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Episode 1
Damsel in Distress?

While taking a break in Yamato, Alk and the others hear a woman being harassed by a gang of thugs. However, before they can do anything, she summons two creatures to protect herself. She introduces herself as Kikuno, a former courtesan on a search for her missing home.

Stella: This manju is delicious.

Nimbus: Sorry, miss. Could I get another cup?

Woman's Voice: SIR! I've already asked you kindly to leave me be!

Man's Voice: Oh yeah, lady? Sounds like what you're ASKIN' for is a world of pain!

Light: Sounds like it came from over there.

Stella: Let's go see.

Alk: Hold on a sec—Stella?

Flamboyantly-dressed Woman: Hmph! You're sorely mistaken if you think you can afford any of MY services!

Multiple Men: Oh, I'm WELL aware. Which is why I'll have you and your garish ensemble fetch a mighty fine price for—

Light: Hold it right there!

Stella: Please get your hands off her.

Multiple Men: Who the hell're you people? Do you have any idea who I am?

Flamboyantly-dressed Woman: Eyes on the prize, darling!

Flamboyantly-dressed Woman: Suke! Kaku! Do something about these lowlifes!

Alk: Whoa...

Flamboyantly-dressed Woman: Oh, thank you EVER so kindly for graciously coming to my rescue!

Flamboyantly-dressed Woman: This is ALL on me—so please eat to your heart's delight, okay?

Stella: Delicious buns.

Alk: But we didn't do anything. In fact... I don't think we even had TIME to do anything.

Flamboyantly-dressed Woman: Oh, ever so humble! You heard my cries of distress and came galliantly to the rescue like true gentlemen!

Flamboyantly-dressed Woman: Not to mention in such outlandish garb! I've not seen such garish, yet provocative, designs before!

Light: Well, you see...

Flamboyantly-dressed Woman: I figured you weren't from around these parts. If you don't mind me asking, have you ever encountered a place by the name of Hakunroh in your travels?

Nimbus: Hmm... Doesn't ring a bell.

Flamboyantly-dressed Woman: I see...

Light: We would be glad to assist you, Miss... er...

Flamboyantly-dressed Woman: Oh, dear! Where are my manners?

Kikuno: You may call me Kikuno, dearest.

Kikuno: I once worked as an entertainer at Hakunroh, a parlour of sorts located in the Hanamachi district of Yamato.

Light: Once? What happened?

Kikuno: As of now I am but a mere drifter of sorts—a courtesan without a home.

Kikuno: Ever since that phenomenon five years ago, both Eastern and Western Yamato seemingly merged together, right?

Kikuno: During the event, it was almost as if Hakunroh had vanished completely to another world.

Kikuno: I just happened to be outside the Hanamachi district and managed to escape. Ever since, I've been searching for my old home's whereabouts.

Kikuno: However, I haven't found even a single clue!

Kikuno: Which is why I'm now seeking your help.

Kikuno: But it appears that you're unfamiliar with this place. Please forget I ever said anything.

Alk: We may not be familiar with this Hakunroh, but we are familiar with the Kaleidoscope—and this definitely sounds related.

Stella: Indeed. It is very possible that Yamato of the West has been warped to another world.

Nimbus: Suizen and the others were originally from Yamato too, right? Why don't we take a quick flip and find out?

Stella: Even with the correct coordinates, I'm unsure if the World Flipper is able to take us to Western Yamato.

Kikuno: World... Flipper?

Stella: Come with us if you wish to find out, Miss Kikuno.

Kikuno: Oh dear... Where have you taken me? Is this... am I in heaven?

Stella: Not quite. This is Starview Village—a nexus to observe worlds from afar.

Kikuno: Is that... Is that floating ball supposed to be our world?

Stella: Without much information to go on, we'll likely need to travel through many worlds. Is that okay?

Kikuno: Of course! To be honest, I'm not sure I quite understand what's going on here, but I'm prepared to do anything!

Stella: Let's go.

Alk: I think... that's enough... for one day...

Nimbus: And we've got nothin' to show for it either.

Stella: I'm sorry we weren't able to find it...

Kikuno: No, not at all! I just wish I had been able to provide some more help!

Kikuno: This is more progress than I ever could have imagined making all on my own! Just hearing your stories was enough motivation for me!

Kikuno: And not to mention this "World Flipper" of yours...

Kikuno: Would it be all right with you all if I stayed here while I continued my search?

