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Episode 1
Healer of the Sea

Alk and the others join a monster hunt as mercenaries, where they meet the healer leading the Float, Mamnalia. When Alk is attacked by a poisonous monster, Mamnalia suggests she stay in Starview Village to oversee his recovery.

Nimbus: Tch, they just keep coming! How you holding up?

Alk: I'm okay, but I don't know how many more of these I can handle!

Squadron Members: That's right! Keep it up! Fight them off with everything ya got!

Squadron Members: Second battalion, reporting in! Hurry, take the injured to the rear!

Alk: Wow... These guys know how to fight.

Nimbus: No kidding. I thought we were done for back there...

Squadron Members: Nngh... Not yet! We can still-

???: Hehe, you've done your part. Rest now.

Alk: Huh? My wounds... They're gone!

Squadron Members: You've finally arrived, Lady Mamnalia!

Mamnalia: Well done, everyone. Thank you for securing the frontline.

Mamnalia: From this point on, I, Mamnalia, shall assume command of the advancing squadrons. Now who's with me?

Squadron Members: Yeeaaah!

Alk: Wait, so she single-handedly won the battle on the other boats too?

Light: Indeed she did. I was only there for the tail end of the scuffle, but from what I saw, her magic and rallying cry completely turned the tides.

Stella: Her magic felt so warm.

Mamnalia: Excuse me... Could I ask for a moment of your time?

Mamnalia: You are the mercenaries we hired for this battle, correct? You have my gratitude for supporting our troops.

Mamnalia: I am Mamnalia. a master in healing arts and head of the Float that hired you. Are you all unharmed?

Alk: Ah, yeah, we're fine. Your magic healed us up!

Mamnalia: Hehe, you're a strong one, aren't you? The soldiers on your boat sang your praises, you know. They said you really helped them out.

Mamnalia: Good... I see no debilitating injuries.

Light: Are you taking care of all these people alone?

Mamnalia: Not exactly. My students are helping me perform my duties.

Alk: Um... Is there anything we can do to help?

Mamnalia: Oh my, what a sweet boy you are. In that case, I suppose I could find something for you to do.

Mamnalia: There, all finished. You certainly did a number on your body. No more overexerting yourself, understand?

Squadron Member: Urgh... I'm sorry, but there's something I must-

Mamnalia: I am eternally grateful for your dedication and service up until this point. You did well.

Mamnalia: Which is why it pains me to see you make light of your own health. If you will not rest for your own sake... will you at least do so for mine?

Alk: That was amazing... You knew just what to say to calm him down...

Mamnalia: Hehe, thank you. But I'm only doing what I can.

Mamnalia: I still have a long ways to go before I'll be able to help people the world over.

Alk: Huh? Is that your goal?

Mamnalia: That's right. You would know something about that, wouldn't you? Crimson Blades.

Alk: So you knew...

Mamnalia: Yes... I've actually been looking forward to the day we could finally meet.

Mamnalia: Your method of helping others allows you to save those I cannot.

Mamnalia: I just don't know HOW you do it. So I believe there is much I can learn from you.

Squadron Members: M-monsters! They're back!

Alk: What? How?! We already defeated so many of them...

Mamnalia: Stella, stand back! Alk, please protect the injured!

Alk: Hey!

Stella: Alk!

Alk: Mm... Huh? We're back home... What happened?

Nimbus: Idiot! Don't scare us like that!

Mamnalia: Alk, you probably don't recall this, but you were poisoned by a monster.

Light: Fortunately for you, the World Flipper was close by. I apologies, Lady Mamnalia... We dragged you here without any explanation.

Mamnalia: No, that's all right. I'm happy to know you trust me enough to reveal this place to me.

Alk: So that's what happened... Thank you for helping me, Mamnalia.

Alk: Huh? What's wrong, Stella?

Mamnalia: Oh, she's fine. She and I just had a nice long chat... And I do believe you need a good talking to as well.

Mamnalia: Alk... Rushing into a situation where you KNOW you are at a disadvantage is nothing short of foolhardiness.

Alk: Urgh... Yes, ma'am...

Mamnalia: And if you think you are doing this for the sake of others... How do you think it feels to watch someone throw their life away for you?

Alk: I... I promise that's not what I was trying to do. I just jumped in without thinking.

Mamnalia: Is that so? Well, if that's really what happened...

Mamnalia: Then I am even more certain that I have much to learn from you.

Alk: Huh?

Mamnalia: I also wish to oversee your recovery. Would it be all right if I stayed here while I observe my patient?

Light: You'd be doing us a service if you did, but... Is that all right with you, Stella?

Stella: Of course. Welcome to Starview Village, Mamnalia.

Mamnalia: Thank you. In that case, I should send word to my people as well.

Mamnalia: I look forward to working with you all.

