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Episode 1
Thrill Seeker

While on a quest to defeat the kraken in some nearby ruins, Alk and Light meet the treasure hunter Marcus. After hearing about the World Flipper from them, Marcus asks to join them in the hopes of finding new thrills to quench his thirst for adventure.

Alk: Phew! Looks like these ruins are filled with monsters after all.

Light: You should really conserve your strength for the kraken we've been asked to take down, but I don't know if that's-

Light: You there! Show yourself!

Cheerful Man: Ha, you got me! I'm impressed. It takes a lot of skill to sniff out yours truly. Now you've got something to brag about to your buddies back home.

Light: Uh... Who might you be?

Marcus: Y-you don't recognize me!? What kind of backwoods Float are you two-

Marcus: Hold on a minute. Those clothes... Drifters, right?

Marcus: What's your business in these ruins? Trying to make a living on bounties or something?

Alk: We received a request from a nearby Float to take down a kraken that has made these ruins its nest.

Marcus: Oh... So you're monster hunting, eh?

Marcus: Then this meeting must be a blessing from the sea goddess in disguise! Mind if I join you on your little adventure? At least till you beat the kraken.

Marcus: I was just thinking I should really do something about that nasty beast anyway.

Alk: Well... We would appreciate the extra firepower.

Marcus: Then it's settled! Now, why don't you two tell me about your home worlds while we make our way to the final boss?

Marcus: A World Flipper?! Now I've heard everything! I thought you guys just got stuck here like other drifters.

Marcus: But here you are, hopping around to all sorts of different worlds!

Alk: Yeah... I know it sounds like a fairy tale, but that's our story. Do you really believe us?

Marcus: Of course I do. You don't seem like the type to lie. Besides, it's more fun if I believe you.

Alk: Fun, huh? Yeah, I guess that's true.

Marcus: Just imagine all the worlds unseen! Ruins unexplored! TREASURES for the taking! There's no telling what kind of thrills-

Light: Hold that thought! We'll have to save this conversation for later!

Light: That's the kraken we're after! Get ready, Alk, Marcus!

Marcus: Damn, there's too many of them! Sorry about this, boys, but...

Alk: Hey! What are you doing, Marcus?!

Alk: Ah! Whoa!

Marcus: ...There!

Alk: Ow... Ow, ow, ow...

Marcus: Sorry to leave that beast to you without warning. You did a good job pretending to panic.

Alk: Well... All those tentacles were a pain. If you needed a distraction so you could aim at its vitals, who am I to stop you?

Marcus: ...Heh. You're more experienced in combat than I thought.

Marcus: Still, you're a pretty good sport if you can laugh about being made a decoy!

Marcus: Don't get too soft though. You might end up getting tricked by some shady fellow! Be careful out there.

Light: Marcus? Where are you-

Marcus: I said we'd only work together until the kraken was taken down, didn't I? Kraken's gone, so I'm out!

Light: What a strange fellow. Going off of his moves, he seems quite skilled, but you don't feel particularly guarded around him...

Alk: Yeah, we were even talking about the World Flipper with him.

Alk: Anyway, let's go report back to our contact. I'm sure they'll be happy to know their Float is safe!

Client: You dirty rotten thieves! What did you do with the treasure?!

Alk: Wait, what?!

Client: Don't play dumb! Our survey team said the treasure protected by the kraken has disappeared without a trace!

Alk: There was treasure there?! We left as soon as we defeated the kraken!

Light: Hold on... Could it have been... Marcus?

Client: Y-you two are in leagues with the Thrill Seeker?! How dare you trick us!

Alk: We didn't! If anything, we're the ones who-

???: You're the ones doing the tricking. You used Alk and Light here to get rid of your little kraken problem, didn't you?

Marcus: As for the treasure, that's right! I, Marcus, the great treasure hunter, am its new keeper!

Light: Now, Alk!

Client: H-hold it right there, Marcus! You five, after them!

Alk: Phew, that was a close one... Marcus really was famous around here.

Light: More like infamous. What exactly did he do to garner such a reputation?

Marcus: Nothing major. Just taking out business rivals with traps in the ruins or picking fights with pirates.

Alk: Ahaha... Well, I guess we should still thank you for the save back there.

Marcus: Ha! You really are a good sport! You know, if I hadn't stolen that treasure, those jerks wouldn't have threatened you.

Alk: Yeah, but you came to save us, right? You didn't have to do that, but you did, and that's what matters.

Marcus: Jeez, don't look at me with those innocent eyes. I'm glad you understand, though.

Marcus: ...Hey, mind taking me with you two?

Alk: Wow... So you really do believe our story about the World Flipper.

Light: I see no problem. Welcome aboard, Marcus.

Alk: But in return, you'll have to help us out on our adventures, got it?

Marcus: Damn, and here I thought I was getting a free ride... That's fine by me, but I wasn't expecting that from you softies.

