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Episode 1
An Adventurous Article

Alk and Light rescue a budding journalist named Luluca from the Kaleidoscope. With the pair's help, Luluca safely finds a scoop—and the resulting article is a hit with adventurers!

Alk: Who's that? Isn't she a bit young to be out here alone?

Luluca: He-heeeeelp!

Light: Alk!

Alk: On it!

Alk: Shh, you're safe now. Are you okay?

Luluca: Ye—sniffle—yesh... Thank you both for saving me.

Light: Let's get you out of here. Get up nice and slowly, now. There you go.

Alk: Wait, you were looking for information? Alone? In the Kaleidoscope?!

Light: You have guts, but a bit more caution would serve you well.

Luluca: In the stories, a dashing young adventurer always arrives in the nick of time to save the day, but... You're absolutely right.

Alk: I don't know about the dashing part, but I'm glad we were able to help.

Luluca: T-that's not true! You were very heroic!

Luluca: You carved right through those monsters— No fear, no hesitation! Adventurers are sooo cool!

Alk: Wow, gosh, you really think so?

Light: That aside, what information were you seeking? We'd be happy to help, if we can.

Luluca: See, I'm trying to be a better journalist.

Luluca: I just started writing for a magazine called the Oculus. The other writers are nice, but I'm done being the baby of the team...

Luluca: I want to be a really good journalist who can work all on my own. Someone the others can depend on too!

Luluca: S-so I figured if I wrote a jaw-dropping, show-stopping article, maybe, just maybe... Y'know?

Light: What you need is practice, then.

Light: No one learns to wield a sword with just one swing. The pen is no different.

Alk: You don't need to throw yourself in at the deep end! In my experience as a cook, sometimes the simplest things come out the best.

Luluca: Yeah, you guys are right! I'll do my best!

Luluca: Bu-but... I can't start writing without a scoop to write about. What should I do?

Luluca: Just finished the interview! One of them said she has trouble drying her laundry because her veranda is shady.

Alk: Hmm, doing the laundry in smaller loads should help. The less crowded clothes are on the clothesline, the faster they'll dry!

Luluca: Ooh! I'll add that in, Alk!

Light: An article on "everyday life-hacks," was it? I'm sure readers will find it helpful.

Alk: Wow, Luluca! Is that the last page of your notebook? You've written down a TON of ideas!

Luluca: Ahaha, I sure did talk to a lot of people, after all!

Luluca: Once I get back, I'll ask the other journalists for tips on condensing interviews into clear, concise writing!

Alk: That sounds like a great plan! I'm sure they've got plenty of great advice, so never hesitate to ask for it!

Luluca: Thank you so much for the help! I don't know what I would've done without you!

Luluca: I've gotta run, but keep your eyes peeled for next month's issue of the Oculus!

Pur Lilie: Wowie, everyone's talking about the latest edition of the Oculus! No wonder the Guild sold out so fast!

Light: It has a lifestyle guide addressing everyday issues. The advice within is great for solo adventurers, apparently.

Alk: Everyone's got chores to do, after all. Who wouldn't appreciate some tips and tricks?

Pur Lilie: Ooh, that must be the one our staff's been gushing about. The Guild is actually looking into getting more copies printed!

Pur Lilie: The PR team keeps saying they HAVE to meet the author. They talked my ear off about what a phenomenal writer she is!

Alk: Wow, really? Did you hear that, Luluca?

Luluca: Oh, shucks, it wasn't ALL me!

Luluca: It's all thanks to the help and advice I got from everyone along the way!

Luluca: There may only be one writer, but more people work on a single article than you'd think.

Luluca: Knowing so many people depend on me is all the motivation I could ever need!

Pur Lilie: That's so sweet! I'll be looking forward to more great work from the Oculus!

Luluca: Y-yes, I'll do my very best!

Alk: Hey, Luluca. If you're interested, I know a really great small-town library with books from all over the place!

Alk: Light and I live right nearby, so you'd always know where to find us if you need any help. Do you want to visit it, some time?

Luluca: Sure, I'd love to!

Episode 2
Piece of Cake!

Luluca's in charge of planning a new project. With some help from Alk and Stella, she decides to start a column reviewing Palpebra's sweetest cafes. Her tasty research pays off, and the first installment is a huge success.

Luluca: Hmm... Hrmm...

Alk: How's it going, Luluca? You look a bit stuck.

Alk: How about you take a little break for a snack?

Luluca: Thanks. The chief editor put me in charge of a project targeting female readers, but I can't come up with a good enough idea.

Alk: Wow, really? What's the project about?

Luluca: That's the problem... I have to come up with it myself!

Luluca: Uwaaaaah, Alk, I- I don't know what to dooooo!

Alk: Shh, shhh. You'll be fine. I'll help you brainstorm, okay?

Luluca: Sniffle... O- okay...

Stella: I see. You're researching the "sweetest cafes" in Palpebra? That does sound interesting.

Luluca: Doesn't it? I'm targeting young female readers like you, so I'd love to hear your thoughts!

Stella: Understood. I would be happy to help. This certainly looks sweet.

Alk: Right? I've been looking for an excuse to come here!

Luluca: It definitely looks like a good find. These smell AMAZING!

Luluca: Mmm! Iff's so fwuffy! Gulp— They're so sweet, too!

Stella: They ARE quite fluffy. Fluff... fluff...

Alk: I wonder how they get the batter to rise this much. They'd need some acidity... Maybe a little touch of vinegar?

Luluca: This would definitely make for a luxurious brunch date! It's GOTTA go in the article!

Luluca: C'mon, let's head to the next restaurant! It's one of my personal favorites!

Alk: Huh, a-another one? I don't know if I have room for TWO breakfasts.

Luluca: Honestly, me either, but I have a TON of restaurants I need to review.

Stella: No, we can't leave yet.

Stella: We've only tried the syrup. What about the honey? The cinnamon cream?

Luluca: Oh, that's a good point! The little details might not fit into the article, but it never hurts to research things thoroughly!

Luluca: All right, Stella! Let's try every combination this place's got!

Stella: Gladly!

Alk: Ahaha, slow down, you two. Before you go slathering toppings over the pancakes, let's cut them into little taste test sized pieces.

Alk: Wow, looks like it's packed again, today! Your review was really a big hit!

Luluca: I looked at a few other restaurants, but I had so much to say about each of them, I decided to make it an ongoing column!

Luluca: I'm only showcasing one at a time now, but that gives me a lot more room for in-depth commentary!

Stella: I think detailed articles are easier to understand than little summaries.

Luluca: Yeah! That's what I was thinking too!

Alk: Well, looks like you were right! I'm looking forward to the next issue already!

Luluca: Thanks! I've got another great review in the works!

Stella: It looks like we'll have to go somewhere else for brunch today though. My fluffy pancakes...

Alk: It'd be dinner by the time we got a table, huh? Guess we'll have to whip up some pancakes ourselves!

Alk: Let's swing by the grocery and head back to Starview. Does that work for you, Luluca?

Luluca: Yup, it sure does!

Luluca: It's a shame you don't have a restaurant to review, Alk. You'd have the whole city lined up!