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Episode 1
Scaredy-cat Sniper

A gang of unruly pirates holds a young girl named Kyrie hostage. Seizing an opening, she grabs a gun off the ground and manages to skillfully dispatch every pirate. She later secretly follows Alk and the others back to Starview Village. The group initially refuses her entry, but when she promises to eventually tell her father and offer a reason for her to stay, they welcome her into their ranks.

Light: It's over. There's no point in resisting any further, so hand over the stolen goods!

Crewmate: Arrrgh... You bastard!

Captain: Don't come any closer! If you do, this girl's as good as dead.

Hostage Girl: Eyaah! Let me go!

Nimbus: Damn... There's still someone on the boat?

Captain: Hold still! I thought I told you not to move!

Hostage Girl: Aaahhh!

Hostage Girl: S-stay away! I-I'll sh-shoot!

Captain: Put down the pistol, kid. You don't wanna hurt your—

Captain: Huh?

Alk: ...Oh?

Hostage Girl: Waaaaah! Get away from meeeee!

Hostage Girl: I caaaaan't!

Light: Unbelievable. Every single bullet has narrowly grazed its target. He's merely fainted.

Hostage Girl: *whimper* Oh, gosh... I was so terrified.

Kyrie's Father: You have my deepest thanks for saving my dearest Kyrie.

Alk: We actually didn't do anything...

Kyrie: Th-that's not true! If it weren't for you, who knows what would have happened to me…

Alk: Still, who would've guessed our client's daughter was on the ship. Why were you there anyway?

Kyrie: I-I heard that father's ship had been ransacked, so I just... I had to do something about it!

Kyrie's Father: Oh, my precious pumpkin, that's hardly a matter warranting your concern!

Kyrie's Father: As you can fairly see, my daughter is a... delicate and soft lass.

Kyrie's Father: I only pray that this terrible mishap doesn't inflict any further lingering trauma on her fragile psyche...

Nimbus: Something's not quite addin' up here…

Alk: All's well that ends well, right? We're just glad you and your belongings are safe.

Kyrie: U-um, Mister Alk? Do you and your pals always go around... helping people like this?

Kyrie: It must be awful scary, r-right? Going after those bad pirates all the time...

Alk: Hmm... I suppose adventures do bring with them a certain degree of danger! We're pretty used to it though.

Kyrie: Adventures? W-would you be willing to share more about your adventures?

Alk: ...and somehow they managed to get their hands on the girl.

Stella: A young girl. With a gun. Quite fascinating.

Alk: Her old man acted as if she was some sort of delicate princess, but—

Nimbus: Yeah, I don't buy it. Kid like that has no business bein' that good with a rifle.

Light: Indeed. There was much about her that seemed... not-so-ordinary.

Kyrie: Phew, looks like I made it!

Alk: Huh?

Light: Kyrie? What are you doing here?

Kyrie: Heh-heh... I followed you here, duh!

Nimbus: Following us ain't exactly an easy task. How'd you manage to pull that off?

Kyrie: Yep! I guess it was a bit tricky! The inside of that barrel was quite stinky… and I might have ticked off some mermaids on the way too!

Alk: Why go through all that trouble?

Kyrie: I-I'm sorry... I just... I really wanted to go on an adventure with you all!

Light: It seems you really took to Alk's stories.

Kyrie: A-and I kept thinking about what happened... when I pulled the trigger.

Kyrie: I thought that maybe... I could get used to this!

Light: And I suppose your father has no idea you've made your way here, has he?

Kyrie: Ngh... He would've never approved!

Kyrie: You heard him, right? I'm too weak to protect my family. I need to become stronger!

Nimbus: I don't think your old man had you blastin' people in mind when he said that...

Light: I also don't approve.

Kyrie: Why... why not?

Stella: This is a most complicated situation.

Alk: We've got an unusual case on our hands, don't we?

Stella: Your father is important. It would be wrong to run away without saying anything to him.

Kyrie: So... you're saying if I come up with some sort of reason eventually, it'll be okay?

