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Episode 1
The Hidden Village

Alk and the others receive a request from the Diviners' Commission to investigate rumors of a village protected by a barrier. There they meet Maihime, a member of the family of shamans protecting the rumored town. After saving a yokai, they become friends with Maihime, who excitedly begins to chat with them about yokai.

Nimbus: That Suizen brat... Why's he gotta push all the annoying jobs on us?

Nimbus: Does he seriously think we're gonna find a town hidden by a barrier this far into the mountains?

Light: That's what the rumors say. It is our job to determine whether this is fact or fiction-

???: You there, stop!

Stranger: There's a barrier up ahead that repels yokai. I implore you to retrea-

Stranger: Oh... Oh my goodness! Are you a yokai?

Light: ...Neither I nor Nimbus here are yokai. Could you please calm down and give us a chance to explain?

Stranger: Huh?! N-now that you mention it... I do not sense the same spiritual energy I find in yokai...

Stranger: In that case... State your business.

Nimbus: Uh... Cold much? Shouldn't you be relieved that we're NOT yokai?

Light: We're here at the request of the Diviners' Commission. We've been sent to investigate rumors of a town hidden-

Stranger: That voice!

Small Yokai: *squeak*

Stranger: Oh no! We have to help-

Alk: S-safe...

Small Yokai: *squeak* *purr*

Stranger: Oh! I'm so glad you're all right!

Stranger: Thank you so, so much!

Alk: No need to thank me. I'm just glad I moved when I did... This little guy is a friend of yours, right?

Stranger: Please forgive my rude behavior earlier. Allow me to introduce myself.

Maihime: I am Maihime Amenohara. My family is the one maintaining the barrier around my village.

Light: So the village and barrier are both real...

Alk: You said the barrier keeps yokai out, right? So why are you friends with this yokai?

Maihime: Well...

Light: I see... So your mother was the one to erect the barrier.

Maihime: That's right... She set it up after the village was attacked, and it's been there ever since...

Maihime: We don't have any contact with the outside world, so all the villagers consider yokai to be an evil existence and fear them.

Stella: But you're different.

Maihime: That's right! Who could possibly hate such adorable, brave creatures?

Light: Yes, well... I suppose they could be considered adorable by some people.

Stella: She's right. This yokai is very cute.

Maihime: Aren't they?! Oh, I just want to squeeze them all day! Their fur feels incredibly soft, like the finest silk you've ever felt in your-

Maihime: Ah! M-my apologies! I just got carried away...

Light: You have nothing to apologize for. But getting back to our investigation...

Maihime: Ah, that's right. There should be no problem with you continuing your work.

Maihime: However, the villagers deeply fear the outside world... So I ask that you remain hidden.

Light: Understood. We do not wish to frighten the residents here either.

Alk: But how are we going to investigate without getting caught by the villagers?

Maihime: Please leave that to me. I shall be your guide.

Maihime: After all, I've been leaving the barrier in secret for a long time now.

Alk: Haha... So we're not the only ones sneaking around.

Maihime: That's right, and I'd like to say I'm quite skilled at it. After all, I cannot have anyone finding out about my own ventures outside.

Maihime: Um... I-in return for being your guide... W-would you...

Maihime: Would you please become friends with me?!

Maihime: I would love to hear more about the outside world and yokai!

Stella: Of course. Let's be friends, Maihime.

Alk: Sounds good to me. Here's to a long friendship.

Maihime: Oh, thank you! Thank you so much!

Maihime: Oh... I've always wanted friends I could discuss yokai with.

Nimbus: Uh... Does she think we're all yokai fanatics like her?

Alk: Come on, what's the harm? I'm sure Inaho and the others will be happy to hear this.

Maihime: Now then, let the yokai fan club meeting begin!

Episode 2
A Shaman's Power

Alk and the others meet Maihime's mother to learn more about a shaman's power. Light claims the commission has requested a shaman accompany them back in order to test their powers, and he suggests Maihime. After her mother agrees, Maihime quietly declares that one day, she will share her true feelings with her.

Light: That concludes our report. Now, this is purely conjecture on my part, but-

Alk: Sneaking around didn't actually slow down our investigation at all. What a nice surprise.

Stella: And it's all thanks to Maihime.

Maihime: I should be thanking you! You've taught me so much. Please feel free to ask me for anything you like.

Light: Well... We might need to take you up on that offer.