Kikuno: I would love to try searching with this... "World Flipper" again!

Stella: Of course. Feel free to use it at your discretion.

Kikuno: How mighty generous of you! Thank you so much!

Alk: Looking forward to having you, Kikuno.

Kikuno: Likewise!

Kikuno: And I'll earn my keep, dearest—just leave the... nightly entertainment to me!

Light: Y-you don't have to do anything like that here!

Episode 2
Hanamachi Pride

During their search for Hakunroh, Alk and the others end up in a den of monsters. Once the area is cleaned out, Kikuno finds a piece of rubble from Hanamachi, proving that her home is still in existence somewhere.

Kikuno: World Flipper, all clear!

Alk: Where are we?

Light: We're surrounded—it's a den of monsters!

Stella: So sorry to barge on you like this. We'll be out of your hair soon.

Nimbus: It looks like they ain't the talkin' type. That makes things easier for us!

Alk: Oh, man... We're totally outnumbered here!

Kikuno: Leave it to me, Alkie dearest!

Kikuno: Hyaaaaah! Tee-hee!

Stella: It seems the monsters have been eradicated.

Nimbus: Hmph. Way to hog the spotlight.

Light: I never thought we'd end up in a place like this searching for Hakunroh.

Kikuno: ...I'm so sorry, everybody. It's all my fault we ended up in such a dreary place.

Kikuno: Sniff... Could you EVER forgive me?

Light: We're all fine, right? I-it isn't anything to cry over!

Kikuno: Ehehe, I know! Tee-hee!

Light: She... She played me for a fool!

Alk: A-anyway, you don't need to worry about things like that, Kikuno.

Alk: Your powers have helped us out in a pinch many times already. Even just now—that was a total cinch for you, wasn'tit?

Kikuno: Oh, stop it, Alkie... You're making me blush!

Nimbus: What are those demon-lookin' things supposed to be anyway? Are you summoning them or conjuring them up somehow?

Kikuno: You know, I don't quite understand it myself to be honest!

Alk: How could you not know how your own magic works?

Kikuno: Some time during my travels in search of Hakunroh, I guess I ended up getting possessed by a demon of sorts!

Light: And... you're okay with that?

Kikuno: Well, I don't think it's done any real harm to me yet... not to mention that it's mighty handy sometimes!

Kikuno: Perhaps it's taken to my feminine charms and decided to lend me its power pro bono!

Nimbus: Yeah. I don't think so.

Stella: I think it's cool.

Alk: I don't think Light would approve, Stella...

Kikuno: Oh, don't worry about Light. I have my own way of buttering him up, so that he'll forgive you no matter—

Light: Did you find something?

Kikuno: There's no mistaking it! This debris... was part of the gates of Hanamachi!

Alk: Do you think that means Hakunroh is nearby?

Nimbus: Could be, but... there's nothing but wilderness around us.

Stella: Let's take a look around for now.

Light: ...Nothing. I suppose it was only that single piece of rubble.

Kikuno: ...

Alk: Sorry, Kikuno...

Kikuno: ...Oh, rats...

Alk: Hey...

Kikuno: Well! I suppose it would've been silly of me to assume things would wrap up so smoothly just like that, right?

Alk: Are you all right, Kikuno?

Kikuno: But of course! Although all we found here was some rubble from the Hanamachi gate...

Kikuno: Progress is progress! Now we KNOW Hakunroh and Hanamachi were taken to another world!

Kikuno: And probably still intact, for that matter! This is solid proof that we'll find my home one day!

Alk: Way to keep a positive attitude!

Kikuno: But of course! It's my duty to return to Hakunroh and perform my duties, after all!

Nimbus: Your duties? Is something like that really worth all this trouble?

Nimbus: Is it true that courtesans are forever tied to their debts?

Kikuno: Not quite, Nimbus.

Kikuno: It's true that I am still indebted to Hakunroh. I would be betraying my very own values.

Nimbus: It wasn't you who took the money, but your district, right?

Kikuno: Even still... a gratitude unpaid is a gratitude unpaid.

Nimbus: A pedant for tradition, huh? Impressive that you've stuck to your code for so long.

Stella: I'm sure we'll find Hakunroh someday.

Kikuno: And when we do, I'll finally be able to fulfill my duties as a proper courtesan!

Kikuno: And when I'm done, I'll finally get to truly live free once again!

Kikuno: When that day comes... Would it be all right if I returned to Starview Village?

Stella: Of course. You're always welcome at Starview.

