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Episode 1
The Fellowship of Floof

When the captain speeding Alk and co. away from pirates is injured, a doctor named Liao comes to the rescue, then gives first aid to both captain and the pirates. When questioned about this actions, Liao says that his crew of physicians, the Fellowship of Floof, treat anyone regardless of who they are. Impressed, Alk introduces Liao to Starview to help him secure more medical supplies.

Alk: Oh no, oh no, oh noooo... Captain, can't this thing go any faster?!

Ship Captain: This ol' girl's trying her best already, okay! The engines are on full blast!

Light: Those fellows are surprisingly persistent, to chase us this far...

Pirate Captain: Hahaha! Without Marina around, these Crimson Blades are easy pickings!

Pirate Captain: Fire the cannons!

Alk: Captain!

Light: This isn't good... He needs first aid!

???: Attention: this medical service vessel is approaching your location. Please cease all combat immediately.

Alk: What was that?

First Mate: We are the Fellowship of Floof, and we offer medical care to all. We are en route to provide assistance. Please hold your fire. This is your last warning.

First Mate: ...I don't think they're going to listen, Captain.

Captain: It appears there's an injured man on the smaller vessel.

Captain: I'll stop the pirates' cannon fire first. Please cover me.

First Mate: Captain, wait! Argh... There he goes again!

First Mate: All hands, prepare to fire! We're covering the captain!

Pirate Captain: I dunno who the hell these guys are, but they're starting to get on my nerves! Sink 'em!

Pirate Captain: M-my ship!

Captain: I have a patient waiting for me, so let's make this quick.

Captain: Don't worry, I won't do any permanent damage. I'm a doctor, not a soldier.

Pirate Captain: Oh, you're gonna regret comin' here... GET HIM, MEN!

Alk: Whoa... Did he really just do that alone?

Stella: He's coming.

Captain: You've got an injured person on board, right? Let me see him.

Light: Who in the world are you?

Liao: I'm Liao, captain of the Fellowship of Fluff, a crew that provides medical treatment to any and all who need it. I'm also a doctor... Meow.

Liao: Come join me on my ship. We can talk more there.

Alk: ...Did he just meow?

Liao: His wounds aren't deep. He should wake soon.

Light: We are in your debt, Liao.

Light: I'm curious though. Why did you treat the pirates as well?

First Mate: Everyone deserves to be treated equally. That's the way we operate- the ideal that our captain aims for.

Liao: Doctors have a responsibility to take care of everyone, regardless of their moral character.

Liao: To shrink that responsibility would mean our oceans will never be free of pain and suffering.

Pirate Captain: Treat equally, my ass! You're the one who clobbered us!

Liao: We warned to you stop firing. You only have yourself to blame for ignoring said warning.

Liao: By the way, this is your bill.

Pirate Captain: Wh-what kinda sick joke is this?! You think we have tis much money lyin' around?

Liao: We also take payment in the form of labor. You can get to work as soon as you're healed.

Liao: Just remember our most important rule- all members of the Fellowship of Floof are required to wear fluffy ears.

Pirate Captain: ...'Scuse me?

Liao: They look good on you.

Light: If that's the case, allow us to thank you with payment as well...

First Mate: Ah, that's okay. We generally don't bill victims of pirate attacks.

Light: That... doesn't sound like a very feasible way of making a living.

First Mate: Ahaha, that's because it isn't.

First Mate: If we didn't have generous souls donating to us, we would've had to hang up our sails ages ago.

Liao: ...Even without them, I would've persevered. I will never give up on making my ideal a reality.

First Mate: As you can see, he's not letting anything stop him, which is exactly why the rest of us can't help but follow along.

Alk: You know, I'm feeling a little inspired now too. Got any chores or cleaning you need help with?

Liao: ...Eager to lend your aid, huh? Sounds like you're one of us.

Liao: I should have fluffy ears that fit you.

Alk: Guess there's no exceptions to that rule...

Light: You're lower on supplies than I expected.

Liao: My first mate wasn't exaggerating. We're always barely functioning with what we have, especially when we're out at sea.

Light: Liao, you mentioned donations earlier... Are we allowed to contribute as well?

Liao: I almost can't believe what I'm seeing. There truly is a way to travel to different worlds... and it was with the mermaids the whole time.

Light: With this, you should be able to secure supplies from multiple sources.

Liao: Are there injured and ill people in these other worlds?

Alk: Huh? I-I mean, yeah, but why...

Liao: Understood. Then the Fellowship of Floof shall set up base of operations here and further expand our services.

Stella: All right. Welcome to Starview Village.

Liao: I look forward to working with you all... Meow.

