that monster's weakness, and I'm damn well gonna exploit it! *spits* Shoot if you dare!

Maid: Marianne... Shoot.

Maid: It's okay. I believe in you.

Mercenary Boss: Yo-you're out of your mind! She's a coldblooded bastard, but even SHE wouldn't shoot through a hostage!

Marianne: Last warning. *click* Surrender, or I shoot.

Mercenary Boss: Sh-she's lost it! GET HER!

Marianne: Hmph. Try it!

Marianne: There. Cleaned the place out. ...You're next.

Marianne: Whew. Are you okay?

Maid: Ye-yeah. I knew you'd come to save me!

Marianne: I'm glad you're unharmed. *sigh* I guess this is farewell.

Marianne: Goodbye.

Alk: Hang on, Marianne. We've still got that performance review, right? Let's slow down and talk things over.

Nimbus: Yeah! She's important to you, right? Are you REALLY just gonna leave her high and dry without explaining anything?

Marianne: What's there to explain? I'm not cut out to live a normal, peaceful life.

Marianne: Whenever I'm with you, I get so scared I'm doing everything wrong, but when I pulled that trigger, I felt... relief.

Marianne: The time I spent with you felt like a dream, but now it's time I woke up. I tried to be a maid—your Marianne—but I failed. I'm sorry.

Maid: *hic* You think I care?


Maid: Of course you'd feel more confident doing something you've done for years! So what?! I didn't learn to be a maid overnight either!

Maid: I KNOW you used to be a soldier. I know, but... *hic* I'M the one who told you to pull the trigger. I told you, I believe in you. No matter what!

Maid: A-and I've told you a million times, if you EVER need help, you have me, so... Don't be scared.

Nimbus: Haha, you're not winning this fight, Marianne.

Marianne: B-but I—!

Nimbus: You wouldn't make it on the battlefield anymore. She's softened you up too much.

Nimbus: Think about what you want to do.

Marianne: What I want?

Marianne: Well, I know I DON'T want to hold you back.

Marianne: You're always helping me, so I... I want to be the kind of person you can rely on when YOU need help!

Marianne: S-so I... want to stay with you. Side by side, helping each other. ...Do you mind?

Maid: *sniffle* Of course not, dummy. C'mere.

Alk: All's well that ends well. You've both had a long day—it's time we all headed back and got some rest.

Marianne: Yeah, maids have to be up early, after all. I've still got work to do as your housekeeper, right, Milord? I'm looking forward to it.