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Episode 1
Woman Warrior

The adventurer Levy Grace has stumbled into celebrityhood, and though all she wants is to get down and dirty Kaleidoscope trawling, her manager constantly has her doing publicity events. But when the hapless celeb runs into Alk and Stella, she comes up with an idea to please her manager AND go on adventures.

Voice: She's strong, beautiful, and her fashion is SO on point. Literally, a trend-setter.

Voice: Everyone LOVES her. Like, there are so many girls that went into adventuring because of her.

Voice: Levy Grace deserves the world! Go get it, queen!

Levy: My name is Levy Grace. You've probably heard a lot about me being perfection personified.

Levy: But that's all lies. The truth is, I'm just out here faking it and giving the people what they want. My combat ability is middling at best.

Levy: But I DO know how to dream. And my dream is to be a master adventurer! I want to conquer the depths and gone where no one has gone before!

Levy: And that's why I...

Levy: I don't know what to do... Give up on training and be this glamorous diva who never breaks a nail? Or follow my dreams and leave my fans behind?

Levy: How do I choose?!

Merchant: All right, all right! No pushing! We've got plenty of these autographed copies of Levy Grace's new book!

Adventurer: O-oh my gosh... Levy, queeen. I've been your fan for, like, the longest time!

Levy: A life-long affair?

Levy: Thank you. I hope this book is everything you wished for and more.

Merchant: Way to go, Levy! "How to Farm Haniwa and Get Rich Fast" is flying off the shelves! That second printing is in the bag!

Levy: Um... So about my schedule... I was wondering if I maybe had time to go adventuring?

Merchant: Are you kidding me?! We've gotta work while the hype around your book is HOT! I'm thinking interviews and modeling gigs.

Merchant: Man, I'm so busy booking appointments, I haven't showered in days!

Levy: Yeah... Yeah, I know. But do you think I could at least go home and sleep today? Pick up where we left off tomorrow?

Merchant: Affirmative. We need to keep that skin fresh and glowing! Go get your beauty sleep, queen!

Levy: Ugh, I have, like, no stamina! Is it my diet? No, it's definitely my muscles... Gotta find out a way to work out in secret.

Levy: *sigh* How did things even come to this?

Levy: It started off with just, "oh, wow. I can run the shallows super fast." And then I wrote a book to help girls realize adventuring ISN'T a man's game. And now, I'm some kind of idol?

Levy: I JUST started exploring the midways. Really, nothing to make a big deal over.

Stella: That's a large crowd. You are very popular Alk.

Alk: It's not called "popular" when they're all trying to end you!

Alk: There's too many!

Levy: Shift gears! I've got this side of the room!

Alk: O-okay!

Levy: You're not hurt, right? Next time, when you're running from monsters, find a place to hide. Otherwise, you're gonna build up a giant mob again.

Alk: Thanks for the advice. Uh, by the way, I'm Alk and...

Stella: I'm Stella. What's your name?

Levy: Levy. Levy Grace! I'm guessing you've heard of me.

Alk: Oh yeeeah! I've read one of your books. What was it? How to beat a thing 365 times or something?

Stella: "365 Ways to Defeat a Giant Spider."

Alk: That's it! It was, uh, interesting.

Levy: It was my manager's idea.

Levy: Hey, would you guys like to take, like an... adventuring seminar?

Levy: Levy Grace gives you tips and tricks on being an adventurer! That kind of thing.\n ...Sound lame?

Stella: I think it's intriguing.

Alk: Well, if Stella's curious... Is there any kind of fee to join?

Levy: What? Of course not. You guys helped me come up with the idea. I should be paying YOU.

Alk: Well, I never turn down a paycheck! A fat wallet means fancy meals.

Levy: (I'm a GENIUS! This way, I can tell my manager I'm hanging out with fans and doing PR, but what I'll ACTUALLY be doing is training and adventuring!)

Alk: Oh. But just to let you know, we, uh... tend to travel pretty far. Is that cool with you?

Levy: Yeah, for sure. I'll go anywhere.

Levy: Well, guys, I hope you're ready. 'Cause we are in for an exhilarating ride!

Episode 2
Celebrity Seminar

Levy's manager persuades her to bring fans on her adventures, but all they do is fangirl over Levy and get in the way. When Levy opens up about how she doesn't want to give up her life either as a celebrity or as an adventurer, Alk and Stella tell her she's capable of chasing both dreams.

Alk: Was the seminar NOT supposed to be just the three of us?

Alk: Holy crap, you're popular.

Levy: Sorry... I didn't want it to turn into a huge thing either, but...

Merchant: So you're gonna take these kids adventuring, keep lesson logs, and eventually, compile everything into a book. If that doesn't turn a profit, then I don't know business!

Levy: Right?! So, um... If you don't mind, I'd like to set aside some time for my seminar...

Merchant: Oh, of course, of course. But before that, we best find a few more interested participants.

Levy: Wait, what? Shouldn't we keep it to two? We can't have a crowd just stampeding around. Someone could get hurt.

Merchant: You know what's gonna get people hurt? If you go around playing favorites like that. Nuh-uh. You're bringing more fans along.

