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Episode 1
Miracle Tailor

While delivering an order for the Guild, Alk and the others meet Lilian, a popular tailor. After encountering a rude client, an angry Alk and the others offer to help Lilian. Upon finishing the job, the client apologizes for her behavior. Lilian remarks on Light's appearance and the group's clothes, so Alk and the others invite her to Starview Village to talk.

Dressed-Up Tailor: Well, what do you think? With every stitch, I wished that you'd find luck in both your work and love life.

Excited Lady: I can tell. it's absolutely wonderful! Oh, thank you, Lilian.

Light: Hmmm... I had heard she was quite the reputable tailor, but she's even more popular than I imagined.

Alk: Apparently, she does everything from the design to the tailoring itself. Pretty cool, right?

Lilian: Welcome, is this your first time here? What sort of apparel are you-

Lilian: Th-those clothes! How in the world were they made? Oh my, this fabric-

Lilian: Ah, m-my apologies! How could I be so rude!

Alk: I-it's fine. Um, we're here to deliver these packages...

Lilian: Oh! Well, thank you. This must be my order from the Guild.

Alk: Could you please check the contents to make sure your order's all here?

Lilian: But of course! However, I must first tend to my customers. Do you mind waiting?

Lilian: ...Yes, it's all here! I knew I was right to ask the Guild for help.

Lilian: There you go, I've signed for the package as well. I apologize for the wait.

Alk: Nah, don't worry abut it. Looking at the clothes here was fun.

Stella: Yes... Everything here is wonderful.

Lilian: Hehe, thank you. I'm happy to know you enjoy them.

Flashy Woman: You must be the Lilian I've heard so much about. I know this is sudden, but I'd like to have a dress tailored!

Flashy Woman: On the night of the full moon, I have a party to attend. Before then, you will make a dress befitting one such as myself!

Lilian: Hmmm... Well... That may prove difficult, ma'am. I'm not even sure how long it will take to procure the materials...

Flashy Woman: Excuse me? But I already told everyone I'd be wearing one of your dresses! Surely you can do something!

Flashy Woman: How could you be so useless?! I am the customer! DO something!

Alk: Don't you think you're going a little overboard?

Flashy Woman: Are you saying I'm in the wrong here? Who are you, little boy, and where are your parents?

Alk: ...I'm sorry if I hurt your feelings, but this isn't right. Just because you're the customer doesn't mean-

Lilian: Now, now, ma'am, please calm down. You need this dress by the next full moon, correct?

Lilian: All right, I shall accept your request. You'll soon have the perfect dress, rest assured!

Alk: I'm sorry, Lilian. This is all my fault...

Lilian: There's no need to apologize. This is all part of the job.

Lilian: Besides, you were able to say everything that I could not.

Alk: ...Is there anything I can do to help?

Lilian: Hehe, you don't need to go that far, but well... if you insist...

Alk: Phew... I never thought you'd have us help gather materials.

Light: You are also quite adept at combat. It seems you're no mere seamstress.

Lilian: I could say the same for you all as well, no? You're not ordinary adventurers, are you?

Lilian: This is the first time I've seen someone like Light, and those clothes... Where did yo-

Lilian: Hehe, we'll have to chat after we finish up here!

Flashy Woman: Marvelous! Simply marvelous!

Lilian: Hehe, I am thrilled to know you like it.

Flashy Woman: A-actually... I'd like to apologize for the other day. I made quite the unreasonable request, didn't I?

Lilian: It's quite all right. Pay it no mind. I hope you enjoy the party.

Flashy Woman: I'd also like to apologize to you too... I should not have snapped like that.

Alk: I-it's fine. I should also apologize. I'm sorry.

Alk: ...You really are something else, Lilian.

Lilian: Hehe! I'm just glad she was happy with the final product.

Light: Another job well done, I'd say. Now it's time for some well-deserved rest.

Lilian: That's true, but before that, I'd like to continue our previous conversation...

Lilian: Tell me, just who are you?

