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Episode 1
How It Started

Put out because Bulleta keeps treating her like a child, Love decides to start a commercial venture in an effort to better herself and the world around her.

Bulleta: Well, what'll you have?

Love: The usual, if you don't mind.

Bulleta: We could both get a different dish and split it, if you want.

Love: Hmm... As long as it's not something spicy. Or greasy.

Bulleta: Deal. Let's pick something together.

Love: Sounds good to me.

Bulleta: How are your legs? It looks like you're still getting the hang of walking.

Love: Yes, but that's not surprising. I was usually seated when I worked and I slept in a capsule.

Love: But I don't dislike walking—it gives me a kind of freedom I didn't have before. I just have to get used to it, that's all.

Bulleta: What about hitting the gym with me? An hour on the treadmill will get you used to walking in no time!

Love: I think I'll pass... I'd rather go on a walk with you for a while, if that's all right.

Bulleta: Okay. Baby steps. We can venture out a little farther each time.

Love: Now, let's talk about our next job. What do you think we should do?

Bulleta: Huh? I thought you'd want to take it easy for a while.

Love: No. If I'm going to stand on the front lines with you, we need to reconsider our game plan. The earlier the better.

Bulleta: Guess that means you'll have to get comfortable with running too.

Love: Is my mobility going to be a problem?

Bulleta: I wouldn't call it a problem...

Love: I'm not a child, Bulleta.

Love: If there's an issue, I want you to be up front with me. What are we to each other?

Bulleta: We're partners.

Love: Exactly. And a partnership depends on us trusting each other to be honest.

Bulleta: Listen, Love.

Bulleta: I'm not the type to throw words like "partner" or "friend" around lightly. You're my partner, and I wouldn't have it any other way.

Bulleta: But you don't have to push yourself to jump from 0 to 100. It's okay to enjoy what you've accomplished in the moment, you know?

Bulleta: Now let's dig in! You need to eat to keep up your strength.

Love: What did I say about treating me like a child?

Love: Our conversation me made me realize that maybe Bulleta treats me like a child because I rely so much on her.

Love: After all, it was her decision to come back for me that saved me. I am who I am now because of her.

Love: But that's also why I want to stand on my own two legs... I want to be there for Bulleta, just like she's been there for me.

Love: And what better way to achieve that than by setting up an interworld commercial network?

Alk: Um, could you run that by me again?

Love: An interworld commercial network—a trading post, basically. There are so many worlds, each with unique cultures and peoples, and I'd like to bring them together.

Love: Starview Village could become a hub with new ideas and resources flowing back and forth.

Stella: I see. That sounds logical.

Alk: I dunno... I like the idea, and of course having those links would bring a lot of business here...

Alk: But what does that have to do with the "journey of self-improvement" you mentioned?

Love: I do want to start a venture here, but not really for the profit. What I actually want to do is make the world a better place to live.

Love: I want to do that under my own steam. I think that will help me grow physically, mentally, and in lots of other ways.

Love: That's what Bulleta wants. I'm sure of it.

Love: So, please... Won't you help me?

Stella: You're welcome to stay in Starview Village to do what you need, for as long as you need.

Alk: Yeah. I still have some reservations, but I think your idea is worth exploring.

Love: Oh, you have my word that Starview Village's existence won't be exposed.

Love: I wasn't the CEO of a large corporation for nothing. Manipulating the network to control the flow of information is as easy as breathing.

Alk: Then we're behind you all the way! But you mentioned trade. That means—

Mal Lelucia: Did someone say trade? Then you've come to the right place!

Mal Lelucia: Sounds like you've got a HUGE operation in the works! I'd be more than happy to lend you my expertise, yessiree!

Alk: Aaaand there she is, right on cue.

Love: Are you the head of the merchant guild here?

Mal Lelucia: Mal Lelucia, proprietor of the Everything Emporium, at your service! Whether you need vittles for a feast or rare finds from far-flung worlds, we've got it all!

Love: Rare finds? Including, say, certain items of high cultural value?

Mal Lelucia: Yep, yep! For the right price, we'll find whatever priceless article you seek!

Love: Interesting. Why don't we find some place to talk? I'd like to get more details.

