Legacy of the Deep Event/A New Adventure

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A New Adventure

The party is enjoying a well-deserved rest on Paradise Isle, a man-made tropical resort island. Alice, riding on the shoulders of her escort Gerard, suddenly ears her kitten cry out and rushes to its aid. She then finds an unconscious beastfolk boy, whom she tries to care for- only ro be rudely interrupted by a horde of mysterious monsters.

Liesel: Oh dear. Are you all right, Alk?

Alk: More or less... Closer to less, really.

Stella: I want to ride next.

Razelt: Pray wait, Lady Stella! To do so would invite great danger. Why, look at how Alk writhes in pain on the sand, helpless like a wounded rabbit!

Naska: Haha! You know, you're hard to read, Mr. Prince! I haven't figured out if you're an overconfident buffoon or a faint-hearted dandy!

Naska: But anyway, we'll have more than enough time for jet skiing later! Marina's already off doing something else!

Marina: Okay, Mia, race you to that cliff over there! Let's go!

Mia: Huh?! That came out of nowhere... but there's no way I'm turning down a challenge like that! You're on!

Marguerite: Oh my, Marina hasn't change a bit. Ah yes, there's nothing more BEAUTIFUL than staying true to oneself!

Nimbus: Huh, you and Marina now each other? That's news to me.

Marguerite: Indeed! I can scarce remember how long ago it was, but tales of her BEAUTY made their way to me, of course!

Marguerite: Though is there really anyone in the whole wide ocean who hasn't heard the name of the Crimson Blades? I think not!

Naska: Oh yeah, they're a household name by now. Marina too. Not to brag, but I actually knew her before she was famous, you know!

Naska: She saved me when I got captured and sold to pirates! I was fifteen back then, so... that was about four years ago, I guess!

Alk: I'm sorry, you were WHAT now?

Naska: She's in such high spirits now though! I gotta admit, I was a little worried when she asked me to get a ship ready all urgent-like.

Stella: I heard that this island is also a high-class resort.

Naska: Yep. They call it Paradise Isle. It's actually entirely artificial- some big shots figured they'd make a whole new island.

Marguerite: Marina mentioned she wanted to find the buyer of that rare treasure... Though I haven't the foggiest what she plans to do with it!

Naska: I'm sure she'll tell us her reasons when the time comes. In the meantime, all we can do is enjoy ourselves to our heart's content!

Marguerite: Now that is a positively BEAUTIFUL idea!

Alk: Aren't we missing someone? Where's Light?

Marguerite: Ah, the great champion is currently off with that GORGEOUS knight and his little princess companion.

Light: How are you holding up, Gerard?

Gerard: I must admit, I do have the slightest cramp in my neck...

Alice: Oh, so I'm a pain in the neck, huh? Is that what you're trying to say?

Alice: How rude! Aren't you supposed to be a chivalrous knight or whatever?

Gerard: I beg your forgiveness, my lady! It's just that... a knight is usually one who rides, not who is ridden!

Alice: But your helmet makes you look just like a horse! Maybe if you started neighing it might help you get into the mood?

Gerard: Not the helm! Anything but the helm, I beg you not to lay hands on it!

Alice: Dinah? Where are you running off to?! Come back!

Alice: Uh oh! Light, come quick!

Gerard: Rouse yourself, young lad! Can you hear the sound of my voice?

Beastfolk Boy: Ngh...

Light: Thankfully, his pulse and breathing seem to be in order. Let's move him somewhere safe.

Light: What's this? Pursuers?

Alice: Nimbus, Alk, help us out!

Naska: Haha! Now things are starting to get interesting.