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Episode 1
A Promising Exposition

In the Kaleidoscope, Alk and co. spot a girl fighting off monsters while simultaneously playing the violin. Later, the same girl appears from the World Flipper in Starview, collapsed. She tells the group of how her parents left her a huge debt that she's working to pay off- at high interest. Realizing that the interest applied on her debt might be illegal, the Guild helps Lyra out, nullifying the remaining interest payments and allowing her to live in Starview Village.

Stella: ...I hear music.

Alk: Me too... It sounds like someone's playing a violin!

Light: Why on earth would someone be doing that?

Alk: How is she doing that?!

Light: I see, it's almost as if she's casting a spell through the violin itself.

Stella: She is gone.

Alk: She was all by herself, wasn't she?

Light: It looked that way. Given how she dispatched those monsters, perhaps she's used to moving through the Kaleidoscope alone.

Light: So long as she stays away from the depths, she should be fine.

Alk: Yeah, you're right. She seemed quite strong- those monsters just melted!

Stella: She is injured!

Light: That violinist from before? I can't believe she went all the way to the depths of the Kaleidoscope...

Alk: Don't move, all right? I'll go get help!

Girl: I'm terribly sorry to cause you so much trouble. Oh goodness...

Alk: Don't worry about us! We're just glad you're okay. How are you on food? Do you want seconds?

Girl: Gladly... It's been so long since I last ate something like this delicious. I've mostly been getting by on wildflowers and herbs for the past couple days...

Girl: I don't think I've ever tasted meat this soft and juicy... I recognize the flavor, but the preparation is extraordinary. Did you cook this?

Alk: Yes! I'm so glad you noticed. Actually, I did a lot of research on how to properly tenderize the meat before-

Light: Hold on a moment! Can we leave the culinary talk for later? We still don't even know your name!

Lyra: I'm sorry, it completely slipped my mind. My name is Lyra. Lyra Ebelsorte.

Stella: My name is Stella. I am the keeper of Starview Village.

Lyra: ...Starview Village?

Lyra: It just occurred to me that I don't know where I am. I was venturing through the Kaleidoscope alone, but 'm not sure what happened next.

Alk: Well, that's gonna take some explaining.

Lyra: I see... So I've ended up in a completely different world. I heard rumors of this, but I didn't think they were true...

Light: Lyra, if you don't mind, could you tell us why you were travelling through Kaleidoscope entirely on your own?

Lyra: Because I was told to do so.

Stella: By whom?

Lyra: By a man who is... looking after me. He runs a money-lending business.

Lyra: I'm terribly ashamed to even mention it, but I've come into a mountain of debt- left to me by my parents, who suddenly disappeared.

Light: You were forced to become an adventurer to repay your loan?

Lyra: That's correct. I didn't intend to get myself injured like that. I really should have been more careful in the depths.

Light: Indeed, you should really be more careful. Hmm... Regarding your debt, I wonder if there's anything we could do...

Alk: Hey, there was that thing Lilie was talking about the other day! Remember?

Alk: A consulting service for adventurers who are down on their luck! She said the guild started something like that recently.

Light: You're right! Excellent memory, Alk! Let's not waste a single moment and go talk to Pur Lilie!

Lyra: Wh-what?

Pur Lilie: So it's THEM again, huh! They never learn their lesson, do they...

Light: These moneylenders have caused trouble in the past?

Pur Lilie: "Caused trouble" isn't even the half of it! They're a bunch of no-good hawks profiting off novice adventurers and refugees! Their interest rates are criminal- literally!

Pur Lilie: They've been exposed multiple times, but that never stops them. I can't believe they got to Lyra too!

Alk: Huh? Do you know each other?

Pur Lilie: Alk, have you been living under a rock?! That's Lyra- Palpebra's biggest up-and-coming street musician!

Alk: Oh... I guess that somehow wasn't on my radar.

