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Episode 1
Son of the Sixth House

Libram asks the Starview crew to sell information about themselves and is immediately rejected by Stella. In an attempt to win their trust, he spouts a stream of embarrassing information about himself. Convinced of his sincerity, Stella invites him to Starview.

Announcer: Ladies and gentlemen... Now

Nimbus: No matter what world you're on

Nimbus: But this ain't a bandwagon I ever saw Stella jumping on.

Alk: No

Light: An invitation? From whom?

Announcer: Stepping into a ring teeming with deadly monsters...

Announcer: Is a heart-throb weaponsmaster from the Farlands!

Announcer: Introducing... LIBRAAAAM!

Alk: From HIM!

Libram: Hah... Monsters

Libram: Blade of the fiends

Libram: This night

Announcer: I can't believe my eyes! Ladies and gentlemen

Libram: Were you watching? That was the strength of Libram Swes.

Libram: I've rented a room where we can speak. Please

Alk: Oh. Okay.

Light: You are nobility

Libram: Yes. Do you not know of the Farlands' Nine Noble Houses? Each forms a pillar that upholds our homeland.

Libram: My house

Stella: That's amazing.

Libram: Amazing? We are the veins through which the lifeblood of our country flows!

Light: Is that why you take part in Palpebra's blood sport? To curry favor?

Libram: Yes. Adventurers value two things—strength and beauty. I have proven myself to have both in abundance.

Libram: No doubt this city shall be more willing to open its gates if I am the one knocking.

Nimbus: Hah. But attract enough eyes

Light: In the arena

Libram: Do you mean to say I have no strength of my own?

Libram: Because you would be right. Without my blades

Alk: Why... Why does it sound like you're bragging?

Libram: But... I did select my arsenal by my own hand. My blades were all unearthed in the darkest corners of the Kaleidoscope

Libram: What's more

Alk: I-I see...

Libram: But now

Libram: I desire to buy information from you. Or shall I say... about you?

Libram: Palpebra is a city of strange folk and stranger happenings. But even in this menagerie of oddities

Libram: I can see that those two are not gargans... I believe they came from a place beyond the Kaleido—

Stella: We're not selling you anything. We're going home.

Libram: Wait. Won't you at least listen to the terms?

Nimbus: No. Let's go

Libram: But I haven't even named a—

Libram: Hah. I see your game now. It's one you needn't play with me. I will pay anything you deem fair.

Stella: I don't want your money. I would like you to move.

Nimbus: You can't buy trust

Nimbus: Go spend your dough somewhere else.

Libram: If I can't buy your trust

Libram: I am a man so immersed in pursuing material goods

Libram: W-well? I've been honest with you. Now it is your turn to be honest with me!

Alk: This guy has no shame...

Stella: So you wish to learn more about us?

Libram: Yes! That's what I've been saying from the start!

Stella: Then come and learn.

Libram: I do not understand.

Nimbus: *sigh* For once

Stella: Welcome to Starview Village

Libram: Ha... Hahaha... I can't believe my eyes.

Libram: A portal between worlds. If my father and brother knew of my discovery

Nimbus: Hey. You better not be getting any funny ideas.

Libram: Eep!

Libram: I'm not! I would never sell information on Starview!

Libram: This is the most valuable port to ever exist—the sole trade route extending into other worlds! And it is all mine!

Libram: Rejoice! You lot are my newest investment! Hahaha!

Episode 2

During a training session, Nimbus forces Libram to confront a pack of monsters with just a single sword. On the way back, Libram is accosted by a hooded woman with an ultimatum from the Swes. The next day, when Libram tells the woman of his refusal to meet their demands, she and a group of hooded figures attack him, which leads the young lord to suspect his elder brother of planning his assassination.

Nimbus: You're up

Libram: Hah. Very well.

Libram: Chest of Relics

Libram: Meet your glorious end! Relic Ruina—

Nimbus: Stop.

Libram: Why?!

Nimbus: I've TOLD you why. Don't bring out the big guns for the small-fry!

Libram: If the hunter is not careful

Alk: I feel like this is more a case of the elephant being afraid of the mouse.

Alk: Just last night

Libram: What's said in the shadows must stay in the shadows!

Libram: T-think of me as a long-range fighter! The Chest of Relics draws its inspiration from none other than the arms of the royal family.

Libram: As long as I wield it

Nimbus: Why'd you ask me for training then? In case you haven't noticed

Nimbus: Looks like they want to rumble. Show me what you've got

Libram: AAAHHHH! Stay... Stay back!

Thickset Adventurer: Well

Alk: You know Libram too?

Thickset Adventurer: Oooh yeah... We're rant buds.

Alk: Rant buds?

Thickset Adventurer: So

Thickset Adventurer: And you know how it always sounds like he's talking down to you? So we were about to take him out back when he starts bawling like a baby.

Alk: What the?