Light: The Diviners' Commission has asked us for more information on the power the shamans in your family possess.

Maihime: W-well, unfortunately... I do not know much about the nature of our powers.

Maihime: Surely my mother would be able to answer your questions, but...

Light: It seems we have no choice but to ask for your mother's cooperation with our investigation. Would we be able to meet her?

Maihime: Well... If you are set on this, I will think of something.

Maihime: Ah, but please keep it a secret that I've been helping you! Especially the part about... you know...

Alk: The part about you going outside the barrier, right? Why don't you want her to know?

Maihime: W-well, when I was very young... I once snuck out of the barrier to fight the yokai surrounding our village. I was hoping to ease the villagers' worries.

Maihime: However, I was just a child who knew nothing of the outside world... So I naturally got lost...

Maihime: That's when a yokai appeared and helped me.

Maihime: They cheered me up and walked me all the way back to the village.

Nimbus: Weren't you freaked out by the yokai helping you?

Maihime: To be honest... The were so small and cute that I didn't realize they were a yokai.

Maihime: But once my mother saw us together, she chased the yokai away. I got quite the scolding after that...

Stella: Maihime...

Maihime: Not that it mattered much. I snuck out soon after to thank the yokai that helped me.

Maihime: Once I started to get to know the yokai, I realized they weren't all evil.

Maihime: But I also understand that my mother simply wants to protect our village... it's all very complicated.

Stella: Do you want your village to remain sealed off, Maihime.

Maihime: I... don't know. I can't say for sure whether it's wise of us to distance our village from yokai or not.

Maihime: And that's why I need to know more.

Maihime: I want to be able to form my own opinion... and find an answer to your question.

Light: Right... Well, I think we could help with that. I have a plan to get you out of here.

Alk: Wow, that's new. You're not usually the scheming type.

Light: Well, we are working for Suizen, aren't we?

Maihime: Excuse me, Mother.

Maihime: This group says they've come from afar to meet with you.

Alk: Hello. We're here at the request of a group called the Diviners' Commission to learn more about the power of the-

Maihime's Mother: I am aware of the commission's existence. Welcome.

Maihime's Mother: I received a message that you would be coming soon.

Maihime's Mother: In order to further protect this village, I certainly want to build good rapport with the Diviners' Commission.

Light: This message... Who did it come from?

Maihime's Mother: Our ancestral spirits. We shamans are able to hear their voices and borrow their powers.

Light: So you converse with the dead? But that's-

Light: My apologies. I believe that answers our inquiry into the nature of your powers.

Light: Now, we have one more thing we would like to discuss. If possible, we would like to confirm the extent of these powers. Is there a shaman who could accompany us back to headquarters?

Maihime's Mother: ...If that is what you require, I shall find a suitable candidate for you. May I have a little time to decide?

Light: Apologies, but we're in a bit of a hurry. If you don't mind me asking...

Light: Why not send the girl who led us here?

Maihime's Mother: Maihime? She still has much to learn, so I cannot-

Maihime: W-wait, Mother! Let me go! Please!

Maihime's Mother: Not this again... How many times have I told you the outside world is dangerou-

Maihime: I'll be fine! B-besides, I... Um... Oh!

Maihime: If I'm going to succeed you one day, I need to build a good working relationship with the commission, don't I? So it would be best if I went!

Maihime: Please, Mother! If I'm going to protect our village, I need to know more about the world!

Maihime's Mother: ...Fine. But if you're going to be so insistent, I expect results.

Maihime: U-understood! I won't let you down!

Maihime: Mother...

Nimbus: Looks like your bluff paid off. You're free to go.

Maihime: I-I am, aren't I? Now I can leave and play with the yokai as much as I want.

Maihime: I'm sorry I had to trick you, Mother. Someday... I'll tell you the truth.

Episode 3
The Winding Path

Having learned more about politics and the existence of evil yokai, Maihime ask Alk for advice, and he says to focus on what she wants to do. After that, Maihime tells her mother the truth. Her mother acknowledges her growth and gives her more authority over the village. With it, Maihime sets the villagers on a path to coexistence with yokai.

Suizen: Well, the Diviners' Commission is willing to provide support to your village.

Suizen: However, I do have one question for you, Maihime. What sort of future do YOU want for your village.

Maihime: I-I want us to coexist with yokai-

Suizen: That's all fine and good, but... Was your village not attacked by yokai?

