Lily Hoshikawa (Zombie Land Saga Collab)/Stories

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Episode 1
A Chance Meeting

Lily gets the urge to do something anime-like and asks Alk to help her out. They go to the forest, defeating monsters and enjoying a meal prepped by Alk himself. They then discover a young drifter. Concerned about him, Lily approaches the boy and invites him to a Franchouchou concert.

Lily: I want to become a Champion princess!

Light: Hmm, is that so? Unfortunately, one doesn't simply become a Champion by wishing upon it—no matter how fervently.

Light: Besides. You may be undead, but I would still be remiss about taking a young girl such as you onto the battlefield.

Alk: Light, I don't think that's what she had in mind.

Lily: Fine, I can call it something else. I want to be... a magical princess!

Nimbus: Just what exactly is that supposed to mean?

Yugiri: She wishes for you to accompany her on her day off.

Lily: This Saga has all sorts of magic and weird stuff going on, right?

Lily: It's just like one of my Japanese animes! I can go around and beat up some monsters or something!

Alk: Oh I get it, you want to follow us around and play hero, huh?

Yugiri: Unfortunately, we are not familiar with the locale. It would be most helpful if we could call upon you for help, Alk.

Alk: I see. I can do that no problem, I happen to be free today!

Lily: Really?! Awesome! Thank you so much!

Lily: Okay, take me somewhere with tons of monsters. I'm gonna let them have it!

Alk: All right, in that case—

Lily: Just you wait, world! Lily's coming to protect you! Hyah!

Lily: Wow, wow! It's like I'm using real magic!

Alk: I guess it does look like magic, huh? It's really all thanks to the various weapons and tools we have at our disposal!

Lily: Yeah!

Light: If this is the extent of our plans for today, I imagine there won't be any problems.

Alk: Yep. Oh, I also made lunch for us. Are you feeling hungry?

Lily: Oh, you made special bento boxes for us, Alk? Awesome!

Alk: Yeah, I made a few sandwiches and—huh?

Alk: Oh no, I forgot to pack them! Sorry guys, I'll go back and grab them, just wait for me here!

Lily: Okie dokie. Take care!

Nimbus: Hey, pipsqueak.

Lily: I'm not a pipsqueak! I'm Lily!

Nimbus: All right, Lily. Do you really get a kick out of just beatin' up monsters?

Lily: Yes! It's super fun! And MAGICAL!

Nimbus: Shouldn't a kid like you be off playing hide or seek instead? Not sure idols are cut out for fightin' like this.

Lily: Huh? We are too! I can look after myself, you know!

Nimbus: Mhm. Just remember that it's not all sunshine and roses. When push comes to shove, you might have to defend yourself.

Lily: I know that! I'm Lily Hoshikawa, I'm not going to let a monster jeopardize my idol career!

Nimbus: Heh. Whatever you say, kid.

Alk: Sorry for the wait! I'll get lunch ready right away.

Lily: I'm starving! I can't wait to eat what you've got for us!

Alk: And here we go, help yourselves!

Lily: Will do! Let's dig in!

Lily: I don't think I've EVER eaten bread this soft before!

Light: See, I knew you'd like it! Alk's cooking really is incredible!

Nimbus: We're really singin' Alk's praises today, huh?

Lily: What's wrong, Nimbus?

Lily: Hey, you! Do you want to eat lunch with us?

Lily: Oh, he left. I wonder why.

Nimbus: I've never seen an outfit like that... Maybe he's a drifter?

Lily: A drifter? What do you mean?

Lily: Oh, so he was from another world? Just like me.

Lily: And he's probably all on his own...

Nimbus: Probably. That'd explain why he was all sneaky and on high alert.

Lily: I... I'm going to go after him! I'll be back soon.

Nimbus: Oy, wait a second!

Lily: Um, hello.

Lily: You were... watching us eat back there, right? Is something wrong?

Lily: I'm Number 6! Oh, that means I'm an idol from Saga.

Wandering Boy: Idol?

Lily: That's right, from a dazzling group called Franchouchou!

Lily: If you're ever in Saga, please come to our concert! Okay, see you later!

Wandering Boy: Fran... chouchou...

Episode 2
For My Fans

After finishing up a meet and greet event, Lily encounters the drifter boy once again. She shows off her professional idol skills to him and some other local boys. Alk is impressed, praising Lily, who responds that she merely wants her fans to be true to themselves. She then hopes that she'll be able to see those same fans once again.

