Liesel (Summer)/Stories

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Episode 1
Guardian Angel

The party takes an excursion to a man-made tropical island, where Liesel finds she might be overdressed for the climate. Changing into a swimsuit, she gets the unwanted attention of some unruly locals. After she wallops them for their indecency, they quickly become her loyal stans.

Liesel: We're going on a trip?

Stella: That's right. Marina has invited us to an island in the south.

Light: You're always helping people in the Kaleidoscope, Liesel. Don't you think you deserve a break?

Liesel: An island in the south... That means high temperatures and lots of sunlight, doesn't it?

Liesel: Overexposure to the sun's ray can sometimes lead to heat strokes! And if there's water, people could drown...

Liesel: It sounds like you might need a healer there! That's why you asked me, right?

Light: I think you might be overestimating the risks of a short island getaway.

Liesel: Maybe, but with my healing powers at the ready, everyone can enjoy themselves without worrying! Leave it to me!

Stella: Of course.

Alk: Glad to see that Liesel's coming too. That's certainly reassuring, but...

Stella: Liesel, are you all right?

Liesel: I-I'm fine!

Alk: The sunlight here is so strong... At this rate, Liesel is gonna end up fainting before everyone else!

Liesel: Don't worry! If I sense I'm about to faint, I'll make sure to use healing magic on myself!

Liesel: Just like... this...

Alk: That just looks like you're making yourself even MORE exhausted!

Nimbus: That's what you get for wearing such warm clothes. You know you can take it off, right? It's not like it's fur or anything.

Liesel: That's a wonderful idea! Stella, would you mind going clothes shopping with me?

Stella: Shopping... Understood. I will accompany you.

Liesel: We'll be back later everyone!

Liesel: What do you think about this outfit? Would it be all right to wear?

Liesel: I just went with whatever the shopkeeper recommended, so I'm not sure...

Stella: Don't worry. It looks wonderful on you.

Nimbus: Heh. That's a surprisingly more casual outfit than expected. Whaddya think, Alk?

Alk: I think it looks great! Perfect for a vacation like this- we're here to have fun, after all!

Light: I can't help but worry she might be a bit TOO lightly dressed. She is a member of the clergy, after all. But then again it's none of my business...

???: Well looky here, more tourists come to enjoy our tropical paradise, huh?

Desperate Man: Yep, here to line the pockets of the resort managers, all while those of us who actually live here get nothin'.

Liesel: You're residents of this island?

Desperate Man: You bet we are. And we're pretty tired of you folks waltzin' in here having a good time, while we live on the streets, penniless.

Desperate Man: Yeah. So we were thinking you might be willing to help us out- maybe you wouldn't mind parting ways with that coat of yours? Heh.

Desperate Man: Owwww! Cut it out, you're gonna break my arm!

Liesel: You can't go around grabbing people without their permission like that.

Desperate Man: Ouch! Why you goddamn-

Alk: There she goes again.

Liesel: Even under the oppressive light of the sun, we must not allow ourselves to be blinded and lose sight of the righteous path.

Liesel: May the Stars keep you safe in their embrace.

Alk: Well, that's business as usual for her I guess.

Liesel: Oh no! This won't do... Everyone, please help me!

Liesel: If we leave them alone like this out in the harsh sun, they could get heat stroke, or worse.

Liesel: We should move them to a shaded area, so they can cool off!

Nimbus: You're showin' a lot of care for two guys you beat the crap out of a few moments ago.

Desperate Man: Wh-what the heck? I just got pummeled, but don't feel any pain?

Desperate Man: I'm not burning up either. Did you guys do this?

Liesel: Though the glaring sun hides them from us at present, the Stars continue to watch over you, my children.

Liesel: They will always guide you. Follow in their Light, that you may live a righteous life.

Desperate Man: Why are you being so nice to us? Even after what we tried to do to you, you still nursed us back to health...

Desperate Man: You... You're an angel! A guardian angel sent to rescue us from temptation!

Alk: I'm not sure I'm buying this redemption arc.

Desperate Man: Shut up! We're changed men now!

Liesel: The important thing is that you seem to be doing fine! Well, then let's try to enjoy the rest of our tropical vacation!

