Mana Board

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The Mana Board is one of the primary ways to strengthen units in World Flipper.


  • Each unit has a unique mana board made up of several pathways of connected nodes which can be unlocked by spending Mana.png Mana and elemental/ether materials to enhance the unit's abilities.
  • Once you have unlocked every node on a unit's mana board and raised that unit to their base level cap, you will receive an Amity Scroll.png Amity Scroll.
    • With the addition of Mana Board 2, you can receive another Amity Scroll.png Amity Scroll upon fully unlocking the Unit's second mana board.
    • Players in total receives 2 Amity Scroll.png Amity Scroll, 2 character title trophies, and an updated crown indicating full unit completion.
  • Mana Board 1 nodes have a minimum level requirement to unlock:
    • Level 40 is required to access Ability 3.
  • Mana Board 2 nodes also have a minimum level requirement to unlock:
    • Level 90 is required to access Ability 4.
    • Level 95 is required to access Ability 5.
    • Level 100 is required to access Ability 6.

Node Types

Ability: Unlock a new passive Ability for the unit and enhance its performance.

Skill: Upgrade the unit's active Skill and reduce the Skill Gauge required to activate it.

Unit Episode: Unlock a new episode of the unit's story to read. These nodes do not cost resources.

  • This node has been retired and unit episodes are instantly unlocked by simply owning them[1].

Mana Board 1

The costs shown below are the typical costs to fully unlock a unit's mana board.

Material 1-2* Units 3-5* Units Limited Units Notes
T1 element cycle.gif 194 212 420 Obtain from The Kaleidoscope and Boss Battles
T2 element cycle.gif 99 179 383 Obtain from The Kaleidoscope, The Kaleidoscope Necropolis, The Trove and Boss Battles
T3 element cycle.gif 43 99 199 Obtain from The Kaleidoscope, The Kaleidoscope Necropolis, The Trove and Boss Battles
T4 element cycle.gif 10 30 46 Obtain from The Kaleidoscope, The Kaleidoscope Necropolis, The Trove and Boss Battles
Dreamers Crest.png 10 31 31 Obtain from The Kaleidoscope, The Kaleidoscope Necropolis and Boss Battles. The recommended source is Necropolis level 70.
Mana.png 46,560 113,240 113,240 Obtain from all game modes.

Mana Board 2

Mana Board 2, also known as "MB2", is another set of abilities(4/5/6) that unlock for units that can potentially either minimally or greatly aid their performance with their uniquely boosted kits. In order to advance to the second mana board, the minimum requirement units must do is complete their first mana board and be level 90.

The costs shown below are the costs to fully unlock a unit's MB2:

Mana Board 2 Cost
Materials Cost Notes
Dreamers Crest.png 117 The recommended source is Necropolis level 70.
T3 element cycle.gif 76 Obtain from The Kaleidoscope.
T4 element cycle.gif 250 Obtain from The Kaleidoscope or Godly+ Solo Boss Challenges.
T5 ether cycle.gif 304 Obtain from Solo Boss Challenges.
T6 ether cycle.gif 142 Obtain from Solo Boss Challenges.
T7 ether cycle.gif 74 Obtain from Solo Boss Challenges.
Mana.png 180,000 Obtain from all game modes.

Note: Unlike MB1, MB2's cost requires the same amount of materials regardless of unit's rarity.

Available Mana Board 2

Wave 1

Mana Board 2.1.jpg

Wave 2

Mana Board 2.2.jpg

Wave 3

Mana Board 2.3.jpg

Wave 4

Mana Board 2.4.png

Wave 5

Mana Board 2.5.png

Wave 6

Mana Board 2.6.jpg

Wave 7

Mana Board 2.7.png

Wave 8

Mana Board 2.8.png

Wave 9

Mana Board 2.9.png

Wave 10

Mana Board 2.10.png

Wave 11

Mana Board 2.11.png

Wave 12

Mana Board 2.12.png

Wave 13

Mana Board 2.13.jpg

Wave 14

Mana Board 2.14.jpg

Wave 15

Mana Board 2.15.jpg
Mana Board 2.15.2.jpg