Kikuno: Oh, bless you, Stella!

Episode 3
Dream a Dream

When Kikuno finds herself enjoying the comforts of Alk's services a little too much, she offers a night of hospitality to the crew as thanks. When she takes on the task to clean up the mess afterward, Alk and the others offer to help—despite her initial contesting.

Kikuno: I'm hooome!

Alk: Welcome back. Did you find any clues about Hakunroh?

Kikuno: Not a single clue! Despite all of our research and preparation, we ended up with zilch. Nada!

Alk: Hey, it happens. I made some dinner—the stewed fish you requested!

Kikuno: Yay! Thank you, Alk!

Alk: I've also warmed up the bath, so why don't you go take a dip while I put the food on.

Kikuno: Ah...

Kikuno: A warm bath, a delicious meal, and a fluffy bed... What more could a girl ask for?

Kikuno: ...Huh?

Kikuno: Wait a second...

Kikuno: N-no, this is all wrong! I should be the one pampering Alk, not the other way around!

Kikuno: Oh, I've got it!

Kikuno: Thank you all for gathering here... for a night of pleasure and entertainment, brought to you by yours truly!

Kikuno: Prepare to be tittilated and delighted as we kick the night off with a luxurious three-course meal.

Kikuno: Psst... Thank you for your help in the kitchen, Alk.

Kikuno: Ahem! So feast until your bellies are round! Dance as if no one is watching! And sing as if the whole world were your audience!

Everyone: Wooo!

Nimbus: Phew... I couldn't eat another bite.

Light: It is getting pretty late. I think I'll turn in for tonight.

Stella: Thank you for a wonderful time, Kikuno.

Kikuno: Hehe... I'm just glad you were able to enjoy yourselves.

Alk: All right, let's get this all cleaned up!

Kikuno: Hooooooold your horses!

Kikuno: Tonight's entertainment and festivities are all to be handled by myself, and that includes the cleanup!

Kikuno: So please, leave this mess to me!

Alk: Huh? But it'd be easier if we all did it together, right?

Kikuno: No, no! Please, I'm asking that you let me do this.

Kikuno: I want nothing more than for you all to return to your quarters with a full heart and stomach.

Kikuno: Go on now!

Nimbus: H-hey, you don't gotta push.

Light: Only if you insist, Kikuno. Thank you.

Kikuno: I assure you—it is my pleasure. Sweet dreams!

Kikuno: Okay! Now then... This mess isn't gonna clean itself!

Kikuno: Alk? Did you forget something, dearest?

Alk: Oh, uh, not exactly... I thought I'd help you with the cleanup.

Kikuno: No, no! I can't let you do that, Alk. Please, just for tonight, I'll take care of—

Alk: Yeah, well... I helped you out with the cooking. So what's another bit of help gonna hurt, right?

Kikuno: Oh, Alkie... I suppose that makes sense, but—

Alk: It'll be faster if the both of us work together. Come on.

Kikuno: ...Very well. If you put it that way, I'd be honored to accept your help this time!

Kikuno: Thank you, Alk.

Kikuno: You've already done so much for me. If only there were another way I could pay you back...

Kikuno: Wait, I've got it! Heehee...

Kikuno: Oh dear... Alkie... Could you help a girl out?

Kikuno: I do believe I've had just too much to eat and drink... Could you help a girl loosen her sash?

Alk: Oh, uh, sure.\n Wh-whoa! H-hey, you don't need to get THIS close, do you?

Kikuno: Heehee... Loosening a traditional Yamato sash is quite an involved process, you know... Here, just slip your hand in here, and—

Light: What do you think you're doing?

Kikuno: Ouch!

Kikuno: L-Light? What are you doing here?

Light: That's MY question! Don't think about tempting Alk with such... wanton behavior!

Kikuno: Aw, Light... You're so uptight, you know that?

Kikuno: But I kind of like that about you, actually... Heehee.

Light: Don't try and change the subject!

Nimbus: What, you guys still partying?

Stella: I thought Alk would return to help.

Alk: So everyone's here too?

Nimbus: I felt bad snorin' while you were doin' all the work, so I came back.

Kikuno: You guys...

Kikuno: I always dreamed that one day... I would be surrounded by such kindhearted and wonderful people.

Stella: This is no dream.

Kikuno: It's a dream... come true!

Alk: Well... Now that everyone's here, we can get this all cleaned up in a jiffy!

Kikuno: Yes, dearest!