Liesel: Safety first, though! Let's travel around the island and make sure everyone's looked after!

Stella: Okay. Let's set up a first-aid station on the island.

Desperate Man: Come on, we have to accompany our Angel!

Light: Is that really her idea of a vacation?

Alk: At the very least, she seems to be having a good time!

Episode 2
Alms for the Poor

Liesel establishes a first-aid station on the island and enlists the help of her newly reformed fans. However, the manager of the resort takes issue with her first aid, claiming that it interferes with the local hospital's business. Liesel suggests the hospital employ her fans, who she plans on turning into capable healers.

Alk: Is this what you had in mind when you asked for a first0aid station, Liesel?

Liesel: Yes! It has beds and even a ROOF! It's more than I could possibly ask for- I could stay here for days while I continue my healing.

Alk: Having a roof seems like the bare minimum to me, but okay...

Alk: Still, I suppose it is impressive that they managed to get a tent set up here on the beach.

Liesel: It's important to be vigilant, even when enjoying oneself. You never know when disaster could strike.

Liesel: May the memories we make on this sunny shore be as resplendent as the stars.

Liesel: Let's do out best, everyone!

Desperate Man: Hurrah! You heard her, let's do as our Angel says!

Desperate Man: Everyone, get in line! If you start to feel sick, let us know right away!

Desperate Man: Our Guardian Angel will save you! the Stars'll guide us on the right path!

Stella: Great work, everyone. This is quite the turnout.

Liesel: Indeed! We were able to help so many different people today!

Light: So much for your vacation. You've been working the whole time!

Alk: Haha, that's Liesel for you- always helping others.

Desperate Man: Awesome! This way we'll be able to help even MORE people-

Butler: Pardon me. Are you the girl people are referring to as the "Guardian Angel"?

Butler: I'm one of the managers of Paradise Isle. I wanted to speak with you about this first-aid station you've erected.

Desperate Man: Hey, what do you think you're doing, Mr. Manager? You think you can just come here and talk to our Guardian Angel?

Desperate Man: Yeah, all you care about is MONEY. Don't you dare try to steal our Angel away from us!

Liesel: Everyone, please clam down. Disputes are best resolved through discussion!

Liesel: My name is Liesel. May I ask what this matter is about?

Light: So, you don't approve of this first-aid station?

Butler: I didn't say that- it's merely that... we already have a hospital on this island. And you seem to be healing all our patients.

Alk: Which is bad for your hospital's business.

Desperate Man: Huh? Why should we care about some fancy hospital for rich folks?

Desperate Man: Yeah! You constantly refused to treat any of us locals!

Butler: Unfortunately, our hospital doesn't have the resources to accommodate people who can't pay for their own treatment.

Alk: This is a tough situation...

Liesel: ...It's as father said. I've failed again to help those who are in the direst need.

Liesel: I have a suggestion. What do you think about potentially employing these men to work at your hospital?

Desperate Man: Guardian Angel... Are you telling us to work for this money-grubber?

Desperate Man: Won't we just end up running errands for rich guys in suits?

Liesel: No- you will become guiding stars yourselves.

Liesel: We saw many patients today. In many cases, if we had waited to take them to the hospital, we should have been too late.

Liesel: In your current state, the hospital lacks the resources to take an influx of more seriously ill patients, doesn't it?

Butler: Are you suggesting that we hire these men and use them to treat patients from the beach?

Liesel: Yes. I think they're more than capable of it.

Butler: Hmm... I will have to think on this proposal further. Let's put this matter on hold and speak again later.

Liesel: Thank you very much!

Desperate Man: Guardian Angel... I can't believe you would do something like this for us! What an elaborate plan!

Liesel: It isn't elaborate- I'm merely doing as my father told me.

Liesel: I need to help those who truly need it- the poor and the desperate.

Liesel: It won't be simple, but I don't intend on giving up easily!

Liesel: Because I believe. I believe that the Light of the Stars resides within us all. It gives us strength.

Desperate Man: But, Guardian Angel... We... We can't possibly be anything like you! We're not worthy!

Liesel: You are. You are capable of more than you know!

Liesel: You've helped me so much already!

Liesel: It is now your turn to become the guiding Star for others! You will be beacons in the dark!

