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Episode 1
Nice ta Meetcha!

Kohane falls from her home above the clouds and lands in Starview. After she's reassured the crew's furry friends aren't yokai, Kohane explains over lunch that she was raised by a tengu. She joins the Starview crew to learn more about the human city slicker lifestyle.

???: Ungh... Where... Where AM I?

???: Don't tell me the yokai spirited me away to somewhere weird again...

Stella: Hm? Alk, did you hear something?

Alk: No? But if there's noises coming from near the Flipper... *sigh* Here we go again.

???: Oh! Pardon, could y'all tell me where I am?

Raven-haired Girl: Never seen trees like these 'round my neck of the woods!

Stella: This is Starview Village, an observatory for distant worlds.

Raven-haired Girl: Starview, huh? You DO have an amazing view of the stars! Sweet 'n simple—I like it!

Alk: Uhh... Thanks? And who are you, exactly?

Kohane: Oh, right! I'm Kohane! But y'all can call me... Kohane!

Stella: It's nice to meet you, Kohane. I am Stella, and this is Alk.

Kohane: Stella and Alk, gotcha. Cool, cool.

Nimbus: Came to see what all the fuss was. So, who'd the Flipper drag in this time?

Kohane: AHA! So the yokai DID pull another prank on me! You listen here, furball—I ain't lettin' ya try anythin' funny 'round these nice folks.

Alk: K-Kohane, wait!

Nimbus: Whoa! What're you—

Light: Ni-Nimbus, help!

Alk: STOP! They're not yokai! They're our friends!

Kohane: Huh? Your... friends?

Kohane: I'm so, so sorry!

Kohane: That's me... Never lookin' before I leap. I don't know how I can possibly make it up to you.

Kohane: I guess... Fair's fair. I'll letcha both take a free swing at me. Won't dodge or nuthin'. Come at me!

Light: Ca-calm down, that's not necessary. Nimbus and I are both fine! See? No harm done!

Kohane: Whew, that's a relief! ...I really am sorry, and thank ya both for bein' so forgiving.

Alk: Kohane?!

Kohane: I-I was all tensed up, but soon's I relaxed, my legs noped out on me. Man, I am STARVING.

Kohane: What I wouldn't do for some grub... If I kick it, tell Master his... favorite apprentice died... with honor...

Alk: Wait, wait, wait! Kohane?!

Stella: We were just on our way to get lunch when we found you by the World Flipper. You're welcome to join us.

Kohane: REALLY?! I'm in! Lead the way!

Kohane: MMMMMM! Thishviv—*gulp*—this is the best meal I've ever had! What IS this stuff?!

Light: While I'm glad you seem to have perked up, it does make me a little concerned. Kohane, how long has it been since you last ate?

Kohane: Hm? Uhhh... Since dinner?

Alk: Oh, you poor thing. No WONDER you were starving to death.

Kohane: Right? See, Master sent me off for my morning training before breakfast, but on my way down the mountain, I slipped 'n fell through the clouds.

Kohane: Next I came to, I was stuck in that tree y'all found me in. No breakfast, and no money ta buy some.

Alk: Wait, back up a second. Did you just say you fell through the clouds?

Kohane: Yep! What, y'all never met a tengu before?

Alk: A tengu... Actually, I feel like I've heard the word somewhere...

Stella: Tengu are mountain-dwelling yokai who live high in the peaks, above the cloudline.

Nimbus: Yokai, huh? They the, uh... friendly kind? Y'know, I coulda sworn you smelled human.

Kohane: Oh, yep. I'm human, but I was raised by a tengu. Master found me abandoned at the base of the mountain and took me in!

Alk: S-sorry... We didn't mean to pry...

Kohane: Huh? Nahhh, don't go all gloomy on me! I love Master, and I love livin' the high life up in the mountains. I've got a grizzly for a teddy bear!

Alk: Sounds like a good home.

Kohane: It is, but see... Lately, Master's been tellin' me I need to get out and experience human life.

Kohane: It's aaaalways, Kohane! Young ladies don't mud wrestle bears! Like... Speak for yourself, am I right?

Kohane: Ooh! While I'm down here in Pal... Palepra? I might as give the city slicker life a go! Yeah... Doesn't seem like a bad place ta live!

Light: Where WILL you live, though? As I recall, you mentioned you've no coin to pay for lodging or board.

Kohane: Psssh. You think I'm gonna live in one o' them giant dollhouses? Long as I can find a nice tree to sleep in, I'm good.

