Legacy of the Deep Event/The Miscalculation

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The Miscalculation

Upon assembling all three Genome Quartz crystals, a recorded message from Captain Zegra is transmitted to everyone, inviting Marina and Luca to come with him. Just then, the group receives a message indicating their secret base is under attack. Alk and co. rush back to the aid of Gerard, who is defending their base valiantly, only to have a mysterious woman in white arrive and kidnap Luca.

Naska: Looks like I've drawn the winning the hand!

Marguerite: Embrace the BEAUTY of your inevitable death!

Marina: And that's more or less how things are done!

Alice: Marina, catch!

Alice: That's the something-or-other Quartz, right? I went and got it for you- okay, some of the others might have helped too, but I held onto it!

Marina: There's no doubt about it. Counting Luca's, we now have a gold of all three crystals.

Voice from the Crystal: Marina... And you... My son...

Marina: Is that voice... Captain Zegra?!

Voice from the Crystal: Come... to me. If you do so, I will grant you... everything.

Mia: Marina!

Mia: This little black box I got before the mission... It... It sounds like it's SPEAKING!

Marina: A transponder? Let me see!

Voice from the Transponder: Cap'n... the enemy... They're here! They've-

Marina: They found our base?!

Gerard: Grahhh!

Gerard: Urgh... I can't...

Gerard: A true knight... stands firm... even before-

Light: I won't let you harm him!

Gerard: Raaaaagh!

Gerard: *pant* There's simply no end to them!

Stella: Gerard! Light!

Liesel: It's no use just healing others, I'll never be able to keep up...

Liesel: I will join the fight myself!

Gerard: Nay, my lady! If you should fall, who would watch over and mend the wounded? Please, allow me to-

???: Sir Gerard? Are my eyes deceiving me?

Woman in a White Coat: Now why exactly would you be here of all places? I heard you had disappeared alongside the oracle.

Woman in a White Coat: No... Upon closer inspection, you are most certainly not the real Sir Gerard.

Gerard: I... I am...

Woman in a White Coat: My apologies- I may have led you to believe that this is of concern to me. It is not. Die.

Light: They've returned!

Marina: And just in the nick of time, too!

Nimbus: Good job holdin' out this long. We've got this from here!

Woman in a White Coat: You seem to have misunderstood the situation.

Alk: Luca?!

Luca: Nggh... nggh!

Woman in a White Coat: Hah-hah. He's a cutie, isn't he? Such a thin, delicate little neck on him, the type to suddenly snap in even the gentlest breeze.

Woman in a White Coat: I'm sure you too would hate to see that happen.

Marina: All right, we get it. I'll give you the Genome Quartz.

Marina: Captain Zegra's treasure is yours to have- but you HAVE to give us the boy first.

Woman in a White Coat: Hmm... As dull a reaction as I should have expected.

Nimbus: What the hell is that?

Woman in a White Coat: Farewell, Crimson Blades. I'm afraid I don't have time to waste dealing with the likes of you.

Woman in a White Coat: I've already gotten everything I need!

Marguerite: An elemental grenade! Be careful, the flash won't go away any time soon!

Illumine: O Sacred Light, listen to me! Withdraw from tis place at once!

Illumine: That should have done it!

Alk: What happened to Luca?!

Naska: I heard the sound of an engine a moment ago- they must be getting away by ship!

Marina: Gah! I've had enough of this!

Burly Pirate: I see it! Enemy vessel spotted, just off port!

Marina: Light the Alchemical Engine! Full speed ahead! Don't let them get away.

Lean Pirate: But Cap'n, we just installed that on the ship when we got to this island! We haven't even tested it yet!

Marina: We don't have any other options! Without it, we'll never catch up to that woman.

Marina: Luca... He rode on this ship with all the rest of us. That makes him a Crimson Blades in my eye!

Marina: Are we going to give up on one of our own?! I think not!

Lean Pirate: You heard her, men! Fire up the engine!

Alice: Aren't you worried about what might happen to Luca if we get too close? That woman might...

Marina: I don't think he's just a hostage to her. I don't know why exactly, but I'm pretty sure she was after Luca the whole time.

Marina: I can't believe I let her take the real treasure from right under my nose...

Stella: Let's get him back.

Marina: Yes! We're bringing Luca back in one piece, no matter what it takes!

Marina: We're pirates, after all! We're not letting anyone run away with our treasure!

Alk and Stella: Yeah!