Marguerite (Summer)/Stories

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Episode 1
Beauty in Paradise

Marguerite's vacation takes her to Paradise Isle, where she wows tourists with her flashy summer outfit. A young rich man named Scott and his enthusiastic friends try to show off to impress Marguerite, but she is unconvinced. She tells them they're not beautiful, and asks them to be more true to themselves. They do so, and Marguerite accepts their invitation to hang out together.

Marguerite: PARADISE ISLE! A place of BEAUTY- and equally great VICE. A veritable garden, where desire reigns supreme!

Marguerite: Far from falling to temptation, let us be like the BEAUTIFUL flowers that abound- blooming and blossoming, with pride!

Marguerite: Let us be beacons of TRUE ELEGANCE in this paradise we've found!

Stella: *clap clap clap*

Light: Very... dramatic of you, Marguerite. Say, aren't you from the Endless Blue yourself? Will you be stopping by to see your family?

Marguerite: Ah, your concern- thought PURE and HUMBLE- is entirely unnecessary. I've long since severed ties with them!

Marguerite: Regardless! I've been to Paradise Isle many a time before, so you can trust me to be your guide!

Marguerite: I will show you the BEAUTY this island holds!

Alk: That's... great?

Nimbus: I was just wondering why things got so quiet- Marguerite's not here.

Light: She said she ad to go get changed and went off to some boutique she'd been to before.

Nimbus: A new outfit, huh? This I gotta see.

Alk: It will no doubt be something quite beautiful, though knowing her it will also probably be... bold.

Group of Tourists: Look over there! Wow, she looks so cool!

Tourist: Oh my gosh, she's coming this way!

Marguerite: Ladies and gentlemen- I'm terribly sorry to make you wait!

Alk: Marguerite?!

Marguerite: Why, my dear, who else could I possibly be?

Stella: You look very beautiful.

Nimbus: I can't believe I'm sayin' this, but I agree. You look like a flower or somethin'

Wingman Bro: Bro, look over there, man. We gotta go say something! Look at that girl, bro, she's like, a total snack.

Spoiled Bro: Yo, I don't need you to tell me that, bro. I know a hot girl when I see one! 'Ight just watch me go, I got this.

Spoiled Bro: H-hey. babe. How YOU doing? You, uh, wanna go grab a drink with us or something? (...Nailed it!)

Wingman Bro: Just so you know, our bro is SUPER loaded. If you stick with us we can party hard all night! Tell her, bro!

Spoiled Bro: I mean it's not MY money so much as it is my parents' money, but whatever. Yo, did I mention I have THREE boats?

Wingman Bro: So whaddya think? Wanna come party with us? Me and my bros are also super jacked, if we see any nerds creepin' on you, we'll protect you!

Marguerite: This... is NOT TURE BEAUTY!

Marguerite: Why are you quaking like that? What happened to all your grandstanding?

Marguerite: That tough-guy act, that crude, thoughtless demeanor! Your pompous peacock- like struct! I see through it.

Marguerite: Throw it all away! End the charade and lay yourself. BARE.

Alk: That's Marguerite for you.

Stella: She never disappoints.

Nimbus: I almost feel bad for those kids. Almost.

Spoiled Bro: Wh-wha? Wait a minute, like, what are you saying, exactly?

Marguerite: ONE MORE TIME.

Marguerite: Say what you wanted to say one more time. But this time, look me in the eyes and speak the truth. Set it free from the cage of your heart!

Marguerite: One more time, without the bravado and blatant lies. Once more, without showing off. Tell me, who are you?!


': Wingman Bro

': Wingman Bro

Scott: I'm Scott! I'm the leader... or at least I always try to be, but really I'm pretty insecure.

John: I'm John! I'm pretty good with my hands- I really want to be a craftsman one day...

Gary: I'm Gary! I really love clothes and have a dream of being a fashion designer...

Scott: We... saw you and thought you were beautiful, which is why we approached you. We really respect you, as a person!

John: Yeah, exactly, we're all about the RESPECT! We'll treat you well and take you wherever you want!

Gary: Would you please... Go on a date with the three of is?

Marguerite: Now that... Was BEAUTIFUL!

Marguerite: Wonderful! Well then, let's go! Take me wherever you please, then I will do the same in return. But wherever we go, let is be somewhere MARVELOUS!

Scott: She said yes? This has never happ- I mean, yeah, let's go!

Marguerite: My name is Marguerite, pursuer of all things GORGEOUS.

Marguerite: Let's be off, then! Onward, to even greater beauty!

Three Bros: Thank you so much!

Nimbus: The whole "beauty" thing is great and all, but don't forget we've got plans later, eh?

Marguerite: Hehe. Of course I haven't forgotten! But the pursuit of beauty takes precedence- even should my body give out, I will press on!

Alk: So... you're gonna party till you collapse?

