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Episode 1
That Old Dark Magic

Alk and co. meet Liam, a mage whose interest in the dark arts keeps pushing him deeper and deeper into the Kaleidoscope. They offer Liam protection and request that he study Light's curse in return.

Light: There are no monsters here either...

Alk: That's weird. Shouldn't the Kaleidoscope be swarming with them?

Light: Normally, I would be glad for the quiet, but this stillness is unnatural...

Light: And there are tales of something lurking deep in this labyrinth.

Light: What's this power I sense? No... The dark arts!

???: ...Darkness residing in all creation. The mysterious eyelids that veil the abyss.

???: Unfurl now, and reveal the truth!

???: Well, that didn't go so well. Another expected failure.

Light: Did you summon these beasts?!

Alk: Fight first, questions later! They're going to attack him!

???: Stay back. I am perfectly capable of dealing with my own messes.

???: Take form and defeat my foes— Gladius!

Liam: Sorry if I startled you. My name is Liam Ilde. I'm a mage.

Liam: It seems I owe you an explanation. Do you have a few moments to spare?

Alk: Gee, uh...

Liam: And, you there. The floating one.

Liam: I'd very much like to discuss the magic that has been cast upon you.

Light: Very well. Let us talk.

Alk: So all of that was an experiment?

Liam: For a scholar of the dark arts, this labyrinth is brimming with mysteries— more than could be covered in a single lifetime.

Liam: I've been trying to find its power source, but as you know, my research can prove... disastrous. I'll try to be more careful next time.

Light: Or you could stop tampering with the dark arts entirely.

Light: Power like that can kill you.

Liam: All power—whether it be of fire, water, wind, thunder, or light—can kill you. Though many people seem to forget that.

Liam: Now, it IS true that the dark arts are poorly understood. In that sense, they are quite dangerous to pursue.

Liam: However, I won't abandon my research now, not after leaving my home behind. I understand my actions, thank you very much.

Light: No matter what world you're in, it seems mages never change...

Liam: Ahem. But as I mentioned before, I will try to be more careful next time.

Liam: I think I'll start conducting research in the depths of the Kaleidoscope, where there is less risk of collateral damage.

Alk: You want to go into the depths? On your own? That's pretty reckless.

Liam: It's the most obvious way of minimizing causalities.

Alk: Yeah, but...

Light: Liam. Why not join us instead?

Liam: Excellent idea. I would love to.

Alk: Whoa! You sure decided that quick!

Liam: Well, having other people around reduces MY chances of dying. And I'm sure YOU'D appreciate a new ally and a way to keep an eye on me.

Light: You are also able to study the curse the Lord of Shadow has cast upon me.

Liam: Heh. See? It's a win-win situation. Only logical to proceed together.

Alk: Sigh... That's one way of looking at it.

Liam: Well then, shall we be off? Time wasted is time that could be spent studying this place.

Alk: Did you really want to keep an eye on him?

Light: I do not believe he is evil. But he is too confident in his own power.

Light: I worry about what will happen if he is left alone.

Light: But I believe you two will be a good influence.

Alk: Who two?

Episode 2
Flowers of Darkness

Liam masters a new spell with some sweet and surprising help from Alk and Stella.

Liam: ...Darkness residing in all creation. Everything shall hence return to your grim grip.

Liam: Come forth, and grant us your bounty!

Liam: Again, another failed trial. I must still be missing a component.

Alk: Sorry your experiments aren't working out. Maybe you should take a break.

Stella: It is snack time, after all.

Liam: Really? Already?

Liam: You don't both need to be here.

Liam: It's inefficient to have two people monitor a single target. And I'm starting to feel, well, bad about eating up your time.

Alk: We're not monitoring you. I mean, yeah, Light was kind of worried, but...

Stella: I have an interest in your research, Liam.

Liam: That's unexpected. I thought you were all afraid of the dark arts.

Alk: Not really. I think black magic is kind of cool, actually.

Liam: ...The members of the association would faint if they heard that.

Alk: You know what else is unexpected? Your sweet tooth.

Liam: Adequate consumption of sugar is beneficial for a brain fatigued from magic use.

Alk: You sure you're just snacking for the energy? 'Cause you're kind of picky when it comes to flavor.

Liam: Well, if I'm to eat, why not satisfy both the stomach and the taste buds? It's only logical.

Alk: You have everything figured out, don't you?

Liam: By the way... This cookie, it's from a brand I've never had before.

Liam: The sumptuous texture and generous use of chocolate reminds me of the Melting Rose's products, but—

Alk: Oh, I'm the one who baked them.

Liam: Come again?! These are homemade?!

Liam: I thought they were artisanal! How much time and effort went into these?

