Klaus (White Day)/Stories

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Episode 1
Episode 1


Klaus: Here. A cookie. Take it.

Passerby: Eep! N-no thank you!

Klaus: Eat it. I promise there's no poison inside.

Klaus: Another person fleeing... Do I still smell blood? Even a change of clothes does nothing to hide the stench...

Alk: Yeah, it's not the stench. The suit just makes him look suspicious...

Albert: My apologies. I thought it best to have him wear more formal attire, but I should have foreseen this possibility,

Nimbus: Hey... The hell is he doing?

Alk: I asked before, and I guess this is his way of thanking the person he received chocolates from on Valentine's Fest.

Albert: Evidently, a new festival called White Fest has grown popular. It involves a tradition where one gives something back to anyone who they received chocolate from.

Alk: The chocolate he got was from a staff member at that sweet shop, which is why he's helping out.

Nimbus: Is that so? Never took him for the popular ty-

Nimbus: Wait... Didn't EVERYONE get chocolate from that shop? Pretty sure they were just handing out samples.

Alk: Yeah, that's right... But no matter how many times we explained it, Klaus insisted that he always "repays his debts."

Nimbus: How can anyone be that dense... But, well, that does explain the get-up and bad sales pitches.

Sweet Shop Girl: K-Klaus, you know... I-I think you've done more than enough to thank me now, so why don't we call it a day and-

Klaus: No, my work here is not yet complete. You need not pity me.

Sweet Shop Girl: I-in that case, could you do some shopping for me instead?

Sweet Shop Girl: I need more powdered sugar. Just pure powdered sugar! Nothing special! It should look like a white powder.

Klaus: Yes, ma'am.

Klaus: I heard you sell white powder here. The pure stuff. Hand it over.

Baking Supplies Seller: W-w-we most certainly do NOT!

Klaus: Do you take me for a fool?

Alk: Whoa, wait, there's been a misunderstanding! We're looking for pure powdered sugar!

Alk: Sorry, we shouldn't have been spying on you.

Klaus: It's fine. I could smell you the whole time... But it seems I have failed in my task.

Klaus: Perhaps this one debt I cannot repay...

Albert: Are you truly okay with that, Klaus? Or do you wish to change?

Albert: Your manners just come off a bit uncouth. If you so wish, I can give a crash course in etiquette.

Klaus: Sounds like another debt I'll have to repay.

Klaus: Try one of our polar bear cookies. If you enjoy it, stop by the bakery over there.

Passerby: Huh? Oh, uh, thanks...

Klaus: Please take a polar bear cookie.

Passerby: Wow, it's so cute! They're selling them over there, right? Thank you!

Klaus: You're... welcome?

Alk: That's much better. I don't know if I'd call him the perfect gentleman, but close enough...

Albert: Heh, well, it's a start.

Sweet Shop Girl: That was amazing, Klaus! Thanks to you, we've completely sold out!

Klaus: I see.

Alk: Nice work today! How'd you like handing out treats?

Klaus: I just did what was required of me. Now my debt is repaid.

Klaus: But... This was a very strange experience. I don't know how to explain it.

Nimbus: It wasn't a bad time at least, right?

Albert: Perhaps you could help out tomorrow as well, Klaus.

Klaus: But my debts are repaid.

Albert: I am merely suggesting you do what feels right.

Alk: Yeah, why not give it a go? Could be nice to step out of your comfort zone and see what you find.

Klaus: Fine, I suppose it doesn't sound so bad.

Klaus: Thank you.

Episode 2
Episode 2


Sweet Shop Girl: Thanks again for your help today, Klaus. I hope I'm not asking too much of you.

Klaus: You're not. What else can I do?

Sweet Shop Girl: Hehe, that's it for today. I'll see you tomorrow.

Klaus: What are you doing?

Sweet Shop Girl: Ah, just prepping for tomorrow. Your salesmanship has really increased sales, so I'm making extra cookies.

Klaus: I see... I'll help.

Sweet Shop Girl: Really? Thank you! Then could you sift all the flour in that bowl?

Klaus: Got it.

Alk: H-hey, uhh... Everything okay? You've been staring at me for a while now.

Klaus: Pay me no mind. I'm just studying your baking skills... How does this turn into food.

Alk: W-wait... Does this mean I have a new cooking buddy? I'll teach you everything I know, and then we can swap recipes!

Klaus: No... I am merely collecting information. I made a mistake in the store today and covered the entire kitchen in flour.

Klaus: Even the slightest error could prove fatal. If I am to fulfill my duties without issue, I need to know more about baking.

Alk: G-gotcha. Then how about helping me out? There's no better way to learn than with first-hand experience.

Klaus: Getting my hands dirty, huh? All right.

Alk: You don't need to watch over the dough. Just leave the rest to the oven.

Klaus: ...Right.

Alk: Is helping out at the sweet shop fun?

Klaus: I don't know...

Klaus: But whenever I'm there, I feel the urge to do something... anything.

Alk: I see... Helping others makes me happy too.

Klaus: Happy? Am I... happy?

Alk: I mean... The only one who can say for sure is you, Klaus.

Klaus: True... I suppose I-

Klaus: The dough is beginning to rise.

Alk: Once it's ready, we should call Nimbus and Albert over and eat together. I'm sure they'd love that.

Klaus: That's... not a bad idea.

Sweet Shop Girl: Thank you for all your help these past few days, Klaus.

Sweet Shop Girl: It's not much, but... consider it a reward for a job well-done.

Klaus: Money and... a cookie?

Sweet Shop Girl: Yup! I decorated it look like you. The white parts of your fur are perfect for White Fest!

Klaus: ...I see. It seems my work here is done.

Alk: Hey, Klaus! Another day of hard work, huh?

Nimbus: ...Hey, what's with the grim face?

Klaus: Alk, this is a thank-you gift for teaching me to bake.

Alk: Whoa, hold on, that girl made this especially for you, didn't she? I can't take that.

Klaus: She did?

Nimbus: Yeah, she did. Don't just re-gift it all willy-nilly.

Alk: Look at the icing work on this thing. She really went all out. I'm sure it took her a long, long time.

Klaus: I see... in other words, I now owe her a debt.

Klaus: And I always repay my debts.

Alk: I, uh... don't think that's the case here...

Alk: Say... Did you get a look at the cookie? Do you think she...

Nimbus: Even if she does, there's no way that numbskull would notice.

Alk: Yeah, he's so innocent. It's kinda ironic.

Nimbus: You better give him lots of baking and cooking advice. Really load him up on debts to repay.

Alk: Haha, good idea.