Luluca (New Year)/Stories

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Episode 1
Cultural Exchange

Luluca plans a calligraphy competition to bring a little taste of Yamato to Palpebra. Soon, all the townspeople are obsessed with the practice of "kakizome."

Alk: Hey Luluca! Happy New Year's!

Luluca: Look at all these decorations... They're from Yamato, aren't they?

Light: Yes. You are very knowledgeable.

Luluca: Please. It comes with the job. I've learned so much about different cultures!

Luluca: Oh, and a very happy New Year's to you too!

Luluca: What are you doing, Alk? This just screams "otherworldly tradition."

Alk: It's called "kakizome." Think of it as... a kind of New Year's calligraphy. Want to give it a try?

Luluca: Do I? My whole life's about paper and ink. I'm all over it!

Alk: Wow. You really got into calligraphy, huh?

Luluca: Yep! And I figured I better look the part. Feast your eyes on this robe! And this brush!

Luluca: Had them custom-made in Yamato. How do I look?

Light: Good. The garb suits you.

Luluca: I've been writing practically my whole life, but who knew lettering could be such an art?

Luluca: I HAVE to spread the word about this. As a reporter, it's my job to deliver the best of the world to the public's front doorstep!

Light: Truly, you do your profession proud.

Alk: Is there any way we can help?

Luluca: Glad you asked. So first, we've got to get people interested... And the best way to do that? Host an event!

Light: I see... A kakizome competition, where the state of your mind is reflected in the shape of your strokes...

Alk: Wait, there's prize money?! Like actual money for writing a single word?!

Luluca: You bet! Editing department's already cleared the whole shebang.

Luluca: By the way, we're including ink and a brush with each issue of this month's Oculus. So all that's left is to advertise the competition!

Light: I see. We could pass out these notices, but it may be more efficient to post them...

Alk: What about the shops in Palpebra? I bet you'd get a lot of eyes there.

Luluca: Alk, you're a genius! Let's move out!

Stella: It ripped.

Light: Your strokes are too heavy. Why don't you try again?

Stella: All right. Gently... Gently...

Light: I would like to test my hand as well.

Light: It may be difficult in this form, but the new year is a time for new challenges.

Stella: I agree.

Townsperson: Phew! Done! Hey, what do you think?! Not half bad, if I do say so myself.

Townsperson: I'm a scrivener by trade, by I've never PAINTED my words before. There's something... captivating about it.

Luluca: Wow, this is great! Good, strong lettering. After it dries, you should definitely submit it!

Townsperson: Yeah, why not? Hey... I've got an idea. We should frame these! You could even call it art!

Alk: Everyone's really getting into it. I'd call Operation Kakizome a success.

Luluca: Hehe. I just love looking at all their happy faces.

Alk: What do you say we submit our own pieces for the competition?

Luluca: Sounds like a plan. Ooh, I'm so excited to see what everyone wrote!

Episode 2
A Price on Culture

An obsession with calligraphy is gripping Palpebra, and Luluca herself is invited to wield her brush before an audience. However, her feelings turn mixed when she learns that merchants are now selling works of calligraphy for profit.

Merchants: Gaze upon these brushstrokes, which are surpassed in beauty only by the artist! You could take this scroll home with you today for the low price of...

Merchants: Now, that's a steal!

Merchants: Take a look at this frame! Collectors will appreciate the fine mahogany and...

Light: Is there no form of culture that merchants will not convert into gold?

Alk: I mean, people DO have to make a living...

Luluca: You know what they say. The best things in life... present ripe business opportunities...

Light: I do not think a price should be laid upon tradition and beauty...

Alk: Well, at least we can say our plan was a success. Kakizome has definitely caught on in Palpebra.

Luluca: Yeah. And it's not a bad thing that people appreciate calligraphy enough to buy it, right?

Light: No, it isn't. But when culture is turned into commodity, some lose sight of its original meaning. Then it becomes merely a circus act to be profited off of.

Luluca: Oh. Heh. Funny you should say that.

Luluca: So... there's actually this show coming up...

Merchant: Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls! Perk up your ears and open your eyes!

Merchant: May I present to you the wonderful world of words as you've never seen it before!

Merchant: Stretched before me is a snow-white canvas, spanning the width of a whole street. Onto this canvas, a single, elegant character is about to be written.

Merchant: And here to perform the feat, wielding a brush almost a tall as herself, is the sensational mind behind the first kakizome competition... Luluca from the Oculus!

Stella: The audience looks excited.