Lily: Oh my gosh, there are so many people!

Yugiri: Franchouchou's popularity is steadily growing. It's wonderful to see.

Alk: A whole bunch more folks signed up as soon as they found out it was a handshake event. Still, I didn't expect THIS many.

Lily: Hehe. It's nice being popular!

Nimbus: Not sure why you had to drag me along to help you, though.

Alk: It's good to have somebody more vigilant like you around, Nimbus. We need your tiger senses.

Lily: We're counting on you, Nimbus! Let's do our best!

Yugiri: Oh my, it appears Lily's taking a liking to Nimbus.

Alk: Okay, we'll be starting the meet and greet handshake event now! Please line up in an orderly fashion according to your number!

Flamboyant Fan: Ohh, Number 6, you're looking mighty pretty today—which isn't saying much, you always look amazing, after all.

Lily: Really? Thank you, that's so nice of you to say!

Flamboyant Fan: Can't wait for your next event! I'll be first in line for that one too, don't worry. Oh, and I'll also make sure to get you a present!

Chubby Fan: Hehe... You should have seen how fast I got tickets to this event as soon as it was announced! Lightning fast! Do you know why, Number 6?

Lily: No, why's that? Did you really want to meet me?

Chubby Fan: Close, but no cigar! It's because I wanted to meet Number 5 as well! The two of you are the best combo, there was NO WAY I could miss this chance!

Lily: I see! Yeah, that's us all right, a miracle match made in heaven!

Yugiri: Hehe. That's quite right.

Earnest Fan: N-Number 6... Do you remember who I am?

Lily: Ummm... I'm sorry, I have the worst memory... I can't quite recall your name...

Earnest Fan: Whaat?

Lily: I mean, that way every time I see you, it's like we're meeting for the first time! It's a miracle, isn't it?

Lily: Will you come to another one of my events in the future, so we can meet again?

Earnest Fan: O-of course I will! No way I'd miss one!

Alk: You know, despite being just a kid, she's really good at talking to people.

Nimbus: Yep. Doesn't get flustered no matter who she's talking to. Not bad.

Alk: And that concludes our meet and greet event! Thank you for coming, everyone!

Lily: See you at the next event! Bye-bye!

Nimbus: Damn, I didn't expect you to give it your all like that, kid.

Lily: Huh? I wasn't really doing anything special. That's just everyday life for an entertainer!

Lily: I have to do whatever it takes to get my fans excited and happy about coming to my events!

Yugiri: We could all stand to learn from Lily's professionalism.

Nimbus: Oh?

Lily: Hello! Did you come to the event today?

Wandering Boy: ...Yeah.

Lily: I see! Well, thank you so much! I'm super happy to hear that.

Wandering Boy: B-but... I don't even have a handshake ticket...

Lily: Think of this as a special deal, as thanks for coming today! I really appreciate it!

Young Boy: Hey, it's that drifter! What are you doing there?

Young Boy: What, you like girls in frilly dresses or something?

Nimbus: Who are these kids?

Lily: Are you fans of mine as well? I'm sorry, I'm still talking to someone. If you could line up and wait your turn, that'd be great!

Lily: And I'm glad to hear you like my dress, this is one of my favorites!

Young Boy: H-huh? No, I didn't say that I liked it or anything...

Young Boy: Uh... C'mon, guys, let's get out of here.

Lily: Don't stop being my fan, you hear? I promise to remember you!

Wandering Boy: Th-thank you. I'll... definitely come to your events again, Number 6.

Lily: Okay! I'll look for you at my next one!

Yugiri: Now that was expertly handled. Excellent job, Lily-han.

Lily: I'm an idol, after all! That's just part of the job!

Lily: The fans go out of their way to come see me, so I have to make sure I do my best for them!

Alk: She really is a pro...

Nimbus: Yep. Really giving it 100% all the time.

Lily: I just want my fans to be true to themselves and embrace their passion for idols—and for me, hehe!

Lily: They're all my friends, after all! Every one of them!

Lily: I hope that boy comes back again...

Episode 3
Even If We Have to Part

Lily attends a photo shoot with fans after her concert and spots the drifter boy, who has bought a ticket to her event. Lily performs a surprise song and then muses on leaving this world behind. She boldly tells Nimbus that she wants to leave a lasting impression on the people here, so that they'll remember her even after she's gone.