Maihime: W-well...

Suizen: There's nothing wrong with having a more idealistic goal, but compromising those goals with reality is an essential part of politics.

Suizen: I suppose that will be your first lesson. Once you've learned more, you can give me your answer.

Maihime: Are you sure?

Suizen: Yes, if you're going to learn about politics and yokai at the same time, then there's no better place for you than here.

Suizen: You... No, your entire village needs to know ore about the yokai. If not...

Maihime: On one hand, you have Orochi, an evil yokai who spreads terror throughout the world... But on the other hand, the Yokai Encyclopedia also shows yokai who wish to coexist with humans...

Maihime: I didn't know about any of this... I feel like I've barely scratched the surface...

Alk: Maihime, I made dinner. Did you want some?

Maihime: Yes, place come in! And thank you!

Alk: Hmm... Someone's hard at work... Everything going okay?

Maihime: Simply put... No. The more I learn, the more there is TO learn.

Maihime: What do you think, Alk? What would you choose to do if you were in my position?

Alk: Uh... I don't think I have an answer...

Maihime: Really? Even you?

Alk: Come on, I'm not some genius. There's plenty of stuff I don't know or even understand.

Alk: But I think the important part is that I WANT to understand.

Alk: Once you've decided what you want to do, let me know. I'll help in any way I can.

Maihime: What I want...

Maihime: Of course... The answer's been in front of me all along! It's never changed!

Alk: Are we sure this is okay? What if the villagers panic or something?

Light: If what Suizen said is true, we don't have the luxury of taking things easy... We must believe in Maihime.

Maihime's Mother: It seems you've made quite a few friends... I certainly hope they haven't been distracting you from your studies.

Maihime: Of course not, Mother. And this is the result of those studies.

Maihime's Mother: Maihime, what in the world are you doing?!

Maihime: Don't worry. This is only temporary. But more importantly, I want you to meet my friends.

Maihime's Mother: Yokai?! Maihime, what is the meaning of this?!

Maihime: Please calm down, Mother. These yokai are good!

Maihime's Mother: A yokai? Good?! What nonsense! These yokai have clearly deceived you!

Maihime: Stop! Please!

Maihime's Mother: Step aside, Maihime!

Maihime: No! I swear I haven't been tricked! I'm here of my own will!

Maihime's Mother: Then let us ask the ancestral spirits! They will show us the truth!

Maihime's Mother: Why... Why did a yokai appear?!

Maihime: Please listen to me... Our powers as shamans come from the yokai.

Maihime: According to the diviners, we've been synchronizing with the yokai and amplifying the power we receive from them.

Maihime: And the yokai have acknowledged our abilities and lent us their power willingly!

Maihime's Mother: Then why... Why have they not said anything?! Surely they were trying to play us for fools!

Maihime: Would it not have been difficult to convince our village of their goodwill? We have such a traumatic history with yokai.

Maihime: I know we have been hurt by yokai in the past. And it's true that malicious yokai still exist.

Maihime: But that doesn't mean all yokai are that way. It was a yokai that helped me as a lost little girl. And the yokai here have been lending us power to protect our home.

Maihime: Instead of only seeing the bad in yokai... Don't you think you could try seeing the good in them?

Hermit Yokai: You need not carry this burden alone. Your daughter has grown into a strong woman.

Maihime: The Diviners' Commission and the good yokai are both working day and night to foster a good relationship between our two groups.

Maihime: The yokai have even been doing plays! And that's not all-

Maihime's Mother: I... had thought the outside world was in a much worse condition than that.

Maihime's Mother: I will transfer control over part of the village and barrier to you. You may do with that what you wish.

Maihime's Mother: However... If I ever sense that the villagers are in danger, we will return to our previous ways. Do you understand?

Maihime: Mother... Oh, thank you!

Nimbus: The barrier's gone, but don't villagers and yokai seem a bit... awkward?

Maihime: That's only natural, I suppose. We've only just taken our first step towards coexisting. But surely we'll-

Townsfolk: Hey, Maihime! Where's that Yokai Encyclopedia? I wanna know what these yokai's names are!

Maihime: Here you go. By the way, this is Isha, and the one over there is Aka Denchu.

Townsfolk: Whoooa, have you memorized all their names already?

Maihime: No, not even close. I still have much, much more to learn about the outside world!