Merchant: We'll plan a two-day tour. The kids you mentioned before can be security. The remaining spots will be raffled off. Ooh, how about making the lotto tickets a bonus for buying your new book?

Levy: So they have to buy both? Mm... Do you think we could be a little nicer to the fans?

Merchant: Your wish is my command! The tickets will be sold separately!

Alk: Levy, you're not good at saying no, are you?

Levy: He's not a bad person. He's just a really GOOD entrepreneur.

Levy: But anyways, the point is, I'm sorry. This totally isn't what you signed up for.

Stella: I don't mind. It's fun to travel with new friends.

Levy: Gosh, I'm so embarrassed though. I never imagined you guys were adventuring between worlds. Like, what could I possibly teach you?

Alk: According to Light, we "yet have much to learn."

Levy: Thanks, you guys.

Levy: Well, I better get this show on the road.\n Hi, everyone! Gather round!

Levy: We're not missing anyone, are we?\n Okay. Then let's begin. This is Kaleidoscope Trawling 101, taught by yours truly... Levy Grace!

Alk: She sure knows how to work a crowd.

Stella: She's wonderful.

Levy: The first thing you've got to do is observe the enemy. That's how you figure out what tactics to use, or whether you should stand your ground or run.

Levy: Oh, look! This is the perfect chance to train those eyes. Who can tell me how to deal with that monster?

Adventurer: I'm scaaared. Save us, queen!

Adventurer: We're just dainty little flowers! Protect us with your glamorous swordplay, queen!

Alk: Um... This guy's seriously small-fry. I'm pretty sure you can take—

Levy: You do it like this.

Levy: Next, it's your turn. Impress me.

Levy: I'm so sorry... That was a total waste of your time.

Stella: Your fans greatly admire how you are portrayed in books.

Levy: You can say that again. They want to the see the strong, badass, glamorous Levy Grace.

Levy: But that's not who I am. I'm just a normal adventurer who wants to go places.

Levy: I want to explore the depths of the Kaleidoscope, just like my heroes. Even if that means messing up or looking dumb or not showering for a month.

Levy: What do I do? Give up on my dreams and live the life of a fairytale hero? Or follow my dreams and treat my fans to a rude awakening?

Levy: That's not a choice I want to make.

Stella: Are your fans' expectations a burden?

Levy: No, I... I like seeing them happy. Otherwise, I wouldn't even be trying this hard.

Alk: Why does it have to be a choice? Why can't you have both?

Levy: Is that even possible? You saw what happened earlier.

Stella: Anything is possible. You just have to keep trying.

Levy: You know what? You're right. Why am I giving up before giving it my all?

Levy: This tour's still got a day left. Tomorrow, I'm gonna teach you all how to REALLY adventure—in style!

Episode 3
The Best of Both Worlds

Levy and her fans are training in the Kaleidoscope when a giant monster appears. With some encouragement from Alk and Stella, Levy takes it down and realizes her own potential.

Levy: Welcome to day 2 of "So Much More Than a Tour." I'm your guide, Levy Grace!

Levy: Today, we're gonna talk about the importance of teamwork.

Levy: I'm not saying you need to travel with a chaperone. But even strong, independent women get tired. When I adventure, it's with people I know have my back.

Levy: Today, I want you to gather some friends you trust and form a party.

Levy: The groups who go above and beyond will win a special lesson with yours truly.

Levy: Remember, if you're there for your friends, they'll be there for you. Now, get out there and awaken your inner hero!

Alk: Hey, are you sure it was a good idea to hype them up like that?

Levy: I mean, I know someone's gonna go too far. But that's why we're here.

Levy: The fans are just waiting for the woman, the legend, Levy Grace to swoop in and save the day. And I'm up to the challenge... right?

Stella: Right.

Levy: What would I do without you guys?\n Well, you ready for some action? Nothing's gonna hurt my fans when I'm around!

Levy: Just because you're not on the front lines doesn't mean you're safe! Make sure to check if I'm behind you!

Adventurer: Got it! Pivot and glance! Pivot and glance!

Levy: Looking good, everyone! At this rate—

Stella: You can do it, Levy.

Alk: This seminar is about teamwork, right? I've got you covered!

Levy: All right.\n Today, you ALL went above and beyond. So it's time I delivered on that special lesson.

Levy: In adventuring! In life! There's just one golden rule!

Levy: And that is to never give up! It doesn't matter how many times you fall. It doesn't matter how far your goal is. If you keep going, there's no future you can't reach!

Levy: Every step counts—even the steps back. That's the first thing I ever wrote.

Alk: Levy? Is something wrong?

Stella: You look happy.

Levy: I was just thinking...

Levy: The Levy Grace everyone loves is totally idealized. But maybe, just maybe, I'm starting to shrink the distance between us.

Alk: You are for sure.

Stella: Did you have fun today, Levy?

Levy: Mm...

Levy: That was the best adventure ever! And it wouldn't have been possible without you guys.

Levy: So that's how I came to have the best of both worlds. Of course, I never expected to travel outside my home planet but...

Adventurer: Wait... No way... Levy Grace?!

Levy: Makes for some killer meet-and-greets!

Levy: How's it going? Looks like Lady Luck's on your side today.