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Episode 1
Necromancer Girl

The necromancer Luna, having wandered into the Kaleidoscope, prepares to kill Alk and friends. Fortunately, the crisis is averted by Light and Regitare tricking her into thinking that they're already dead.

Alk: Another dead end?

Light: I believe we've just about covered the shallows. Shall we head back soon—

Stella: Something's coming.

Alk: The Kaleidoscope's shaking! How could this be happening here of all places—

Stella: It's okay. She's just unconscious.

Girl in Dress: ...

Girl in Dress: Mrg...

Girl in Dress: Where... am I?

Nimbus: Finally awake, eh?

Stella: Welcome to Starview Village. Please relax. You're safe now.

Alk: Hm, let's see if your memory's intact. Can you tell us your name?

Luna: I'm Luna.

Luna: And who might you be?

Stella: I'm Stella. The others are Alk, Light, and Nimbus. We are not your enemies.

Stella: We found you collapsed in the Kaleidoscope. Do you remember how it happened?

Luna: No idea. I just remember I was going somewhere when my head suddenly started to hurt.

Luna: Are you the ones who saved me?

Alk: Mm-hm! Only friendly faces here, so there's no need to be alarmed.

Luna: Aw, how sweet! You know...

Luna: Maybe you can come on my adventure.

Alk: We'd be happy to!

Luna: Hooray! You just made my day!

Luna: Well then...

Luna: Time for you to die!

Alk: Huh?

Alk: What in the...

Luna: Why are you backing away? You promised me...

Nimbus: What the hell is your deal?!

Luna: You promised to come on my adventure... You tricked me...

Luna: How could you... Anyone who comes on my adventure has to die first.

Stella: I believe you're mistaken, Luna. Once a person dies, that's—

Light: Stella, wait! Let's not provoke—

Luna: Wow, a talking doll?

Luna: How do you do it? I wish my doll could talk too.

Light: That's right! I'm a talking doll!

Light: AND I'm already dead!

Alk: Wha?!

Luna: Oh... already dead? Do tell me more.

Light: I used to be human, but then the Lord of Shadow plucked my life away... I'm essentially a living corpse now!

Luna: Hm, I'm not sure I get it.

Light: I can prove it.

Regitare: Come now, did you really have to wake me up just for this?

Light: It shames me to ask, but... Could you just go along with my story, Regitare?

Regitare: Regitare. Yes, that is I. As if my beautifully decrepit form did not already give it away, I am indeed as dead as can be.

Regitare: The talking doll you see beside me is equally keen on pushing up daisies. He's what you might call a wandering spirit doll.

Luna: Um... So you'll come on my adventure then?

Regitare: I don't see why not. I can be your companion for as long as you wish it. Of course, that goes for the doll as well.

Luna: Hooray! I have new friends for my adventure!

Luna: Will the rest of you be coming along too?

Light: The others, erm... I'm afraid they need more time to die! They're not ripe for adventure just yet!

Regitare: I must concur. 'Tis indeed often better to live a little before kicking the unholy bucket.

Luna: Eh, no matter. I made two new friends at least!

Light: And as friends, we need to set one important ground rule: no going out alone. Sound good to you?

Luna: Sure!

Nimbus: Seriously, Light... How long do you think you can keep up the charade?

Light: She's still young... She has much to learn.

Nimbus: I know, but—

Regitare: Let's leave it at that, lads. This was the best decision given the circumstances.

Luna: Teehee! The more the merrier for my adventure!

Episode 2
Another Way to See the Departed

When Luna is nearly captured by a priest in Palpebra, Nimbus comes to the rescue. A chat with the tiger later makes Luna remember how much she misses her mother's sandwiches.

Nimbus: Well, if it isn't the little ghost girl. Wait a minute, don't tell me...

Luna: Really? You'll come on my adventure?

Boy: Traveling performers are supposed to be coming today. Maybe we can—

Nimbus: This is real bad!

Nimbus: Luna! Stop it right there! It's time to go home.

Luna: But why? I found someone to join me on my adventure.

Nimbus: Didn't Light and the others tell you not to go out on your own?

Nimbus: Sorry, kid. We have things to do. You should get going.

Luna: Why are you getting in my way? Do you hate me?

Nimbus: You're missing the point. When you ask someone to tag along, what you're really asking is—crap!

Nimbus: Time to run!

Luna: I hate you!

Nimbus: Aw, gimme a break—

Nimbus: What do you guys want?

Priest: That must be the rumored necromancer. I can already sense the evil eminating from her.

Priest: O divine light of purity, brandish thy holy blade and send these wayward spirits to their rightful place!

Luna's Parents: Aaah!

Luna: Wh-what did you just do?!

Luna: Stop it! You're hurting Mother and Father!

Priest: Unbind those souls at once, necromancer! Do you not hear their pain and suffering?!

Luna: I have no idea what you're talking about! Stop it, already! You're hurting us!

Priest: Do you not realize what you've done? Your parents—

Nimbus: That's enough!

Priest: Is the girl under your care? Know that there is no salvation for the path of evil and deceit that she treads!

Nimbus: Don't need you to tell me that. No matter though...

Nimbus: Now, Luna! We're hightailin' it!

Luna: Eep!

Luna: I hate this. Why must be everything be so hard?

Nimbus: We told you not to go off on your own, didn't we? Fact is, there are people who see you as a villain. Like that priest back there.