Alk: Ah yes. Sleeping in trees. The authentic city life experience.

Alk: Kohane... How about you come and live in Starview?

Kohane: Can I?!

Alk: Of course. Besides, something tells me the Guild wouldn't take kindly to a mysterious flying girl living in their trees.

Stella: We look forward to having you in Starview.

Kohane: Awesome! That's me sorted, I guess. Thank y'all so much!

Kohane: Ooh, this is gonna be a blast!

Episode 2
Trends and Tradition

Kohane's traditional wooden sandals wear down, making them hard to walk in. She jumps at the occasion to replace them with some modern kicks, but after Palpebrans fawn over the flying girl all day, Kohane decides the classic tengu look suits her best.

Alk: Kohane? Hurry up or we'll leave without you.

Kohane: WAAAIT! I'm comin', I'm comin'!

Light: ...Is your leg okay? It looks like you're having trouble walking.

Kohane: Dunno. It don't hurt or nothin', but for some reason whenever I walk, it feels weird.

Light: I don't like the sound of that. We should get it checked right away!

Kohane: D-don't look at me like that! The more YOU worry about it, the more I'M gonna worry...

Alk: All right, both of you calm down. Kohane, take a look at your shoes. The wooden things on the bottom are different heights.

Kohane: Oh, NO! You're right! One of my geta is worn down a TON. No wonder it was hard to walk.

Light: The wood certainly looks... worn in.

Kohane: I won't mind.

Kohane: Master gave them to me. See, I wanted somethin' trendy and sporty, but nooo. It's tengu tradition to blah blah blah.

Light: It is an honor to be entrusted with generations of history. Tradition should not be taken so—

Kohane: Oh. Key. Dokey. Never mention tradition to Light ever again, noted.

Kohane: I'm too cute to walk around lookin' like someone's great-great-grandma!

Alk: Hmm... Nothing wrong with having a little variety in your wardrobe.

Alk: Let's at least get you some new shoes before you hurt yourself. Sound good?

Kohane: Sounds great! Oh man, I'm gonna be so CUTE! Gonna make all them city folk jealous!

Kohane: Wh-what's goin' on?! I never seen so many people all in one spot!

Alk: The market's having a huge sale today, so everyone's out bargain hunting.

Fishmonger: Catch the freshest deals at Flipper's Fishmarket! All fish are 50% off! You heard me, 50% OFF ALL FISH!

Butcher: Fish? Pshhh. Today's your chance to splurge on quality meats, for just a fraction of the price! Venison, veal, goose! All 80% off!

Kohane: Oooh, this looks so fun! What else've they got—

Alk: Hey! Kohane! Wait for us!

Kohane: Whatchall doin'?

Kohane: I'm seein' a lot of frowny faces.

Kohane: Can't have that now, can we? C'mere, you.

Children: Y-you can FLY?!

Kohane: I sure can!

Kohane: Wanna give it a go?


Townspeople: Th-that was amazing!

Townspeople: Do it again! I wanna turn!

Kohane: Huh? What?! W-WAIT! HOLD UP!

Light: There you are. We heard you've had quite the afternoon.

Kohane: I flew some people around, and they gave me this. All of it! Can ya believe it?

Alk: Those look like, uh... offerings, huh?

Kohane: Ooh, look! Someone left me a pair of boots!

Kohane: They're so cute! Is it really okay for me to take 'em?

Light: Perfect timing. Why not try them on?

Kohane: Yeah! My first step into the world of fashion... Look out Palpebra, here I— Huh?

???: Markie! Goodness, I've been looking all over for you!

Children: Mom! Mom, guess what! This lady was waiting with me, and we were playing, and she can FLY!

Mother: Fly? ...Thank you for keeping an eye on him, dear.

Children: See ya 'round! You've gotta teach me how to fly too next time, okay?

Kohane: Yep, you got it!

Light: ...Anyways, do the boots look the right size?

Kohane: You know... Maybe I'll save 'em for some other time. My geta aren't broken, so if I just whittle 'em down to be the same height, they'll work fine.

Kohane: Wouldn't want Master thinkin' I can't take proper care of my stuff!

Kohane: More importantly, I'm starved from all that flyin'! Let's go grab something to eat!

Alk: Yeah... Is there anything specific you had in mind?

Kohane: Is there? Is there EVER! The girls were tellin' me about this boba tea stuff and y'all it sounds AWESOME!

Alk: Ahaha, I know a little café near here. Super trendy, veeery stylish, totally up your alley.