Thickset Adventurer: That's what we thought at first

Svelte Adventurer: We grab him when we need a wingman too. Hate to admit it

Thickset Adventurer: Bout the only thing he CAN do.

Libram: Is the last thing... *pant* I am to hear... *wheeze* before my death... *pant* this SLANDER?!

Thickset Adventurer: But he gives you hope

Thickset Adventurer: I mean

Alk: Yeah. He's not all bad.

Alk: Libram


Libram: ...They truly meant to abandon me to my fate. The fiends!

Libram: Hah... Hahaha... But now

Hooded Woman: Lord Libram.

Libram: EEP! Wh-who goes there?!

Hooded Woman: I bear a message from the House of Swes.

Nimbus: He's been like that ever since we got home. The hell happened?

Alk: Something big

Nimbus: His honey—what is he

Alk: Haha. Maybe wittle baby Wibram wants us to spoon-feed him. Choo-choo.


Alk: All jokes aside

Libram: I have things under control for now. But... I desire a second plate of this honey omelet.

Alk: Coming right up!

Libram: Tell my brother this: I cannot and will not accept his terms.

Hooded Woman: Do you mean to betray your own house?

Libram: Swes is a house of merchants. It is our duty to engage in trade that will bolster the livelihood of our kingdom.

Libram: In trade

Libram: Who then

Hooded Woman: What a truly unfortunate answer...

Libram: What do you mean by this?

Libram: You forget your place!

Hooded Woman: This is the calm... before the storm...

Libram: WAIT! Who—

Libram: What was their aim? To... assassinate me?

Libram: Brother... Have you at last decided to clasp the blood-stained hand of Kwetur?

Episode 3
Golden Heart

Libram confronts Azrail, eldest son of the Swes, to declare he will not sell information on Starview, whose denizens he considers his friends. Azrail explains he never wanted the information, and that he suspects Ziggurat, the second son, of intrigue. Azrail tells Libram to cut off all ties with the Swes for his own safety, but not before praising the younger man for his honest character.

Libram: Why not? At least let me pay for the tea.

Light: No.

Nimbus: Hey

Light: THIS is why

Light: Bridges built on a foundation of money are soon to fall.

Nimbus: There you go with the preaching again. Not everything needs to have a moral

Libram: Is this why you turned down my offer of financial aid?

Libram: However... As a champion

Libram: Well

Light: ...

Alk: Hunh... Guess that makes sense...

Libram: Then it's settled! Tomorrow

Light: I still...

Libram: Stella

Stella: Is something wrong?

Libram: N-no. I only... I only forgot the time. There is an appointment I must keep!

???: I'm here

Libram: Azrail... Brother... No. Your lordship. It has been many moons since our last meeting.

Azrail: I must have surprised you at the tavern. I apologize. But it was imperative that this meeting remain secret...

Azrail: Today

Azrail: There is much to be discussed. The Guild has prepared a manor for us. I shall be waiting for you there.

Libram: The storm has finally found me...

Alk: You're gonna fight your brother?

Libram: I am the third son of the House of Swes. I have always been considered the child of the family—someone to be indulged

Libram: And yet

Libram: Because the House of Swes desires information on you.

Libram: I refused them once and paid the price in blood.

Nimbus: Why didn't you tell us?

Libram: At the moment

Libram: But now I do. You... are my friends.

Libram: I will not sell out my friends... nor Palpebra.

Libram: I do not wish to pave the path to a war between this city and my homeland.

Alk: Is there anything WE can do?

Libram: Yes. I will meet my brother tonight. Come with me.

Libram: I... am frightened. Not of my brother

Libram: Azrail will not be told who you are

Stella: We will be there for you.

Alk: Yeah! And if it comes to a fight... We have your back.

Libram: Thank you... Truly.

Azrail: You believed I desired information from you? And that I would take it... by force?

Libram: ...Yes?

Azrail: If I truly wished to conquer Palpebra

Azrail: In any case

Libram: What? But...

Libram: Did you not send the Kwetur's hired blades after me?

Azrail: No. Rather

Azrail: I see now that

Libram: Do you mean to say that Ziggurat would...

Azrail: Libram

Azrail: A crack has formed in our house. If it falls

Libram: Brother

Azrail: You have made a life for yourself here. Live it.

Azrail: Despite the many leagues between you and our homeland

Nimbus: So? What's the plan now?

Libram: The same as it's always been. Establish a trade route between my country and Palpebra.

Libram: Perhaps it will be the key to peace between my brothers.

Alk: You aren't alone

Libram: Of course. I always pay the worthy a handsome reward for their service.

Nimbus: With what money

Nimbus: I'm assumin' that's where the dough came from.

Libram: There... There is no cause for concern!

Libram: I have some coin on me. And what's more

Libram: Hah. Just you wait. Soon


Stella: My ears are already ringing.