Scott: Whoa, you guys have a beastfolk friend? That's so cool... I wish I had a beastfolk friend...

John: Hey, why don't you ALL come along? The more bros the merrier, bros!

Gary: Heck yeah, that's what I'm talking about! Let's all go together! All right, squad, roll out!

Episode 2
Stars to Your Beauty

In an effort to help Scott realize his dream of opening a business, Marguerite helps them in gathering materials. They choose not to hire professional chefs and have Alk teach them how to cook instead. Scott is somewhat spooked at the prospect and lose confidence, running away. Marguerite and co. chase after him and help him regain his motivation.

Nimbus: What's with all the materials here?

Marguerite: Why, we're building a house on the beach, of course!

Marguerite: To us it may just be a pile of lumber, but to these boys it represents the realization of a BEAUTIFUL dream! Would you be so kind as to help out?

Light: I would of course be willing to help out, but I think we could use more information- what's this about a dream, exactly?

Scott: I know right! We were totally surprised too, bros. It's like, I had a dream within me all along, but I didn't realize it, you know?

John: Our bro was talking with Marguerite over some drinks, and he had a breakthrough. He was like, "What if we started a business?", and we were like, "Bro!"

Gary: So we went and got all this lumber and stuff here to start building our own restaurant!

Marguerite: Ah, there is nothing more RADIANT than helping someone realize their dream! A good deed breeds another- a cycle of constant BEAUTY!

Marguerite: I've already spoken to the managers of this island- we're safe to start building! Let's build a place where you can truly SHINE, boys.

Alk: Wow, it really looks like a proper restaurant!

Light: A restaurant with an excellent view of the sea- this could actually turn out well for them.

Marguerite: Indeed, especially given the BEAUTIFUL interior! It was designed according to my tastes, yes, but I'm sure you'll agree it's done with subtlety!

Marguerite: That's all thanks to John- he dud all the decorating!

Gary: Yeah, bro, you did such a sweet job. Our restaurant is gonna be on fleek!

John: Thanks, bro, I'm flattered! But yeah, this was all thanks to Marguerite's awesome instructions!

Gary: We need some sick outfits to go with this decor- I sketched up a few designs already, actually...

Marguerite: Wonderful! Show me at once!

Gary: Well, I'm thinking of something that looks like this...

Marguerite: SPLENDID! Swashbuckling, yet pristine! A perfect fusion for a seaside restaurant!

Marguerite: You truly have an eye for fashion, Gary.

Gary: Th-thank you! I'll make matching outfit for everyone too!

Nimbus: Everyone seems real motivated. Still, you've got a ways to go before you're ready to open, don't you?

Marguerite: Heh, of course! We've still got the most important thing to take care of- the FOOD! We need to serve the most beautiful dishes possible!

Gary: Bro, are we gonna hire some pro chefs?

John: But it's like, our restaurant, so maybe WE should cook the food, bro?

Scott: I dunno, bros, I don't think we're THAT good at cooking...

Marguerite: Where there's a will, there's a way! It's more than possible to learn how to cook. Isn't that right, Alk?

Marguerite: My beautiful Alk, with that lovely face that lights up every time you help another! Would you grace us with another one of your smiles?

Alk: Haha, okay, you don't need to be so extra. I guess I could teach the guys how to make a few simple dishes real quick!

Marguerite: That's it! That's the face! The smile! So STUNNING!

Marguerite: Scott, my dear. What do you think we should do?

Scott: It's... no use.

Scott: Bros, what were we thinking? We can't do this... Running a restaurant isn't a game. We have to do like, actual business stuff...

Scott: Besides, who would even want to come to a restaurant run by some rich kid and his bros? They'll never take us seriously... And also...

Scott: I'm not talented like you bros, all right?!

Marguerite: A thoroughly unmanageable lad, that one.

Marguerite: Well then. John, Gary, come along.

Marguerite: I wonder what he would benefit most from now... Should I scold him or console him?

Marguerite: No, perhaps neither is the answer. There is something more BEAUTIFUL that lies in wait here.

John: Bro... Let's DO this!

Gary: Forget the haters! Who cares if they don't believe in us? We believe in EACH OTHER, bro.

Scott: I'm sorry, bros...

Marguerite: You're not like the others, you say? I disagree. All three of you share something important in common:

Marguerite: You are MARVELOUS! Bloom, my friends! Aspire to the heights of BEAUTY, be true to yourselves, and never forsake the path you know to be right!

Marguerite: Hahahahahaha!

Episode 3
What Makes You Beautiful

Scott's new restaurant seems to be doing swimmingly, when all of the sudden his father appears, using his lackeys to trash the place. The two argue, with Scott's father insisting that he focus on preparing to inherit the family's boat business. When Scott refuses, his father bids his goons attack, so as to discipline his son. Thankfully, Marguerite intervenes and protects Scott, letting him continue working towards his dream.

Three Bros: Thank you for coming!

