Lilith (Summer)/Stories

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Episode 1
Respite from War

Lilith is invited on a vacation with Stella and the others and asks Estariel to help her pick out an appropriate swimsuit. However, upon realizing her swimsuit is far more revealing than everyone else's, she begins to feel self-conscious. Eventually, Stella is able to calm her down, and together, they take Lilith's first steps into the ocean.

Lilith: *sigh*

Estariel: My, my... That was one heavy sigh.

Lilith: A heavy sigh for a heavy burden. All these problems are so complex...

Lilith: Pandemonium and the Abyss continue to eat away at our world... As much as I would prefer to avoid frightening our people, we cannot run from reality.

Lilith: Nor should we lie to the people... But bringing something of this magnitude to light requires time and careful preparation- a luxury we do not have.

Estariel: A grave issue indeed. However, do you truly believe it will be solved while you remain firmly seated at your desk?

Lilith: What?

Inaho: I seek an audience with the Lady Lilith Stratos!

Lilith: Inaho?!

Lilith: You wish for me to join Stella and the others on a vacation?

Inaho: Correct! They have long toiled for our benefit and therefore deserve a break! An excellent plan, don't you agree?

Lilith: I... Yes, it is. However, I regretfully have to decline your most generous-

Estariel: Go, Lilith. If you do not, consider your people no longer welcome in the Silver Woods.

Lilith: Are you insinuating that you would violate our peace treaty so FLIPPANTLY?!

Estariel: That depends. Are YOU planning to insult the yokai princess by declining her gracious invitation?

Lilith: I-I honorably accept your invitation, Inaho.

Inaho: I am most honored to have you joining us! I cannot wait to see you in your bikini!

Inaho: Together, we shall give the men of the beaches weak knees and fill their stomachs with butterflies! Now then, I have many preparations to make, so I shall be off!

Lilith: Estel... What is this... "bikini" of which she spoke?

Estariel: I believe it is a sort of underwear worn when swimming. I have heard it is customary to honor your host by wearing one that reveals a lot of skin.

Lilith: I-in front of others?! Even the menfolk?!

Estariel: It's best to consider it a difference of cultures. If you were to accidently offend your host, it could lead to diplomatic issues. Prepare yourself, King of Man.

Lilith: I-I understood... But a bikini is just so- oooh!

Lilith: Estel... Would you kindly... assist me in picking out an appropriate outfit for this gathering?

Estariel: An excellent proposal. Worry not, Lilith, for I shall see to it that you are clothed appropriately for this occasion.

Lilith: "Clothed appropriately," my foot! I have been DECEIVED!

Lilith: Look at all these people! They are wearing clothes! REAL CLOTHES! With sufficient coverage!

Lilith: While I am stuck with... with... Ohhh!

Lilith: I should have known better than to trust Estel...

Lilith: ...My apologies, but I must take my leave.

Stella: N-no! Please... I want to spend time with you.

Lilith: Oh, Stella... If only I'd picked out an outfit like yours...

Stella: But you look so pretty.

Lilith: ...You really think so?

Stella: Yes.

Lilith: Then shall we switch?

Stella: ...

Lilith: See?! You don't want to wear it either!

Stella: It would be difficult for me to wear such attire. On many levels...

Stella: Alk.

Alk: Huh? Why are you dragging me into this?!

Alk: W-well... There's no need to be shy! I mean, look around us! Everyone else is wearing similar-

Lilith: Why do you not meet my gaze when you speak to me?

Lilith: And now you're avoiding looking at me entirely!

Alk: I-I didn't want to make you MORE embarrassed-

Lilith: Embarrassed?! I-I don't know what you're talking about. I'm perfectly composed!

Lilith: And even if I was, what of it?

Lilith: Surely anyone would feel self-conscious if you looked at them like that, you... you scoundrel!

Alk: L-like I said, I wasn't-

Nimbus: *sigh* Another playground fight to break up, huh? Kids...

Nimbus: Hey, Light- Light?

Light: P-Princess Lily... Shakari... Please forgive this pitiful excuse of a Champion...

Nimbus: Not you too...

Stella: May I join you? I wish to take a break.

Lilith: Of course. And my apologies. I understand we are here to enjoy the beach, but I-

Stella: That's okay. We also came here to hang out with you. so that's what I'm doing.

Lilith: You have a point... We're here to enjoy each other's company, and we came an awful long way to do so...

Lilith: I think I would also like to join you in the ocean. If nothing else, I wish to learn more about this world.

Lilith: Now then, let's go, Ste-

Lilith: H-h-hot!

Lilith: P-proceed with caution, Stella! There's a fire-wielding monster hidden under the sand!