Alk: Knowing you, you're probably thinking, "gifting store-bought goods would be more efficient." Which is true... But baking's a hobby of mine.

Alk: I like watching people eat stuff I made. And the more I practice, the better my cookies get.

Liam: I see. How very logical.

Stella: Alk's cookies are excellent.

Stella: Especially the ones with the black and white swirls.

Alk: Um, Stella... You're going finish off the whole plate.

Stella: But their vortexes have me enchanted.

Liam: ...Vortex ...Spiral—AH! I see now!

Liam: Thank you, Alk, Stella! You've revealed the missing component!

Liam: ...Darkness residing in all creation. The spiral of chaos which consumes all!

Liam: Unhinge your maw! And feast upon the laws of light!

Liam: ...Success.

Alk: Did you just wither the grass... to make the flowers bloom?

Liam: Exactly. That was a spell to control the flow of life itself!

Liam: If I can hone this technique, curing diseases, or even reversing death, would become entirely possible!

Stella: Liam. Is that the reason you have devoted yourself to your research?

Liam: What? I, no... It's just...

Liam: I wish to learn about the Demon's Abyss. These powers are merely a means to that end.

Liam: But yes, I suppose that if the knowledge I gain along the way could save lives, then so be it.

Stella: That seems similar to Alk's baking.

Alk: You think my cookies are witchcraft?

Alk: And Liam, we're still eating, you know. Can't the dark magicking wait until after we're done?

Liam: Yes, you're right. I'd also appreciate a few more of your cookies. Let's go.

Liam: She would've been happy to see these flowers...

Episode 3
Dark Illusions

A mysterious mage traps Liam and forces him to confront illusions from his past. It is Liam's newfound friendship with Alk and co. that gives him the strength to shake free and move on.

Liam: Take form and defeat my foes— Gladius!

Nimbus: Tch. There's no end to them!

Light: There shouldn't be this many...

Nimbus: Liam, you're not the one summoning them, are you?

Liam: Perhaps I am.

Nimbus: ...What?

Liam: I've felt strange since reaching this floor, almost like a rope is tied around my frame.

Nimbus: Maybe the Kaleidoscope loves you so much she decided to put you on a leash.

Light: Enough! This is no time for jests!

Light: Liam, with me! Use Gladius on the foes ahead. We'll gather our strength and break through!

Liam: Who'll watch our back then?

Light: Alk, think you can do it?

Alk: Y-Yeah!

???: Now, we can't have you getting away.

Light: Who goes there!

???: Especially that young warlock. Guilty, guilty!

Alk: Liam!

Liam: Darkness, unfurl!

Liam: The depths...

???: How very observant of you.

Mage: I believe this is our first encounter. I am the Mage—

Liam: The Mage of the Labyrinth.

Mage: Oh? Have I made a name for myself?

Liam: There are rumors of a dubious mage lurking in the Kaleidoscope.

Mage: How insulting. But not altogether inaccurate. Now, shall we go?

Liam: It was your evildoing that ruined my reputation.

Mage: Was it now? But I'd say we're birds of a feather.

Mage: Two of the few souls in the world brave enough to peer deep into the abyss.

Liam: Is that why you've brought me here? To kill me before I can unveil the Kaleidoscope's secrets?

Liam: En garde then. Your defeat will mean one less obstacle standing in my way.

Mage: How valiant. But I won't be your opponent, no.

Mage: Darkness residing in all creation... Palace of light-fearing mysteries! Reveal unto me your majesty!

Blue-Haired Woman: Ah... Augh... Argghh.

Liam: What are you?!

Blue-Haired Woman: Urgggh... Arggghhh!

Liam: S-stay back!

Mage: How cruel. To forget one's own flesh and blood.

Blue-Haired Woman: Argh, urghh... Li...arggghhh...

Mage: She came all the way here to see you, and you're going to turn her down?

Blue-Haired Woman: Li-am...

Mage: Think back. Remember those days when she held you. The warmth of her touch.

Liam: My... sister...

Liam: You came after me?

Liam: You won't... ever leave me again?

Blue-Haired Woman: Yes, Liam. I promise. I'm not going anywhere!

Liam: Thank you... But I have to move on.

Liam: ...Take form.

Mage: Impossible! How?!

Liam: And sever the shadows—Gladius!

Liam: Where... are the monsters?

Alk: Liam, you're awake! But you seem kind of confused.

Alk: The monsters were taken out... by you. One second you were gone, but the next, you were back with a vengeance.

Liam: So that's what happened... Alk. Thank you.

Alk: For what?

Liam: The cookies... They taught me the value of pressing on... for those I love...

Alk: Liam, are you crying?

Nimbus: Leave him. He needs to sleep. He'll be up again in no time.

Alk: Okay... Get some rest, Liam. You've earned it.