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Episode 1
A Night to Remember

After scolding Alk for his un-hero-like behavior, Lilith apologizes to Light for her outburst about Lily, her grandmother. Nimbus takes the chance to ask more about Lily, and the group sits down to share stories about Light and his old gang.

Lilith: A selection of candidates for the new living space. They look into account the differences the people may have...

Lilith: A report on the missing fund from our budget... Evidence of concerning activities among the knights. And a search for... an oracle?

Lilith: *sigh*

Alk: Troubles on the mind?

Lilith: More than you can imagine.

Alk: Careful not to push yourself too hard, yeah? Anyway, brought you some tea.

Lilith: Thank you very much. You can leave it right there-

Lilith: W-wait a moment!

Lilith: Wh-what in the world... are you doing?

Alk: Bringing you... tea? That I made?

Lilith: No, not that. Why are you, a hero, who saved our country, serving me?!

Alk: Didn't realize being a hero meant I can't brew drinks...

Lilith: Please be more self-aware of your position. You mustn't forget that you're one of the people responsible for saving this world!

Lilith: We can't have anyone be under the impression that you're a servant of mine.

Alk: Oh, come on... Is this really worth a lecture over?

Light: What's all this about?

Alk: Help me, Light. I'm not cut out for this hero thing.

Nimbus: No, no, she's got a point. Why don't you act a little proud of who you are?

Light: ...Ah, is this about acting like a proper hero?

Light: Alk, you're you, through and through. There's no changing that. But it wouldn't hurt to be a little more conscious of the way others view you.

Light: For better or worse, you're actions have drawn the attention of the people.

Light: Speaking of which, is it truly a good idea for the ruler of a country to be scolding him in a public setting?

Lilith: M-my apologies...

Light: I spoke in jest- for the most part. At any rate, the issue is not so serious that it requires reprimanding.

Lilith: W-wait!

Lilith: I just... I also wanted to apologize for my unbecoming behavior the other day!

Light: What are you talking about?

Lilith: When I... spoke out of line and said I wasn't Lily...

Light: No, you were in the right. I had lost sight of matters at that point.

Nimbus: Lily, huh? That reminds me...

Nimbus: We never did finish our conversation about her. You wanna tell us a little more, Light?

Alk: Why are you so curious all of a sudden?

Nimbus: Well, when else am I gonna ask? Come on, I'll grab us some drinks, and we can make a thing of it.

Light: You just want to have a laugh at my expense, don't you... Fine, I suppose I don't mind.

Alk: Really? I'll go grab Stella then!

Nimbus: What, nothing happened in the end? You're kidding me...

Light: Of course nothing happened. She was the princess of a country, and I respected and adored her for who she was.

Lilith: Perhaps that was the case for you, but maybe my grandmother saw things differently.

Lilith: At least according to what I heard from Shakari.

Nimbus: Uh, why didn't you ask your grandma directly?

Lilith: I very rarely saw her after I was sent away at 4 years old.

Lilith: And when I did, I was always frightened by the sorrow in her demeanor...

Lilith: But Shakari was very close to her, so I'm certain what she told me was the truth-

Lilith: Lily Stratos was in love with the Champion Light.

Light: That... That can't be. I never once felt that she-

Lilith: Did you know Shakari and Joshua were lovers?

Light: What?! Truly?

Lilith: Yes. Joshua confessed to her at some point during your journey together.

Light: He did? What happened to being a priest?! Joshua!

Lilith: It seems Shakari was truthful in another regard as well. You truly are clueless when it comes to these matters...

Alk: Wow... I mean...

Alk: Light... You're you, through and through. There's no changing that. But you know? It wouldn't hurt to be a little more conscious of the way others view you.

Lilith: I completely agree.

Light: Wh-what... About what?!

Lilith: I think that's enough conversation about this topic.

Lilith: Any more, and Shakari would be angry with me.

Episode 2
Liars Together

When Lilith grows frustrated with the lack of progress among her countrymen, Estariel decides to show her to Alk's secret soup kitchen. There, she encounters Marly and witnesses Alk's tearful reunion with Eric. The scene reminds her of why she makes the struggle for progress and what she should be focusing on.

Lilith: ...Are you telling me you're unable to cooperate?

Knight: M-my utmost apologies..

Knight: But the knights under my command have been very vocal about their disapproval of our continued efforts to work with the fiends...

Lilith: That is irrelevant. If you don't already know, the peace treaty with the elves and the fiends is well underway.

Lilith: You must learn how to work together, or else our efforts will have been for naught!

Knight: I understand this... But the others-

Estariel: Enough. Us elves will take care of the land reclamation.

Estariel: Surely this is agreeable, yes?

Knight: Yes, thank you for your generosity and understanding!

Lilith: Estel! Why-

Estariel: It's not just the knights that are upset. The refugees are as well.

Estariel: Lilith, you know what it means to be strong. But you also know what it's like to be weak, don't you?

Estariel: No one can always be as strong as they wish they were.

Lilith: But I decided to believe in the flame of courage that burns within us all.

Estariel: That doesn't mean you need to set fire to all that stands in your way.

Estariel: Actually... There's something I'd like you to see.

Ariel: *chuckle* Ever the popular one, isn't he?

Lilith: What...

Alk: No need to push. We've still got plenty for everyone!

Nimbus: Relax. Be careful not to spill any.

Fiend Boy: Th-thank you...

Lilith: Alk...

Alk: WAH! Lilith?! What are you doing here?

Alk: U-uh, don't get the wrong idea! This is just... a hobby! Er... Kinda?

Alk: Sorry, I know this isn't very hero-like, but... this is who I am. I wanna help out however I can.

Lilith: There's no need to apologize. It is I who was in the wrong.