Alk: Well, we don't mind telling you, but it's kind of a long story.

Light: I suppose it would be faster to just show you. Would you care to join us, Lilian?

Stella: We will welcome you in Starview Village, Lilian.

Lilian: In that case, I shall prepare some tea. I cannot wait to hear all about it.

Episode 2
The Gift of Joy!

As Alk and his friends make another delivery to Lilian's shop, an older man visits the tailor to find an outfit for his golden anniversary. After hearing this story, Lilian takes on his request and his outfit is a hit. Instead of taking a break after a job well done, Lilian decides to start working on outfits for Alk and the others. hoping to bring them joy as well.

Alk: Hello, we're here with a delivery from the Guild.

Lilian: Oh my, welcome. Hehe, the Guild certainly is quite. I really appreciate it.

Stella: This scarf...

Lilian: Oh, that? I made that with the materials you all oh so graciously brought last time. What do you think?

Stella: It would look good on Light.

Light: Me? B-but that pattern... How garish... and cutesy...

Lilian: Oh dear, I happen to agree with Stella though. It would be adorable on you. Would you like to try it on?

Light: I-I will have to pass... Besides, it seems too big for me. Yes, that's it! Far too big!

Lilian: Welcome. What sort of apparel are you looking for today?

Elderly Man: O-oh, no, I just... I... Urgh...

Elderly Man: I-I'm sorry, I seem to have come to the wrong store... Just forget I was here...

Lilian: There's no need to be embarrassed, sir. Perhaps you would like to chat for a moment?

Light: So you need an outfit for your golden wedding anniversary...

Lilian: Oh, what a wonderful occasion. It's no wonder you want everything to go well.

Elderly Man: Yes... My wife has put a lot of effort into this. She's already picked out her dress...

Elderly Man: On the other hand, I'm clueless when it comes to fancy clothes... I don't know what to do...

Alk: Well, what's your normal style like?

Elderly Man: S-style?

Light: Perhaps it would be easier to coordinate with your wife's attire.

Elderly Man: Coordinate?

Lilian: Pardon me, but did you perhaps work at sea in the past?

Elderly Man: I-indeed I did. I was often away at sea for long periods of time... How did you know?

Lilian: I just notice your beautifully suntanned skin and thought that might be the case.

Elderly Man: I see... Well, I've since retired and now live with my wife and son. We even ended up moving to Palpebra.

Elderly Man: Heh, how nostalgic. The roar of the ocean, the sandy beach... I even proposed there...

Elderly Man: Ah, m-my apologies. It seems this old man is rambling again.

Lilian: Not at all. Quite the opposite actually. That all sounds lovely.

Lilian: ...Sir, would it be possible for me to make your outfit?

Elderly Woman: Oh my! Dear, where did you get that outfit?

Elderly Man: I-I had it tailor-made. I just, um... felt like it, you know?

Elderly Woman: Hehe, well, you look very handsome. It reminds me of your old work uniform...

Light: I see now. You based his clothing off of his memories...

Lilian: That's correct. After hearing his story, I could see him rushing home to see his wife without changing out of his uniform.

Lilian: So... I'm sure the wife has plenty of fond memories of that uniform as well...

Alk: It looks like you were spot-on there. I mean... Look at them.

Stella: They seem so happy.

Lilian: Hehe... And I'm happiest when my clients are happy.

Lilian: Seeing their smiles makes me glad I do what I do.

Lilian: Well then, I suppose it's time for me to move on to my next project!

Alk: Already? I think you should take a break...

Light: I understand you're a popular tailor, but all of that will be meaningless if you end up wearing yourself out.

Lilian: Don't worry about me. I make sure to rest when I need it!

Lilian: Besides... I want to make outfits for all of you next.

Alk: Th-that would be great, but... Are you sure?

Lilian: Of course! Leave it to me. My clothes will bring you joy on an entirely different level!

Stella: Sounds good. I can't wait.

Light: Agreed. Although... Please refrain from making my outfit too cutesy...