Stella: Pfft... hehe.

Stella: The sun makes the sand very hot. We should wear sandals when walking over it.

Lilith: Huh? Oh... I see. Um... Thank you for the clarification.

Stella: Don't worry. I will teach you everything I know.

Stella: Come, Lilith, let's play.

Lilith: ...All right.

Lilith: I look forward to your lessons, Stella.

Episode 2
Playing with Fire

Following a quick trip to the spa, Stella takes Lilith to the casino. After a few brutal rounds of roulette, Esmeralda, the manager of the casino, tries to cheer Lilith up by telling her the story of the island's creation. More entertained by the story than the games available to her, Lilith asks Esmeralda to tell her more.

Lilith: I shall be... reborn?

Stella: Yes. Soft and supple as a newborn baby.

Lilith: A baby?!

Stella & Lilith: *sigh*

Stella & Lilith: Ohhh...

Stella & Lilith: Ahhh...

Lilith: So soft! I'm so soft, Stella!

Stella: Yes. Soft and supple.

Lilith: This is... amazing- nay, revolutionary!

Lilith: Paradise Isle... What other secrets do you hold?

Lilith: Now, what shall we do next?

Stella: Next we will explore more... adult entertainment.

Lilith: Adult?

Lilith: Oh my... The lights... The sounds... It's almost overwhelming...

Nimbus: Can't take a trip to Paradise Isle without stopping by the casino. We're regulars here.

Alk: Yeah, a regular thorn in their sides... You sure it's okay for us to be here?

Nimbus: They said not to worry about it, didn't they? Don't be such a party pooper.

Nimbus: Besides, I want my revenge!

Light: Are you sure such an establishment is... suitable for Princess Lilith?

Lilith: You needn't worry, Light. I'm well aware gambling exists on all manner of worlds, along with the thrills that accompany it.

Lilith: Such games are fine in moderation. You simply need to know when to quit. Now then, let's give this a shot!

Lilith: Come on, red! Thirty-two red! Re-

Lilith: Ah! Ah... Ah... Ahhh?!

Lilith: Oh... Dear...

Alk: Uh... You okay there, Princess?

Lilith: I was... so close...

Lilith: Next time will be thirty-two red. I know it!

Alk: How?! And why are you fixated on that number?! If you're looking for a sign to stop, THIS IS IT!

Lilith: But I believe in the flames of courage!

Alk: Those flames are about to burn a hole in your wallet!

Lilith: Alk, you remind me an awful lot of how Shakari used to be.

Lilith: I wish I could be reckless too, and have something to show for it...

Alk: I mean... This isn't exactly the place to be reckless, you know?

Lilith: That's... a fair point. Although I think I was in too deep to quit...

Lilith: I see now that casinos are indeed dens of evil. I'll have to forbid such institutions in my country.

???: Hehe. That's funny coming from someone who is so clearly enjoying our establishment.

Lilith: And who might you be?

Esmeralda: I am Esmeralda, the manager of this "den of evil."

Lilith: The manager... M-my apologies! Please forgive my rude outburst.

Esmeralda: You have nothing to be sorry for. Bars are for wallowing in your sorrows as you drink your problems away.

Esmeralda: You folks seem like you'd make fine patrons of our casino, so before you completely dismiss our establishment, I'd like to explain one thing.

Esmeralda: Casino Belaqua is a place of ambition- of seizing the day for all it is worth.

Lilith: Ambition? How so?

Esmeralda: All of us here are reaching for far-off dreams. Such dreams are what made this island what it is today.

Esmeralda: Did you know this island was once a mountain that jutted out of the ocean?

Lilith: A mountain? But I thought this island was man-made...

Esmeralda: That is it. People crushed the mountain and made it into this island's foundation.

Esmeralda: This was back when the water levels were still rising, and everyone was always on the lookout for higher ground. I'm sure that such an undertaking seemed impossible at the time.

Esmeralda: But they never gave up on their dream and built a life here. And it's those kinds of dreams that draw people to this casino.

Lilith: ...Could you tell me more about this island's history?

Esmeralda: Oho... I see a new spark in your eyes.

Lilith: You'll have to forgive me. While I mean no offense, I happen to find such stories far more interesting than cards or roulette.

Stella: Lilith looks like she's having fun.

Stella: ...Is this also a form of adult entertainment?

Alk: Uh... I don't know if I'd call it that, but...

Alk: That look in Lilith's eyes is the same as the look she had when she stood before Adjudicus that one time.

Lilith: I see... Is that so?

Lilith: What a fascinating story. Could you tell me more?