Lyra: I do a few occasional performances on the street- whenever my patron demands me to. They're really nothing special, though...

Pur Lilie: Yes they ARE! You've got tons of fans in this very guild, young lady!

Pur Lilie: Still, I'm infuriated that our tips have been going to those money-grubbing crooks. I won't stand for this!

Light: It seems like things have gotten personal for Lilie...

Alk: Heh, who knows... But now that she's on the case, I have a feeling things will work out just fine.

Lyra: I... I don't know. I certainly hope so.

Pur Lilie: Right, so, he's the scoop. We had a look at the documents they confiscated from you, and it turns out the interest applied on your loan was completely illegal!

Pur Lilie: Which means... You don't have to pay back a single penny more- you're totally free of debt!

Stella: Congratulations, Lyra!

Lyra: I see. I suppose that means I can no longer live in the accommodations my patron was providing me... What to do...

Light: You needn't worry- you can feel free to come stay with us!

Lyra: Are you sure?

Stella: Of course. We welcome you, Lyra.

Lyra: Thank you so much, everyone. I'll try not to be a burden.

Lyra: My name is Lyra Ebelsorte. My specialties are adventuring, housework...

Lyra: And... music! Thank you for having me!

Episode 2
A Violent Development

Lyra struggles to adapt to normal life, as she hasn't bad a day off in ages. Alk suggests she practice the violin, but Lyra tells him that her violin is very special- and could blow up at the slightest wrong note. The group visit the Android Planet to talk to the violin's maker, who reveals that it wasn't him who gave the violin its magical powers. Lyra is sadden to hear her violin was turned into a weapon, but puts on a beautiful performance for everyone anyway.

Lyra: Good morning, everyone. You've come at a good time.

Lyra: I was wondering if there is anything you need help with. My hands are very free at the moment...

Light: I'm afraid we don't have any special requests for today...

Lyra: Is that so...

Light: What's wrong? Most people are usually overjoyed to find out they have a day off.

Lyra: Are they? I simply... am not familiar with the concept, I suppose.

Light: Lyra, you're still young. Surely there must be something out there that you want to do?

Alk: How about your music, Lyra? You're an incredible performer! Surely you like playing the violin?

Lyra: I... I might admit, I think playing the violin is the only thing I really know how to do

Lyra: I don't know if it is something I say I "like". I merely had to do it in order to survive...

Light: That reminds me. When we last saw you fight, it seemed you were about to use some sort of magic...

Lyra: That was entirely my violin.

Lyra: It was given to me by my... former patron. To protect myself while I ventured through Kaleidoscope.

Lyra: I wouldn't be able to fight if I didn't have it. If anything, every time I play it I'm reminded of all the battles I've fought. I'm not sure I can say I like doing it.

Stella: Why not try playing a song you like?

Stella: A singer once told me that is the secret to having fun.

Lyra: I don't know if it will necessarily be "fun", but I suppose there is a song I'd like to play...

Alk: Huh? Is that really where it ends?

Lyra: I'm afraid that's all I can play, at least of my current skill level.

Lyra: This violin is... very particular- if I go even slightly off pitch, it is likely to do something destructive.

Alk: Something destructive? What do you mean?

Lyra: One time, I played a wrong note in the Kaleidoscope and caused an entire room to collapse...

Light: If even someone as skilled as you can't perform the whole thing, then... That must be quite the song.

Lyra: To tell you the truth, I don't remember where I first heard it. Still, I practice this melody every single day.

Lyra: I'd like to be able to paly it to completion one day. That's been my dream for quite a long time.

Light: I suppose continuing to practice is the only avenue left...

Stella: There might be another way. We could talk to the maker of the violin directly.

Stella: The instrument's design reminds me of Dia's sound unit. It could be from her world.

Instrument Maker: Well! There's no doubt about it- that's Carol. I can't believe you found her!

Lyra: Carol? My violin has a name?

Instrument Maker: Yep. Musical performance support unit Carol- my past self built this one.

