Legacy of the Deep Event/Casino Royale

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Casino Royale

Luca inquires as to Marina and his father's relationship, only to find that she considers them archenemies. When speaking with Alk, Luca announces that he plans on getting stronger and keeping up with Alk. The next day, Naska and Marina take on the famous Money Muncher slot machine, all while Belsidia and another group infiltrate the casino's storage room.

Luca: What are you doing?

Alk: Oh, sorry about that. Did I wake you up, Luca?

Luca: No. It's just... it's the middle of the night, you know?

Alk: Heh, I know. This is just an old habit of mine. if I don't get some practice in, I can't sleep.

Alk: You saw what the others are like! They're all so strong- I need to make sure I can keep up with them.

Luca: In other words... You try so hard because you are weak.

Alk: H-hey!

Alk: You seem different than before. Are you embracing your inner cattiness now or what?

Luca: Do you always try to analysis people like that?

Marina: Not in my experience, he doesn't!

Luca: M-Marina... I... I didn't know you were there...

Marina: Don't you worry your pretty little head! No need to be all flustered around me.

Marina: It's good that you're speaking your mind more freely, though. Now that I'm here, is there anything you wanted to say to me?

Luca: What was your relationship with my father?

Marina: Hmm, that's what you were thinking about, huh? Sorry to make you worry like that, kid!

Marina: But your worries are misplaced- I can assure you it wasn't... whatever you're thinking of.

Marina: Captain Zegra and I were... How do I put this? Archenemies? A bit dramatic, but not inaccurate.

Luca: Archenemies?

Marina: He was a strong man, your father- annoyingly so. Unfortunately, he and I went down different paths. That led to us crossing swords.

Marina: So this Quartz thing or whatever... I want to settle matters with my own two hands.

Marina: There you go, that's another reason why I'm choosing to help you out this time. Satisfied?

Luca: I supposed...

Marina: Excellent!

Marina: All right, then. Time to hit the sack, everyone! I'll be doing so too, after I get a few more drinks in me.

Alk: A few more drinks?!

Luca: I'll jeep up with you too, you'll see.

Alk: Huh?

Razelt: Hahaha! Excellent, you may leave this to me! I am more than well-acquainted with being stripped of my earthly belongings!

Nimbus: Let's do this! Time to earn some cash and pay back all that debt I piled up.

Marguerite: Hahaha! Oh, you two are absolutely DELIGHTFUL. Such beautiful recklessness!

Alice: These guys are going to be penniless within the hour.

Marina: Go for broke, boys!

Razelt: This is the end... I... am utterly done for!

Nimbus: Argh! God dammit! Those stupid machines must be rigged or something'!

Illumine: Whoops... Looks like I'm in the red too. That was my last coin...

Illumine: How about you, Marguerite? You looked like you were winning a ton back there!

Marguerite: I left myself ONE coin and burned the rest in a BEAUTIFUL blaze of glory!

Illumine: At least the others seem to be having more luck!

Dealer: Red 12!

Audience: What the heck? That's sixteen wins in a row! How are they doing that?!

Audience: Those two... I swear I've seen them somewhere before.

Marina: Well, Naska, that's probably more than enough for today. What do you think?

Naska: Yep, I've had my fill! Are we ready for the main event?

Naska: The Bellaqua Casino's signature attraction, the number one place to lose your life savings...

Naska: The Money Muncher!

Marina: Let's start feeding this bay coins until it spews out some treasure!

Marina: Game on!

Audience: There's no way! Are they really going to win on their first try?

Marina: Captain Zegra's treasure will be mine in no time!

Belsidia: And we're in- infiltration successful!

Alice: Hehe. While those two are off playing the slots, we sneak in and grab the treasure! What a great plan.

Mia: Um... hey guys...

Mia: Do you think that this might be, you know... stealing?

Alice: Huh? Isn't that what you do for a living?

Mia: How many times do I have to say this! I'm not a thief, I'm a treasure hunter! TREA-SURE HUN-TER!

Mia: Wh-what are you doing?!

Alice: Well, we've already snuck in here by less than legitimate means. Who cares if we break a little glass?

Alice: Besides. This thing actually belongs to Luca's dad, right? If anything, we're reclaiming a stolen item.

Mia: Alk! Don't just sit there twiddling your thumbs! Defend me here!

Alk: Well, to tell you the truth, Alice has a point...

Mia: Ah! See! We did something bad and now we're gonna pay for it!

Alice: No problem! Just pop open another one of those dimensional portals and we'll be on our way!

Belsidia: I'm afraid I can't do that right now, sugar.

Alk: Wh-what?

Belsidia: It's not that I can't open a portal- it's just that we're being observed. See?

Alk: It's those things that were chasing Luca!

Belsidia: As I said- too many eyes on us! We'll have to get rid of these first.

Alice: Sounds like a piece of cake to me!

Mia: Waah! I guess if we have no other choice...