Legacy of the Deep Event/A Legacy Reclaimed

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A Legacy Reclaimed

As alarms continue to ring in the submarine, Marina and co. are completely stumped on how to escape. Suddenly, Stella and Amelie show up to rescue them, escorting them out safely. Luca, now armed with the vast knowledge handed down to him by Captain Zegra, heads off to return home, Genome Quartz in hand. Alk sees him off before returning to his interrupted vacation.

Luca: Stop it! That's enough!

Marina: You always had a stubborn streak, Zegra! You never knew when to GIVE UP!

Luca: We did it! Alk... Marina... We actually did it!

Luca: What's wrong?

Alk: Luca... Your voice just now... I could hear it in my head-

Marina: Uh oh. This is... not good, is it?

Alk: It's just like the time with the squid!

Alk: What do we do? We have to get out of here! Wait, where's Belsidia?

Adala: The Wicked Witch of the Rift... Why is she coming after me?!

Adala: Aaah!

Belsidia: I see... So you were doing your experiments on dragons...

Belsidia: Listen here. I like to stir the pot and cause chaos just as much as the next witch... But you...

Belsidia: You hurt my Alky-Walky... And THAT is where I draw the line!

Adala: G-get away from me!

Belsidia: From the depths of chaos arise... Abyss Pierce!

Alk: Another dead end!

Alk: Or, wait a minute. Isn't this the same place as before? Are we going in circles?!

Marina: Crap, crap, crap! What do we do?! We have to get out of here! Someone think of something!

Luca: Both of you, calm down!

Marina: You're right... t's better to face our inevitable demise with calm resignation.

Luca: What happened to all your confidence from before?!

Alk: Luca's right, let's stop panicking and breathe! Okay, think Alk, think! What could we do... in a situation... like this...?

Alk: Aaaah!

Alk: W-wait a minute. Stella?!

Amelia: Guess who! It's a-me! ...Lia. Did you forget about me?

Amelia: Come to think of it, you definitely forgot about me- you didn't even take me on your vacation to the beach! I'm a mermaid, Alk! That's what I do, I swim!

Marina: Amelia! Thank goodness...

Nimbus: You really went and gave us a scare there, Alk. You have to cut that out, for real.

Mia: We should count ourselves lucky that everyone made it back alive!

Gerard: Indeed! "A true knight always returns home victorious," as they say! A splendid job, everyone!

Razelt: Hah-hah! Excellent to see us all unscathed! Though I may have lost sensation in my knees- I know not how much longer they will bear my weight!

Alice: I'm not sure you know what "unscathed" means, mister prince. Anyway, I guess you guys did an OKAY job staying alive, all things considered.

Marguerite: She ridicules, even as she bears open her heart. I'm starting to understand you, little princess! How GORGEOUS!

Liesel: I am grateful to the Stars for guiding you all back home safely. Make sure to get enough rest, you hear?

Naska: No kidding, lady luck really smiled on you lot today. Though maybe it wasn't all luck, heh.

Illumine: Everyone's so happy! Which means I'm super happy, too! I'm gonna be the happiest person here!

Belsidia: Oh? I highly doubt you can find a way to be happier than even me, Illumine! I've been reunited with my Alky-Walky!

Light: I'm beyond glad to see you all return safely. But I must admit I did not much enjoy being left behind like that...

Stella: Welcome back, Alk.

Alk: Thank you everyone... I'm home!

Luca: I'm... sorry.

Luca: I've caused you all so much trouble-

Marina: Trouble? What are you talking about, kid? No such thing!

Luca: Marina...

Marina: I mean, we had a BLAST, didn't we?

Luca: You did?

Luca: I... I guess... I had a lot of fun, too!

Alk: So Luca, what do you have planned next? All of Captain Zegra's valuable research is still contained in that crystal, right?

Luca: Yes. To be honest, I'm not sure what to do wtih something as dangerous as this. I'd like to get some advice...

Luca: But this really IS valuable knowledge. There are probably tons of ways to make effective use of it. I might even be able to make some money off of it!

Alk: Money, huh? Good to see you're considering all your options.

Luca: I mean, it's an inheritance, right? I intend to make full use of whatever father left me, and not a drop more.

Marina: How assertive! You might even make a good pirate, Luca!

Luca: Marina... One day, when I become stronger... Can I come see you again?

Marina: Of course you can! You don't even have to wait until then- come anytime!

Luca: Hey Alk... Is she always this... welcoming?

Alk: Heh, I think everyone in the Crimson Blades is like this!

Luca: I see... So it's not that I'm special or anything...

Sailor: All remaining passengers please board immediately! We'll be departing soon!

Luca: That's my cue.

Alk: Until next time, Luca!

Luca: Alk!

Luca: You're really cool, you know that? Almost as cool as Marina.

Luca: Goodbye!

Alk: I don't know what I did to deserve praise like that!

Alk: Well, I guess it's time for us to be heading back too! To Starview Village!

Stella: No, not yet.

Alk: Huh?

Stella: We haven't relaxed enough. Our vacation is not over yet.

Amelia: That's exactly right!

Amelia: I just got here, so I haven't been able to do anything at all! If you leave now, who will I hang out with?!

Marina: All right, all right. Just make sure nobody sees you, Amelia!

Marina: Well then. I guess we can extend our vacation a few more days! I think we've earned it.

Alk: I think so too!