Instrument Maker: Right, I should explain- that was before the massive memory wipe that occurred. I must have lost track of her at that point, heh.

Instrument Maker: So you're her partner, huh? Is she impossible to deal with or what? Haha.

Lyra: On the contrary, it's me who should be ashamed that I can't manage to master her.

Stella: Can you tell us how to play this violin without having it go on a rampage?

Instrument Maker: G-go on a rampage? What the heck are you talking about?

Light: Wait a minute. Are you saying that you didn't design this violin to be able to fire off magic?

Instrument Maker: Magic?! I have no idea what you're talking about- I don't deal with occult stuff like that, I just make instruments!

Instrument Maker: Hmm, it looks like this bit here was installed after I made it.

Light: Someone altered the violin... But who, exactly?

Instrument Maker: I can't believe someone would go and turn my violin into a weapon! Well, I guess I kind of CAN believe it. People will do anything.

Lyra: I'm terribly sorry. I've been using this violin to fight battles all this time...

Instrument Maker: Nah, don't sweat it. You're Carol's partner now- I have a feeling you've treated her well. I'm not holding any grudges about this.

Instrument Maker: But still, with this enhancement, it won't have the same timbre it used to before. That's a shame.

Lyra: Would... Would you mind if I performed for you?

Lyra: This violin and I are very similar, I've realized. We were both abandoned and lost something very dear to us.

Lyra: Still... I promised I'll do my best to help restore Carol to her original form.

Alk: She seems beaten up about this.

Light: I'm not sure if much can be done about the violin. I just hope she can overcome this.

Stella: I am sure she can.

Lyra: I'm sorry, Carol. But also, thank you.

Lyra: Thank you for always helping me. This time, it's my turn to be of use.

Alk: This is that melody Lyra was talking about before! From her memories.

Instrument Maker: I see. Is this why you left, Carol? To meet her?

Instrument Maker: Well, that was a wonderful show! I feel a burst of inspiration coming on now!

Instrument Maker: Thank you, Lyra. Your performance with Carol was incredible.

Lyra: No, it's I who should be grateful. Thank you for building Carol and letting me perform with her.

Stella: So Lyra, did you have fun?

Lyra: Yes. I definitely did!

Episode 3
A Timely Recapitulation

Lyra receives an invitation from the royal court orchestra of the Farlands to perform there. Though conflicted, due to her parents being expelled from the same orchestra, she decides to go. When performing for the court, she realizes that the melody which has haunted her memories for so long was taught to her by her parents. Grateful for what has been given to her, she decides to give back to the world and becomes a music teacher.

Alk: That was an excellent performance, Lyra! Great job as always.

Lyra: I didn't expect such a big audience. I'm really grateful so many people could hear my music.

Alk: It looks like word of mouth about you is spreading outside of Palpebra!

Alk: I wouldn't be surprised if you get invitations to play in the courts of foreign kingdoms at this point!

Pur Lilie: Big news, everyone!

Pur Lilie: A letter of invitation has arrived for Lyra- it's from the royal court orchestra of the Farlands!

Alk: The royal court?! Really?

Lyra: I recognize the seal- it's definitely not fake.

Alk: The Farlands... That's one of the biggest kingdoms in this world, isn't it?

Lyra: Indeed. I failed to mention this before, but I'm actually from there.

Pur Lilie: Really? Well isn't that just swell! Now that you've become famous abroad, you're sure to have one heck of a warm welcome when you return!

Lyra: Perhaps... Though I wonder just how warm a welcome it will be...

Alk: Did something happen to you while you were there?

Lyra: The truth is... My parents were expelled from the royal court. That's why they came to Palpebra.

Alk: So they kicked you out of the orchestra, waited until you got famous again, and the re-invited you?

Lyra: Not quite... I was only in the Farlands for a short while- and while I was very young. I'm sure they don't realize who I am.