Nimbus: Everyone likes a good show. If it's big and it's flashy, it's headed for success.

Luluca: Ohh... I'm getting nervous. What if I mess up?

Alk: Stop worrying. You'll be fine.

Luluca: How can you be so sure?

Light: You practiced endlessly for this day. Have some faith in yourself.

Luluca: Yeah... You're right! Phew, okay! I got this!

Luluca: Here goes nothing!

Luluca: Yes! Haha! I did it!

Alk: You sure did!

Stella: That was amazing!

Luluca: Hehe. Guess all that hard work paid off.

Luluca: I love just sitting down with a brush and DOING calligraphy, but that's not all...

Luluca: I love communicating with people. Both through my articles and my art.

Luluca: And this time, what I wanted to say was...

Luluca: "Make this year a year to celebrate!"

Merchants: What is written on this one? It seems to be in the ancient speech of the Farlands.

Merchants: Ah... You are gazing at words of love, my friend, offered by a great knight to the lady of his heart. They come from an old epic, which was written down by a famous poet.

Merchants: How fascinating!

Merchants: Direct your attention to the rough, passionate strokes. One can FEEL the knight's burning love emanating from the canvas!

Merchants: Hm... If you're looking for a buyer, I know someone who'd pay good money for such a masterpiece.

Merchants: Do you now?! Well, let's set up a time and meeting place...

Light: Perhaps it is the fate of all art to be admired in an auction house...

Alk: You know, you COULD say kakizome's been assimilated into Palpebran culture.

Luluca: Alk's right.

Luluca: We're a city of businesspeople! Well, I'm off to conduct interviews for our super-duper calligraphy edition. Don't miss it when it hits the stands!

Episode 3
The Value of Culture

A drifter from Yamato meets with Luluca and thanks her for bringing a bit of his homeland to Palpebra. Invigorated, Luluca determines to make Oculus the first-ever magazine to feature articles on otherworldly cultures.

Luluca: And this time, what I wanted to say was...

Luluca: "Make this year a year to celebrate!"

Alk: Okay, let me get this straight. There's this random guy who reads the Oculus, and he wants to meet you?

Luluca: Yeah... You think there was something wrong with an article I wrote?

Light: Nothing beyond natural human error. You spare no effort when it comes to your writing.

Alk: Some people are impossible to satisfy. You can just ignore him, you know.

Luluca: I mean, I would if I knew he just didn't like my article...

Luluca: But what if there were actual inaccuracies? I'm a journalist! I can't ignore THOSE.

Luluca: But... the thought of going on my own is scary. Would you mind coming with me?

Light: Not at all. We will aid you in any way we can.

Alk: Plus, there's no telling what kind of person'll show up. We've got your back, Luluca!

Luluca: Thanks. You guys are the best!

Merchant: So you're the journalist who popularized kakizome...

Luluca: Uh-huh... I'm Luluca, from the Oculus. How can I help you?

Merchant: Did you learn about kakizome from Yamato?

Luluca: Huh? Y-yeah, but how...

Light: Are you a drifter from that world?

Merchant: It's been so long since I arrived in Palpebra, I've lost track of the years... I once lived by the sword, you know. But now I spend a days puttering about my shop.

Merchant: Built a house here too, with a new family. But you can't help loving and missing where you came from.

Alk: Luluca's article must've had a big impact on you.

Merchant: Exactly.

Luluca: Um... I-if there's anything I got wrong...

Merchant: I wanted to thank you.

Merchant: You've brought a little bit of my childhood here... right to my new home in Palpebra.

Light: You do not wish to return then?

Merchant: No, I've already put down roots here. Especially now that I have a family.

Luluca: I want to thank you too. I'm so glad you reached out to me.

Luluca: Knowing that people are out there, reading my articles and enjoying them... It's really encouraging.

Merchant: Keep up the good work, Luluca. I'm looking forward to the next issue of the Oculus.

Luluca: That went... so much better than expected!

Alk: He seemed really happy. You made the right choice in writing that article after all.

Light: See, Luluca? Hard work will always pay off.

Luluca: Yep. But you know what? My work's only just begun!

Luluca: I'm a journalist, after all!

Luluca: Long as the world's still spinnin', there's news that needs pennin'!

Alk: Don't you mean "worlds?"

Luluca: You're right! We're can turn the Oculus into the first-ever interstellar cultural publication!

Light: I wonder if it is wise to reveal the existence of different worlds... But who am I to check their enthusiasm?

Luluca: Well, partners...

Luluca: What do you say we go look for our next big scoop?