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Episode 1
Angel of the Kaleidoscope

Alk meets the Angel of the Kaleidoscope, a cleric named Liesel who wanders the shifting dungeons healing adventurers. Hearing she has no formal lodging outside the Kaleidoscope, Alk offers Liesel a home in Starview.

Light: Alk, are you all right?

Alk: Yeah, I'm okay... mostly. Man, that stings!

Light: It wouldn't do to push yourself. Let's head home and bandage you up.

Liesel: Oh, it sounds like you could use the Stars' blessing!

Alk: Huh? The what? Who are you, exactly?

Liesel: My name is Liesel. I must be going, but may the Stars above bless you with their Light. Farewell!

Alk: Uh, thanks? ...Wait, the cut is gone! She healed me!

Light: Some sort of priestess or cleric, by the looks of it. Either way, it isn't safe to wander through the Kaleidoscope alone!

Alk: Yeah, she shouldn't be here without a buddy! Let's hurry!

Alk: There she is! ...Wait, who are those guys? Is that her party?

Greasy Goon: Awfully dangerous to be out here on your lonesome, ain't it?

Grimy Thug: The Kaleidoscope's a lonely place—no one'd hear you callin' for help if somethin' were to... happen.

Liesel: Oh, I'll be quite all right, thank you! Do you gentlemen need anything? I can heal your party, if you'd like.

Grungy Robber: Y'know what I could really go for right now? ...YOUR WALLET! Give us all you've got, or you'll regret it!

Alk: Hey, leave her alo—

Alk: Oh.

Alk: She knocked them all out, then... healed them all? Wait, why?!

Liesel: Though you cannot always see the Stars, the Stars can always see you— even in the Kaleidoscope's darkest depths.

Liesel: You must take care not to stray from their teachings.

Greasy Goon: What— What just happened?

Liesel: You did a very naughty thing, but the Stars in all their benevolence are giving you another chance. I pray you'll never lose sight of their Light again.

Grimy Thug: Stars' benevolence, my ass! Who the hell do you think you are?!

Grimy Thug: Ack?!

Adventurer: Who do you think YOU are?! How DARE you try to rob the Angel of the Kaleidoscope!?

Adventurer: Guardian Angels! Defend Liesel!

Grungy Robber: G-guardian Angels? The hell?

Adventurer: Hah! You messed with the wrong fanclub! No one touches our Angel!

Adventurer: Who are you two? If you're with those punks, you're in for a world of pain!

Liesel: Calm down, please, that won't be necessary. They were trying to help me.

adventurer: Oh, in that case, the Guardian Angels welcome you with open arms, brothers!

Alk: Liesel, your party members are uh... pretty passionate, huh?

Liesel: Oh, I don't have a party myself, but I do believe I've met this man before. I'm sorry—I'm afraid your name is escaping me.

Adventurer: No, don't worry about that! I'm not worthy, anyways. I'm just happy you remembered me at all, Angel! I-I can't believe it!

Alk: Oh yeah, you called her the Angel of the Kaleidoscope a minute ago. What's all that about?

Adventurer: What? You mean you don't know? You've GOT to be joking! Half of Palpebra stans her!

Alk: Stans? What's that mean? ...Whatever it is, it sounds like a pain.

Adventurer: Rude! Liesel patrols the Kaleidoscope blessing us unworthy adventurers with her healing magic—all out of the goodness of her heart!

Adventurer: There comes a point in any adventurer's career when you're cold, hurt, and alone, crying for your mommy!—and then the Stars send you Liesel! She's a true saint!

Liesel: Your mommy? Yes, I remember now! You must be Robbertson. I found you crying for your mommy after a bad run-in with a blobble.

rascal: Squeeee! Stars above, she knows my name!

Liesel: Oh no! What's wrong? Don't you worry, I'll have you back on your feet right away!

Alk: Nah, I think you can just leave him. Look at that smile...

Light: Hmm. While it's very noble of you to offer adventurers your services for free, how do you provide for yourself?

Liesel: Oh, I get by just fine!

Liesel: Adventurers often bring me gifts of food, and I can sleep inside the church when it's cold or rainy!

Alk: Wait, you mean you sleep outside otherwise? ...You don't have a home?

Liesel: It's quite nice, really, sleeping in the Stars' motherly embrace.

Alk: But— But...

Light: We would be happy to offer you lodging in our village.

Light: I have nothing but respect for your charitable lifestyle, and yet... I worry for your health and safety.

Alk: We've got plenty of empty rooms, so you don't need to worry about rent or anything. You're also welcome to join us for meals!

Liesel: Oh, why, that's very kind of you!

