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Episode 1
A New Journey

Gramp Zigza sends Kugui away on a journey to paint 100 pictures, as a way to deal with her artist's block. She travels to Starview Village and is initially excited at all the new sights and people. In the evening, she confesses to Stella the conflicted feelings she has about not being with Ryouki.

Gramp Zigza: This is no good.

Gramp Zigza: Judging by that reaction, you know it too.

Kugui: Something's off every time I pick up a brush... and I don't know what to do about it. I've never experienced this before.

Gramp Zigza: Not surprised to hear you're in a rut. Happens when you've been painting the same things over and over.

Kugui: I suppose that could be the case...

Gramp Zigza: Hmm, she's affected you more than you realize...

Gramp Zigza: Listen up, Kugui! As a change of pace, you're to go on a journey.

Gramp Zigza: But you're not allowed to return until you've painted 100 pictures.

Kugui: ...Huh?

Gramp Zigza: Also, you're banned from seeing Ryouki until you're done.

Kugui: ...HUH?!

Kugui: ...I ran into Inaho not long after, and she brought me here.

Inaho: I sure did!

Stella: I welcome you to Starview Village, Kugui.

Alk: Stay as long as you like.

Kugui: Thank you very much. You're too kind.

Alk: Correct me if I'm wrong, but it sounds like you've got artist's block.

Kugui: Maybe? I'm not sure. Something just doesn't feel right whenever I paint...

Kugui: It's really frustrating. I want to keep improving together with Ryouki...

Alk: That's rough... Have you eaten yet, by the way? A good meal might help refresh your brain.

Stella: Alk's cooking is excellent. I highly recommend it.

Stella: Kugui, everything will be fine. I am sure of it.

Kugui: I appreciate the support. Truly.

Nimbus: What's this? Another newcomer?

Kugui: Are you... a yokai?

Nimbus: Huh? Not this crap again.

Kugui: Then you're... not a yokai?

Kugui: You have fur like Shirano does, yet your bone structure is different...

Nimbus: Uh... I'm one of the beastfolk-

Kugui: Beastfolk! So this truly is another world!

Kugui: U-um, I'm something of an artist, you see. Could I trouble you to model for a painting?

Nimbus: Alk, why do you always gotta bring the weird ones back?!

Alk: Looks like she'll fit right in.

Stella: Yes, it seems she will.

Stella: Are you unable to sleep?

Kugui: O-oh... Yes, I'm afraid so. There's a lot on my mind.

Kugui: It's just... This place is truly wonderful. The people are kind and everything is so new to me.

Kugui: I only wish...

Stella: That Ryouki was here too?

Kugui: Yes... and no. I'd love to show her all of this...

Kugui: But at the same time, I'm relieved she's not here.

Kugui: I'd rather she didn't see my art- at least not the way it is now.

Kugui: Maybe this is why Gramp Zigza forbid me from seeing her.

Stella: How about this? Once you've fixed your artist's block, come visit again with Ryouki.

Stella: I am certain she will be happy to do so. We will welcome you both.

Kugui: That's a great idea... I'll have to do so.

Kugui: But before that, I need to sort myself out.

Ryouki: Master, Kugui! I'm baaack!

Ryouki: Wait, where's Kugui? Is she out?

Gramp Zigza: Yeah, she's out... Out on a journey to train herself. Dunno where though.

Ryouki: ...What?

Episode 2
50 Paintings In

Kugui paints her way through different worlds. In one, she stops to paint a portrait of Nimbus, who helps her realize that she has been pressuring herself to paint out of a misplaced sense of responsibility. When a lost child wanders by, she cheers him up by bringing to life various paintings, and is surprised to see that her art has the power to help others.

Kugui: Sh-Shroombo, could you please relax a little bit more?

Challua: Shroombo, are you really that excited to get your portrait painted? Or... Oh! Are you embarrassed?

Nimbus: I'm not sure I get the appeal of painting the ocean. There's nothing out there but blue on blue.

Kugui: Painting scenery requires a different sort of skill set than I'm used to. This should prove to be good practice.

Nimbus: Well... If it works for you, I guess...

Kugui: W-would anyone... like a... portrait?

Kugui: Approaching strangers in the street is pretty difficult...

Nimbus: *sigh* You get shy at the weirdest times, you know that?

Kugui: I... I'm sorry...

Nimbus: Guess there's no way around it...

Nimbus: Come on, you've got a customer. Better than none at all, yeah?

Kugui: Th-thank you.

Nimbus: ...So this painting thing. Why do you do it?

Kugui: Well... I'm an artist. It's what I do.

Kugui: I can't live unless I'm creating, no matter how much I have to suffer for it.

Nimbus: Huh? You duty-bound to paint or something?

Kugui: No?

Kugui: Did I give the impression that I am?

Nimbus: Sure sounded that way to me.

Kugui: ...Hm, you may be onto something.

Kugui: Once I decided to commit myself to art, I started feeling I HAD to paint. I couldn't stop, not if I wanted to improve.

Kugui: I guess... somewhere along the way, it became a responsibility weighting down on my shoulders.

Kugui: I probably let Ryouki's opinion of me get to my head, as well.

Kugui: Pressuring myself to progress further and become the perfect role model...

Nimbus: Don't look at me. I dunno what you're goin' on about. Still though...

Nimbus: My first bunch about you was right. You're a weird one.

Kugui: Am I? I don't think anybody's called me that before.

Nimbus: Sounds to me like you're surrounded by people just as weird as you then...

Little Boy: Kitty?

Nimbus: Huh? Whaddya want, kid?

Little Boy: I can't find my mommy... *sniffle*

Nimbus: Hey! Damn it... Stop crying!