Alk: Well, if we're too soft, we'll get tricked by some shady fellow, right?

Marcus: Ha! Right you are! All right, consider my interest piqued! Let's go!

Episode 2
A Thrilling Price

Joined by Alk and friends, Marcus searches for a ruin in the desert and finds it beneath quicksand. Taking the treasure inside triggers the ruin's guardians, which pushes the gang into a tight spot. Marcus decides to toss the treasure aside to save everyone, claiming that the thrill of the adventure was good enough.

Marcus: What a sight! A beach as far as the eye can see! Now this feels like another world. I can feel my very soul tingling!

Nimbus: It ain't no beach. It's just sand. That's it.

Marcus: Details, details. But never mind that. THIS is what I'm here for!

Marcus: According to the ancient texts I found, there should be ruins and treasure somewhere in this area.

Alk: The ruins are supposed to be where this mark is, right? What's this writing here?

Marcus: Those are ancient glyphs. "Those who seek the light of the ruins, jump readily into the seas of sand."

Alk: Wow! What about this part? What does it say?

Marcus: Who knows? I didn't bother to decipher it.

Alk: Uh... Is that okay?

Marcus: Come on now, what's an adventure without a little dose of the unknown? It's more thrilling this way.

Nimbus: Hey... Are you trying to get us killed or something?

Marcus: "Us"? Are you guys coming with me?

Alk: Well, letting you go alone at this rate feels irresponsible.

Nimbus: Yeah, something tells me you won't last long without us...

Nimbus: What? You got a problem with that?

Marcus: No... I was wondering how you softies wound up with such weird taste in friends and activities.

Marcus: Well, in that case, I welcome you to Marcus' Grand Tour of Thrills!

Alk: I'd prefer a thrill-free tour myself, but I don't think that's gonna happen.

Light: According to the map, the ruins should be around here... But I see no structures of any kind.

Nimbus: Maybe that map's a fake? Or the ruins are long gone.

Marcus: No... My gut's telling me this is the place. I can practically smell the adventures waiting for us!

Marcus: Here comes the welcoming committee. Unfortunately for them, they caught me in a thrill-seeking mood!

Marcus: Ha! Too easy... Hm?

Nimbus: Crud, quicksand! Get away from there!

Nimbus: The hell are you doing?! You're gonna get sucked in!

Marcus: "Jump readily into the seas of sand," was it? All right, have it your way!

Nimbus: That idiot!

Alk: You've got to be kidding me!

Marcus: Ha! I was right!

Marcus: Look who decided to tag along. Guess you've got an eye for adventure yourself.

Nimbus: Yeah, right! You jumped into that quicksand, so I followed you in to save your ass! What else was I supposed to do?

Marcus: All right, all right, calm down. There's adrenaline-pumping thrills ahead of us, so why don't we try to enjoy them?

Nimbus: Wait, don't touch that! Treasure wouldn't be out here in the open!

Marcus: So you think it's a trap? ...Good eye. You've got the markings of a great thrill seeker.

Nimbus: What did I just-

Marcus: Ha, a trigger, huh? Now things are getting interesting!

Nimbus: Remind me to give you a good slug later!

Nimbus: Tch! How many of these are there?!

Alk: Marcus! Put the device back!

Light: These guardians are set the protect these ruins! They will continue their pursuit of you until you let go of the device!

Nimbus: Where did you guys come from?!

Stella: We took a shortcut. It was written in the ancient texts.

Marcus: Wait, you deciphered the rest of the glyphs?! I should make you my sidekick!

Light: Now is not the time for wisecracks! The glyphs she deciphered read, "Should the light of the ruins be lost, all will return to the sands!"

Marcus: Oh, so we just gotta get out of here before the ruins collapse!

Alk: What?! No! You have to put that thing back!

Light: Urgh... We mustn't dally here! Quickly, to the exit!

Nimbus: Dammit! We're done for!

Marcus: *sigh* Looks like this adventure must come to an end.

Marcus: Thanks for the thrills. It was fun while it lasted!

Alk: *huff* *huff* W-we barely made it!

Marcus: Man, the ruins sure are... in ruin. That treasure's long gone now.

Alk: Yeah, but if you hadn't returned it, we probably would've been buried alive along with it.

Nimbus: You know, you probably could've gotten away with the treasure if you just left us there.

Marcus: I suppose I could've... But it doesn't matter. It's the thrills and adventure I'm after.

Marcus: Besides, who needs treasure when you've got friends like these?

Nimbus: Ha. With a friend like you, who needs enemies?

Marcus: Anyway, I'm sure we'll find even better ruins in the future.

Light: While I certainly don't mind such expeditions... I ask that you at least fully decipher any glyphs beforehand.

Marcus: Ah, right... Guess I'll be calling on you for help, Stella.

Stella: I'll do my best.