Mal Lelucia: Heh-heh-heh, I'd love nothing more!

Love: Well. Anyway...

Love: I'm looking forward to becoming good friends with you. Consider this the first step on my journey.

Stella: That sounds wonderful.

Alk: I'll bring some tea and treats! Do you have any requests?

Love: Something sweet. The sweeter, the better.

Episode 2
How It's Going

Love and Mal Lelucia team up to adapt Qualia City's technology for tools Palpebra's adventurers can use. Later in town, Love notices people staring at her floating throne. She decides to get down and start walking on her own two legs.

Mal Lelucia: Hmm... It might just be me, but this is a lot saltier than I was expecting.

Love: Try turning the knob on the fork's handle slowly to the left. Then give the food another taste.

Mal Lelucia: Ohh, delightfully sweet! Why, this doohickey is the perfect companion for the traveler on the go! I bet they'll sell like hotcakes!

Love: Then we'll greenlight production. But first, we need to adapt the battery; it's much too powerful for a simple fork.

Mal Lelucia: That'll also save you the trouble of registering the product as a restricted artifact! Just leave it to me!

Love: I'd expect nothing less from a top-tier merchant.

Mal Lelucia: Me? I'm just a humble purveyor of wares; nothing compared to the CEO of a grand corporation!

Nimbus: Feels like I've wandered into a mad scientist's den, the way you two are cacklin'.

Love: Ah, Nimbus. Perfect timing.

Nimbus: Is that supposed to be a fork?

Love: Yes. You turn the dial on it to change the flavor of your food. Want to give it a try?

Nimbus: Changes the flavor, huh...

Nimbus: This still tastes like strawberry shortcake to me.

Love: Strange. The fork IS set to sweet...

Mal Lelucia: Oh, hold on a second! Nimbus is a beastfolk and his mouth is shaped differently. The fork may not be coming into contact with his taste buds in the same way!

Love: Hmm, I hadn't considered that. We'll have to redesign the utensil to also work for beastfolk.

Nimbus: I dunno much about the design, but it seems to me that if you get this off the ground, you'll be swimming in cash.

Mal Lelucia: You betcha! We're looking to earn capital to set up our venture and thought the easiest way would be to enter the gadget market.

Love: By selling tools through the Guild, we can put our wares out there as part of a basic equipment pack for adventurers.

Love: Once there's more demand, we'll ramp up production. The aim is to create indispensable everyday items.

Nimbus: Your world's got a lot of interesting technology. You could make a fortune overnight, but that's not what you're after, is it?

Love: Profit isn't everything. More importantly...

Love: I think trade between Palpebra and Qualia City will be good for everyone involved.

Mal Lelucia: And that's why laying down a solid foundation is important. On that note, I've got a meeting so I'm going to skedaddle!

Love: I need to be in Palpebra myself. Nimbus, would you mind showing me the way?

Nimbus: Huh? Can't you just go with Mal Lelucia?

Love: She has her own business to attend to, and I need a bodyguard. I promise I'll make it worth your while.

Nimbus: ...You're in for a rude awakening if you think waving cash around will get you everything you want.

Love: Oh... N-no. I didn't mean it that way—

Nimbus: You can just ask me. No need to make everything a transaction.

Love: Then... I'd like it if we could go together.

Nimbus: You got it.

Love: Look at these wares made from naturally-sourced materials. How luxurious.

Love: Nobody here uses electronic payments, and bartering still seems to be commonplace. If only there was a way to standardize and normalize currency...

Nimbus: Your mind's constantly ticking away, eh?

Love: It was part of my job before to analyze new concepts and think about how they affect society on a larger scale.

Love: I used be a protector of the status quo, but that's no longer necessary. Anyway, I guess old habits die hard.

Nimbus: Heh, that's fine. There's no need to change your personality.

Love: Oh... Have I caused a scene?

Nimbus: How many other people do you see on a floatin' throne? The merchants are probably wonderin' where they can stock something similar.

Love: The last thing I want to do is disrupt Mal Lelucia's business.

Love: ...I'll walk. I can put the throne away until I need it again.

Nimbus: You don't have to do that...

Love: It's no big deal. And if anything, putting my muscles under intense pressure will force them from their atrophic state faster...