Nimbus: Okay, yelling at him won't work, so I'm out of ideas. You got any?

Kugui: Um, well... I might have something to cheer him up with...

Kugui: Look very closely. Rise from your slumber...

Little Boy: Wow!

Kugui: I can do other creatures too. Do you have any ones you want to see?

Little Boy: Oh, oh! I wanna see a dragon!

Kugui: A-a dragon, huh... I'll see what I can do!

Mother: There you are!

Mother: Thank you so much for looking after my boy. Say goodbye now, son.

Little Boy: Bye-bye!

Kugui: Goodbye. Try to stick by your mother, okay?

Nimbus: You're oddly quiet.

Kugui: I just... never thought my art could help someone like that.

Kugui: Painting was always something I did for myself, so... It's weird to be appreciated for it.

Kugui: I feel ready to tackle more! But first... Would you like to keep this painting?

Nimbus: Huh... You're weird, but you're also a softie, huh?

Nimbus: Whoa! This is crazy good!

Nimbus: But... That's a really punchable smirk. Is this really what I look like?

Kugui: Yes. I simply paint things the way they are.

Episode 3
And for Number 100...

With only one painting left to do, Kugui is approached by Suizen, who asks for her help in locating and dealing with a cursed painting. Kugui quickly pinpoints the problem painting, cleanses it, and paints a portrait of the woman trapped inside, giving the spirit a sense of peace before freeing it to move on. She return to Gramp Zigza with her 100th painting, wiser from her journey and excited to reunite with Ryouki.

Kugui: 97, 98, 99... I didn't realize I'd painted so many already. One more to go...

Kugui: Just one last painting... But what should it be of?

Stella: Kugui, you have a visitor.

Suizen: It's been a while, Kugui. How are you faring?

Kugui: Ch-Chairman! I'm fine, thank you, but... What are you doing in Starview?

Suizen: I've come to assign you a good, I'm afraid

Suizen: There's been a minor incident, and I need your expertise in order to identify a cursed painting inside a haunted house.

Kugui: A cursed painting inside a haunted house? Are you chasing the origins of a rumor or something?

Suizen: If only it were so benign. The other day, an art dealer involved in illegal trading was apprehended, and his entire collection is... unpleasant, to say the least.

Suizen: The storeroom is filled with so many cursed paintings, it's impossible to locate the main source causing the haunting.

Kugui: I see... That's where I come in.

Suizen: Indeed. I apologize for bothering you during your vacation, but I could truly use your assistance.

Kugui: You will have it. I won't let you down!

Kugui: A depiction of a decapitated criminal... A frame of a warrior stabbing himself...

Suizen: I won't claim to understand... but I suppose this art is in someone else's eyes.

Kugui: There's no accounting for taste... It certainly isn't for me, though.

Kugui: But if I had continued down the path I used to be on-

Kugui: This painting... At first glance it appears to be nothing more than a beautiful portrait, but it's enshrouded by a powerful curse.

Suizen: Is that our source, then? I'm surprised such an ordinary picture could be the culprit.

Kugui: Chairman, please erect a barrier around myself and the painting. I need to concentrate...

Kugui: Let's begin...

Man's Grudge: Hehehe... Blood! Delicious blood!

Woman's Grudge: No... It hurts. It HURTS! Why are you doing this to me... WHY?!

Kugui: ...That would explain the strength of the curse.

Kugui: He killed her, then used her blood to paint the portrait... How terrible.

Man's Grudge: Hehe... This is true art! Pure... ART! I must PAINT!

Kugui: Ugh... Are these his... thoughts?

Man's Grudge: Blood... More blood. Kill... Kill... KILL! Hehe, there is nothing more pure... more BEAUTIFUL!

Kugui: I could have become like you, at one point.

Kugui: But that future never came to pass... and it never will.

Kugui: I have found my path. Devour him.

Woman's Grudge: It hurts... Hurts so much! Somebody, save me...

Kugui: It's all right... Everything will be fine now.

Suizen: She woke up in perfect health, or so I believed... What is she doing?

Mizuchi: I'm not sure... But I suspect we'll find out soon enough.

Kugui: Here you are. A portrait who no scars... no blood. A depiction of you as you once were.

Kugui: You were so beautiful. I promise, there will be no more pain.

Woman's Grudge: Ah... AHHH!

Woman's Grudge: Thank you...

Suizen: Well done, Kugui. I'm curious... What compelled you to paint her?

Kugui: It just... felt like the right thing to do.

Kugui: So I followed my instinct, and did what I could.

Gramp Zigza: ...This is quite a painting. Did something happened? Your brush strokes are far more patient here.

Kugui: Yes... I realized a truth that was right in front of me this whole time.

Kugui: Ryouki and I... Even if we're aiming for the same ideal, both our reasons for painting and our styles are different.

Kugui: I have my own approach, and it's fine to stay true to it. That's what everyone on my journey helped me see.

Ryouki: Kugui...

Kugui: Ah, hello, Ryouki! I'm back. ...Ryouki?

Ryouki: Is that all you have to say?! You ran off without a word, and you don't even tell Master where you gone.

Ryouki: I even went to my parents and asked them to help me search for you! Do you have any idea how worried I was?!

Kugui: Uh... Umm... Sorry, ehehe?

Ryouki: Don't think you can charm your way out of this!

Kugui: By the way, Ryouki. There's somewhere I'd like to take you, when you have the time.

Ryouki: Huh? Where do you wanna go? Is it one of those places you went to train?

Kugui: Yes... There's so much to see, and so many people to meet. I think you'll be pleasantly surprised.