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Episode 1
Mysterious Wild Child

Alk and Nimbus are tasked with capturing a beast that's been rummaging through the local garbage. Instead, they discover a small child, who claims she wants to expand her "pack." After escorting her back to the guild, it's decided she will travel with Alk and company.

Alk: ...So you need us to capture it and bring it back here?

Guild Staff: Yes. It's been diving through the clients' trash, making a mess of the place. Think you're up to catching this beasty?

Nimbus: Sheesh. Can't even protect their garbage?

Guild Staff: Haha... Well, they ARE about to hire two of the most combat-ready custodians we employ.

Alk: It's fine. We'll do it.

Nimbus: Hmph... They couldn't even be bothered to get us any useful info.

Alk: Do you think an obvious trap like this would really work?

Nimbus: The more obvious the better. We don't want some innocent bystander to miss it. Catch my drift?

Alk: Yikes. Yeah, I get it now.

Nimbus: Tch. If we only knew WHAT we were huntin', I could've just tracked its scent. This is a waste of time.

???: EEEEEP!

Alk: Sounds like we caught something!

Kharo: Why would you do something so mean, you meanies?! Get me out... GET ME OUT!

Nimbus: Maybe it wasn't obvious enough.

Nimbus: So she isn't exactly a beast, but...

Alk: Our mission was to capture whatever was disturbing the garbage and bring it back to the guild, so... she's all yours.

Guild Staff: Very well then.

Guild Staff: Could I get your name then, er, Miss?

Kharo: Kharo!

Guild Staff: And where do you come from, Miss Kharo?

Kharo: Mountains!

Alk: That's uh, rather vague, don't you think?

Nimbus: Heh-heh. I like her style.

Guild Staff: And what did you come to Palpebra for?

Kharo: To start my own pack!

Guild Staff: A pack?

Kharo: I'm all grown up now! That means I have to leave home and start my own pack!

Guild Staff: ... I'm sorry, but what kind of pack are you hoping to assemble, exactly?

Kharo: Mama's a wolf! She found me and raised me as one of her own! She's the biggest wolf in the pack!

Kharo: I don't have a papa though.

Guild Staff: I see. What do you make of this, Nimbus?

Nimbus: Nothin' we haven't seen before.

Guild Staff: I see. Thank you.

Kharo: I wanna form a pack! Where can I find members?

Guild Staff: There are plenty of strong, capable adventurers right here at the guild.

Guild Staff: In fact, if you join right now, I'd be glad to introduce you to them.

Alk: Talk about a silver tongue.

Kharo: Okay, sign me up!

Guild Staff: Excellent. Please fill out this form here with your home address and any dependents you may have, your insurance provider, and sign right here on the bottom line.

Nimbus: H-hey, are you okay?!

Kharo: H-head... hurts... So hot... Fwaaaugh...

Nimbus: She's burning up.

Alk: I think that may have been a bit too much for her to handle.Here, I'll fill it out for her.

Alk: Okay, just sign your name here and you should be all set!

Kharo: Wow... You're big brain! You should join my pack!

Kharo: You too, fuzzy one! Nice and strong!

Guild Staff: So you've taken an interest in these two, have you? Very well, I'll register you with Alk and the others.

Alk: Uh... Do we I get a say in this?

Guild Staff: She may very well have come from the Kaleidoscope.

Guild Staff: And that's your crew's specialty, isn't it?

Nimbus: You can't just throw everyone who crawls out of the Kaleidoscope to us, you know.

Kharo: Yay! New pack!

Episode 2
Birthday Pack

Alk and Nimbus recruit Albert and Claw to help form a pack for Kharo's birthday. She's overjoyed in the moment, but when she awakens the next day she discovers the extra members are gone. Believing it was a dream, she recounts the experience to Alk and Nimbus.

Alk: Your birthday?

Kharo: Yep! Mama said she found me on a hot day!

Kharo: It's getting hot lately, so it's almost my birthday!

Alk: Not one for details, are you?

Alk: In any case, everyone should get something on their birthday. What would you like for your birthday?

Kharo: Another member for the pack! The more, the merrier!

Nimbus: I knew she'd say something like that.

Alk: Guess our crew's not cutting it, huh?

Kharo: Mama's pack had way, WAY more wolves!

Kharo: I wanna whole bunch of members, just like Mama did!

Alk: Considering how many of us are in Starview, that's pretty impressive.

Alk: Hmm... Where could we find someone for her?

Nimbus: You don't HAVE to humor her, you know.

Nimbus: I mean, this sounds like more trouble than it's worth.

Nimbus: Why don't you just tell her to ask for something else?

Kharo: Huh?

Kharo: Where am I? Alk? Nimbus?!

Alk: Hey, you. You're finally awake.

Nimbus: Your new companions are waiting for you.

Kharo: New friends?!

Kharo: Fwaaah! You're all my friends?

Claw: You betcha! And startin' today, we're part of the Kharo pack!

Kharo: Is this a dream? Where did you all come from?!

Albert: This is no dream, Kharo. As newly anointed members of your pack, we ask you to guide us... O, Pack Leader.

Feline: Three cheers for Kharo!

Canid: We'll follow you to the ends of the world, every world!

Kharo: The ends of the world... Okay, everybody! Just follow my lead!

Claw: Looks like she tuckered herself out.

Albert: Was that good, Alk?

Alk: You guys nailed it! Thanks a bunch.

Nimbus: Sorry for asking such a silly favor.

Claw: No worries! I love group exercises like this, yeah? It was no biggie.

Albert: Agreed. I'd be glad to help out again anytime.

Kharo: Mngh... Follow me... everybody... I'm the pack... leader...

Kharo: ...Buh?

Alk: Rise and shine, Kharo. We made you a special birthday breakfast!

Kharo: Alk! Nimbus! Where... where's my pack?

Alk: Pack? We're right here.

Kharo: No, not you—

Nimbus: You must've been dreamin' or somethin'.

Kharo: So it was a dream...

Alk: Was it a nice dream?

Kharo: Yeah! It was sooo much fun! Lemme tell you about it!

Light: 'Morning.

Nimbus: You know... I think we might've just found ourselves a new pack member.