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Episode 1
Prideful Pup

Lou, a young canid, registers at the guild in hopes of becoming a full-fledged adventurer. When a couple of rowdy onlookers don't take well to his appearance, Nimbus interferes before a fight breaks out, eventually bringing the pup with him to Starview.

Lou: Hiya!

Lou: The name's Lou. Lou Schwanz! One adventurer registration form please!

Guild Staff: Oh, hello there! Are you, er, a Gargan?

Lou: Nope. But don't worry, I get that all the time. I'm a proud canid!

Guild Staff: Ah, sorry 'bout that. A canid, huh?

Guild Staff: Say, you know this guy, Nimbus?

Nimbus: Look, you can't assume that just because I'm—

Thickset Adventurer: Absolutely pathetic. The Guild's so desparate for help, they'll take ANYBODY these days!

Lou: You got a problem with me or somethin'?

Thickset Adventurer: Scram, kid. You're makin' the booze taste bad.

Lou: I don't think I like your 'tude, man!

Lou: And if you ask me, I think you've had enough booze!

Thickset Adventurer: I'll tell you what I've had too much of. Uppity little punks like you!

Svelte Adventurer: H-hey, relax!

Thickset Adventurer: All kinds o' freak shows have been joinin' the guild lately...

Thickset Adventurer: And now we've even got shaggy furballs like you on the payroll!

Svelte Adventurer: Shut up, idiot! B-behind you!

Nimbus: Shaggy furballs, huh?

Svelte Adventurer: N-Nimbus! Y-you know me, I would never—

Nimbus: Nah, let's hear it! I'm sure you've got plenty more to say about us "furballs", right?

Light: That's enough, Nimbus.

Light: I'd advise you to head home. Unless you wish to end up like that table.

Adventurers: We're so sorryyyyy!

Light: It looks like we owe you a new table.

Guild Staff: Not harm done—I'll just dock the damages from your next payment.

Lou: Phew, you really showed those scaredy-cats a lesson, old-timer! You were all like, RAWR! And then, like, KA-PSHHH!

Lou: Hold on... You're a cat? B-but how? Uh, I mean... You wanna throw down?!

Nimbus: Sheesh... You're comin' with me, kid.

Lou: NOOO! Let me go, you crazy cat! I'll have you know that I'm a proud canid warrior!

Lou: Whoa... What is this place?! Is that—is that the world?! The clouds are so FLOOFY! And the water... It's so GLITTERY!

Nimbus: Calm down, kid.

Lou: O-okay. I'm calm and composed!

Stella: Alk! We have a new canid... and he's a pup!

Alk: Aww.

Nimbus: I'm only gonna say this one more time, so listen up.

Lou: I'm all ears!

Nimbus: You must've wandered far from home to end up in Palpebra. But with the World Flipper, you can finally go home.

Nimbus: I dunno if you missed the news, but the cat and dog wars are over—there ain't no reason for you to fight.

Nimbus: Got all that? So pack your things and run home.

Lou: But why?

Nimbus: What... what do you mean why?

Lou: I mean, I finally found my chance to go on a real adventure! You're telling me to go home after all this?

Lou: No way, man! This is the perfect opportunity for me to become a REAL canid warrior!

Alk: Well, we can't FORCE him to stay here.

Stella: No we cannot.

Light: I suppose that makes Nimbus his carekeeper for the time being.

Nimbus: Huh? Why do I have to—

Lou: Rad! You ready to rock and roll, partner?

Nimbus: ...Don't push your luck, kid.

Episode 2
School's in Session!

While training, Nimbus asks Lou about his reasons for becoming a warrior. The young canid candidly answers that he doesn't know too well himself, but he's determined anyway. They soon find themselves surrounded by monsters, and take them on in tandem.

Lou: Here goes, Nimbus!

Nimbus: Enough yapping. I ain't got all day, you know.

Nimbus: The matter, kid? All tuckered out already?

Lou: Not even close!

Nimbus: Heh. Looks like you've still got some juice left in you after all.

Lou: Oraaaugh!

Lou: You know, this is kinda fun!

Nimbus: This isn't a game, kid...

Nimbus: Here, drink up.

Lou: Phew... I'm pretty parched, now that you mention it. How'd you know?

Nimbus: You're makin' way too many unnecessary movements.

Nimbus: In fact, I don't think I've ever seen anyone move so much with such little purpose before.

Lou: Whoa... I must be some kind of prodigy then, huh? I knew I was warrior material!

Nimbus: That's NOT what I said. Relax.

Lou: Okay! Calm and collected!

Nimbus: Anyway, I already told you. There ain't much strife between canids and felines anymore.

Nimbus: So why're you so gung ho about becoming a warrior?

Lou: Heh, you know...

Lou: That's... a pretty good question!

Nimbus: ...Seriously?

Lou: It's not like I had it out against felines or anything like that. I mean, you're my teacher now, right?

Lou: But like... warriors and stuff are super cool, right?

