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Episode 1
Just a Huntsman

Alk takes a nasty bite during a fight. Despite Light and Stella's efforts, the venom leaves Alk in a critical state—until huntsman Keylos comes along with an antidote. In exchange for his aid, Keylos asks to join the party.

Alk: I've got you now!

Alk: Ngh!

Stella: Alk? ...Alk!

Light: Alk! Hang in there!

Stella: Alk! Wake up!

Alk: Unghh...

Light: Everything will be fine. The rest of the party went to get help. A healer should be here any second.

Light: Rest. As long as you don't move, you should be—

???: Dead in a half-hour, I'd reckon.

???: Snakes 'round these parts've got some nasty venom. Sorry, but that kid doesn't have time to wait for a healer.

???: Lucky for him, I think ahead. This here antidote should tide him over.

Light: Who—?

Keylos: Just a huntsman. Name's Keylos.

Keylos: Ah, can that little nose'a yours smell the blood on me? Don't worry about it. Comes with the job.

Keylos: Or what? Not into the good Samaritan act? I'd be happy to charge you for it if it sounds too good to be tru—

Stella: Please.

Stella: Please save Alk!

Keylos: Well aren't WE in a hurry now?

Keylos: How 'bout you? We'll talk after the kid's stable.

Light: Very well. Please help him.

Keylos: Right then. I'll get to work.

Alk: Ungh...

Stella: Alk!

Light: You're awake! Thank goodness!

Alk: Light? Stella? Where... Where am I? I was fighting, and then—

Light: The monsters are gone. You're safe now.

Keylos: Kid's up and at 'em, huh?

Light: Yes. I cannot thank you enough for your aid.

Light: You even kept a perimeter for us... I haven't seen a single monster.

Keylos: I prefer not to bust my ass dealing with every creepy and crawlie in the forest. Easier to just pick 'em off from here.

Light: As promised, I would like to discuss your reward. You have done us a great service; I will do anything in my power to repay it.

Keylos: Relax, relax. I'm not gonna bleed you dry over an antidote. You guys're adventurers, right?

Keylos: I want in. Let me join your party.

Light: Join our—Is that it?

Keylos: Well, bud, I want to do some adventurin', but I can't go through the Guild for... reasons.

Keylos: Reasons I'd prefer not to share. So. What'll it be?

Light: ...Understood. Welcome to the party.

Keylos: What? Not gonna ask the girlie over there first?

Light: You saved Alk. Regardless of your circumstances, you are welcome here.

Keylos: Well, then. Glad to be of help.

Light: I will warn you though... We have some "circumstances" of our own.

Keylos: Oh?

Light: You'll see. Ever seen a sky with worlds for stars?

Episode 2
Palpebran Ranger

Keylos is dragged away from a nice, cozy nap to go hunting with Nimbus. The two chat about Keylos' motivations, and Keylos reveals that he is actually a ranger working—or rather, SUPPOSED to be working—for the Guild.

Keylos: Man, I've really moved up in the world... How many people wake up to a sight like THIS?

Keylos: What a place for a nap, eh? I guess I'll splurge and have another. Heck, might as well sleep all day.

Nimbus: If you've got time to laze around, you've got time to help with somethin'. Get up.

Keylos: Nnn, sounds like a pain, so I'll pass. G'night...

Nimbus: I didn't even say what I need help with yet...

Nimbus: C'mon, we're goin' hunting. Pantry's out of meat.

Keylos: Still sounds like a pain, so I'll still pass. I'm old and need my beauty sleep.

Nimbus: Yeah, well, you're also gonna need dinner. Quicker you get it over with, the quicker I quit naggin' you.

Keylos: Man, I'll never get used to the whole world-hopping thing. There's just something about these forests.

Keylos: They're so... peaceful.

Nimbus: Peaceful? It's crawling with monsters!

Keylos: Trust me buddy. There are no people here, and that's what makes the difference.

Keylos: Sometimes, people are the real monsters. You hear it all the time.

Nimbus: ...Won't argue with that.

Keylos: But, hey. Doesn't hurt to give 'em a chance. You could be a little more trusting of folks, buddy.

Nimbus: Huh? Me?

Keylos: Yeah, you. I can tell you don't trust me. You're still gauging whether I'm a risk to the kids.

Keylos: No skin off my back, though. Heck, if it'd give you a little peace of mind, I wouldn't mind telling you 'bout—

Keylos: What're you laughing at?

Nimbus: Nah, it's just... You've got a whole monologue prepared.

Nimbus: Look, a guy who knows as much about poisons as you isn't some run-of-the-mill hunter. I get it.

Nimbus: But you think you're the only dark and mysterious guy we've got? I don't have time to worry myself over each and every one of you.

Nimbus: I wouldn't mind sittin' through your tragic backstory if you need an ear, though.

Keylos: Tch. Look at me, runnin' my mouth.

Keylos: One big beastie should be plenty for the pantry, right?

Keylos: Looks like we finished early, so how 'bout we take a break and chat for a bit?

Nimbus: Hah, nice shot. Now let's hear that monologue of yours.

Keylos: I'm one of Palpebra's rangers.

Keylos: It's my job to make sure nothing funny happens in the forest bordering the city.

Nimbus: So, mostly scouting and hunting?

Keylos: More or less, yup. Didn't used to mind it, really.

Keylos: But watching over adventurers from the shadows got me thinkin'.

Keylos: Is adventuring really THAT fun?

Nimbus: What, you're telling me you joined us cause you thought adventuring looked fun? That's it?

Keylos: Got a problem with that?

Nimbus: Heh. Nope. It's just funny comin' from a guy who whines about how he's too old for chores.

Keylos: Well, it's not like I can go pick up quests from the Guild. I'm supposed to be out in the forest working for 'em!

Nimbus: So lemme get this straight: you've been using us to goof off on the clock, but then you felt guilty and decided to 'fess up?

Keylos: Well you don't have to put it like THAT, but... I guess. Don't rat me out to the kids, okay?

Keylos: C'mon, Nimbus, quit laughing.

Nimbus: All right, all right. So, how's the adventuring been? Having fun?

Keylos: Honestly, I was just hoping for a little change of pace. Who'dve thought I'd end up in a whole new world?

Keylos: It'd be impossible NOT to have fun!

Keylos: Hey! I said quit laughing...