Nimbus: That sounds like a pretty big deal to me. *sigh* Here, hop on.

Love: Y-you don't have to carry me! I can walk!

Nimbus: You're aimin' to be some great administrator bringing worlds together, right? Then you've gotta get a better view to see the whole picture!

Nimbus: So, pick a direction.

Love: Then let's go to the marketplace! I'd love to see what kinds of things people eat here!

Love: Food is the foundation of any society! By understanding the common palate, we can start to look at ways of improving the dining experience—

Nimbus: All right, all right. I get it.

Nimbus: I haven't given anyone a lift on my shoulders in ages. Make sure you hold on tight, you hear?

Love: Got it! Lead the way, Nimbus!

Episode 3
What the Future Holds

In Qualia City, Nimbus happens upon Love. When he asks her what she's doing, she explains that she's looking for the Synthetic assistant who once served her, and expresses regret at the way they parted.

Love: I don't suppose she's living a happy life... How could she, after what I did?

Nimbus: What're you lookin' for?

Nimbus: The look on your face tells me whatever it is, it ain't sunshine and rainbows.

Love: A certain synthetic. She was programmed to serve me, but I let her go.

Love: I thought I would never know freedom, so I released her from my service in the hopes that she would live the life I couldn't.

Love: But she wasn't given any tools to be successful outside of her role. I abandoned her to an unknown fate.

Nimbus: Didn't she object or say anything?

Love: Not a word.

Love: I didn't give her a chance to think or formulate a response.

Nimbus: Is this your first time searching for her?

Love: No. I came a few times with Bulleta before leaving for Starview Village.

Love: But we never found her. Maybe she's...

Love: I'm afraid to know.

Love: She could be dead. Or suffering a fate worse than death.

Love: Or she might be here somewhere, hating me for abandoning her. She might be sharpening her rage into a blade that will pierce me some day.

Love: The thing that scares me the most is the idea of my happiness shattering because I stole someone else's.

Love: Are you disgusted with me? Do you think someone as selfish as me doesn't deserve to be in Starview Village?

Love: Of course you do. I'm not altruistic; I'm as self-centered as they come... It's no surprise that you would hate me.

Nimbus: You done wallowing in self-pity?

Nimbus: First of all, how's deciding that I hate you any different from deciding you know what'd make that synthetic friend of yours happy?

Nimbus: She could be living it up somewhere, having the time of her life.

Love: Are you saying I did the right thing for her?

Nimbus: Heck if I know. That's for the two of you to decide.

Love: Thanks, Nimbus. You know exactly what to say to cheer me up.

Love: We should be getting back. There's still so much we need to do before the trading post opens.

Nimbus: Sounds good to me.

Nimbus: You're doing good! Just a few more steps and you're there! Take 'em nice and easy, okay?

Alk: And if you need help, we're right here!

Love: I'm... nrgh... fine...!

Love: I.... I did it!

Stella: Here, have some water.

Love: Th-thank you...

Love: Mm, it's so delicious, even without flavor enhancers.

Alk: Nothing beats ice cold water after exercise, huh?

Nimbus: You've come real far. Pretty soon you'll be walking on your own.

Love: Of course. I'll be giving Bulleta a run for her money in no time.

Alk: Uh, maybe we should set more realistic goals?

Love: Someday I'm going to be a proper lady who can stand strong on her own.

Love: I want to stand by the people who mean the most to me and look out for them, as they've looked out for me. My journey of self-improvement has only begun.

Stella: If anyone can succeed, Love, it's you.

Love: Thank you. I think so too. But, you know... Sometimes I get stuck in my own head.

Love: If you could snap me out of it when I start to get blue again, I'd appreciate it. You don't mind, do you?

Love: Ow!

Nimbus: You don't have to ask permission for every little thing. You're not a little kid.

Love: Hey! You could be nicer! Bulleta would never do that to me!

Nimbus: Heh, I thought you said you wanted to be a proper lady who stands on her own two feet. I'm not about to coddle you.

Love: Hmph! I'll show you!

Love: I'll walk tall until my journey ends. No, even after, when I'm all grown up.

Love: I can't wait to see you again, Bulleta! The next time you see me, I'll be someone you can proudly call your partner!