Stella: Yes. Welcome to Starview Village, Kyrie. We'd be happy to have you.

Kyrie: Th-thank you so much!

Kyrie: Yaaay!

Kyrie: I can't believe it... I'm gonna go on adventures in totally new worlds! This is gonna take some getting used to!

Nimbus: …Tell me about it.

Episode 2
Reclaiming the Heirloom

Kyrie spots a row of firearms on display in a market, recognizing them as heirlooms that were stolen from her family. Alk and the others help her track down the supplier to retrieve them. Upon closer inspection, she sees that they were merely replicas and realizes that someone is out there mass-producing them.

Alk: This makes how many times now?

Nimbus: That should be more than enough. We can see she's got what it takes, I don't see a problem takin' her along.

Light: Nimbus, how could you say something so irresponsible?

Nimbus: Does it matter? She's gonna tag along with us whether we approve or not.

Nimbus: Or would you rather we ditch her?

Light: Listen here, Kyrie. While you're with us, we will be acting as your parents! Make sure not to do anything reckless!

Kyrie: Ohmigosh, there are so many different guns here! I can't believe there are guns on this world too!

Kyrie: Cooool, this one is super unique… This one's shape is all funky… and...

Kyrie: This gun... It's a family heirloom that was stolen from our house years ago! And this one! And this one too!

Alk: Wait a minute, Kyrie. That can't be—we're in a totally different world now!

Kyrie: What… no! There's zero chance that I'm mixing them up. ZERO! I'd recognize this crest anywhere!

Street Vendor: What are you lot going on about here? I can't have you running your mouth like that about my precious wares!

Kyrie: S-sorry, b-but please—have a look at this! It's identical to mine!

Street Vendor: The shape, the crest... The resemblance is indeed there.

Kyrie: See? That proves it! You stole this from my family!

Street Vendor: Preposterous! These wares were sold to me by a trusted patron of mine! How dare you suggest they were stolen!

Kyrie: Huh? But...

Light: It stands to reason that these firearms were not originally of this world. I suppose we'll need to learn more about this trusted patron of his.

Nimbus: You sure this the right place? I don't think you need my nose to tell you that this place reeks something sus.

Alk: Are you all right, Kyrie?

Kyrie: *sniff* There's no way I'd be all right in a place like this!

Light: If you're scared, you can feel free to turn back now.

Kyrie: Okay! I… I… It's no use, I can't do it! Or, wait, maybe I can…

Nimbus: Make up your mind already.

Churlish Man: Who the hell are you lot?

Churlish Man: Don't think we haven't seen you skulking around and makin' a ruckus around here! State yer business!

Kyrie: W-we saw a gun that looked just like this one... in the town nearby… We were wondering how you got your hands on it?

Churlish Man: Oh? You seem to be quite informed, little missus.

Churlish Man: Oy, grab 'em all before they get away!

Kyrie: Eeeeek! D-d-d-don't you come any closer!

Churlish Man: Whoa, whoa! Calm down now. Don't—

Kyrie: Waugh! I just can't do it! I can't!

Alk: I don't think I need to ask, but... are you okay, Kyrie?

Kyrie: Y-yesh...

Light: Hmm, the bullet just barely missed him by a hair, just as before. It's nothing short of a miracle.

Light: On your feet.

Churlish Man: H…huh?

Kyrie: You, um, you'll return my precious family heirloom now, won't you?

Churlish Man: Y-yes, whatever you want! Of course!

Alk: We'll have someone from the guild come over to question you even further, so no funny business. Got it?

Street Vendor: Yes, yes, I understand. Just take the gun and be on your way!

Alk: What's wrong, Kyrie?

Kyrie: Heh-heh... Now that I've taken a closer look at it, this isn't actually my family's heirloom!

Nimbus: Huh?!

Kyrie: It's made of a much lighter material than I remember... and look! The workmanship is totally off. This is just a really well-made replica! Haha!

Kyrie: But isn't it odd? All those guns we confiscated from that cave looked exactly the same!

Alk: That can only mean that this replica was mass produced… somewhere on another world?