Episode 2
Healing Master

Mamnalia and Alk are caught up in a shift with a band of thieves who ran into the Kaleidoscope to escape. Despite the grave situation, Mamnalia still prioritizes helping others above all else, and as such, she is able to calm the frightened thieves. Touched by her kindness, the thieves turn themselves in to the Guild Knights upon returning home.

Guild Knights: Our squadron will explore the left and right paths. You two take the road straight ahead.

Alk: Are you sure we should split up? I know we're only in the shallows, but still...

Guild Knights: The band of thieves we're chasing aren't very skilled in combat. Believe me, we're trying to find them quickly for THEIR sake, not ours.

Guild Knights: Now then, move out!

Mamnalia: So this is the Kaleidoscope... What an awe-inspiring place...

Alk: Sorry to get you wrapped up in this, Mamnalia. Right in the middle of your shopping trip too...

Mamnalia: Hehe. That's quite all right. I'm actually rather enjoying myself.

Mamnalia: Besides, I cannot ignore someone in need, even in another world. And now I know how people help others here.

Alk: Wow... You're super serious about the whole helping others thing, huh?

Mamnalia: Is that how it seems? That's nice to hear.

Mamnalia: ...Isn't there something you want to ask me?

Alk: Huh? Uh, I mean, you seem like a nice person and all, but I-

Mamnalia: Hehe, I should have been more specific. I was asking if you were curious as to why I'm here observing you all.

Mamnalia: Unfortunately, I don't really have an answer. I just find you and Stella so fascinating.

Alk: But why us?

Mamnalia: I suppose for the same reason Light is with you.

Alk: Huh? What's Light got to do with anything?

Mamnalia: Hehe, let's just say that both Light and I love you and Stella very, very much.

Alk: We're going to leave the shallows at this rate... Just how far down did they go?

???: Waaah!

Alk: You guys okay?!

Thin Thief: G-g-get us outta here! Please! I beg of yo-

Mamnalia: There... You should be fine as long as you don't move too much.

Injured Thief: Sorry for the hassle, miss. I'll remember this...

Alk: I think we're safe for the time being. We'll just have to wait until the next shift...

Mamnalia: Oh dear... But I'd like to find somewhere safe to rest...

Thin Thief: This is it, man... We're done for... We got caught up in one of them damn shift things... We're gonna die here...

Rugged Thief: Th-this is all your fault! It was YOUR bright idea to escape into the Kaleidoscope!

Thin Thief: H-how was I suppose to know we'd-

Mamnalia: Now, now... That's enough fighting.

Thin Thief: Who you think you're talkin' to-

Mamnalia: There's no need to raise your voice like that. We're all safe, and we'll be back home before you know it.

Thin Thief: Wh-what are you tryin' to do, lady?!

Mamnalia: That's it. Let go of all your fears... Your pain... I shall deal with them all.

Mamnalia: You too, come over here. There, there...

Mamnalia: Much better. Now... We have some time before the shifts calm down, so why don't you tell us about yourselves?

Thin Thief: Y-you just wanna sit down and talk? You've got guts, lady, I'll give you that...

Thin Thief: ...Guess you're right, though. The hell with it. Let's talk.

Rugged Thief: Yeah... And hey, sorry about before.

Injured Thief: Man... What a woman...

Alk: I know, right?

Light: Thank goodness you're both all right!

Alk: Light, Nimbus! It's good to see you two!

Nimbus: The hell are you so happy about? You were stuck in a shift with a buncha thieves, weren't you?

Alk: Ah, well, they were pretty well-behaved, thanks to Mamnalia.

Thin Thief: W-we made it back! Just like you said! Oh, thank you... Thank you!

Mamnalia: You're very welcome. Now make sure your friend gets the rest he needs, okay?

Rugged Thief: Of course! Thank you again, miss!

Alk: You scared me a bit, you know that? Those guys were pretty intense, so I didn't even think about stepping in to stop their fight.

Mamnalia: Hehe, I suppose most people wouldn't. But I'm already familiar with such situations.

Mamnalia: And I can only do what I know, just like everyone else.

Mamnalia: That's why I want to know every little thing about every individual I come across.

Alk: So you can save them?

Mamnalia: That is my mission, yes... Do you think me strange?

Alk: Your mission, huh...? I guess that way of thinking is kinda weird to me.

Mamnalia: Hehe, I'm sure it is.

Mamnalia: After all, I find you just as strange. I could never leap into a situation I know nothing about like you do.

Mamnalia: But that just makes me more curious about you and Stella. I can't help but want to help you... And I suspect Light feels the same way.

Alk: So in other words, the one thing we all have in common is that we don't understand the other side's point of view.

Alk: You see, I actually ended up with a pretty bad stomach wound once... Nimbus was really, REALLY mad and-

Mamnalia: Oh, dear... No wonder those two are always so worried.

