Legacy of the Deep Event/Trouble in Paradise

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Trouble in Paradise

Illumine channels an illusion on the slot machine to distract onlookers, but finds that doing so is taxing on her stamina. Suddenly, Alk and co. appear with a dragon hot on their tail. Happy to have a way to vent their frustrations about losing money at the casino, the group take down the massive foe.

Alice: That was a pretty solid beating you handed them, Mia! And here you were grumbling about fighting.

Alice: With skills like that you could easily survive on your own, even in the shadier parts of town!

Mia: I'm not sure I want to...

Belsidia: Honey buns, isn't it a tad early to let your guard down?

Alk: More incoming!

Razelt: Confound it! So close, yet so far! Pray make the next spin your winning one, fair pirate! I fear my stomach may not survive another round...

Marguerite: Oh my sweet, innocent prince! Your naivete is truly GORGEOUS!

Razelt: Hold on... Are you perchance... Employing underhanded tricks of some sort?!

Illumine: Not tricks, Prince Razelt. Illusions!

Marguerite: And they too are absolutely BEAUTIFUL!

Razelt: I question your ability to accurately appraise true beauty!

Marguerite: Oh, darling. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, don't you know?

Marguerite: Still, I'm worried about your stamina, Illumine! If you keep this up, your precious little body will give out.

Illumine: Ngh... You might be right about that. I'm starting to feel the exhaustion hit me already...

Nimbus: The moment we hear word from Alk and the rest, we split-

Nimbus: Hold on a second. My tiger senses are tingling...

Marina: Alk! What are you going over here? This isn't where we agreed to regroup-

Alk: Sorry, Marina! There's no time to explain, it's an emergency!

Alice: Aaalk! This giant, gross, creepy thing is chasing after us!

Mia: It's just like the one that attacked us before!

Marina: Only much bigger. Still, nice of it to attack us head on like this.

Naska: I was getting bored of staring at that slot machine anyway!

Nimbus: Good timin' too. Right after I got worked up about losing all that money. Now I can take my anger out on this thing!

Marina: Well, when you put it that way!

Marina: Let's show this thing what we're made of!

Everyone: Hya!