Lily: Okay, I'm all ready to go! Are people starting to come in?

Nimbus: That they are. The crowd's so big we got roped into helping again.

Alk: Oh, come on. You make it sound like you're not having fun doing this, Nimbus!

Lily: Having fun? Ooh, did Nimbus become a fan of mine as well?

Lily: I guess I'll have to give him an autograph next! "To Nimby, with love!"

Nimbus: All right, all right. Enough foolin' around. Let's go.

Alk: Sorry for the wait, everyone. The photo shoot event will be starting now!

Bashful Fan: H-hello. It's nice to meet you. Um, I, uh, don't know what to do...

Lily: Oh wow! You're the first person today! Thank you so much for coming out. Let's take a picture!

Lily: Let's make a heart with our hands! Come on!

Bashful Fan: U-um! O-okay... L-like this?

Lily: Yep, that's perfect! We'll have ourselves a magical picture—say cheese!

Bashful Fan: Wow... Thank you so much! I'll treasure it forever!

Flamboyant Fan: Hi, Number 6! I'd like to get five photos with you today!

Lily: Gosh, you bought that many? You must be a huge fan. I'm so happy!

Lily: But make sure you don't overspend, okay? I don't want you to put yourself in a bad spot because of my events!

Flamboyant Fan: Of course! Don't worry—I only spent one third of my paycheck!

Nimbus: Man. Lily's got some... intense, dedicated fans, huh?

Alk: I mean, she's a fan-pleaser. It makes sense that people love her!

Nimbus: Neeext—wait a minute...

Wandering Boy: H-hello.

Lily: Oh! You came again! Thank you!

Wandering Boy: Yeah. I even bought a ticket this time.

Wandering Boy: I feel bad... Having someone like me for a fan is probably nothing but trouble...

Lily: No, no. It's no trouble at all. I'm really happy that you came out to support me!

Young Boy: Look, it's that drifter again!

Young Boy: Being all friendly with someone like him... This idol girl is a weirdo too!

Alk: You guys again?

Wandering Boy: Don't you dare say anything bad about Number 6! She's a wonderful and kind idol!

Wandering Boy: And besides, you guys probably only came back because you secretly like her too!

Young Boy: Huh? Yeah right, no way!

Young Boy: You're... you're just an idiot! Keep your mouth shut, weirdo!

Wandering Boy: I'm sorry for making a scene...

Lily: Don't worry about it, you did great there! And you seem more full of energy than before!

Wandering Boy: It's because I met you, Number 6. I... I'm going to continue being your fan!

Lily: Ooh, thank you! Haha. Okay, let's take our picture. Cheese!

Alk: Good work today, Lily. Let's get started with the clean up!

Lily: I'm going to step away for a moment!

Alk: Huh? What's that all about?

Lily: Hey, everyone! Thank you so much for coming out today. I know this is quite sudden, but I'd like to perform one more song!

Flamboyant Fan: No way! This must be our lucky day!

Lily: This will be a precious memory—for me and for you!

Audience: Wooo!

Wandering Boy: Do your best, Number 6!

Alk: Well, this certainly wasn't planned... Is it okay for her to do this?

Nimbus: I mean, they all seem super into it, so... why not. She announced it, there's no going back now.

Alk: What are we doing standing around? We've got to turn on the equipment! Let's help out!

Lily: Everyone! I hope you'll become even bigger fans of both me and Franchouchou!

Nimbus: What are you doing skulking off on your own? It's not like you.

Nimbus: You can't run from me, pipsqueak. I'm good at finding people.

Lily: I'm not a pipsqueak! I'm Lily!

Lily: I was just... thinking about how I might have to say goodbye to everyone in this world.

Nimbus: What brought that on, exactly?

Lily: Well... I was looking at everyone today, smiling and having a good time. I think if I left they would all be really sad.

Lily: I know what it's like to say goodbye to someone you love. It's... a lonely feeling.

Nimbus: All the more reason to do as much as you can before your time's up, yeah? Besides, it's either keep going, or quit, and I doubt you'd do the latter.

Lily: Hehe. Yeah, that's right. You're more observant than you look, Nimbus!

Nimbus: I've been working for you for a while now, haven't I? I pick up on things.

Lily: You do! All right, I'm going to work even harder to get more people to like Franchouchou forever, even if I end up leaving!

Lily: Even if we're in totally different places, far apart, if they have me in their hearts... that's enough.