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Episode 1
Fail Better!

Amateur alchemist Lilial drags the party off to the Garden of the Sprites for a resource gathering trip thinly veiled as a picnic.

Lilial: AAAAALK! I need you to pack me a lunch!

Alk: Huh? Why, are you going somewhere?

Lilial: Yup! I'm out of components, so I can't do any alchemical experiments.

Lilial: I've gotta go get some more before I die of boredom, and I figured if I'm gonna be out in the forest, I might as well have a picnic!

Alk: Oh, all right. If you're okay with leftovers, I'll go toss something together for you.

Lilial: Works for me! Thanks, Alk! ...Oh! And make sure you pack enough for all four of us!

Light: For all four of us? ...We were just thinking of heading out to a new world.

Lilial: Aw, that can wait a day, can't it? Your mind is most creative when it's at play, y'know! You've gotta have fun if you wanna get some ideas cookin' up there!

Lilial: Back me up, Stella! A picnic in the Garden of the Sprites totally sounds fun, right?

Stella: Yes, it does sound like a nice idea.

Lilial: See, Light? Stella wants to go! PIC! NIC! PIC! NIC! PIC! NIC!

Lilial: Whew! This looks like a good spot!

Alk: F-finally... *pant* I can't feel my legs...

Lilial: Ahaha! Sorry, Alk! I guess I went a little overboard resource gathering.

Alk: Let's go on a picnic, she said. It'll be FUN, she said... What've you got in here?! Rocks?!

Light: Alk has a point. Herbs shouldn't be that heavy.

Lilial: Oh, um... Ahaha...ha... You're a good guesser Alk! It's got r-rocks...

Alk: Rocks?! Wait, you're serious?!

Lilial: W-well, yeah, but they're special rocks!

Alk: Special rocks?

Lilial: Yeah, iron ore!

Lilial: I mean, alchemy was born of the desire to turn common metals into gold! Everything starts from iron, Alk!

Alk: For a second there, you almost sounded like a real alchemist.

Lilial: I AM a real alchemist!

Stella: Alchemy typically does not end in explosions.

Lilial: Sure it does! Experimentation is the most important part of science! Fail a lot, then fail better!

Light: That sounds great in theory, but I worry you won't blow up the whole village. You've already reduced half your room to cinders…

Lilial: It'll be fiiiiine! Besides, I haven't found any mushrooms yet, so there's not much I CAN do.

Stella: Mushrooms? What about those red ones over there?

Lilial: What? But those are EVERYWHERE! See, with alchemy, the rarer the inputs are, the cooler the end-product is.

Alk: What exactly are you trying to make anyways?

Lilial: That's top secret! You'll have to wait and see!

Alk: ...Right. Well, if you ever need mushrooms, there's—

Alk: Um, Lilial?

Lilial: Look.

Lilial: Look at that mushroom!

Lilial: Wow, I can't believe it! Look, guys, there's a mushroom man!

Lilial: Hey there, buddy! Have you ever heard of ALCHEMY?

Shroombo: Cha-cha! Challuaaaa!

Lilial: Okay, now just hold still while I— Hey!

Stella: This is the first time I've been on a picnic this exciting.

Alk: You can say that again...

Lilial: WAAAAAIT! C'mon, just let me have a little piece—it'll grow back, right? For scienceee!


Episode 2
Try, Try Again

Lilial's stuck on an experiment, but when Nimbus scolds her for blowing random stuff up, she realizes that's exactly what she needs to do—forget theory and start chucking things in a cauldron until it works!

Nimbus: What was that?! Somethin's at the World Flipper!

Alk: Relax, it's just Lilial, up to her usual experiments.

Nimbus: Huh?

Lilial: Aw, man, I totally thought I had it this time.

Lilial: Grrr, I'm all out of ideas!

Nimbus: Hey! The hell happened over there? *sniff* Something smells burnt.

Alk: "Alchemy" happened. *sigh* I don't know what she's trying to make, but all her experiments end in explosions.

Nimbus: What, you mean she blew something up?!

Nimbus: She nearly blew my eardrums out! So much for my afternoon catnap…

Lilial: Oh, c'mon, that was just a little one! Imagine how boring alchemy would be without explosions—they're what keep the long experiments fun!

Lilial: Also, I've got competition. There are rumors in Palpebra of an alchemist who blows up everything they touch— and I'm not gonna sit by and let them take my throne!

Nimbus: You're competing to see which of you sucks at alchemy more?

Alk: Just don't go TOO crazy, okay? I dunno what you're working on, but it doesn't seem to be going well.

Lilial: Yeah, I'm kinda stuck.

Lilial: The theory all looks good on paper, but nothing's working in practice. Argh, I just KNOW I'm overthinking something, but I don't know WHAT!

Nimbus: So you're just blowing random stuff up hoping it'll work? You're joking, right?

Nimbus: What if you accidentally blow yourself up?

Lilial: If I... Wait, that's it! You're a genius, Nimbus!

Alk: Huh?!

Lilial: I'm gonna go blow random stuff up until something works! All this time, I was too worried I'd get caught up in the explosion, and was holding back!

Nimbus: You're gonna go WHAT?

Lilial: Blow random stuff up! Seeya!

Alk: Oh, this can't end well—

Nimbus: W-what was that?! Lilial!

Lilial: Ahahaaa! That was a good one!

Alk: Stop, stop, STOP! No more experiments for today! You'll hurt yourself!

Nimbus: Hmph. She looks like she's having a blast.

Lilial: That was the biggest explosion I've made yet! If I'm getting different results than before, that means I made it a step in the right direction!

Lilial: I thought too hard about what to use and whether it'd blow up in my face that I unconsciously held myself back —and gave up on ideas without trying!

Lilial: Go big or go home, right? No more ruling out possibilities 'till I've chucked 'em in a cauldron and tried it!

Lilial: This breakthrough's all thank to you, Nimbus! Now, I've got alchemy to get back to! Later!

Nimbus: *sigh* Shoulda kept my mouth shut...