Legacy of the Deep Event/Rescue on the High Seas

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Rescue on the High Seas

The woman in white is named Adala and she seems to be an old "research partner" of Captain Zegra, though she tells Luca she is irritated that the old captain took all their research with him when he disappeared. Marina and co. come rushing to Luca's rescue and launch an attack on the enemy ship.

Luca: Wh-where am I...

Woman in a White Coat: Good morning, Luca. I see you're finally awake.

Woman in a White Coat: Please don't act so frightened. I admit my means were less than agreeable, but I had no choice. This elaborate performance was necessary to get you here.

Adala: My name is Adala. I am a Star Augur- and a friend of your father's.

Luca: You were... friends with him?

Adala: Hmm, come to think of it, perhaps "joint research partner" would be a more accurate description of our relationship.

Adala: Regardless, we had been working together... until he decided to go and disappear on me- taking all our precious research along with him.

Adala: Don't you think that's just a horrible thing for someone to do? After I worked so hard for him and gave the research my ALL!

Pirate Captain: Adala! Bad news, it's the Crimson Blades. That stupid girl is coming for us!

Adala: I seem to recall warning you to knock before entering.

Pirate Captain: Ah... Um, apologies? Whatever, this isn't the time for apologizing! It's the CRIMSON BLADES! Do you not know what that means?!

Adala: I am well aware. They have but on ship, and we six. What could they possibly do? Sink them already?

Pirate Captain: I'm not sure you're getting the part where I said it's the CRIMSON-

Adala: Sink their ship. NOW. That's an order.

Luca: She won't lose to the likes of you...

Adala: Oh dear. You've taken a liking to that pirate girl and not me? How unfortunate.

Marina: They're going all out and we're not even in range of them yet! This is certainly a warm welcome.

Light: It's clear they're not cream of the crop sailors, but there ARE six enemy ships. What do you intend to do, Marina?

Marina: Destroy them all! What else?

Alk: AAAAAH! I don't even know how to drive this thing!

Marina: Relax, you're doing fine, Alk! Just keep going like this and we'll be okay.

Mia: What the heck is that thing, Marina?

Marina: Oh, this? Just a rocket launcher, no big deal!

Enemy Pirate: Dammit! How did she manage to land a hit from that far away?!

Mia: Ta-da! Treasure Hunter Mia, on the scene! Pretty good entrance, huh? I practiced that.

Enemy Pirate: They have beastfolk pirates now too?!

Mia: I literally led with "treasure hunter" and you're calling me a pirate? Whatever, I guess I can be a pirate for today!

Mia: Anyway- we'll be taking Luca back now, if you don't mind!

Razelt: I implore you, make not even the SLIGHTEST movement! 'Twould break my balance and send me to a watery grave!

Razelt: Frankly, it is a miracle I am even able to pilot this contraption!

Alice: Less talking, more surfing please! Hey, horsey-knight! Are you almost ready back there?

Gerard: Hah-hah! Spectacular! It's as if I'm atop the swiftest steed there ever was, racing forth to save a princess in distress! Or a catboy, as the case may be.

Alice: I have no idea what you're talking about, but I just put a protective spell on you, so I'm cutting you loose now, okay?

Gerard: Understood! I shall become a spear to pierce the ocean!

Gerard: Graaaaagh! Take this, you dastardly curs!

Gerard: Know that you met your end at the hands of the one and only Gerard of House Martel!

Gerard: The knight who never forsakes his brothers and sisters!

Alice: Ooh, that's not half bad, horsey-knight! Okay, it's my turn next!

Razelt: Most vexing! It seems they've been alerted to our position!

Alice: Perfect timing, I was just looking for something to do! Leave them to me.

Razelt: I shall grant you my protection! Lord's Aegis, activate!

Alice: W-wait, weren't you using that to-

Razelt: *glub* Hllgh bllr blrlrlr! Don't... *glub* Blrlrghr...

Alice: How stupid can you be?! You're DROWNING! Recall the shield back to yourself, quickly!

Razelt: I... I... re...buse! *glub*

Razelt: I must... protect... You- bllgh bllr brr...

Alice: That level of stupidity is honestly impressive!

Alice: Well, if you insist, I suppose I'll go along with your dumb plan! Make sure to keep that shield on me the whole time!

Alice: All right, baddies! End of the line. Alice in Nightmareland!

Enemy Pirate: Gaah!

Enemy Pirate: Wh-what the hell are these things?!

Liesel: May the Stars ever guide you on the righteous path!

Stella: We have a few more over here, Liesel.

Nimbus: Another batch incomin'!

Liesel: I'll make sure to heal them all up! Leave it to me.

Naska: Now that's a first... Healing up the guys you just beat the crap out of a few moments ago!

Liesel: It's important to tend to them quickly! That way they won't develop scars.

Liesel: I'll also need to go rescue all the ones that fell overboard! No one left behind! Hehe.

Marguerite: Incredible! Absolutely BEAUTIFUL work, Liesel!

Naska: Yeah! This way I don't have to feel bad about going all out on these guys!

Marguerite: But perhaps it is time to put an end to this battle of ours?

Marguerite: Now, where is our GORGEOUS illusionist? Give our show a most spectacular finale, if you please!

Illumine: Here I am! Hearing you loud and clear, Marguerite! One big, spectacular, beautiful ending coming right up!

Illumine: Ladies and gentlemen, I present to you my newest act: Electrical Illusion!

Pirate Captain: You idiots! Stop flailing around! It's just a cheap magic trick, it's not real-

Marina: Your time to shine, Alk!

Pirate Captain: Graaaaagh!

Marina: Now that's a familiar face- have we met somewhere before?


Marina: Oh, never mind! Sorry, I don't have any more time to waste dealing with the likes of you!

Pirate Captain: You'll pay for this!