Legacy of the Deep Event/Human, All Too Human

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Human, All Too Human

Adala takes Luca to see his father, Captain Zegra- albeit a version of him that has transcended his humanity. The captain's real legacy was not gold or wealth, but rather the ability to become more than human- to evolve beyond our limits. Marina and Alk infiltrate the submarine, rescue Luca, and attempt to flee.

Adala: Come with me, Luca. There's something I wish to show you.

Luca: Why did you bring me to a place like this?

Adala: Because I NEED you, Luca. You are absolutely essential to my plans.

Adala: The child of Captain Zegra... Do you not realize that you have been chosen?

Adala: No matter. It's time. Let's go. Your father is waiting.

Adala: Rather dark, isn't it. This should make things a bit clearer.

Luca: Wh-what...?

Alk: Now, now. There's no need to whimper and quiver like that. Every single one of these specimens is like family to you, after all.

Luca: F-family?

Adala: In the strictest sense of the word- you have genetic material in common, mutated through some of it may be. Of course, they are purely imitations.

Adala: They're merely creatures forcibly implanted with the Captain's genes. You, on the other hand, are his only real, flesh and blood heir.

Luca: What are you trying to say?

Adala: What, did you think Captain Zegra's treasure was some chest filled with trinkets and dubloons? His real treasure is his legacy...

Adala: He discovered a forbidden power- one which the ancient people of this world once held. The ability to become something more.

Adala: They key to transcending the limits of humanity!

Luca: To transcend our limits...?

Luca: I... I don't care about any of that! What happened to my father? Where is he?

Luca: Let me see him! I need to talk with him and ask him... Why he...

Luca: Why he left my mother!

Adala: I see. Why not ask him for yourself, then? He's right there, after all.

Adala: It's been five long years since you left us, Captain... But here we are, at the bottom of the ocean, finally reunited.

Adala: He had already broken free from the fetters of humanity, you know. But it seems even that wasn't enough. Something was missing.

Luca: No... I don't believe you. I don't believe he would do something like-

Adala: Oh really? Why do you think you were led here, then? Was it not his voice that called to you?

Adala: He needed you, Luca. To me, that suggests that you are the final piece of the puzzle.

Luca: What's going on? Let me go!

Luca: Ngh! Ngh!

Adala: Please, Luca. Just do this one thing for us, wouldn't you?

Adala: Transcend your all-too-human shell!

Adala: There are many possible approaches here. An application of a curse on Liquid Genome, for instance... Or-

Alk: Meteor Break!

Adala: Wh-what?!

Alk: Get away from him!

Alk: Let's get out of here, Luca!

Alk: *pant* Oh man... I'm totally spent...

Alk: I'm sorry, Luca... It wasn't supposed to be me who came to save you... It should have been Marina.

Luca: Nnnnn... *whimper*

Alk: It's all right. Everything's going to be fine!

Alk: Listen. We're gonna get out of here... We'll make it back to the others in no time.

Luca: O-okay...