Desperate Man: Yes, O Guardian Angel!

Liesel: I think we did a pretty good job today, don't you?

Alk: Definitely.

Stella: What shall we do next?

Liesel: Next? Hmm, let's see...

Liesel: Why don't I start with teaching them how to heal? The more guiding Stars, the better!

Stella: Understood. First we should prepare a manual.

Liesel: Agreed! Let's go buy some parchment and get to work!

Episode 3
Cradle in the Waves

Stella invites an overworked Liesel for a day of relaxation. Joined by Alk, the three sample some ice cream and have a good time on the beach. Liesel recalls how her master told her to "fall in love", and asks Alk to explain to her what love is. Alk isn't sure he can, and deflects to Light. Nimbus looks on disapprovingly.

Alk: They're still going? They've been working for so long...

Light: Indeed. Liesel is a potent cleric, but her stamina isn't infinite. She's really overworking herself.

Alk: Her heart really seems to be in it, though.

Stella: Liesel, would you like to take a break with me?

Liesel: Huh?

Alk: That's right! I think you're overdue for some relaxation- we'll be borrowing you for... say, a day!

Liesel: A whole day? But I still have so much work to do...

Liesel: Ice cream?

Alk: That's right! We heard about this place from Marina- she gave it a raving review. Look how much they have on the menu!

Liesel: Just some bread and water will be more than enough for me!

Alk: I'm not sure they sell bread and water at an ice cream stand.

Stella: I will have this.

Alk: Cheese flavored ice cream? I... guess that could work? They've got honey and cream cheese too!

Alk: Oh, but the fruit flavored one sounds food too. She... hard... to choose...

Liesel: I want chocolate ice cream!

Liesel: Why don't we all buy something different and then try a bite of each others' ice cream, just to compare?

Alk: That sounds like a good idea! Let's go with that!

Stella: My head... hurts...

Alk: Yeah, me too...

Liesel: Are you feeling unwell?

Liesel: Oh goodness, BRAIN FREEZE!

Alk: Oh man, I haven't had a brain freeze in so long/ That was actually kinda nostalgic.

Liesel: Yes, it was like I was a young child again.

Stella: You often ate ice cream when you were younger?

Liesel: Yes, and I would get brain freeze- I remember mother and father gently laughing at me every time.

Liesel: Alk, Stella... Thank you.

Liesel: I'm sure that this, too, was the guidance of the Stars!

Liesel: If it be the will of the Stars, I'll make sure to eat even more ice cream from now!

Liesel: Stella, let's swap!

Stella: Okay. Try mine- it's cheese flavored.

Liesel: Mmm, looks good! Mine's chocolate.

Stella: This is... enjoyable. Eating ice cream is really fun.

Liesel: Of course! Once you dig in, it's hard to stop yourself!

Alk: Make sure you don't overeat and get yourself sick, though! Okay, where to next?

Liesel: I'd like to go swimming! I've ben staring at the sea this whole time without getting my feet wet!

Alk: Sounds great, let's go! Don't forget to bring sunscreen!

Liesel: That was so fun! I can't remember that last time I got to enjoy myself like this.

Alk: A whole day just went by in the blink of an eye!

Light: Those guys spent the entire day working, overjoyed that their Guardian angel was out having a good time.

Liesel: They're such hard workers... I'll have to help them out again later!

Stella: Let's go out on the town again sometime soon.

Liesel: Of course!

Liesel: Oh, I bet if my master could see this, he'd be smiling from ear to ear!

Alk: Master?

Liesel: That's right! I just remembered.

Liesel: I had specific instructions from my master... To fall in love!

Alk: Wh-what?

Liesel: Love! He said that before I begin my training, I should go and fall in love!

Liesel: The fun I felt today- maybe that's brought me one step closer to understanding what love is? I'm not sure.

Liesel: Would you be my guide? Help me understand love?

Stella: Do you know how to help, Alk?

Alk: Huh? Um, I'm not really sure that's something you can teach...

Alk: You know what? Light is probably the person to ask about thus! He's got way more life experience than us!

Light: Wh-what?! Don't bring me into this!

Liesel: Please tell me, Champion. What is love?

Light: Don't ask me!

Nimbus: Kids these days...