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Episode 1
Determined Traveler

Alk and co. run into a sentient set of armor called Londahl and his half-dead wearer Lloyd. Londahl is on a journey to seek out his creator in the Kaleidoscope, so Alk and co. offer to become his guides and keep him from getting into trouble.

Nimbus: Is it just me, or is it kinda lazy that they're using adventurers to fix the river dams?

Light: I don't see the problem. If we can serve to help our fellow man, then it is work worth doing.

Nimbus: Uh-huh. Right. Dunno what else I expected from the all-might Champion. This is exactly why that Guild lady always gives us these kinda jobs.

Alk: I mean, sure, sometimes it does feel like we're being taken advantage of, but-

Light: Wait, you there! The ground isn't stable up ahead! You shouldn't proceed any farther wearing heavy armor like that!

Eerie Man: ...Your concern is unnecessary.

Nimbus: What's with him? His movements are kinda funny... unnatural even.

Light: That must have been a landslide! It came from where that man went!

Alk: Talk about brutal... I don't think he's walking out of this one...

Eerie Man: Convenient that you followed me.

Alk: EEP?!

Eerie Man: What are you waiting for? Pull me out. Please.

Alk: H-how are you still ALIVE?!

Londahl: I owe you my thanks. I am Londahl. I'm traveling to the Kaleidoscope.

Alk: Errr... Correct me if I'm wrong, but...

Light: Is the armor the one talking?

Londahl: Yes, I'm the armor this man wears. How did you notice?

Nimbus: Normal humans don't survive a landslide. They also don't twist their heads around like an owl.

Nimbus: Speaking of which... Is the guy waring you dead? Did you kill him?

Londahl: No. And no.

Londahl: He was my collaborator. He isn't dead yet... However, he is no longer able to move on his own.

Light: Your... collaborator? I don't quite understand.

Londahl: Given my form, I can't move by myself. I require a human to wear me.

Londahl: In exchange, I can grant my wearer great power. That is why this man wanted to be my collaborator.

Light: A mutually beneficial arrangement...

Londahl: But this man, Lloyd, became complacent after becoming strong. He was struck by an enemy's blade. His consciousness has been lost since.

Londahl: Without a fully aware host, my capabilities are limited. It's in my best interest to avoid harming him, in case you are concerned.

Nimbus: Never said I was.

Londahl: Then I trust you have no complaints.

Nimbus: Hey, where the hell are you going?

Londahl: To the Kaleidoscope. I am looking for my creator.

Londahl: Lloyd claimed to have found me there. The various clues I have gathered point there as well.

Alk: Sorry to burst your bubble, but I don't think you're going to make it into Palpebra like that.

Londahl: Why? Is there a problem?

Alk: How do I put this delicately... You move like a zombie. People are gonna figure out something's off...

Light: You will probably be classified as a cryptic artifact or an evil spirit and be detained.

Londahl: Then... what do you suggest I do?

Nimbus: Why not come with us?

Alk: Huh, never expected you to be the friendly one.

Nimbus: Better we keep an eye on him than anyone else. Dunno if I trust his whole story either...

Nimbus: We're practically experts at exploring the Kaleidoscope, and you seem like you can hold your own. We'll guide you if you fight with us.

Londahl: I see. A mutually beneficial agreement. I see no issue with it.

Londahl: I trust you'll guard this body as well. Let's go.

Nimbus: First things first, we gotta do something about that funky walk of his...

Episode 2
What's in a Name

Londahl tries to gather information in town, but ends up scaring people away with his unnatural behavior. He is approached by a mysterious woman who offers him a new host to replace Lloyd. While initially intending to accept, Londahl has a change of heart, though he doesn't understand why.

Londahl: It's time to act.

Alk: Are you sure about this? Because I'm not...

Londahl: To gather information is to seek it out directly. That is what the book Stella lent me said.

Stella: In other words, asking questions.

Londahl: It will be fastest if I show myself and do he asking. Let's go.

Londahl: You. Look at me.

Londahl: Gaze closely. Do you recognize me?

Timid Adventurer: Huh? Who're you? And... why are you so pale?! You okay, dude?

Londahl: Don't look at the face. Look at the armor. Do you know who made this armor-

Alk: Oookay, Londahl, that's enough! I'm gonna stop you right there!

Londahl: Why? I'm only getting started-

Timid Adventurer: GAAAAAH! It's a GHOST!

Nimbus: You moron!

Nimbus: *pant* I'd tell you to use your head, but it's clear you don't got one!

Londahl: Sorry. I forgot how to turn this neck.

???: Hehe, in a spot of trouble, are we?

Londahl: Who are you?

Mystery Woman: Why, I've come to save you... sentient armor that you are.

Londahl: You... Do you know about me?

Mystery Woman: Of course! An armor with a will of its own, capable of bestowing great power to its wearer. You're rather well known among my people.

Mystery Woman: I'd heard you vanished many years ago, but I'm delighted to see you've returned!

Mystery Woman: My offer is simple: won't you change hosts?

Mystery Woman: I'm well aware of your situation already. I can offer you a far superior host than the half-dead body you're dragging around.

Mystery Woman: Come find me when you've made up your mind. I'll be waiting.

Alk: Are you going to take her up on that offer?

Londahl: It would make sense for me to.

Alk: But if you do that...

Londahl: Lloyd will die, as I'm the only thing keeping him alive.

Londahl: Will that be a problem?

Stella: Are you really all right with that outcome, Londahl?