Liesel: Thank you. Praise the stars for their Guidance—I've no doubt they led us to each other.

Robbertson: Hey! Wait! Hold up, hooold up! That's against the Guardian Angel rules! Stans aren't allowed to ask about or interfere with Liesel's private life!

Alk: We aren't "stans," okay?

Episode 2
The Guiding Hand

Liesel takes Alk by the hand and whisks him around Palpebra on errands—until they run into a gentleman bent on catching her. Liesel explains she's run away from her overprotective father, but has no plans to quit her risky charity work.

Alk: Wow, it sure is packed.

Liesel: Always is! The bazaar has been like this ever since I was little.

Alk: You grew up around here?

Liesel: Yes, I used to visit the bazaar on the way home from my clergical training. It feels so long ago, now.

Alk: How about we take a stroll around after we finish our errands?

Liesel: Oh, that would be lovely!

Liesel: It IS awfully crowded though. I'm a little worried we'll get split up if we aren't careful.

Liesel: I know! Alk, would you give me your hand for a second, please?

Alk: Huh? Sure.

Liesel: Thank you. We won't get separated now!

Alk: W-wait, you were asking to hold my hand?! I thought you were going to do something magic-y... What if people think we're, um, y'know?

Liesel: This is a clergical technique known as the Guiding Hand.

Alk: The Guiding Hand?

Liesel: Even when clouds obscure our vision, the Stars continue to shine. However, some have trouble believing in that which they cannot see.

Liesel: And so, it is the duty of those the Light reaches to take the lost by the hand, and be the Beacon which guides them.

Liesel: The Guiding Hand is one of the first things the Bishop taught me—and for good reason! It always comes in handy.

Alk: R-right... I bet you were the type of kid who'd wander off if an adult wasn't keeping hold of you.

Liesel: Hm? How could you tell? ...In any case, this is my home town. You don't have to worry about getting lost as long as I'm here to guide you!

Alk: I'm less worried about getting lost and more worried about getting seen. Your fanclub wouldn't like th—WHOA! Liesel, wait!

Liesel: Whew, I think that's everything!

Alk: Is it? F-finally... I thought I was done for. I don't know if I could've lasted another minute!

Liesel: Oh no, what's wrong? You should have told me you weren't feeling well. I'll fix you right up, don't you worry!

Alk: I'm fine! I'm fine, but boy that was stressful. I've never been glared at like that in my life!

Liesel: Hmm? Well, I'm glad you're okay!

???: Liesel!

Spiffy Gentleman: I've finally found you! You're coming with me, missy!

Alk: What do you want with Liesel?

Butler: Who is this riff-raff? Stay out of this!

Alk: Look, I don't know who you are, but I won't let you do anything to my friend!

Butler: Friend?!


Spiffy Gentleman: Huh?

Butler: Hey, wait!

Alk: I—*wheeze*—I think this is far enough.

Liesel: Ahaha.

Liesel: Ahahaha!

Alk: Liesel?

Liesel: Oh, no, no it's just—ahaha—the look on Dad's face!

Liesel: That was my father, Alk.

Alk: Your father?!

Liesel: Sorry, I know I should have said something, but you whisked me away before I had a chance. Goodness, that was hilarious!

Alk: I'm so sorry, Liesel. I'll go back and apologize right away!

Liesel: No, it's fine, really. I'm sure he was just trying to drag me home.

Alk: Not too long ago, you were out on the streets, and now you're living all the way in Starview. I'm sure your Dad must be—

Alk: Wait, wait, hold on! Why were you living on the streets?! Your Dad had butlers with him!

Liesel: Why, because I ran away from home, of course. I'm a bit of a delinquent!

Liesel: He's much too protective of me, and was very against my charity work in the Kaleidoscope. While I AM quite sorry to worry him like this...

Alk: You have no intentions to stop.

Liesel: Exactly!

Alk: So much for our stroll around the bazaar. I'm sorry, Liesel.

Liesel: That's all right. I had plenty of fun walking around doing the groceries with you!

Alk: Really? As long as you had fun, that's what counts.

Alk: Well, should we start heading back to Starview?

Liesel: Sure!

Episode 3
In the Stars' Embrace

Liesel's father learns that his daughter is the famous Angel of the Kaleidoscope, and finally accepts her saintly work. He gives her his blessing to journey far away, to lands in need of the Stars' embrace.

Alk: This way for healing! Please stand single-file; the cleric will be with you shortly!

Thickset Adventurer: Thank you Liesel, dear. You really are an angel!

Liesel: Take care, now.

Svelte Adventurer: Thank you for all you do! I don't know how I can ever repay you!

