Legacy of the Deep Event/Prologue

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Marina awakens from an unpleasant dream to learn that the treasure of the legendary Captain Zegra has been found- and is going to be put up as a prize in a major casino. Marina, in full summer attire, makes her way to Alk and invites him to go on an adventure.

???: Ma... ri... Mari-

???: Marina.

???: Come... to me...

Marina: Ngh...

Marina: Was that... a dream? And that voice... Why HIM of all people?

Marina: Captain Zegra's old stuff? Why is it glowing...

Voice on the Radio: Breaking news! The pirate legend long thought gone has resurfaced! Items belonging to the famous Captain Zegra has been discovered.

Voice on the Radio: Managers of Paradise Isle have officially announced that this precious treasure will be available as a prize at the resort's casino-

Alk: Ahh, finally, a proper vacation! I can't remember the last time I got a chance to relax... Time to take it easy-

Marina: Aaalk!

Alk: Aah!

Alk: Marina! How many times have we had this conversation! You NEED to knock on doors before entering!

Marina: Hehehe. What's wrong Alk? Scared I'll find something incriminating in your room? Anyway, I've got important things to discuss.

Alk: What's with that outfit?

Marina: Huh? Have you never seen a swimsuit before? People wear them when it's HOT outside! Like it currently is now.

Alk: R-right. That makes sense. I guess. Anyway I just realized I have a... thing. A thing where I need to leave the room right now.

Marina: Oh my, what's the matter? Something's got you all flustered all of a sudden. I wonder what it could be! Hehe.

Alk: S-s-s-s-s-stop it! Let me go!

Marina: Sorry, sorry! You're just so cute when you squirm. Well then, let's get going!

Alk: Going... where exactly?

Marina: On vacation! To the resort! And finally... on an adventure!

Marina: And here. We. GO!

Marina: Drifting on the sea! Now this is the life!


Alk: I didn't sign up for this!