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Episode 1
Let's get GORGEOUS!

Alk and Stella encounter an unruly group of thugs when a mysterious woman by the name of Marguerite, claiming to be a pursuer of all things gorgeous, comes to their rescue.

Alk: Uh-oh.

Alk: Um, excuse me. Could you please let us through?

Greasy Goon: "Could you pwease let us through?" Hah! I dunno... What do you boys think?

Grimy Thug: Where are you lovebirds off to in such a hurry anyway? Off to have a good time?

Grungy Robber: How about lettin' us tag along too? Whatcha say? Gahahaha!

Stella: Feel free to join us.

Stella: I can't guarantee whether you'll have a good time or not, however.

Grungy Robber: Hey... You makin' fun of us?

Stella: Not at all. If you wish to join us, feel free to do so.

Grungy Robber: You're DEFINITELY makin' fun of us!

???: Ahem! That isn't very GORGEOUS of you!

Gorgeous Beauty: You foolishly underestimate their strength with your vulgar behavior. And not only that...

Gorgeous Beauty: It's clear as day that you don't believe in yourselves! NOT gorgeous.

Grungy Robber: What the hell are you goin' on about, lady? Keep your nose out of our busi—

Marguerite: The name's Marguerite, pursuer of all things GORGEOUS. And don't you forget it!

Alk: G-gorgeous?

Stella: What provoked you to attack those men? They simply wanted to join us.

Marguerite: So PURE! So HUMBLE! Truly... GORGEOUS! But you musn't let this way of thinking sully your beauty!

Grungy Robber: Damn... you! Nobody gets away... with mockin'... me!

Marguerite: Now look upon his fury—an ugly reflection of his twisted heart responding to your purity!

Stella: My... purity?

Marguerite: Indeed! Self-loathing impedes his light within that surely once shone on the outside...

Marguerite: Do you understand now? What's diminishing your light is none other than yourself!

Grungy Robber: Shut UP already!

Marguerite: Not a bad punch.

Marguerite: But you're a fool if you think such an unconfident fist could defeat me!

Marguerite: Allow me to show you TRUE beauty!

Greasy Goon: B-Boss!

Grimy Thug: Pull yourself together!

Marguerite: Right there! Do you feel it now? Beautiful, GORGEOUS camaraderie!

Marguerite: Now stand proudly and gorgeously! You too can be beautiful—you only need to believe!

Marguerite: Believe me, boys, you'll be knockin' em dead in no time!

Marguerite: And on that note... Can either of you two tell me where I am?

Marguerite: I thought for sure I'd sunk to the bottom of the sea... But somehow I ended up on an unfamiliar rooftop.

Marguerite: I never thought I'd end up meeting travelers from another world! I truly am a blessed woman.

Alk: Wait, you believe me? Just like that?

Marguerite: I just so happen to be aquainted with quite a few drifters myself from all the seas, if you catch my drift. Nothing I haven't heard before, darling.

Marguerite: Besides, I FEEL that I can trust you! What more do you need than that, really?

Stella: Do you mean to say you would like to accompany us?

Stella: I'm certain we can find a way for you to return to your world. That, and... I am curious to learn more about you.

Marguerite: Who am I to refuse an invitation from such a GORGEOUS beauty! Yes, yes... I gladly accept!

Marguerite: I'd be simply DELIGHTED to tell you more about not only myself, but everything that makes our world GORGEOUS!

Marguerite: But I must warn you—not everyone has what it takes to appreciate TRUE beauty, for it comes in all forms and shapes!

Stella: Bring it on.

Marguerite: Yes, YES! Another GORGEOUS answer, darling!

Alk: *sigh* We've got a real card on our hands this time, don't we?

Episode 2
Beauty Isn't Skin Deep!

Alk and Light help a young girl find her missing ring in a muddy river. Upon seeing such a beautiful display of selflessness, Marguerite joins them.

Girl: Oh no... What do I do?

Light: What's the matter, Alk?

Alk: That girl over there... Do you think she could use our help?

Light: Hmm. It wouldn't hurt to ask.

Alk: Yeah, you're right. Uh... Excuse me, little girl! Are you okay?

Girl: O-oh, sorry! I, um, I dropped my ring down there...

Alk: Oh no! Did it fall into the waterway?

Light: Is it important?

Girl: I-it's not expensive or anything, but... my grandmother gave it to me.

Light: Say no more, child. I'll handle this.

Alk: You good down there, Light?

Light: Ngh... It smells worse than Nimbus's breath here. I can't see much down here, to be honest.

Light: Sorry, Alk. Looks like this may take a while. Mind heading on back without me?

Alk: Actually, let me help you out. Besides, you'll need someone here in case you start drowning.

Girl: I'm so sorry... Thank you so much!

Alk: Nah, don't thank me. Mr. Champion here's the real hero. I'm just the sidekick.

Light: "Mr. Champion?" I'm merely fulfilling my duty as—

Marguerite: Simply... GORGEOUS!

Marguerite: What a sight to behold—even in the grimiest of sludge, the brilliant splendor of brotherhood shines through!

Marguerite: I have not SEEN such beauty! As a pursuer of all things gorgeous I insist you let me play my part! Hyah!

Groupie: Why, M-Miss Marguerite! What in the world are you doing?

Marguerite: Ahahaha! Isn't it obvious? I'm hot in the pursuit of beauty!

Groupie: Wh-what does that have to do with beauty?! Let's go, everyone!

Marguerite: Now then! How may I be of assistance?

Alk: You jumped in here without knowing that?!

Marguerite: Well, obviously you have a GORGEOUS reason for mucking about in this filth.

Light: Wait, what are you—

Girl: I'm helping too! It's my special ring, after all!

Marguerite: Yes, that's the spirit! What a GORGEOUS day to be beautiful!

Alk: Blegh, my armor's all gooey and smelly now. I hope it can wash off somehow...

Light: Hmph. I'll be lucky if this stench wears off my fur anytime soon.

Marguerite: Ahahaha! What are you talking about? A little filth is no match against all this BEAUTY!

Alk: I mean, YOU might be able to pull off the mud-covered look, but I dunno about the rest of us.

Marguerite: Beauty isn't skin-deep, Alk. Don't you see? We're ALL gorgeous on this blessed day!

Marguerite: That being said, it's hardly my style to stay this dirty for so long!

Marguerite: So let us be off to a place where we can cleanse and be radiant once again!

Alk: You mean a bath, right?

Alk: You're not thinking of joining us, are you?!

Marguerite: But of course. Don't mind me!

Light: I do mind, thank you very much!