Londahl: I want to meet my creator. That is my sole goal.

Stella: But...

Nimbus: That's it? You serious?

Londahl: I'm always serious. Stay out of my way.

Mystery Woman: I've been expecting you.

Mystery Woman: One of these fellows behind me will become your new host. Why don't you unbind yourself from that shell of a man? Release the spell.

Londahl: All right...

Mystery Woman: Hehehe, I'm sure your one wish will come true soon, my dear sentient armor.

Londahl: ...I have a name. It's Londahl-

Mystery Woman: What?

Londahl: I... have a name? But why? How? I...

Londahl: I suddenly don't want to unbind myself.

Mystery Woman: *sigh* Just whose idea was it to give the armor a will of its own?

Mystery Woman: Get rid of that walking corpse!

Nimbus: Not on my watch!

Mystery Woman: It's okay. You're allowed to. There's always room for dessert.

Nimbus: Tch, she got away!

Londahl: Why did you save me?

Alk: At this point, Lloyd feels like one of us, you know? Besides...

Nimbus: Had a feeling you didn't have your mind made up yet.

Stella: Let's go home, Londahl.

Londahl: ...None of this makes any sense.

Episode 3
Reformed Wish

Trying to find an undying man wearing a strange helmet, Londahl and co. travel to a remote village and instead run into a horde of helmet0clad victims. A mysterious man controls them, claiming to know the Grand Creator- the person who made Londahl. He asks Londahl to join him, but Londahl refuses, wishing to save the innocent people instead. The adventure changes Londahl, who decides to change his goal to saving Lloyd.

Light: Did you say "undying" adventurer?

Londahl: All the rumors are about him lately. It seems that he fights like a beast, shrugging off fatal hits with ease.

Nimbus: You sure those aren't about you?

Alk: It can't be, because the person in question wears a helmet.

Londahl: It's possible he is like me. He apparently lives in a village to the east. I intend to see him.

Alk: Hmm... It's weird that these rumors are so detailed, don't you think?

Pur Lilie: That village itself is also very suspicious.

Light: Has something happened to it?

Pur Lilie: More like the opposite: it's so devoid of action that it's weird.

Pur Lilie: Most small settlements without a name tend to be hotspots for bandits activities.

Pur Lilie: But I've heard nothing about attacks in that area. Really makes my Lilie senses tingle.

Nimbus: Something definitely smells off about this...

Londahl: This opportunity might five me a clue about my creator. I don't care if it's a trap.

Stella: Londahl, why do you want to meet your creator?

Londahl: ...I want to find out why he made me.

Nimbus: *sigh* Guess there's no getting around it. You're going no matter what, right? We'll come with.

Londahl: ...Sorry. And thanks.

Nimbus: This place is shabbier than I pictured. But why's it so quiet?

Light: There's not a single sign of life, as if the town is abandoned...

Londahl: You must be the rumored man.

Alk: Wh-whoa! Nimbus, don't tell me...

Nimbus: Relax, I only knocked him out. Which was pretty damn nice of me, considering he came at us without even saying hello.

Londahl: As I thought, he is the same as me-

Nimbus: Oh, you've gotta be kidding me.

Light: Ready yourselves!

Londahl: This isn't good. They won't last long at this rate... Nimbus, Alk, Light...

???: So you're the armor I've heard so much about. You came, just as I knew you would.

Londahl: Are you my creator?

Artifact Wielder: As much as I wish I could claim credit, I'm afraid not. But I am like you, in that I wish to meet the Grand Creator.

Londahl: The Grand Creator...

Artifact Wielder: Yes, the one who taught me of the cryptic artifacts... The genius who wielded knowledge of arts unknown to the common man.

Artifact Wielder: Yet he disappeared one day, before he could teach me everything he knew!

Artifact Wielder: The true nature of magic and curses... The very secrets of the world... He should have given them all to me!

Londahl: ...So the helmets must be based off my design. Did you spread those rumors to lure me here?

Artifact Wielder: A necessary step in my plan to meet him once again. You'll help me from now on, won't you?

Artifact Wielder: An illogical answer. How disappointing.

Londahl: Those helmets lacked minds of their own, so you must be controlling them. If I defeat you, I'll defeat them.

Londahl: I can get information out of you once I save my allies.

Artifact Wielder: Hahaha... You were correct to assume the helmets were based off you. But that means I can control you as well!

Londahl: Ah... Ngh...

Artifact Wielder: No matter how sentient you may be, a fabricated will can never-

Artifact Wielder: Ahhh... Impossible, m-my magic is superior...

Londahl: ...Lloyd?

Alk: Sheeesh, I thought we were done for! Seriously, I was a hair away from losing my head when all those people fell over!

Nimbus: Guess everything worked out in the end though. We managed to capture that crazy crook.

Pur Lilie: That's true, buuut... The Guild Knights haven't gotten any useful information out of him.

Light: Good grief. We're coming out of this empty-handed, then.

Londahl: About that... It's all right if we forget about finding my creator for now.

Nimbus: Uh, didja hit your head or something?

Londahl: No. I never had a head in the first place.

Londahl: I would rather prioritize finding a way to return Lloyd to normal.

Londahl: Do you think... that desire is strange?

Stella: Not at all.

Nimbus: That doesn't change your original goal much, does it? Your creator made you. He'd know best how to fix him.

Alk: Nimbus makes a good point. We'll be with you the whole way through, Londahl.

Londahl: ...I see. Thanks, everyone.

Londahl: Ah, Lloyd... Did you smile just now?