Episode 3
To My Beloved

After deciding on a present for his beloved, Marcus drags Alk and the others on a quest to retrieve a stolen tiara from a band of pirates. Once they complete their mission, Marcus places the tiara on a sea goddess statue that watches over the place he was found as a baby. With his gratitude now expressed, Marcus begins planning his next thrilling adventures.

Marcus: Hm... What to do... My reputation as a man is at stake here!

Nimbus: Could he be any more obvious? If he wants help, he can just ask...

Alk: Is everything okay, Marcus?

Marcus: Alk! Buddy, pal! I'm glad you asked!

Marcus: You see, I'm trying to decide on a gift for my beloved.

Marcus: Any ideas? I need something that will make her really swoon.

Alk: Uh... I mean, I don't know this person, so I can't really say...

Marcus: Oh, don't worry about that. I don't really "know" her either.

Alk: Huh? Then how is she your beloved? Wait... Are you just making her up?

Marcus: No, no, no. My beloved is just very shy. She'd never tell me what she wants outright.

Nimbus: So quit stalking her then. We ain't bailing you out when you get caught.

Marcus: Do I LOOK like the kind of person who would stalk someone?! Surely you don't think THAT lowly of me!

Light: Oh a serious note, I doubt any of us would be helpful when it comes to romantic gifts...

Alk: Hm... If you don't know what she wants, maybe focus on what you'd personally like to give her instead.

Marcus: What I want to give her, huh...

Marcus: That's it! A tiara! And I've got just the one in mind too!

Alk: Uh-oh, I've got a bad feeling about this...

Marcus: That settles it! Looks like we're going tiara shopping!

Nimbus: Shopping, my ass! This is goddamn theft!

Light: They may be corsairs themselves, but stealing is still stealing!

Marcus: Don't get it twisted, boys. These pirates were the ones who stole the tiara from me.

Marcus: It happened two years ago...

Marcus: These thieves challenged me to a fight, with the treasure on the line. It sounded like fun, so I went along with it...

Marcus: But then they snuck off with the treasure while I was distracted!

Marcus: Dammit... Now I'm mad all over again!

Marcus: This time, revenge will be mine! Haha, come on, let's show these thieves what we're made of!

Pirate Crew Member: M-Marcus?! You DARE to show your face on OUR ship?! We'll make you walk the plank for this!

Nimbus: Dammit, why can't we ever have a trouble-free adventure with you?!

Marcus: Come on, I'll make it worth your while later, okay?

Marcus: I'm going after their captain! You guys deal with these small fries!

Nimbus: All right, but you OWE us! Don't you dare forget!

Marcus: Hey, I'm here for my tiara. Hand it over, and nobody gets hurt!

Pirate Captain: Nobody gets hurt, my foot! You lot have torn up my entire ship! Considering all the trouble you caused, I should just keep the damn tiara!

Pirate Captain: Urk... Still a top-notch fighter, I see... But it doesn't matter! Your life ends here!

Pirate Captain: Gahahaha! Top-notch or not, even YOU can't take on an army by yourself!

Marcus: ...You're right. Which is why I'm not going to!

Nimbus: Hey, Marcus, you still kicking?!

Pirate Captain: What?! YOU have allies?!

Marcus: Strange, isn't it? Thought I'd be a lone wolf forever, but here we are.

Pirate Captain: W-well... You're still outnumbered! You won't escape your fate this time! Get 'em, boys!

Marcus: That takes care of them... Thanks for your help.

Nimbus: Yeah, yeah. Don't try to smooth talk your way outta this one.

Marcus: Come on now, there's no need to be upset. These pirates have one heck of a bounty on their heads. Turning them in will net you a profit for sure.

Alk: Is this what you meant by making it worth our while?

Alk: So this is your beloved, huh?

Light: The sea goddess... That certainly sounds like Marcus' type.

Nimbus: So she was just made-up after all.

Marcus: She is NOT made-up!

Marcus: I owe my life to the goddess... And it was about time I paid her back.

Alk: Oh?

Elderly Woman: Oh my! Who would abandon a poor little baby here of all places? There, there, little one...

Old Man: You know... Maybe the little tyke's the son of the sea goddess. He might just have her blessing!

Marcus: Well... My business here is done. Time to get going.

Alk: Huh? What's that?

Marcus: An old ship's log that I bought on the black market. The merchant said it was left behind by one of the great Captain Jacques' henchmen.

Marcus: And some of these pages reek of treasure! I can tell this baby'll lead us to the mother lode!

Nimbus: "Us"? Nope. Sorry. You're on your own for this one.

Marcus: Huh? Why? I thought you said letting me go alone was irresponsible!

Alk: Well... I guess we need to let you take SOME responsibility.

Marcus: Aw, don't be like that! We're talking buried treasure here! It's almost guaranteed to be a thrilling adventure! Hey! Come on!