Legacy of the Deep Event/The Pirate and His Boy

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The Pirate and His Boy

Upon hearing the name Crimson Blades, Luca asks Marina if she worked for his father, the infamous captain Zegra. Realizing who the boy is, Marina decides to show him her Genome Quartz. The two of them decide to team up to take back the remnants of Zegra's treasure that are being held at the casino.

Alk: Take this!

Alk: Huh?

Alk: Whoa.

Marina: Is everyone okay?

Belsidia: Oh, Alky-Walky, are you okay?

Alk: That was a bit overkill, don't you think?

Marina: Sorry about that! Mia and I ended up going way far off, it took us a bit of time to get back!

Mia: Ahh! Help me! How are you supposed to STOP this thing?!

Marina: So, those creatures were after this boy here?

Marina: Oh hear, isn't he just a cutie! Where'd you find him?

Marina: Wait... Is that the same crystal as mine? But that belonged to Captain Zegra... How...

Beastfolk Boy: F-father?

Liesel: You're awake! Thank goodness.

Beastfolk Boy: Wh-who are you?

Mia: Don't you worry- you're in good company here!

Nimbus: Just relax. Nobody here's gonna eat you. What's your name, kid?

Nimbus: Huh? What's with that spooked reaction? You're beastfolk too, aren't you?

Mia: As far as beastfolk go, we might be on a slightly different... level than he's used to.

Nimbus: Tsk, whatever. If he's got ears and a tail, he's one of us as afar as I'm concerned!

Luca: Luca.

Luca: My name... is Luca. Thank you for helping me.

Liesel: Hello Luca! I'm Liesel.

Nimbus: And I'm Nimbus. The loudmouthed thief over here is Mia.

Mia: I prefer the term treasure hunter!

Nimbus: We've got grub if you're hungry, Luca. Come with us.

Liesel: It's all right, you can go! They're wonderful people, I'm sure you'll get along.

Naska: I see, so your name's Luca, huh? At any rate, it's a good thing you got out of that in one piece. We were all pretty worried for you!

Luca: I... I'm very grateful for your help.

Illumine: Are you okay, Luca? Your face is totally red! Maybe you're still not feeling well after all? Hehe.

Marina: All right, let's leave the poor kid alone. We'll never get anywhere if we spend all night picking on him.

Marina: First, allow me to introduce myself. The name is Marina. Are you familiar with the Crimson Blades?

Luca: The Crimson Blades? Does that mean you... worked for my father?

Marina: I suspected as much. You're Captain Zegra's kid, huh?

Marina: That crystal of yours- I happen to have one just like it.

Luca: Father left you a piece of the Genome Quartz as well?

Marina: I don't know about "leaving" it to me... I guess it just came into my possession.

Marguerite: Fascinating! This must be the inheritance of Captain Zegra!

Marguerite: The Captain disappeared five years ago. It was even rumored that many in the Crimson Blades worked under him!

Marina: Working under him, huh? I can't blame people for thinking that. He did take me under his wing.

Marina: Luca, let's try something. Why don't we touch our crystals together?

Luca: All right.

Naska: Incredible! Now this is treasure to get excited about! But wait...

Naska: Something doesn't add up... What about the prize at the Bellaqua Casino? They're trying to pass that off as the captain's treasure too, aren't they?

Naska: Isn't that what you were after originally, Marina?

Marina: Hmm, yes, it was...

Marina: The Captain had three of those crystals in total. If I were to guess, Luca, I'd say the one in your possession called to you and led you here.

Luca: Perhaps. This Genome Quartz was given to me by mother... She said that my father had left it for me to have.

Luca: Though I don't know why he'd do that... I never met the man.

Marina: I see. Well that settles things, then- from now on, we'll be working together, Luca!

Marina: There's only so much either of us can do alone here. Plus, you're still being pursued by... whatever those things are!

Marina: I assume everyone's cool with this?

Stella: Yes. Let's go.

Mia: Of course! You had me at "captain's treasure"! You can't hunt for treasure without a treasure hunter like me!

Alice: Hmm... You're treated me to all this food... And I hate the idea of being in someone's debt! I'll help you just to make us even.

Luca: Th-thank you so much, everyone.

Marina: All right! Off to the casino, then It's on the main island, so we'll be needing transportation. Naska?

Naska: Leave it to me, Cap'n! I'll get the ship ready.

Marina: Okay, everyone... Let's go get us some treasure!