Alk: Err... Maybe I shouldn't ask this, but... Why do you sometimes meow at the end of your sentences?

Liao: It's cure. People like cute things, right?

Episode 2
To Be a Hero

Liao is approached by a man who explains that all the kids from his village have fallen ill. Upon arriving there, Liao figures out that the issue is contaminated water, and quickly mobilizes the Fellowship to give the kids medical attention. After watching Liao save them all, Light asks him about his dedication to saving others, to which he explains that he wanted to be like the doctor that saved him when he was young.

Liao: Interesting... There's nothing to worry about. It's a type of common cold that also affects the beastfolk from our world.

Liao: Make sure you take this medicine. Can you do that for me?

Mother: W-we understand, Doctor. Thank you!

Liao: Take care... Meow.

Liao: How strange.

Liao: Most people lighten up when I meow. Are my fluffy ears not effective against other beastfolk?

Alk: Maybe they're just used to seeing ears like that?

Liao: Children have always been wary of me. I suppose it's a good thing that I didn't become a pediatrician.

First Mate: Most people who go through their residency realize that ships are easier to handle than children. Kids are always so afraid of doctors.

Alk: Huh, this has got me thinking... Why'd you want to become a doctor in the first place?

Liao: It's been my dream since childhood, thanks to a fateful encounter.

Liao: You see, I was injured in a huge accident aboard a ship when I was young. Not an uncommon occurrence for that world, but nevertheless, we weren't prepared.

Liao: A single doctor who happened upon us managed to save many lives, including mine.

Light: That must have been quite the skilled doctor.

Liao: I wouldn't say so. In fact, I'm a far better doctor than they ever were.

Liao: But what really inspired me wasn't their medical ability- it was watching them persevere in spite of every obstacle.

Liao: It left a lasting impression, to say the least.

Alk: Is that why you're going around saving people? Because you want to be like that doctor?

Liao: Perhaps in the beginning, I was driven by a desire to be like my hero.

Liao: But now... Now I simply can't stand to see others suffer when I know I can help.

Liao: We should attend to the rest of our patients. Could the next people in line-

Townsfolk: Is it true? Are there actually doctors here?!

Townsfolk: Please, you have to help us! My village... All the children, they're... They're...

Liao: Take a deep breath. You can tell me what's happening on the way there.

Liao: Everyone is afflicted by the same symptoms: fever, vomiting, diarrhea, and intense abdominal pain.

Alk: But why only the kids?

First mate: Considering all of them fell ill at the same time, it could be food poisoning.

Townsfolk: B-but everyone had different meals, and the adults are fine to boot...

Liao: The issue here is not FOOD that you've all ingested, but something else.

Liao: Alk. Light. I need you both to check on the water supply. I have equipment for measuring water quality in my bag.

Liao: First mate, I need you to go back to the ship and bring more hands to help. Have everyone carry as much portable water as they can.

First mate: we're combating dehydration, yes? Understood. I'll check on other villages on my way back.

Light: Hmm. This situation is starting to make sense now.

Alk: Liao, don't push yourself too hard, okay?

Townsfolk: D-don't tell me you think the water supply's contaminated... Are the children going to be all right?

Liao: I can't say for sure. The only thing we can do now is alleviate the symptoms and hope they have the stamina to pull through.

Liao: I shall do all I can to save every last one of them, but I'll need your help.

Liao: So don't give up. There's still plenty of hope left.

Alk: Thank goodness we managed to get everyone back on their feet.

Light: Indeed. You were spot on with your assessment, Liao. The water supply was truly contaminated...

Liao: In these types of situations, the children are always the first to show symptoms.

Liao: If we hadn't been here when we were, the adults would have also succumbed to the same symptoms, leaving the children to slowly fade...

Alk: Yikes... I don't even wanna picture that...

Light: Are you sure you want to leave without collecting any payment though? We used quite a lot of our supplies this time around.

Liao: I'm sure. The Fellowship of Floof was formed to provide treatment to all, regardless of profit.

Light: Right, you're committed to your ideal. But why are you so dedicated to it?

Liao: Out of spite, I suppose you could say.

Liao: During my residency, I met an abundance of doctors who would only treat the wealthy.

Liao: They'd ignore mothers begging for them to save their children, instead choosing to curry favor with royalty and government officials.

Liao: I fell into despair, then rage. They were a disgrace to the entire practice of medicine. So I swore I'd never become like them.

Beastfolk Child: Um, Doctor...

Liao: What is it?

Children: Come on, tell him already!

Beastfolk Child: O-okay!

Beastfolk Child: I just wanted to say... It was really cool how you saved us! Thank you!