Lilith: Alk, allow me to help-

Lilith: Who's that over there?!

Alk: Lilith? Wait, you shouldn't go running off on your own!

Nimbus: The heck was that about?

Ariel: Ah, well. I'll take his place from now.

Ariel: Heeey! We've still got plenty of food left, so don't be shy!

Lilith: Please wait!

Marly: Lilith?

Lilith: Marly! It IS you!

Lilith: So you ended up here of all places.

Marly: Yes. People from the moderate faction guided me here.

Marly: They also told me what you and your friends have been up to. You've done well, Lilith.

Alk: So that's Marly...

???: ...Alk?

Eric: Alk! It's Alk!

Eric: Everyone says you took down the bad guys! Did you really?

Eric: Did you... get the person that killed my mommy too?

Eric: Alk?

Alk: ...Eric?

Alk: Eric... it it really you? You're... alive?

Alk: You're actually... here?

Alk: Eric... Eric!

Alk: *sob* Ahhh... Eric, I...

Eric: Why are you crying? You're squeezing too hard, Alk...

Eric: *sniffle* Wahh... WAAAHHH!

Alk: Sorry you had to see that.

Alk: Got something in my eyes and couldn't stop the tears, you know? No big deal.

Alk: Just... please keep this between us?

Lilith: You were right. You really aren't a hero, but I suppose we have that in common and more.

Alk: Huh?

Lilith: We're also both liars.

Alk: Uh, you're not wrong, but... Why bring it up?

Lilith: This has served as a reminder of why I strove to improve myself, and what I should be doing now.

Lilith: One day, I'll be the one to pass this flame to someone else...

Alk: ...Not sure what you're going on about, but I'm just glad you seem to have figured something out.

Alk: But for real. Can we keep what just happened between us?

Lilith: Of course. It'd be a waste to share such a secret freely.

Episode 3
Alongside the Star

Stella decides to throw a welcome party for Lilith, who has just arrived in Starview Village. They travel to Light's world so that Stella can cook up Sharkai's spicy game meat recipe, which she successfully does. Upon returning to Starview Village, Lilith states that she will fight alongside Alk and friends, so that her people may find a new place to live.

Alk: Brings back memories, doesn't it?

Alk: Can't sleep either?

Stella: No... I was originally made not to require sleep anyway.

Alk: Originally, huh... Well, the Stella I know eats and sleeps a ton.

Alk: And I"m pretty sure she can still do both of those things.

Stella: I thought looking at the world like this would help me remember.

Stella: But what I did to that person... The memories and convictions I threw away... None of it can be undone.

Alk: You know, she-

Alk: Someone's coming!

Lilith: This is Starview Village then?

Alk: Lilith?!

Lilith: Stella, Alk, I've come to fulfil my promise.

Light: I take it the rebuilding efforts are proceeding apace?

Lilith: ...Yes!

Nimbus: Why'd you hesitate? You telling me everything's not tidied up yet?

Lilith: Ah, yes... It'd be ideal for everything to have been sorted, wouldn't it...

Lilith: To be a simple process- finish one job, move onto the next.

Lilith: But the truth is not so kind. Once you finish one thing, two... three more issues pop up! The more you work, the more the mountain builds!

Alk: Oof, I'm guessing that means "no"...

Lilith: Joking aside, I have appointed qualified individuals to oversee the important duties in my absence.

Lilith: The remaining work is mostly formalities that requires a royal signature.

Nimbus: In other words, you're procrastinating. Never knew you had it in you.

Light: If she had a system in place to handle matters, I don't see why we can't have her join us now.

Stella: ...Let's welcome her.

Stella: In style.

Alk: Yeah, great idea! We should eat out! Get our party on!

Lilith: May I make a selfish request?

Nimbus: Eh, you're the guest of honor. Shoot.

Lilith: I'd like to eat spicy game meat roasted in leaves.

Lilith: Stella, Shakari taught you the recipe, didn't she?

Lilith: Did... Did I say something wrong? Why is everyone looking at me?

Stella: Your request will put... everyone at life-threatening risk...

Lilith: What?! What do you mean?

Alk: Eh, you know what? Go for it, Stella.

Alk: You did it once, you can do it again.

Alk: I believe in you! So just believe in the me that believes in you!

Nimbus: Uh... Alk...

Alk: I-its the surroundings! We gotta have everything exactly the same, that way she can recreate the situation!

Alk: Come on, let's head over to Light's world!

Alk: Meteor Break!

Eric: Awesome! You landed it this time!

Stella: Cut the meat. Coat it in honey. Wrap it in leaves. Leave it by the fire-

Stella: Remove it exactly when ready.

Nibmus: You didn't toast it into charcoal! Nice job!

Light: It smells very good!

Lilith: ...Delicious.

Lilith: Just like Shakari used to make it... It's fantastic.

Stella: ...

Lilith: Stella?

Stella: I'm sorry... I know I'm not normal... I must be broken-

Lilith: You're not. Definitely not.

Lilith: Thank you, Stella.

Eric: I wanna eat some too!

Stella: All right. I'll prepare more right away!

Alk: Whew! That was more like an adventure than a welcome part, huh?

Lilith: Indeed. There was merit in causing trouble to come here.

Alk: SO you weren't actually kidding about the work. Figured as much, my fellow liar.

Lilith: ...That world is going to reach its limit at some point in the near future.

Lilith: Adjudicus and I are of the same mind- we need a new place for our people to live.

Lilith: Which means, I too, need to fight the Overlords.

Lilith: SO let us fight together. And Stella...

Lilith: I'm counting on you to watch my back.

Stella: Okay!

Stella: Allow me to officially welcome you to Starview Village, Lilith.