Episode 3
Fear and Courage

As an active underwater volcano threatens the Endless Blue, Mamnalia works with Alk and the other to fight the threat. She uses her connections to call on the Gaean Navy, surrounding pirates, and even the mermaids, who inform her the threat is not a volcano, but a follower of the Devourer of Stars. Mamnalia then leads an army and successfully drives the creature away.

Float Manager: Our squadron's investigation has revealed an active underwater volcano located nearby.

Float Manager: This volcano activity is expected to cause tsunamis and increased water temperatures. These changes will no doubt affect the local ecosystems as well.

Float Dweller: Then... what happens if the volcano doesn't calm down?

Float Manager: We cannot say for sure, but evacuation is a possibility.

Float Manager: Such decisions will be made after further investigations are concluded. We ask for your patience.

Mamnalia: So the monster activity has also risen...

Float Manager: That seems to be a result of the rising sea temperatures. This in turn is having an adverse effect on the fishing industry.

Float Manager: We're also seeing an increase in insomnia cases among citizens. They all say they're having bad dreams, likely due to the stress...

Squadron Leader: Lady Mamnalia... We ask that you decide whether we relocate or not.

Mamnalia: I... still have my doubts. Please give me a little more time.

Nimbus: Looks like this ain't no one-time thing.

Light: I agree... Lady Mamnalia, while I sympathize with your plight, we must act fast if you want to-

Mamnalia: Stella, Alk... What would you two do?

Mamnalia: I'm out of options, and my power alone isn't enough. Yet this obstacle before my eyes does not bend.

Mamnalia: Surely you wouldn't buckle under these circumstances, would you? What would you do?

Alk: ...I'd ask for help from my friends.

Stella: Agreed. We can do this, Mamnalia.

Mamnalia: Hehe, you two never cease to amaze me.

Mamnalia: I knew you would have an answer.

Mamnalia: It's been a while, Quazer. How is the student I send over doing?

Mamnalia: Now, now, there's no need to be so grumpy. You see, I have a request...

Mamnalia: Yes, the medical team... Thank you. Give my regards to the captain.

AMamnalialk: What's your rank now... Oh my, second lieutenant? I suppose I should address you properly then. Hm? It feels wrong? Hehe, don't be like that.

Mamnalia: Oh dear, so Paradise Isle is also suffering... Then how about this? We'll send over a medical team, and then in exchange...

Mamnalia: Yes, I'm sure we can do this. I have the utmost faith in all of us.

Alk: Sh-she sure is connected...

Light: Just how well-known is she?

Mamnalia: Oh this? I just happen to have many former students in high places. But back to the matter at hand...

Mamnalia: I believe you are acquainted with the mermaids, correct? Could you possibly introduce us?

Light: So... The Gaean government sent more medical staff, and you even have pirates fighting off the monsters.

Nimbus: All this does is delay the inevitable though. The volcano is the main issue here, right? What is your plan for that.

Mamnalia: Well, that depends on what the mermaids find... All we can do for now is prepare for the possibility of relocation.

Mamnalia: However... I have a sneaking suspicion that this is no natural occurrence.

Mamnalia: All the reported nightmares having one thing in common... A voice.

Mamnalia: They all said someone- or something- was calling out to them. Perhaps it's just a coincidence, but perhaps not...

Float Manager: Lady Mamnalia! We have a report from the mermaids!

Float Manager: They've confirmed a sighting of an unidentified life-form near the underwater volcano!

Float Manager: Th-they believe it to be a follower of the Devourer of Stars!

Mamnalia: Here it comes!

Mamnalia: We have made contact with the target! Be prepared for battle!

Mamnalia: Our opponent is like no other- a true beast of legends. But do not let that discourage you! We WILL drive this monster away!

Sailors: Yeeeaaah!

Mamnalia: So this is what fear feels like...

Mamnalia: It's so strong, so vast... It rages just like the sea itself...

Mamnalia: However, even the weakest of humans can and will overcome fear... This I know.

Mamnalia: What they lack in power, they make up for in determination. They will continue to fight... No matter the odds.

Mamnalia: In that case... I too must show courage.

Mamnalia: O Blessed Waters of Life! Quiet the raging conflict within your seas!

Alk: It looks like life's back to normal on the Float.

Light: Indeed. You handled this splendidly, Lady Mamnalia.

Mamnalia: Oh stop. You all played a very vital role to our victory, you know.

Mamnalia: In the past, I do not think I would have been able to fight. I would have been too concerned with the possible losses.

Mamnalia: I was only able to make the decision to fight because I believed in the others. I knew they could fight even without my assistance.

Mamnalia: And you are the ones who taught me to believe in others and the impossible... Thank you.

Alk: I'm sure you could've pulled it off somehow, even if we didn't step in.

Mamnalia: Hehe, you think too highly of me. I can only do what I know.

Mamnalia: Which means if I want to do more, I have to learn. Do you think I could visit your little village again sometime?

Stella: Of course. You are always welcome in Starview Village.

Mamnalia: Thank you very much!