Kohane: ok

Episode 3
Tengu's Honor

The Starview crew travel near Kohane's home while in Yamato, but she refuses to go home until her smug adoptive dad begs her to come back. When farmers pin a crime on him, though, Kohane leaps into action to clear his name.

Alk: Hey, Kohane. This mountain's where you grew up, right? What's it like to be back?

Kohane: Mmm... Guess it's nice, but I feel like the city life really suits me better, y'know?

Light: That's debatable. Either way, don't mind our errands. You should go visit home. I'm sure your master would want to see you.

Kohane: Nope, not happening! He'd just laugh.

Kohane: Back again so soon, Kohane? You always did come runnin' straight back to me, no matter how many times I tried ta give ya to human foster parents.

Kohane: Don't tell me ya missed me THAT much.

Kohane: So I ain't goin' back until that smug old tengu comes cryin' ta ME!

Kohane: HEY! What're you laughin' at?!

Alk: Nothing, nothing. Don't mind me.

Kohane: Nghh, forget it! We're all here cause Alk wanted to train, right? Let's go!

Kohane: There's this place Master used to bring me all the time. You're gonna—

Villager: Tch. That blasted tengu's gonna PAY for this!

Villager: Soon's I find it, I'll put an end to this—for good!

Kohane: Hey, what's all the commotion?

Villager: It's that damn tengu again! Mussed up my field and pinched my best crops!

Kohane: As if! He'd never do somethin' like that!

Villager: Huh?

Stella: If I may ask, are you certain the tengu is the one who did this?

Villager: Dead sure. People seen 'im. Bright red skin 'n a long nose, just like the mask on that girl's belt.

Kohane: No, no, no! That doesn't make sense! There's no way Master did it!

Kohane: We'll find the real thief! Just you wait!

Villager: You will? I'd 'ppreciate it, really, but them yokai are dangerous, child. Y'all be careful, hear?

Kohane: It can't have been him... It can't have been.

Alk: We'll get to the bottom of this, Kohane.

Light: Whoever did this has sullied the name of your guardian and teacher. I will see his honor restored!

Light: Someone's here!

Kohane: Back to the scene of the crime!

Nimbus: Hold it! We don't know they're the thief. It could be anyone!

Light: Nimbus is right. That said, they do look rather suspicious. There's something strange about how they're walking.

Stella: ...You're right. What are they doing?

Alk: *sigh* The way they're wobbling around, I'd guess they're just—huh?

Kohane: That settles it! STOP RIGHT THERE, THIEF!

Shadowed Figure: Wh-who're you?!

Kohane: Time ta face the music!

Kohane: Wh-WHAT?! No... A-a tengu?!

Kohane: No... No!

Kohane: AAAAAH! Look, I dunno who you think you are, but I ain't lettin' NO ONE make us tengu look bad—not even another tengu!

Kohane: *sniffle* The villagers all hate us now, and it's ALL! YOUR! FAULT!

Alk: Kohane, wait!

Kohane: But! But he! He!

Alk: Shh... Calm down and look at him, Kohane. It's just some drunk in a mask.

Kohane: ...Wait, what?

Alk: I know it's dark and all, and the nose DEFINITELY stands out...

Stella: It's very long.

Light: It is, but it's also very clearly fake. This man is no tengu.

Rowdy Drunk: Wh-whash yer probmum?! Huh?! Shcared me havta death, jumpin' at me an' yellin' outta nowhere!

Alk: Oh, uh... Yeah, that's fair. We're sorry we—

Light: Alk, wait. While we apologize for startling you, we've heard reports of a tengu trampling and stealing crops.

Rowdy Drunk: What? I ain't—hic—I ain't shtoln nothin'! Got pleeeenny a veggos at home, I do.

Rowdy Drunk: Think I gots me a secret ammirer! Heh! Shee, ladely I keep finnin' fresh vegetal—Vlegtabels!—inna mornin' after I been drinkin'!

Stella: I think we have our culprit.

Kohane: Whew, glad that's all sorted!

Kohane: C'mon, we've still got Alk's training. I'll show ya the place I was talkin' about yesterday!

Light: Kohane... Are you sure you don't want to visit home first? We aren't in a hurry.

Kohane: Yeah, well neither 'm I! Master would just nag and poke fun at me.

Alk: Suuure. That's convincing, coming from someone who talks about him nonstop.

Master: Humph! Looks like she's still bossin' everyone around and lookin' before she leaps.

Master: But... Heh. I'm glad she's finally made herself some friends.