Lou: I wanna be the kind of bad-ass that can protect their friends no matter what!

Nimbus: You're one happy-go-lucky kid, I'll give you that.

Nimbus: But sure. I guess we can work with that for—

Lou: What's wrong?

Nimbus: Damn... We're surrounded! I can't believe I didn't sniff them out until now.

Nimbus: Lou, find somewhere safe to hide! I'll take care of this one way or another!

Lou: No way, man! I'm fighting too!

Nimbus: Look, you can prove yourself to me later, but now—

Nimbus: ...!\n Out of the way!

Lou: Nimbus!

Nimbus: Don't worry about me—this is nothing. Just make sure you get outta here!

Lou: Oooongh!

Lou: Nobody gets between me...

Lou: ...and my friends!

Lou: Whoa!

Nimbus: I already told you—this is nothing! See? So just focus on your surroundings!

Lou: O-okay! C-calm and collected!

Nimbus: Good. Remember your trainng. Eyes forward, and don't let your guard down.

Lou: Eyes forward, guard up. Got it!

Nimbus: Not half bad, kid. You might have it in you after all!

Nimbus: Now... Are you ready to kick some ass?

Lou: Heck yeah! Let's show these chumps who's boss!

Nimbus: That's the spirit!

Lou: Wahoo!

Lou: W-we did it! We took 'em all out!

Nimbus: Yeah, yeah... Don't get too excited.

Nimbus: But next time, try not to tunnel-vision too hard, or else you might find yourself in another situation where—

Nimbus: Wait, the hell am I explainin' this to you for, anyway? I'm not your damn babysitter!

Lou: Wahoo! One step closer to becoming a full-fledged warrior! We've gotta do this again sometime, Nimbus!

Episode 3
So... Hungry!

Lou joins Alk and the others on an expedition into the Kaleidoscope. After promptly getting separated from the group, he finds two familiar faces in trouble and charges in to rescue them. Despite their success, Nimbus is not amused at his actions.

Light: Ahem... Listen carefully, Lou.

Lou: All ears!

Light: When we enter the Kaleidoscope, do NOT leave our sights. Am I making myself clear?

Lou: Clear as crystal!

Light: A heartening reply, but... are you sure about this?

Nimbus: You'd be a fool to expect him to listen...

Lou: Come on! Cut me some slack here, Nimbus!

Lou: All I've gotta do is stay in your line of sight, right?

Lou: I'm not a baby, you know! Let's get in there and get our dungeoning on already!

Nimbus: I've got a bad feeling about this...

Nimbus: Unbelievable. Not even fiften minutes.

Nimbus: Not even FIFTEEN minutes and the damn pupper's already made himself scarce!

Nimbus: I swear, once I find him...

Lou: This place is a total trip, huh?

Lou: Like, how's it even connected to other worlds? Even Stella wasn't able to make much sense of it.

Lou: Sniff, sniff... What's that smell?

Lou: Uh.

Lou: Oh no. Am I... lost?

Lou: N-no way! This is just a, uh...

Lou: I'm just doing some scouting! Yeah, that's right!

Lou: ...\n Nimbus is gonna flip.

???: Gyaaaaargh!

Lou: I-I'm not afraid of no lousy dungeon!

Lou: Because I'm... I'm a proud canid warrior! So watch out, baddies!

Thickset Adventurer: Oh, man... We ain't gonna make it outta here alive, are we?

Svelte Adventurer: I told you this damn quest was above our pay grade!

Thickset Adventurer: It's all over...

Svelte Adventurer: Don't lose heart—we can still escape if we try!


Lou: Never fear, Lou is here!

Thickset Adventurer: Wait, I remember you... You're that mutt from the guild!

Lou: And you... You're the rude drunkard!

Lou: I'm guessing you don't any need help from a shaggy "furball", do you?

Svelte Adventurer: Actually, he was the only one drinking that night. Not me, so...

Thickset Adventurer: Wha—You lousy traitor!

Svelte Adventurer: Sorry... I-I actually really like dogs, man.

Lou: Get outta here while you can—I'll take care of this!

Lou: I'll prove myself as a warrior. Just you watch!

Thickset Adventurer: Dammit, kid! We're not gonna let you take the show either!

Svelte Adventurer: We're helping too!

Lou: Heck yeah! Y'all ready?

Lou: Let's GOOO!

Nimbus: ...So what do you want, a cookie or something?

Lou: ...

Nimbus: How could you get separated from us after everything we warned you about, you absolute bird brain?!

Lou: Hey, I don't think birdfolk would appreciate that kind of—

Nimbus: Don't change the subject.

Lou: ...

Alk: Now, now, Nimbus... I think he's learned his—

Alk: N-nevermind. Heh.

Alk: Looks like it'll be a little longer.\n Is everything all right?

Svelte Adventurer: All good over here!

Alk: Huh.

Thickset Adventurer: I'll wait.

Thickset Adventurer: I still haven't thanked you yet...

Lou: Ngh... I'm getting hungry...

Lou: Wahoo!