Scott: Well, bros, how's it looking?! ow much did we make?

John: Get HYPE bros- look at these numbers! They're so high! That's good, right?

Gary: Heck yeah it's good! What do even do with this, bros? I've never made this much money on my own before!

Scott: We have to be grateful, bros. We should get Marguerite a sweet present as a sign of our respect.

Wealthy Merchant: What is the MEANING of this, Scott?!

Marguerite: Scott... Please tell me what happened.

Scott: My father... He set his goons on us... Trashed the place...

Scott: I... I just stood there. I couldn't do anything. Couldn't say anything. Not even when they beat up my best bros...

Marguerite: My dear... The very proof of your beauty lies in the tears you shed at this very moment.

Marguerite: Weep! Cry on, as your heart demands it. Cry until you find the words you need to say.

Marguerite: Light- would you be able to take care of John and Gary?

Light: Of course. What do you intend to do, Marguerite?

Marguerite: Do you even need to ask? I will help Scott rebuild this place! Until every BEAUTIFUL piece is back where it belongs.

Marguerite: Then, I will show you another type of BEAUTY. One that does not back down. The BEAUTY of asserting your own existence.

Marguerite: That is the sole reason why I live.

Wealthy Merchant: Scott... Why'd you have to go and become such an idiot? I thought I told you this already!

Wealthy Merchant: Don't waste your time playing entrepreneur for pennies with this restaurant! I need you to study so you can one day take over the family business!

John: Hey man, my bro doesn't want to be your puppet his whole life, all right?

Gary: Yeah! he's our bro, and if our bro wants to follow his heart and start a restaurant, I support him!

Wealthy Merchant: If you say "bro" ONE MORE TIME, I swear-

Wealthy Merchant: Listen to me, Scott. Can't you see you're embarrassing me running around with these buffoons?! You're wasting so much of your potential!

Wealthy Merchant: If you want to mooch money off me, that I can understand. But hanging around with degenerates like these is where I draw the line-

Scott: Shut the hell up, dad!

Wealthy Merchant: ...What did you just say to me?

Marguerite: Do it, Scott.

Marguerite: Show your true inner BEAUTY.

Scott: Don't... talk crap... about my BROS!

Scott: My bros and I... have a dream. And we want to work to make it come true! But you... you're saying I should just throw that all away? If that's the case... } Scott: Then I don't want to be your son anymore! Get out of here, and never show your face to me again!

Wealthy Merchant: *sigh* Is this another one of those times when you need a beating to really drive the point home?

Marguerite: Now, now... That is NOT BEAUTIFUL!

Marguerite: Controlling the dreams and lives of others- and worse, not even deigning to do it by your own hand... That is the very opposite of beauty- it is cowardice!

Marguerite: You wouldn't know true BEAUTY if it was staring you in the face- and it IS! Look at it. How beautiful it is to have a son who cares for you!

Marguerite: Open your eyes! Be a father to your child!

Wealthy Merchant: I am. This is me teaching DISCIPLINE!

Marguerite: I reject it. These BEAUTIFUL boys are to be cherished and protected- and I shall do just that.

Marguerite: Come, meet your end at my blade- I promise it will be BEAUTIFUL.

Nimbus: You really gave them a trashin' there, huh?

Marguerite: Perhaps I overdid it a bit. It was a slightly... less than beautiful end result.

Nimbus: Depends on who ask, I guess. These guys sure don't seem to think so...

Scott: Marguerite... You'll be going home soon, right?

Marguerite: I suppose so- our vacation is almost at an end.

Scott: Um... I'd like you to have this!

Marguerite: Oh my. Did you all pick this out for me?

Scott: Y-yes. We wanted to make a promise. That we bros won't ever forget you. And that you won't ever forget us.

Scott: But, if we got you something physical, it would just like, fade away over time, all ephemeral and stuff, you know? That's why we chose this instead.

Marguerite: That's sweet of you. Those are kind words, Scott, You've really grown.

Scott: Say... Would you think it's stupid if I said... I kind of want to patch things up with my old man?

Scott: I just feel like- even though he did some REAL cringe stuff- I might want to talk to him again some day.

Marguerite: I don't think that's stupid.

Marguerite: I think it's BEAUTIFUL. Just like the three of you! I'm proud to have met you.

Three Bros: Th-thank you!

John: Goodbye, Marguerite- No... Goodbye, BRO. You may be a girl, but that doesn't mean you can't be our bro!

Gary: That's right! We'll never forget you, bro.

Nimbus: You know Marguerite, I had you pegged wrong. You're actually a pretty good person.

Marguerite: Well, it certainly took you a while to come to that realization!

Nimbus: Let's get going. Alk and Stella are gonna start sulkin' if you ignore them for much longer.

Marguerite: You're right, I need to give them more careful attention. I'll dedicate the remainder of our vacation to them!

Marguerite: Ah... What a BEAUTIFUL day.