Alk: Well, with a history like that, it'd be understandable if you didn't want to go.

Alk: They caused you a whole lot of trouble, after all. You must be pretty conflicted about all this.

Lyra: Yes. To be honest, I really have no wish to find out whatever my parents did to be kicked out... I'd rather the past stayed in the past.

Pur Lilie: Is it possible that it wasn't entirely their fault?

Alk: Well, they DID just up and disappear, leaving Lyra with a mountain of debt.

Lyra: Regardless, I must go.

Lyra: That melody... I have no doubt I first heard it when I lived in the Farlands.

Alk: Oh, the one you've been practicing all this time?

Lyra: Yes. If I travel there, perhaps I can find out who exactly it was that first played that melody for me...

Lyra: I will be accepting the court's invitation.

Concertmaster: At long last, the up-and-coming violinist we've heard so much about! Welcome, Lyra!

Lyra: I am grateful to have been invited to the royal court of the Farlands. It is an honor.

Concertmaster: I had heard you were working as an adventurer, but your thoroughly refined demeanor suggests otherwise! Are you perhaps of noble birth?

Lyra: I'm afraid not- I am merely a humble adventurer. Now, with regards to the concert...

Concertmaster: This is the hall where you'll be performing. It's to be a family even so you needn't be overly nervous-

Concertmaster: Are you all right, my dear? Your complexion has turned something dreadful.

Lyra: Ah, nom I am fine. Apologies. I was just taken aback- this room looked familiar.

Lyra: ...There's no doubt about it. This is the room where I heard the melody...

Concertmaster: Miss Lyra, are your preparations all in order?

Lyra: Yes. I can begin any time.

Concertmaster: Ladies and gentlemen, I trust you are enjoying yourselves?

Concertmaster: Our banquet celebrations are far from over- in fact, we've brought over a very special guest!

Concertmaster: I present yo you Lyra Ebelsorte: the latest musical sensation out of Palpebra!

Concertmaster: Given her remarkable skills, we can surely expect an excellent, fantastic performance! Whenever you are ready, my lady!

Lyra: Mom, dad... One day, will I be able to play as beautifully as you?

Lyra: That's right... That melody... It was mother and father who taught me it first.

Lyra: For all their faults, they managed to leave me with something valuable after all.

Lyra: Perhaps I should be grateful for this much.

Concertmaster: Bravo! Bravissimo! What a splendid performance!

Concertmaster: Lady Lyra, I would be remiss if I did not ask you: would you be willing to formally join our court orchestra?

Lyra: I am beyond grateful for your invitation, concertmaster. However, I'm afraid I must decline.

Lyra: There is somewhere I must go. Or rather, return. At long last, I think I've finally realized what my dream in life is.

Stella: As I expected, playing music is very difficult. Almost as difficult as cooking.

Lyra: Haha, don't you worry. There's no need to rush- you'll get the hang of it sooner or later. These things take time.

Light: I must say, I was quite surprised to hear Lyra say she wanted to become a music teacher.

Alk: Me too. Ever since she came back from her trip to the Farlands, she's been so much more... energetic and lively!

Lyra: My whole life, I've been so blessed by those around me, being taught things, receiving their aid...

Lyra: Now it's my turn to give something back in return.

Alk: Well, when you put it that way!

Lyra: Okay, Stella, you want to lose the tension from your arm, but you still need to get a firm grip on the bow. Then, move it quickly, with a quick whoosh!

Stella: A... whoosh?

Light: Don't worry, Stella. This is hardly something you can pick up in a single afternoon!

Light: Just like Lyra said- take your time and don't rush. It will come to you eventually!

Lyra: That was it, right there! Great job, Stella!

Stella: I think I understand now.

Alk: I thought that was supposed to take a long time?! Is Stella a prodigy or something?

Stella: Please teach me more, Lyra. What should I do next?

Lyra: Leave it to me! Okay, so next you'll want to-