Luna: I've done nothing wrong...

Luna: Say, why did you save me? You said you didn't want to be part of my adventure...

Nimbus: Those two things have nothin' to do with each other, kid.

Luna: But if I don't have travel companions, I get so lonely. My parents...

Luna: My parents died. So we get to be together forever now, but...

Luna: They don't talk to me, read to me, or make me sandwiches anymore like they used to.

Luna: That's why I always feel lonely.

Nimbus: You know, there's a way to meet up with people who aren't around anymore.

Luna: There is?

Nimbus: Yeah. See, a good friend off mine's gone off somewhere. To a place I can't exactly follow him.

Nimbus: I'll never see him again, but hanging out with the gang brings back memories of the guy.

Nimbus: And whenever that happens, it feels like we've been reunited.

Luna: Why are you smiling? Shouldn't you be sad?

Nimbus: I'd be lying if I claimed it didn't upset me a bit. But like I said... it feels like he's right here with me whenever I get nostalgic.

Nimbus: Any sadness I feel is only proof of that.

Luna: You're strong of heart, Nimbus.

Nimbus: Heh. That's one way of putting it, I guess.

Luna: Do you think I can be strong too?

Nimbus: I've got no doubt you can. Just gotta put yourself in the right mindset.

Nimbus: We should get going. My stomach's startin' to growl.

Luna: I could use a sandwich myself.

Nimbus: Maybe Alk can make us some. I gotta say, he makes some mean grub.

Luna: How about you?

Nimbus: Huh?

Luna: Can you make a sandwich?

Nimbus: Wha... You're asking me?!

Luna: I'll only eat the sandwich if you make it.

Nimbus: ...Fine. But no complaints about how it tastes, you hear?

Luna: I wonder... Can I really get stronger one day?

Episode 3
Happiness: A Goal to Strive For

Luna has a nightmare of the day she lost her parents. According to Regitare, her sadness is what binds her parents' souls to her. Nimbus encourages Luna to become strong so that one day her sadness will no longer hold her back.

Luna: Where...

Luna: Where am I?

???: Wow, it's quite the house you got yourselves here. I won't lie to youse—I'm jealous.

???: Better share the wealth, or things is gonna get ugly.

Luna: No... Don't come any closer! Mother! Father!

Luna's Parents: It's okay, Luna...

Luna's Parents: We'll always be together with you even in death... Right by your side...

Luna: Mother... Father...

Luna: I... I'm...

Regitare: No respite even in your dreams. 'Tis a terrible fate you must shoulder.

Regitare: Rest well, lass. For now at least...

Luna: I'm all alone... That's why...

Luna: *sniff* Mother... Father...

Nimbus: Another nightmare, eh?

Regitare: The instability of her mental state is most unfortunate.

Light: I suppose her odd views on death are due to some traumatic event in her past?

Regitare: It must have been something her parents said when they passed away.

Regitare: Together even in death. She took those words very literally.

Alk: What a sad story...

Regitare: Her talent in necromancy only compounded the problem.

Regitare: She used her powers at the time of their passing, ultimately binding their souls to her own.

Alk: That would explain why her parents look the way they do...

Regitare: Yes, a natural result of being bound against their will.

Regitare: The thought of losing her parents was too much to bear. That fear haunts her to this day...

Nimbus: Hey, get up already.

Alk: Nimbus!

Nimbus: Rise and shine. How long do you plan on lying there?

Luna: Is it morning already?

Luna: Huh? Why's everyone here?

Nimbus: To help you wake up, sleepyhead.

Luna: Oh... I'm sorry.

Luna: I had an awful dream. A nightmare...

Nimbus: I'll bet you did. But now that you're up, it's time to go hunting.

Light: What are you thinking, Nimbus?!

Nimbus: Who are we to say she can't handle it? It's true she may still be just a kid, but...

Nimbus: When push came to shove, Luna made her own choice. To fight. Isn't that right?

Nimbus: What's your take on this, Luna?

Luna: I... don't know...

Luna: You said before that your sadness helps you feel like the ones you've lost are with you, right?

Luna: I don't know if that's the case for me...

Luna: But it has me wondering...

Luna: If I'm able to become stronger one day, will my sadness count as proof that Mother and Father are by my side?

Nimbus: Like I said before, Luna, you've just gotta be in the right mindset.

Luna: Okay then... Let's go, Nimbus.

Nimbus: Good!

Alk: I'm with Nimbus on this.

Regitare: A rather crude perspective on the matter... But I suppose it does make sense.

Regitare: The lass has bound her parents, yes, but that is merely due a lack of mastery over her own power.

Light: So if she develops her abilities enough, then—

Stella: Then let us accompany her until she does so.

Stella: I'm certain she will be fine.

Luna: Hey, Nimbus. What makes you think I can get stronger one day?

Nimbus: No reason in particular. It's just...

Nimbus: I was once weak too. You could say we're cut from the same cloth.

Luna: Teehee. I'm not sure I get it.

Luna: Mother and Father always said I'd grow up to become an upstanding lady.

Luna: If that does happen, I'll make sure you're the first person to witness it, Nimbus.

Nimbus: Haha. Looking forward to it.

Nimbus: Go out there and give it your all, kid. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise: you CAN become stronger.

Luna: I will! My sadness will become proof of my strength—I'm sure of it!

Luna: And when that times comes... I'll be able to smile just like you, Nimbus!