Episode 3
Burning Ambition

Lilith visits Esmeralda and warns her to stay away from Alk and Stella, but is soon surrounded by hired thugs. Nimbus and Light offer their assistance, but Lilith is able to handle the brutes herself and strike a deal with Esmeralda. Upon returning, she heads out with Alk and Stella, where she proclaims her desire to give her people a life free from struggle.

Stella: ...Where's Lilith?

Alk: Ah, she just left. Said something about meeting someone.

Stella: I see...

Lilith: Greetings, Esmeralda. I was wondering if we could chat again today.

Esmeralda: We're not even open yet... Unfortunately, I'm too busy to entertain you any further.

Lilith: I see... In that case, I shall be quick.

Lilith: Esmeralda... Please leave my friends alone.

Lilith: You've been observing Alk and Stella through me, correct?

Lilith: I've met countless people like you, all with that same cunning look in their eyes.

Esmeralda: Heh... And here I thought you were just a naïve little princess.

Esmeralda: So... What are you going to do to convince me?

Nimbus: Need a hand, princess?

Lilith: Nimbus... And Light...

Light: We also noticed this woman's foul intent. Let us help you, Princess Lilith!

Lilith: No, that won't be necessary.

Nimbus: Oh?

Lilith: I have come here to talk, woman to woman. I will not permit such violence to interrupt us.

Lilith: Besides, if I cannot overcome such a trifling band of brutes myself...

Lilith: I couldn't possibly stand as equals alongside Estel and Adjudicus!

Lilith: Now then, Esmeralda... Shall we continue?

Esmeralda: Hmph, seems like hiring security was a waste of money.

Esmeralda: So what is it you're so desperate to talk about? Surely this isn't simply about your little friends.

Lilith: It is not. I would like to negotiate with you.

Lilith: Esmeralda... The people of this land once destroyed an entire mountain to create a place they could call home... Do you think you could do it again?

Esmeralda: You want us to make another island?

Esmeralda: Ha... Ahaha! Not only are you naïve, you're a FOOL!

Esmeralda: Fine, I accept your ambitious dreams with open arms.

Light: ...Not the most lethal attack, but the flash up close could certainly incapacitate some...

Nimbus: Yeah, an attack like that was more than enough for weaklings like this. A crafty one, ain't she?

Light: Indeed she is...

Light: Shakari... Your daughter has grown into a strong, reliable leader.

Lilith: I'm back!

Alk: Whoa, you were out late... Where did you go?

Lilith: *sigh* I'm exhausted!

Alk: Really? Uh... Something happen?

Lilith: It's more emotional exhaustion than anything else. It's been a long time since I had to put on such a brave front.

Lilith: But now I finally see a path forward. It may be but a single path, but it's a start...

Lilith: Stella, Alk... Would you like to accompany me on an outing?

Alk: Huh? Now? But I thought you said-

Stella: Yes, let's go.

Alk: As long as you're not too tired from today. But it's kinda late. Where would we go?

Lilith: Well... I suppose there's only one place to go...

Lilith: There, preparations are complete! We can swim now!

Stella: Great!

Alk: Jeez, where do you get all this energy?

Alk: ...You know, you seem different from when we first arrived.

Lilith: I'm sure I do. I've had plenty of lessons from my teacher Stella now.

Stella: I have nothing left to teach you.

Lilith: I'll admit it- at first, it felt wrong for me to be having fun when my people are struggling...

Lilith: However, my opinion shifted somewhere along the line. I would like my people to see such breaks as a necessity, not a luxury.

Lilith: To live is to do more than endure and survive. I wish for all of us to thrive...

Alk: Does that include the beastfolk and fiends too?

Lilith: Of course. Everyone deserves a life free of excessive burden.

Lilith: I want to move forward without overly fixating on my status and what it means.

Alk: That... sounds like one ambitious dream.

Lilith: One I intend to see come true. Instead of being ashamed of my status, I should make use of it. Just like this bikini.

Alk: That's ri- what?

Lilith: Well, such revealing attire allowed me to better understand the thoughts of men and society's view of the female body.

Alk: Uh... What?

Lilith: Therefore... It is all right for you to relax, Alk.

Alk: Wh-why am I relaxing?

Lilith: You don't need to work so hard to avoid staring at my bosom.

Alk: I-

Alk: N-no, I wasn't- I just...

Alk: ...I'll be more careful not to look...

Lilith: Hm? But I just said it was fine, didn't I? I've come to understand this world's views on modesty, so I am no longer embarrassed by my attire.

Alk: A-ahaha...

Stella: You seem to be having fun, Lilith.

Lilith: I am!