Liao: No thanks needed. I was just doing my duty as a doctor... Meow.

Children: Ahaha! What?

Children: Are you a cat or something? Hey, you should bark next!

Liao: Woof?

Light: Out of spite, you said... It's almost hard to believe, looking at you now.

Light: You're more like your hero than you give yourself credit for, Liao.

Liao: ...Perhaps. I would be happy if that were the case.

Episode 3
Ideals and Reality

Liao, Alk, and co. hunt down and defeat Crimson Blade imposters, but before they can be taken in, a kraken drags one imposter below water. Liao dives in, pulls him back out, and gives him CPR to save him. Moved by Liao's efforts and seeing the error of their ways, the imposters join the Fellowship of Floof.

Alk: This is where they were last spotted, yeah? These... imposter Crimson Blades that are running around pillaging ships.

Light: Indeed. It's almost impressive that they were brave enough to claim the name without fearing HER wrath...

Light: By the way, Liao, thank you for letting us borrow your ship. I'm sorry we had to trouble you with this.

Liao: Don't be. With how much we travel, we'd eventually run into these pirates anyway. Better to mop them up now than later.

Liao: Speaking of, I can see a suspicious ship on the horizon. Get ready.

Pirate(?) A: Heh, looks like our next target is gonna be full of booty!

Pirate(?) B: We'll sink any sucker who crosses us Crimson Blades!

Alk: N-no way... Those two can't be...

Liao: That's because they aren't.

Liao: The slender one's shoulders are too narrow, and he has a hunched back. The larger one is too obese. These two are a far cry from their real counterparts.

Liao: They're getting ready to attack. We should begin battle preparations.

First Mate: Aye, aye, Captain. It's time to show Alk and Light our true capabilities on the high seas!

First Mate: We're coming up within boarding distance! Alk, Light, take care of our captain!

Alk: We've got his back!

Liao: I'm far too old for cat sitters. Let's go.

Imposter A: Y-you'll regret crossing us...

Alk: Not on my watch! Is this really how you think a Crimson Blade would act?

Imposter A: Shaddup! So what if we stole the name? They ain't here no more, so what's it to you?

Liao: I believe I'm beginning to see what happened. Was it revenge or jealousy?

Liao: Your appearances bear no signs of cosmetic surgery, meaning... Other people would've surely mistook you both for the real Crimson Blades.

Imposter A: Y-you...

Liao: Give it up. Drop this act. As long as you're alive, you can still turn your life around.

Imposter A: Damn it... Damn it all...

Light: Wh-what was that?! A tidal wave?

Liao: No, it's a monster!

Imposter A: ARGH!

Imposter B: No!

Liao: ...!

Light: Liao, are you all right?

Liao: I'm completely fine, but this man needs immediate medical attention.

Liao: ...He's in cardiac arrest. Guard me while I preform CPR!

Alk: We'll buy you as much time as you need!

Imposter B: Why are you helping him? We tried to kill you.

Liao: So what if you did? The Fellowship of Floof provides treatment to anyone and everyone, regardless of who they are!

Liao: We'll keep going until the day these ocean waters are free of pain and suffering! Call it a pipe dream if you want-

Liao: I'll never stop trying to make that ideal a reality!

Imposter B: ...Take care of him. Don't let him die, aye?

Imposter B: All hands on deck, ready your weapons! It's squid hunting time!

Liao: Of course I won't. He'll be right as rain by the time I'm done with him!

Imposter A: Guess I owe you my damn life.

Liao: A debt which you'll repay. Here's your bill. We accept payment in the form of labor if you're short on money.

Imposter A: Ain't no way you seriously expected me to be able to pay this.

Imposter A: But you know what? This might be the perfect opportunity to change careers.

Imposter B: ...We always wanted to be like the Crimson Blades. But we never had anyone like Marina to show us the ropes.

Imposter A: Our crew looked up to the legends she left behind. We just wanted to be like her, as much as we could.

Liao: You say that like you've already given up on being legends yourselves. I say that it's not too late.

Imposter A: I'm starting to think working under you might not be so bad. You have our blades, Cap'n.

Liao: Welcome to the crew. Now that you're officially in...

First Mate: Please put those on. Our first and foremost rule is that you have to wear those ears at all times.

Imposter A: ...You're kidding me.

Imposter B: How do I look? Meow.

Liao: Hm. Not bad.

Alk: Hey, Liao. You should tell me more stories about when you were younger.

Alk: Or give me more details about this ideal world you wanna create. I want to know more about you.

Liao: I don't mind sharing. I assume you'd like to hear more about my residency?

Liao: You know, I had a classmate who used to be a member of the clergy-