Kyrie: We'll need to investigate further! And I'm the only one who can tell the difference!

Light: You've fashioned together a new excuse to stick around, I see. Isn't it past time for you to return home, young lady?

Kyrie: Aw, don't be such a sourpuss, Light!

Episode 3
Heart of the Cartridge

When her father finds her using a firearm, Kyrie decides to run away from home and join Alk and the others once again. When Light gets caught in the grips of a flying monster, she attempts to shoot it down but can't seem to land her mark. However, with Light's encouragement she is able to land a direct hit, felling the monster.

Nimbus: I just think it's odd, is all. Kyrie choosing to go back home all on her own.

Light: Perhaps she saw the error of her ways and finally decided to return home to her parents.

Kyrie: Hey, everyone! I'm baaaack!

Alk: That was a little TOO fast—what happened?

Alk: I see... So your dad saw you fiddling around with a rifle, huh?

Kyrie: And I was being so careful not to get spotted too!

Alk: And your dad had no idea that you were such an, er, enthusiast, did he?

Alk: Were you able to talk things through with him?

Kyrie: Ngh... No! He was so angry that I couldn't even get a word in! So I... I...

Kyrie: I ran away from home!

Alk: So basically nothing has changed since last time?

Kyrie: I'm gonna do everything I can to get his approval!

Kyrie: And to do that, I need to get better! I'm gonna work on my marksmanship all day until I'm a pro!

Kyrie: But... Where would I even do that? I need a place where I can just let loose, you know?

Nimbus: Strange as she is, the kid's got talent.

Kyrie: Hehe, I try. But I just wish Father would see it that way too.

Kyrie: Your precious daughter isn't frail and helpless! She can look after herself!

Alk: He'd probably faint on the spot.

Nimbus: Reinforcements incoming!

Kyrie: R-roger! Leave it to me, I'll handle it!

Alk: Careful, Kyrie! Don't go out too far forward!

Kyrie: I'll be okay! I'm in tip-top shape—no monster's gonna get the best of me!

Light: Watch out!

Kyrie: L-Light!

Kyrie: I… I'll shoot that monster down!

Kyrie: No way, I… I missed?

Nimbus: Damn, it's faster than it looks. Take it out quickly!

Kyrie: G-got it! But, I… I can't seem to land a single shot!

Light: Agh…

Kyrie: I have to hurry and help Light! But… but I…

Kyrie: What do I do? What if... What if I miss my shot? Or hit Light by accident?

Kyrie: I... Augh, I can't do it!

Light: It's all right, Kyrie! Trust in yourself. I believe in you.

Kyrie: Light, I… I want to, but… my hands are trembling!

Light: Clear your mind! There's no need to think!

Kyrie: Wahh!

Light: Close your eyes and shoot! Don't think about anything or anyone else, and just pull the trigger!

Alk: What are you saying, Light? If she misses—

Nimbus: Take 'em out, Kyrie!

Kyrie: Ahhh! Too many people are telling me what to do! I don't know anymore!

Kyrie: That's it, it's time to take a shot… I'm pulling the trigger now, okay?!

Light: Excellently done, Kyrie.

Kyrie: L-light, are you all right?

Light: I'm fine. Thank you, Kyrie.

Kyrie: *sob* Liiiiight! I'm so, so sorry! I got carried away, and you—

Light: I wasn't worried for a moment.

Light: As long as you trusted yourself to pull the trigger, I knew your shot would land precisely where it needed to.

Alk: Is that really how it works?

Light: For those who possess such incredible talents, it does... from time to time.

Light: But there may be battles ahead where we can't rely on faith alone. It is thus important to remain calm and control one's—Kyrie?

Kyrie: Incredible... talent? You really think so? I'm not just imagining it, right?

Kyrie: T-to tell you the truth… The thought did occur to me a bit. Maybe I AM a sharpshooting genius! Hehe!

Kyrie: So it's settled! I'm going to help everyone out from now on—I'll prove myself to father once and for all!

Light: Perhaps I overspoke…

Kyrie: I can't wait for our next adventure!