Legacy of the Deep Event/Behind Enemy Lines

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Behind Enemy Lines

The party takes over the pirate vessel they were pursuing, but fails to find Luca on board. Illumine senses a distortion in the light ahead, which she disperses, revealing a massive submarine. Marina and Alk resolve to enter it and continue their search for Luca.

Liesel: May the Stars ever guide you on the righteous path...

Enemy Pirate: You're helping us... even though we're your enemies?!

Enemy Pirate: Are you... an angel?!

Pirate Captain: You idiots! She just beat the living daylights out of you a second ago!

Naska: Marina! We've searched the whole ship, but we found no signs of Luca...

Stella: Everyone who fell overboard has already been rescued.

Light: There was no sign of those creatures among the enemies, either. Where on earth did Luca disappear off to?

Marina: All right, Forkbeard. Where'd that woman go off to? Start talking while you still have teeth in your mouth.

Pirate Captain: How the hell am I supposed to know! She just up and left. We're just here cause she paid us, we don't know who she really is!

Illumine: Hold on... Over there, there seems to be a strange distortion in the light!

Illumine: O Sacred Light, reveal yourself to me! Show me truth!

Naska: What is that thing? A submarine?

Alk: What are you doing, Marina?

Marina: I'm going after her! That ship might disappear any minute. If we lose sight of it now, we might never find it again!

Alk: But you can't go alone!

Belsidia: Oh, Alky-Walky! Please take this before you go!

Alk: What?

Belsidia: It's a little charm. A present from yours truly! Are ARE going with her, aren't you?

Alk: ...Yes I am!

Marina: Alk! Are you sure about this?

Alk: Yep! You're definitely gonna need a back-up driver, after all!

Marina: When'd you go and get so chivalrous all of a sudden? Hehe.

Alk: I don't know what you're talking about!

Marina: Guess we'll be going then, Alk!

Alk: Yeah. Let's find Luca and bring him back!

Stella: Naska. Please get our ship moving as well.

Stella: There's somewhere we need to go.

Marina: It should be right up ahead! Just keep going until we run into it- we'll think about what to do later!

Marina: If it comes down to it, I'll be ready to blow the whole place sky-high.

Marina: Crap, we've got company!

Alk: Marina?!

Marina: Did I say stop?! Keep going until you get to that submarine!

Alk: I... I have to do this.

Alk: It's all up to me now! I'm coming, Luca!

Alk: There has to be an entrance somewhere around here...

Alk: Ouch, that hurts... At least I managed to make my way inside.

Alk: Well, I can't say I didn't expect these guys to show up.

Alk: But don't think I'm gonna let you stand in my way!