Liesel: There's no need for that, now. May the Stars keep you safe in their embrace.

Conventional Adventurer: Man, I almost wish I caught colds more often! That felt amazing!

Liesel: More often?! No! Promise me you'll eat three meals a day and sleep on time!

Alk: Papercuts, stubbed toes, sniffles... I somehow get the feeling these guys don't REALLY need medical attention.

Robbertson: Ahhh... Praise the Stars for lending us their sweetest angel!

Alk: Oh, you're Robbertson, right? From Liesel's fanclub?

Robertson: I left that name behind me! I've seen the Stars' Light, and was born anew— my baptismal name is Robertson.

Alk: That sounds exactly the same?!

Robertson: Well, it makes a big difference to me! I've changed my ways, and YOU could stand to change yours! I've heard rumors about your gang.

Alk: Huh? Rumors?

Robertson: A big thug of a tiger, a cursed toy rabbit that talks, an eerie emotionless witch... And a boy who lures people into the Kaleidoscope—to spirit them away from Palpebra!

Robertson: Worst of all, I've heard you were holding hands with our angel! Grrr, I'm so jealous...

Liesel: Goodness, it sounds like you're the talk of the town, Alk!

Robertson: Liesel, my angel! You didn't really go on a date with this guy, did you? All the rumors about you walking through the bazaar hand-in-hand—they were just rumors, right?!

Liesel: A date? ...Oh, yes, you must mean the time we went shopping together!

Alk: Look, it wasn't a "date," and Liesel isn't YOUR angel, anyways! There are still people in line, so scram!

Butler: I'm afraid I'm going to have to ask you ALL to scram!

Liesel's Father: Hmph. So YOU were behind this unauthorized gathering, Liesel.

Liesel: It's all right, Alk. Let him speak, please.

Liesel's Father: You're too old to play pretend like this, Liesel. You're no doctor, and those ruffians aren't real patients. ...You're coming home with me.

Liesel: No, Dad. I'm not.

Liesel's Father: Why do insist upon this charity work? You've no future as a cleric. The Bishop kicked you out of the church—don't think I didn't hear about it!

Liesel: I wasn't "kicked out!" I was sent on an important mission to supplement my training! Which I will have you know I am very much working towards, thank you.

Liesel's Father: A mission? Nonsense! I haven't heard anything about a mission.

Liesel: Be-because it's none of your business.

Liesel's Father: None of my business?

Liesel's Father: I am your FATHER! Do you have ANY idea how worried I've been?!

Liesel: Too worried! I'm an adult. I can take care of myself!

Liesel's Father: This has nothing to do with your age! You'll always be my little girl—and your mother's. Lisbel always had a weak constitution. Who knows what could happen to you?

Liesel: Nothing! Nothing will happen to me. I'm not Mom, I'm me!

Alk: Hey, um... I don't mean to interrupt, but I promise you Liesel is capable of protecting herself.

Alk: When I first met her, she knocked out three robbers all on her own—and healed their injuries afterwards.

Liesel's Father: Sh-she did?

Robertson: Of course! She's got strength, beauty, compassion... She's got everything! That's what makes her Liesel Berger, Angel of the Kaleidoscope!

Liesel's Father: The Angel of the Kaleidoscope? The saint who's rescued countless adventurers? No, it can't be... Liesel, is that true?

Liesel: It is, Dad. Please, let me continue helping the people! You don't have to worry about my health.

Liesel: With all the progress medicine and healing magic have made, the illness that plagued Mom isn't as scary as we all used to think.

Liesel: The Stars graced me with their Light— with the power to help others as the Stars helped me!

Liesel: I want to be a beacon for the lost! Hope for the fallen!

Liesel's Father: *sigh* You sound just like your mother. Always putting others first, and refusing to listen to a word otherwise. ...Do as you wish, Liesel.

Liesel: Dad!

Liesel's Father: However! Allow me at least to say this. If you truly wish to help others, this is not the place.

Liesel: What do you mean?

Liesel's Father: Look around you, Liesel. Does this look like a poor neighborhood? Do these people look lost or desperate? No.

Liesel's Father: The Stars have blessed this town with health and fortune. Go, my dear— beyond the Stars' embrace, to a place that truly needs you.

Liesel: Oh... You're completely right, Dad. I—I will.

Liesel's Father: Good! Hmph, if anything, I'd worry about you here with all these rascals after you.

Liesel's Father: You there, boy! Take VERY good care of my little girl! If anything harms a single hair on her head, Stars help you because I WILL come for you!

Alk: Ye-yes, sir!

Liesel: Thank you, Dad. I promise I'll be fine!